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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
07-11-2009, 10:42 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
dexexe1234 Wrote:oops... sorry about that! cant we work something outta this? he is vey unstable, so he may not even know that hes in a tournament! Don't worry. I've got an idea on how to write that little error into the story.
Anyway, 8 people sounds like a good number, any more and it'll finish by 2011.
Aryo, you're in, and so are you OddGuy.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
07-11-2009, 10:46 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Okay, I'll switch colors.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
07-11-2009, 11:01 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Username: fait
Name: Alcarith
Gender: Female
Race: Dragon
Color: Maroon (#BF0040)
--Burgund Shard Pistol - An automatic pistol that shoots red, magical shards. The pistol has unlimited ammunition but can overheat with excessive use.
--Crimson Channel Claws - Ethereal energy channeled into sharp claws about 8".
Abilities: Alcarith fights channeling ethereal energy into forms harmful to her opponents. Her ethereal attacks don't take physical forms, allowing her to ignore all forms of armor her targets don. Her ethereal attacks harm the target gradually to the point where targets are oblivious of the damage being taken until they have been exposed to Alcarith's ethereal energies after a short period of time. The more energy she channels, the faster she can hurt an enemy. However, the size of the opponent also matters. The larger the target, the longer it takes for noticeable injury. To allow for immediate infliction of injury, Alcarith uses the Burgund Shard Pistol and the Crimson Channel Claws to transform ethereal energies into physical forms. Alcarith has little knowledge of how to shape ethereal energy into more harmful forms without her tools.
Description: Most of the time, Alcarith takes human form. In her human form, she stands at 6'1", has a slender build, and has dark red hair. She wears a light set of red robes. Her eye color is green. Her dragon form, which takes some effort to transform into due to lack of use, is a (surprise!) scarlet red and she stands at 15' tall and measures 20' long. Her dragon form is bipedal.
Biography: The daughter of a dragon lord who keeps to herself and says very little. Her talent in using ethereal energy has drawn attention to those who want her to fully develop her talent. She finds no shame in her ethereal abilities, but doesn't appreciate being forced to further hone her abilities for others' purposes. She wants to develop her powers at her own pace, for her own purposes.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
07-11-2009, 11:01 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
cyber95 Wrote:PawntoD4, I like your character, but that text colour is mildly blinding.
*reads article on TV Tropes*
Oh, okay, I guess that it's Schrodigner's Gun.
Dragon, I'll put you in the roster, then. Your font is a little hard to read, maybe something slightly darker like this?
I wonder if Nobor Puss entered the vacuum cleaner. It seems kind of pointless to enter a vacuum cleaner into a tournament.
Funny is allowed, but it should try to be done in moderation.
Oh, and dex, I just reread your character's bio. At the end it says that he's invited into the tournament, but nobody knows if they're in the tournament or not. They're just plucked out of their world with no warning whatsoever. I could probably write this in as an exception, I suppose. Well I can change my text color. Or am I too late now?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups closed!]
07-11-2009, 11:08 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Fait, note the change to the topic title. You're too late.
If this works out, though, we can do another one, so you might like to hold on to that character info.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups closed!]
07-11-2009, 11:10 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Dragon Fogel Wrote:Fait, note the change to the topic title. You're too late. I was typing this while the signups were still open. I worked hard on my character profile, darnit.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups closed!]
07-11-2009, 11:15 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
Pawn, if you look at the opening post, your name is the in the colour that I put you in instead. It's just darker, that's all.
Fait, I kind of wish I had you in here instead of g0m. Your character is quite frankly, a lot more interesting.
Plus James it totally a joke character.
*looks at what he's written so far*
I haven't written the part with James in it yet.... hm...
*PMs g0m*
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups closed!]
07-11-2009, 11:18 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
cyber95 Wrote:Pawn, if you look at the opening post, your name is the in the colour that I put you in instead. It's just darker, that's all.
Fait, I kind of wish I had you in here instead of g0m. Your character is quite frankly, a lot more interesting.
Plus James it totally a joke character.
*looks at what he's written so far*
I haven't written the part with James in it yet.... hm...
*PMs g0m* I started work on my character's profile while the thread sign-up was still open. I figured a detailed, more thought-up profile was better than simply typing up a make-shift profile simply to ensure a spot...
I guess it's still up to you on whether you can squeeze me in or not.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups closed!]
07-11-2009, 11:19 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Sorry about that cyber. I didn't notice.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups closed!]
07-12-2009, 12:07 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
"Have you all finalized your candidates?"
"Yes sir."
"Good. Well then, let's get this show on the road. I'm sure you men are eager to witness this."
Darkness. A completely black void, lacking any light whatsoever. Somehow, 8 figures are visible, perfectly illuminated by nothing.
Seven of them slowly attempt to stand up, finding it difficult with no concept of any sort of ground nearby. Most of them begin to converse, trying to figure out where they are, who everybody is, and why they're there, except an undead man with a twisted smile who stands back from them, and stares, knowingly.
Suddenly, a shadow appears. In all the darkness, the shadow is somehow clearly visible, and it starts to speak.
"Welcome! I'm sure you're all very confused, and wondering where you are. The place you are in right no-"
"When do we get to fight?" the undead man cuts in.
The shadow stays silent for a few moments, in confusion, before speaking again.
" I was saying, the place you are in is a personal pocket dimension of mine. One of eight, in fact. This particular one I have dubbed The Holding Cell. You are all waiting to be thrown into a tournament to fight each other to the death, which shouldn't have been broadcasted to any of you," He cuts a sharp glare at the undead man, "You see, each of you has something special about them, and you were specially chosen to enter this tournament."
He turns toward the undead man, Lutherion Maw.
"You have been chosen because-"
"Because my arm possesses a truly great and frightening power that would prove useful and interesting in a combat setting. Your buddy already told me this."
Some faint voices are heard, coming from nowhere in particular. One of which is unmistakably the man who was just speaking.
"You weren't supposed to tell them anything!"
"I'm sorry, I just"
"Look, do you want me to throw you into this fight? I don't think you'd like it very much."
"I'm sorry, sir, something like this won't happen again!"
"Obviously not, because this is the last tournament you'll be attending!"
"Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, why you're all here."
He turned to a girl. A formerly human girl, changed by that which gives her power.
"You're a bit of an anomaly, Amethyst. Once a human, driven to become something different, simply because you needed some power. Sorry to pull you away from your little fight, but this was a good opportunity."
The focus shifted to a normal high school student, Nathan Finley.
"You're pretty average there, Nathan. Your father was a great demon hunter, was he not? Alas, he couldn't be here to fight, so we decided that you would be a good substitute. You may not have any fighting skill on your own, but that blade of yours, it's special. It could help you win this thing."
Nathan decided to speak up, "I'm... I'm not supposed to use it."
"Look around you! Do you see that man over there, missing an eye, grinning wildly? He's just waiting for this to start so he can slaughter you all. Are you really willing to just let him do that?"
Nathan looked at his feet in silence.
"You'll have plenty of time to decide in the battle."
A dragon girl, Alcarith, was next in the lineup.
"Ah, Alcarith. You've been working on honing your skills on your own, right?"
"That's correct," she confirmed.
"Well, we chose you because we'd like to see how far you've come. If you haven't come far enough, it's no big deal, it just means that you die. Hope you have fun with this."
In the room is a vacuum cleaner. Unexpectedly, it's the next one to be focused on. It goes by Eximo Pulvis.
"You... hold on, <font size="1">so when you said that you found a vacuum cleaner to fight, you weren't kidding?"
"No sir."
"It's intelligent, right?"
"Oh, definitely not. It is sentient however, and it's demonic. It can most certainly fight.
A sigh is heard.
"You... have been chosen for... honestly I don't know. Maybe it will become apparent to me during the actual tournament."
The brightest thing in the room is a spectral entity named Dorukomets.
"I was a little bit edgy on whether or not to allow you in this, considering you're technically already dead. I decided to allow it, because hey, maybe you could show of your great 'hero' skills."
He chuckles slightly.
"So yeah, good luck with that."
There's an old woman with a kite shield. She stands sternly. Her name is Emily Trenwye.
"Ah, Emily. You should feel good being in this. Look at all of these demonic beings around you? I'm sure your high priestess is doing fine back home in your own world, but I can see it in your eyes. You know these demons are scum, and you're going to take them on proudly to get rid of them."
Last of all, a semi-ordinary working man, Aeon Ferrous. The mysterious man's gaze switches to him.
"Hello Aeon. Never thought you'd be involved in something like this, did you? You're here because of your ability to adapt. You'll all be in various environments for the purposes of this tournament, and it'll be interesting to see somebody of your adaptability quickly figure your way around it all. You'll be a slippery one, but remember, it's not just about dodging. You've got to return the blow."
Everybody eyes each other cautiously, trying to judge who is a worthy friend, and who is a deadly foe. Should they fight, or should they attempt to rebel against this mysterious man?
"Now that you all know why you're here, I suppose it's time to get this show on the road."
"Welcome, to the Grand Battle."
Everything turns white, and the visions of each player fade for a moment, and they hear the voice once more.
"None of you have been here before, or any of the locations, for that matter. Nonetheless, you make get a strange sensation of familiarity from it..."
They suddenly find themselves in the first 'stage' of sorts.
It's a large grassy field. There aren't many landmarks, but one thing in particular stands out. A single tall house, with two illuminated windows that you can see.
A name whispers through the tall blades of grass. It sounds like it says 'Mutewood'.
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SpoilerOkay! There we go! Every round will take place in a different area. Not necessarily an MSPFA area, but I decided to do that for the first one. I originally was gonna have the place be from Allanna, but I decided to go with Mutewood instead. None of the characters from Mutewood are here. It's just you guys and possibly a few Mutewood flavoured oddities. Have fun.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups closed!]
07-12-2009, 12:18 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
"So, this is it! *half manic grin* we are just waiting for who to go first! hehheeh! hehehaahahaaa!!!" Lutherion begins to stare at the house: "this building, it seems so... cozy! so familiar with me!" Luther quickly snaps his vision against the others and say: "shall we go in? what do you say... oh yes, ladies first!"
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups closed!]
07-12-2009, 12:20 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
Don't be afraid to write longer posts. The length of my story post there is totally normal for this game. It's the reason the reserve system is in play. If an hour and a half isn't long enough for most people, then I'll extend it, too.
It doesn't have to be quite as long as my post, however, or it can be even longer. It's really up to you. Well written posts of decent length will do good for your lifespan. This means grammar and good storytelling mostly.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups closed!]
07-12-2009, 12:24 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Eximo Pulvis uses its limited brainpower to analyze the situation.
"Structure observed: Domicile. Ascertain cleanliness."
The vacuum ignores the other combatants, and drives through a wall of the house.
"Status: Filthy. Objective acquired: Cleanse."
Eximo Pulvis begins cleaning the house, starting with the rubble it produced by breaking through the wall.
"Or perhaps I should say, vacuum cleaners first," Lutherion wryly remarked. "Well, it seems we have another choice of entrance now, hmm? Hahahahahaha!"
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 12:27 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by almost-there.
can we control other characters?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 12:30 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
"Tall grass, creepy-looking house. Alright, I can handle this.
Having a light source will likely give my position away... and at least one of my opponents will likely be making a beeline for the house. My best bet is to stay low for now, and see what I'm up against. I still can't figure out why there was a vacuum cleaner in the room, though.
My current knowledge of my opponents are thus:
Lutherion: Undead, possibly insane. I should keep a safe distance from him, and try not to attract his attention. He might be easily tricked somehow, though.
Amethyst: She seems like a fairly eccentric child. Her background may be used to my advantage, though.
Eximo Pulvis: The vacuum cleaner. Honestly I have no idea what to think right now. I'll keep an eye on him... it... and see if he has a surprise up his... hose.
Nathan: Ok, so he's not a fighter, but might have some knowledge from his father. I don't think he has much knowledge of how his knife works, perhaps I could use that to my advantage. He seems pretty shy, though. Perhaps an alliance would be better.
Alcarith: Shit, I don't know beans about dragons. I'll see what she can do, though.
Dorukomets: A ghost. No idea how I'm going to be able to kill a ghost, I'll let my other opponents find his weakness.
Emily: Demon-slayer. I'm fairly sure she's gonna mulch some of the others."
Aeon hears a loud rumble, coupled along with a cloud of dust emerge from the building. He stands up to see what caused it. He sees the vacuum cleaner pick up rubble, with the necromancer laughing hysterically at him. It. Whatever.
"What the hell? Hm, I was right, my opponents did make a beeline for the house. Uh... Ok, so the vacuum cleaner is some kind of robot. Don't know if those two have formed an alliance, though.
From the looks of things my other opponents are likely in the grass somewhere. However, none of them sport any sort of "hunter" background, and thus likely will not be able to sneak up on me too well. I'll wait here, near this tree and see what goes on.
Grass, leaves, twigs... I've been in this situation before. I probably won't be able to get them stuck in a trap, though. And twigs don't seem to be an effective weapon against most of them."
Aeon's current location is fairly far away from the house, away from lighting. He is, however, near enough to see the details of the house.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 12:33 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
almost-there Wrote:can we control other characters? Your specific part of the story will probably be from the actual viewpoint of your own character. You can have a third person point of view, or first person, and naturally, the other characters will be in your part of the story. This means that you are able to control their actions for what you think they'd do in whatever situation you're writing. So yes, you control other people's characters, but don't just do it to bait them into traps or make them stupid or something. Be sure to leave important decisions up to the actual player.
Hey, Aryogaton, Dragon Fogel already reserved his post. You'll have to wait until his section is up before you write your own. Otherwise we have canon issues.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 12:42 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
Amethyst took a step forward, staring at the necromancer, her cold black eyes piercing into his single rotting one.
"What is this to you? Some kind of game? Every second I stay here more sinless lives are taken at the place I should be. Don't play games with me, we are to end this as soon as possible."
Lutherion only laughed.
"Alright then, just for you little girl I'll end it quickly. Of course, don't count on the 'sweet release of death.'"
His one eye seemed to look straight through her.
"Your bones will be far too rich in energy to just throw away. I'm looking forward to what kind of monster. could be made with your corpse."
He grinned broadly, and started to take a threatening step towards the witch girl. However, his feet didn't move from the spot. When he looked down, he saw that the ground beneath his feet had risen, and formed into a kind of cuff around his foot.
Amethyst walked past him, her dress swaying elegantly.
"'Rock Bind,' very easily broken, but doesn't require my own focus to maintain. 'Ladies first' after all." She allowed herself a small smirk, and continued into the mansion, electing to take the main door.
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SpoilerPardon, I'd do more, but I actually haven't read Mutewood, so I'm not 100% familiar with the 'rules of the arena.'
And as Amethyst said, Rock Bind is really easily broken. She just used it for the sake of the mood.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 12:43 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
My edit's done. I don't think much happened that will interfere with aryogaton's post, but if he wants to note the hole in the wall, he can.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 12:44 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
how do we see who has the reserve as of now?
ignore this.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 12:57 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
I've gone ahead and done my bit now. This post may be somewhat unnecessary, but it just seems nice to set the "new reply" thing even after just an edit.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 01:06 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
"Hehehahaheh! little pink girl! do you think something like me is bound by rocks? hehahahhaahaha! HAHAHEHAHEAEHAAAA!!!"
Lutherion takes his bonestaff from his back, and then breaks of the rocks with a powerfull hit. He then proceeds to follow Amethyst.
"You know, i actually loved a girl once! she was as beautiful as the brightest star, and had the patience and face of an angel! but alas, i used her for my wicked experiments! you want to see her?" Luther whips his right arm up and out of the boney white thumb, comes a big splinter made out of maw; "this is her! poor poor Ariesel! i loved her with all my heart! *manic grin* hehaheh! heHAEHAEHAAHH!!!"
suddenly, Lutherion stops, and turns his head 180 degrees, while the body is still facing forward, and says: "you there! boy with the butter-knife! would you care to hear the tale of the wicked zombie pirate? i hear that its FRIGHTENINGLY good! HEHAHAHEEHAAAA!!" his head turns back the right way and he keeps following Amethyst, grinning like a the disturbed thing he is.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 01:17 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
Aeon stares, dumbfounded by the necromancer's crazed ramblings.
"I'm glad I'm not in there..."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 01:21 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
Nathan raises his head at the unearthly sound of the Necromancer's ramblings. " Butter-knife?... No, I don't want to hear anything regarding this.. ghost-pirate whatever. Regardless of how interesting they may be." After replying, he began to walk towards the eerie house, occasionally stopping to glance at the necromancer or at the knife in it's sheath, mumbling to himself at random intervals. "Ghost Pirates... LeChuck?" he murmured.
"HEHAHAHEEHAAAA!! Boy, don't you know that talking to yourself is a sign of insanity!" Lutherion said, cackling. Nathan responded by picking up his pace, straying farther away from the horror that had spoken from him, and began drumming his fingers on the ratty sheath that covered his knife.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 01:41 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Eximo suddenly stopped.
"This chamber has been sufficiently cleansed. Proceeding to next location."
The bizarre vacuum-construct left the bedroom by breaking a hole in the door. This was a design flaw that had never been fixed; the fortress it had previously maintained was designed with special doors that would automatically open for it. At least it was fairly good at *detecting* doors, as long as it wasn't outside.
Now in the hallway, Eximo analyzed its surroundings once more.
"Status: Filthy. Objective acquired: Cleanse."
Eximo proceeded to clean the hallway. Before long, however, it paused momentarily.
"Passive scan has detected possible lifeforms. Proceeding with active scan."
A panel on the abomination opened. A skeletal arm emerged, holding a strange beeping device. Eximo turned in the direction of the main entrance, pointing its new appendage at the door. (Why it never used the arm for opening doors was a mystery its creator had thus far been unable to solve.)
"Presence of lifeforms confirmed. Potential for interference: Moderate. Priming defense systems."
The vacuum withdrew its arm and resumed its cleaning. At the same time, it began to glow a strange, eldritch shade of green...
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 01:48 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Lutherion stops. He then starts to talk to himself: "Hmm... Lets see, i know NOTHING about this house! So i guess ill get some help!"
He takes of the leather wrap around his wightmaw arm, and starts dropping splinters on the ground. He then grins insanely, and shouts: "SKELETON SPIDERS! RISE FOR YOUR GOD LUTHERION!!! HHEHAHAHAHAAAA!!!"
From the splinters, small skeleton spiders crack out, and starts to run into the house through cracks an small openings.
"Now, lets see what is REALLY in there! Oh wait."
Lutherion starts following amethyst again grinning even more wild than before, and looking at her, like she is a meal, ready to be consumed.
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Spoilerim sorry for these small sporadic updates! ill do a brickwall text later! for now, enjoy Luthers crazy ramblings!