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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 06:52 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
OOC: The lightning was already actually contained in an area, it could only shoot between the icicles. Pardon if I didn't make that clear. x.x
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 06:57 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Alcarith leaves the room and enters a dining room. She hears the voices of others talking in other rooms and some background noise, but she gives her attention to the detail of the dining rooms. There was an old table cloth on the table that looked pretty dusty. On the center was a candelabrum with three green candle sticks stuck in. The table was empty and four mahogany chairs were pushed underneath the table, one on each side. Underneath the table was an ornamental rug. It was dark red with gold and green lines making an intricate design. Nothing else could be seen of the rug directly underneath the table. On the wall connected to the kitchen was a portrait of an older gentleman wearing a monocle and sporting a mustache. He was balding on the top of his head. There were some drapes near the windows and the sun got part way through them, giving a low light. Alcarith opened the drapes and looked outside briefly at the endless sea of grass.
As if suddenly provoked to do so, Alcarith turns from the window, letting the drapes fully cover the window again, and checks for any passerby or followers. She saw no one. She looks at her pistol, then makes her Crimson Channel Claws appear briefly, then makes them disappear again. Alcarith walks into the living room, her Burgund Shard Pistol in her hand ready to use.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 07:01 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by andanotherone.
you dead.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 07:02 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
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SpoilerDraykon Wrote:OOC: The lightning was already actually contained in an area, it could only shoot between the icicles. Pardon if I didn't make that clear. x.x Sorry about that. I edited my post to account for that.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 07:03 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
andanotherone Wrote:SNEAK ATTACK!
you dead. ((If you aren't playing, why troll a topic? That doesn't make you any more popular as it does infamous.))
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 07:04 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by andanotherone.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 07:05 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
andanotherone Wrote:BECAUSE I WASN'T CHOSEN. MY CHAR WAS COLL. ((If you weren't chosen, the right thing to do is graciously step aside and wait for the next opportunity to join if you still have interest.))
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 07:06 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Luther lays on the ground, laughing. Then he suddenly becomes silent at the sound of thunder. "what! oh, he moved! well, ill better get up." Lutherion throws some splinters at the ground ahead of him, and shrieks: "SKELETON WARRIORS! RISE FOR YOUR GOD LUTHERION!!! HAHEHAHAHAHEHAAAA!!!!"
with at said, white smoke exploded out of the splinters, and when it lifted, three skeletons, each having a different weapon: the first have an axe, the next have a sword and the last have what looks like the blade of a scythe.
"now, help me up my minions! obey your god!" The skeletons break his rock bind and helps him to his feet. "Now my children! we have a vacuum to clog! lets go!" the four of them rushes into the house, and locates the vacuum, sucking up giant amounts of dust in the hall-way. Lutherion shrieks: "my beautiful skeleton children! KILL THE ABOMINATION!!!"
The three skeletons rush in after the vacuum. the vacuum then suddenly bloats: "Threat engaged! preparing defensive mechanics!" The vacuum opens allot of holes in its existence, each creating an arm with a sharp tool.
the skeletons stop and look at this wicked creature. Then the axe-wielder runs in and jumps the vacuum, but even before it could get close, the vacuum cut it to pieces. the two other then flanks out and tries to attack from both sides, and the vacuum punctures the one with the scyth-blade. The sword wielder takes this opportunity and cuts up its dust bag. This angered the vacuum, and it threw the skeletons together, breaking both.
"aww! this aint fair! you just come here and kill my spiders and children! well, it looks like i have to get my hands DIRTY!!! HHEHAHAEHAHHAHAHEEHAAA!!!"
Lutherion strikes a pose, like if he was ready to rush in and eat something.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 07:11 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
bobthepen Wrote:
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SpoilerMan, I'm really disappointed I missed out on this. Quick question for us viewers out there. Does a player basically have to volunteer the death of their character to end the chapter, or will there be extenuating circumstances that cause it?
I've got a few ideas on how death works, but in the end it doesn't have much to do with what's been going on, but whoever has been writing the best stays alive, and one person will be chosen each round. Once somebody has been chosen to die, I'll contact that person and tell them to write out their death, which they can do in whatever manner they wish, y'know, as long as they don't take somebody with them or something. If perhaps I want to railroad it a bit into somebody killing said person, I'll probably PM that person to do some writing on their own to set it up or something.
100 bonus points if you draw out the moment of death, or get somebody more talented to draw the death if you don't think you're good at drawing.
(bonus points will be redeemable in the future for unrelated purposes)
I'm thinking that how to actually decide will either be asking around what people think, or narrowing down the choices to 2 or 3 and putting up a poll.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 08:45 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
"Damage incurred. Beginning regeneration."
The gash in the dustbag slowly grew smaller, sealing itself up. Lutherion watched, somewhat amused.
"Ah, I missed that. The bag is made of decayed flesh. Whoever designed you has excellent aesthetic tastes."
Just as suddenly, his anger returned.
"But you have still attacked my minions! I will not allow that to go unpunished!"
Eximo did not seem intimidated.
"You have interfered with the cleansing. That is unacceptable."
"Pitiful machine! You dare try to command *me*? For your insolence, you will face one of my stronger servants."
Lutherion removed another of his bone splinters, a devious smile on his face as he did. "I suppose it could be considered a waste to use this so early," he said to no one in particular, "but this device needs to learn its place."
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SpoilerI'll let dexexe decide what sort of creature Lutherion uses here; it seems reasonable to assume he has a few particularly strong minions "up his sleeve", so to speak.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 08:50 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Alcarith detected undead entities coming into existence and heard the sudden racket of mechanical parts. She walks into the living room and peers through the walkway into what looks like the other living room closer to the front door. There, she sees Eximo and Lutherion doing battle.
"That must be the necromancer," Alcarith thought to herself, noting the fallen skeletons. "And that vacuum cleaner must be another tourney participant. It looks like it's holding its own. That necromancer must only be warming up..."
"I suppose it could be considered a waste to use this so early," Lutherion said to no one in particular, "but this device needs to learn its place."
Alcarith runs out, making herself known. She creates some Crimson Claws and swings one of them at Lutherion. Lutherion gets sent into the wall, maintaining a hold on the bone splinter. Alcarith maintains her distance from both Lutherion and Eximo as she finished attacking. She keeps an eye on both of them with her pistol aimed at Eximo and a hand ready to shoot ethereal energy.
"How dare you interrupt the creation of my better minions!" Lutherion shouts, getting onto his feet. "Perhaps you'll have to learn your place too, you wench!"
Alcarith maintains her silence.
"TACTICAL ADVANCE," Eximo voices as he swings a saw arm at Lutherion. Lutherion makes a strange, sinister yip as he jumps out of the way.
"Ohhhhhhhh! I'll get you two later! You've won this round, vacuum cleaner! But I'll make sure I have much more sinister creatures to eradicate your existence later!"
Lutherion, with his bone splinter still in his hand, retreats up the stairs.
Alcarith withdraws back to the dining room, facing Eximo as she retreats.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 10:19 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily stared at the combatants of the all too recent battle. She had never seen a necromancer in action before.
She turned back to Alcarith and followed her back to the dining room. It was clear she could handle herself in a fight.
She looked over the dragoness silently before heading upstairs. She didn't seem to have sufered any injuries that needed attention, so Emily decided she had to deal with the bigger problem.
She couldn't see Lutherion anywhere around the upstairs hallway. Sh walked slowly forward with her shield in front of her preparing to strike at any moment. When suddenly something horrific burst out from the wall in front of her.
She could hear an obnoxious laugh above the sound of the wall breaking down, but nothing else. However she remained as calm as she could and charged the monster with her shield.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 10:46 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
"HEAHHEHEAEEHEEEHHAAAAA!!! Go my pet! go, shadow skin ghoul!! tear through the-" the shouting stopped. the shadow skin ghould stands in the hallway, looking at emily, growling and looking at hear like she was a piece of meat.
Emily took this silent period to scan the vile creature: it was around 3 meters tall, and most of its skin was missing. What skin there where is completely black. ots stomach is open with some ribs sticking out, blood pumping outta the half heart, and putrid stench coming from the punctured lungs. it looked mostly human in build, but far more sinister and hunch-backed. the fingers ended in vile green claws, dripping with lemon green poisons. the mouth was wide open, showing row after row of teeth, and the tongue was split in half, with teeth down the middle. one leg was completely without flesh, instead, there was bone spikes, all over that leg. right in the solar plexus of the beast was a green glowing gem, that looks like its a weak point.
suddenly! The beast leaps forth to Emily! She reacts quickly and creates a barrier of light infront of her. The ghoul smashes against the shield, desperately trying to break it, but no luck.
Emily thinks to herself: "this beast. What a horrible creation! im feeling sick just looking at it! how can this wretched and totured soul even keep itself alive? an-"
CRASH!! the ghoul have smashed itself through a wall to the left, and CRUNCH!! he comes out at the other side of the barrier! Emily quickly seals the beast into a cube of light!
"foul and wretched beast! i should break you! destroy you! LIFE DRAIN!!"
The ghouls starts screaming as its life-force is draining from it.
suddenly Emily feels a draft, and looks behind her: "BOO!" Lutherion, that have used the same method as his ghould and broken through the wall into the barrier, stands about 5 centimeters from Emily and looks her in the eyes.
"youre a very naughty old lady who smells like bacon! *grins* NOW FLY!!!"
Lutherion quickly unwraps his wightmaw arm and just when Emily hefts her shield to protect against it, she gets smashed down the stairs from behind!
she lands with a rather hard DUNK on the floor by the foot of the stairs, wondering what is it that hit her. she looks up and sees the ghoul, still trapped inside the cube, so it cannot be that. then she sees it! Lutherion is standing where he stood in the first place, but his wightmaw arm have stretched down under her clothes and whipped her down the stairs! he stands there with an arm about 3 meters in length, and formed like a whip with a sword out in the end!
she thinks: "what is that abominable... foul... being! how many surprises does he have left?!" Emily can feel a small stinging in her back too.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 11:01 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by g0m.
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 11:17 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Alcarith hears Emily hit the bottom of the stairs. She makes her way through the kitchen and sees Emily on the ground. She has heir pistol ready as she looks up the stairs. She shoots ethereal energies from her off hand at Lutherion which begin work at damaging his very life force. Meanwhile, she fires her Burgund Shard pistol at him to aid in her magic's work.
"Silly girl!" Lutherion snaps as he swings his wightmaw at Alcarith. Alcarith didn't use much effort to dodge, the wightmaw hitting Emily's shield. Lutherion changes his wight maw into a simple lump of bone, but the end of it almost gurgled as if hot. He started firing similar projectiles made of bone at Alcarith. She got nicked by a couple bone shards as she moves out of the way. She picks up Emily with her draconian strength and takes the long way back into the dining room. Alcarith places Emily underneath the table and quickly readies her pistol in case she was being pursued.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 11:56 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily crawled out from under the table and grabbed Alcarith by the shoulder. Her hand began to glow as she transferred energy to the dragoness.
Her wounds healed almost instantaneously as they were very minor for the most part. Emily then began going about amplifying her mystic energy.
She couldn't do much, because she still had to keep the monstrosity imprisoned> It was getting harder due to her distance from the creature. She only hoped it didn't have much strength of it's own.
After she finished she quickly began healing her own wounds. There wasn't too much damage overall, but the stinging in her back wouldn't go away. No doubt it was a curse or poison of some sort. She would have to take some time to fix it.
Unfortunately they didn't have much time to rest as Lutherion's wightmaw arm burst through the wall near them.
Emily cursed. She still needed to analyze this poison before she could cure it effectively.
She raised her shield and turned away from it in order to cover both her front and back.
"I hope you can handle this Alcarith."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:05 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
"Things seem to be getting pretty interesting. I hear plenty of sounds from a battle.
In front of me and to my right are doors, this room is essentially bare of anything else. From the sounds it seems that someone has made a refuge in the room behind the door in front of me. I think I should start getting accustomed to this house. Exploration, it is."
Aeon approaches the door on the right, but as soon as his hand nears the knob, the door shatters, revealing a giant, vertical eye. The image fades out a fraction of a second later as if nothing had happened. Aeon grins.
"I... love... illusions..."
OOC: I'm surprised no one has invoked the power of the Mutewood yet.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:23 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Alcarith saw the wightmaw burst through the wall. It came at a downward angle towards her and Emily.
"He must be firing at the stairs," Alcarith noted.
Alcarith quickly puts away her pistol and forms two pairs of Crimson Claws. She takes advantage of the wightmaw's miss and strikes it. She tears through the claws with little effort, but the bone regenerates and grows towards Alcarith. Alcarith runs around the wall and heads towards the stairs. The wightmaw bursts through the wall next to the stairs. Alcarith sees Lutherion on the stairwell as he retracts his wightmaw and faces Lutherion.
"You'll pay for meddling in my affairs with a cleaning appliance!" Lutherion yelled.
Alcarith jumps at Lutherion and swings her claws at him. Lutherion responds as he takes her hits by giving off a pulse of energy, sending her flying out the door. Lutherion gets and aims his wightmaw when--
"Waaaaaaah--Ow!" Lutherion lands in the cellar with a thunk down the hole he created with his wightmaw earlier.
Meanwhile, Alcarith seeks safety by jumping onto the roof and going through the window of a bedroom. She lands on the bed with a few glass shards beside her. She breaths heavily as she puts an ethereal aura around her to give her her strength and energy back.
((I'm unfamiliar with Mutewood.))
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:32 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
For anybody who is unfamiliar with Mutewood, you can quickly get to the thread here for reference and such. Might be useful for those who have read it, as well, if you can't quite remember the exact shit that went down.
Not that the action stuff going on right now is really reliant on Mutewood features, but since Aryo put a bit in, it might start showing up a bit more.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:34 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily finished analyzing the poison. It was a necrotic poison of course. From what she could tell it was a flesh eating disease. It was fairly easy to eliminate after she knew what it was, but it still worried her that she hadn't been able to recognise it instantly.
Now she had to deal with the monster. She began moving back into the living room when suddenly, she appeared back outside. Only the outside looked different. The sky was purple. And she could swear she saw an eye.
The house was still in view so she began moving toward it. Unfortunately the door was locked.
Emily took a deep breath and looked around. There was a sort of dark spell here. She would have to concentrate to break it"
OOC: She's actually just standing still in real life.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:37 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
"that... that witch! WITCH!! BURN HER NU-" Lutherion goes silent. hes on his back in the empty cellar, but the walls have suddenly begun to drip with blood. The most crimson blood you could imagine! "n-no! no no no! not that! NOT THAT!!! THE COLOR!!! THE COLOOORRR!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRGGHHH!!!!"
OOC: as i said, Lutherion fears the color of heavy red! hes terrified of it because he originally burned to "death."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:38 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
((Too much Mutewood stuff. I wouldn't know where to look.))
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:42 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
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Spoilerfait Wrote:much Mutewood stuff. I wouldn't Have you ever heard of silent hill 2? It's alot like that.
Suddenly the world around Emily almost seemed to melt away as she heard screaming. She was back in the hallway. There was something clearly odd about this house.
She looked back up the stairs and noticed the monster was still imprisoned and Lutherion was nowhere in sight. She climbed up the stairs and began deispelling the monster.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:45 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
little note: everything Lutherion creates can be killed by other authors! they are not part of the author base, so kill away! hes got alot of them!
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:47 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
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Spoilerdexexe1234 Wrote:little note: everything Lutherion creates can be killed by other authors! they are not part of the author base, so kill away! hes got alot of them! I assumed as much, but a dispell takes time. Especially since I'm assuming this is a powerful monster.