Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

A gunshot exploded, and Pain ripped through two places on Whit's body. Whit didn't even think about it. What he did care about was that he could hear where the gunshot came from, and where Mike was yelling from, even with the coat blocking his vision. He slid the godgun out of his sleeve, and fired. The gravity wave hit the rim of the hole first- and continued through it, dragging the hole outwards.

Mike lifted his vectors as the wave left the hole and rammed into him. His vectors stopped it from reaching him, but he was sent flying. He landed against the wall, but again his vectors caught him. The motion wasn't good for him though- the sudden changes of speed jogged his wounds. He made a terrible face as most of his body stung.

"So that's the way you wanna play, you shit!?", He screamed. "I'll-"

He coughed painfully as his body suddenly faltered.
He now realized what was happening- he could deal with the pain, he could stand anything- but his blood... He was losing too much of it.

Whit smiled a bit- Mike wasn't good enough to... he felt a stinging sensation.
Whit's left pinky and side were cut. He stared, turned around, and saw his blood dotted in the empty landscape.

"That... wasn't supposed to..."

"I told you."

"Shut up... I have an injury, do I?"
"You actually have several-"

"Shhh. It doesn't matter. I'm barely injured- just a slight cut. It doesn't hinder me... It only makes me more focused."


"Well, Mike earned this wound of mine... He's pressing his limits desperately... to even remove his own leg? There's strength of will there, if nothing else..."

"His will is probably much stronger than your own. In addition, he has... an ability. What do you have? You have many skills, true... but... You're just... a man."

"I know that. But I have this-" He held up his Godgun. "Along with THIS" He lifted the side of his jacket, revealing his two pistols and the revolver."And... " he grinned. "I have the thing that directs everything- my luck, my fate... it supersedes all else."

The skull was once again silent.
He walked backwards, retrieving his Whiteout.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke grumbled as he was blocked by high walls surrounding him, mercifully the walls only appeared to go as high as the castle walls, something Zeke could climb in about 2 minutes or so. Still he took the opportunity to take a bit of a rest while he was segregated from the rest of the competitors.

Zeke pondered it for a bit, but he figured Whit was underground somehow, but at the same time not? Not that it mattered, as long as he stayed there. Mike seemed to be in alot of pain, at least he assumed, all Zeke could hear was the muffled screaming of Mike. Itzal he didn't know where he was, no doubt he was either setting a trap or has fled. Gadget...well Zeke had no idea, he assumed he'd be somewhere...

"No time like the present." Zeke stood up and began climbing the wall, it was alot smoother than the castle walls, probably becaue it was spawned from perspective and not drawn. Zeke was getting sick of all this drawing bullshit. If he had his way he would fight in a plane ruled by conventional physics, then again, this pen has prooved useful.

Zeke got to the top of the wall, as soon as he stood upon it Itzal emerged from the side, launching a batch of knives. Zeke reacted and deflected the majority, he missed one however, loding itself into his ankle. Zeke lost balance and toppled over back into the open courtyar, crashing with a painful thud. Zeke grimmiced as he fought back the pain.

Itzal landed a couple of feet away with the delicasy of a feather. "Im suprised you didn't see that coming."

Zeke admitted to himself in his mind that that was a foolish move, he should of been more careful, he needed to take his time with things. He noticed a purple glimmer in the corner of his eye. The hoodoo shards were lying right there. Thinking fast, he quickly scooped them in his hands throwing one and a split second after, throwing the next.

Predicably Itzal dodged the first, but didn't expect the second, the Hoodoo shard lodged itself into Itzal's stomach. (or at least Zeke assumed so, he was just a cloak to him.) Itzal staggered back a bit and began a hasty retreat, it wasn't as smooth as his others, flying other the wall of the castle in an almost drunk fashion.

Zeke propped himself up and allowed himself a breather, he knew that solution would only be temporary.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal stumbled away from Zeke, clutching the shard. It wasn't surprised this had happened, in fact, it had expected it. You can't get away with carrying your weakness and not expect somebody to exploit it. That didn't make it any less annoying.
On the hoodoo, the presence of the mountain merely hindered his shifting, but this shard embedded in him was having a much more profound effect. The area around the wound was hardening, making it nearly impossible to remove the shard.
Itzal swore. It hadn't expected it to have such a profound effect. Still, he was far from reliant on his more esoteric abilities.
Itzal pulled out its pen and drew a box around it, cutting itself off from the rest. Itzal gathered a bunch of its cloak into its mouth and bit down. It then took a dagger out, and, after a moments hesitation, began cutting.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Schazer Wrote:
Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Gadget looked from afar at the other contestants. He seemed to have started a distance away from them. Not that it bothered him too much. Allowed him to think.
Looking upon the combatants, the first thing he noticed was the lack of Cobra.
"I guess he was the latest to bite it."
Whir looked sad.
"I know he was techincally our enemy... but he was our friend, too... right? Even mine, since the Hoodoo."
This hit Gadget somehow. He wasn't particularly sad. Maybe a part of him was, somewhere deep in his mind, but it wasn't apparent. In fact, he hadn't felt truly sad during the entirety of the game. When a creation of his died? Upset. But possibly not truly sad. Not even for himself.
He considered his predicament. He, most certainly, would die. It was remarkable that he survived so long, with all of his opponents being much more powerful than him. Even at the very beginning, he was lucky to have not been killed immediately by the one on the building with him. What was his name again...? It didn't matter.
Far away, some of the enemies had made alliances, to fight together against the others. But what would he be able to do? His basic strategy most of the time was pretty much 'Get to a high spot, talk with Cobra, and stay away from the other contestants.' Maybe with some use of his power along the way, and that's often caused more trouble for him than good.
Finally, he took a look at his long time friend. Whir had always been there. A small machine, but Gadget cared about Whir more than anybody else, including himself. ...maybe that was it. Why he hadn't felt sad. None of the other combatants cared about Whir. He wasn't a threat. Wasn't a target. Gadget knew this. He knew that Whir would most likely be safe. And perhaps, even if Gadget died, Whir would get to return to their home world.
"Hey, Whir."

"I want you to stay safe. I... I'm going to get you back home."
"Well yeah! That's why we're gonna win this! You've been up here a while! Look at all they've done down there. That pencil or pen or whatever could make something great for evening the odds! It's like this place was meant for you!"
"But what about the next? Or the one after that? You've seen what the others can do... a lot more than I can. I can create a good friend- no, I can create a great friend. You've been a great friend, Whir. And I want you to be safe... I think there's only one way I can do that."
Gadget had a look in his eyes. It was one of true sadness. Whir had an idea of what Gadget was planning.

"No! Gadg, you can't! I don't care if you think I'll be safe, there are hundreds of things like me back in your basement. There's only one you!"
"Well how would you rather see me go? Willingly with dignity? Or up against something I have no chance of beating?"
"There's no dignity in just taking it, Gadg. You have to try! I don't want to see it happen at all!"
Gadget contemplated this. He knew his turn was up. He knew how upset Whir would be. He knew how upsetting this was to him. Gadget knew that both of them were sure of the outcome. Maybe... he could at least go out trying.
The two trekked towards the castle in the distance, which seemed to be much closer than it originally looked. They entered, not knowing what to expect.

Mike stumbled around. He was hurting, and needed a way out. With any luck one of the others would kill each other soon, and the round would be over, shifting to a new location, and healing his wounds. Then he heard something. What he heard was his chance. A small man who had been strangely absent the whole time.
"Any ideas where they are, Whir?"
"Uh... maybe that room! Wait, we should probably check in quietly first."
Gadget cracked open the door, and saw a room where perspective was completely turned over, nothing making any sense. "Somebody's been busy. Looks like something happened in here... which means they can't be far behind. From the introduction to this place, I think it would be very much helpful if I had a pen or something."
This was the chance. They weren't being nearly cautious enough. Strange as it was, with the other more dangerous contestants, the live or die kill was right there. Mike's vectors took action.
"Gadget!" Whir flew furiously to block the attack, and was knocked hard against the wall, in an attempt to at least deflect the vectors. "I'm... I'm okay. Gadget, you have to-"
Gadget was facedown on the ground, blood escaping from his back. Mike stood over him, staring, wishing that Gadget would just die already.
"H-hey... Whir. One leg... and he still beat me," Gadget managed to get out. He coughed up some blood.

Whir flew over. Mike just ignored, knowing that it would be over soon. "Gadg, pal! You're everything to me! I wouldn't be here today without you! Don't do this!"
"S-sorry. We both knew this would happen. I think... you can go back... home... nnn."
A single tear rolled down Gadget's face as he gave his final breath. Whir fell to the ground. His creator, his best friend, was gone. Thoughts went through his mind. Was it Mike's fault? Probably. The round would end soon, though. Whir would probably end up back home, alone, and the others here would continue fighting and killing each other. People back home had many kinds of powers. Whir bet some of them would be able to help avenge this death. Not against Mike, but against the Composer that brought him here.
He graciously waited for everything to change, for home.

Somewhere, somebody spoke up. The Observer had remained quiet throughout the battle thus far, and his entrant had just kicked the bucket.
"Well, Composer, I don't know what you had planned to do with that little contraption that tagged along with Gadget, but I have a better idea."

The Composer listened, intrigued.
"Right, so Whir thinks he's going home. And from what you filled me in on for the next round, there's gonna be a few interesting things. Why not keep the little guy around for it? He's gotta be either pissed at you, Mike, or both. Combine that with what's next, and he could be an interesting case."
He stood up, ready to leave. After all, he had a battle of his own to maintain.
"Well, whatever you decide, I'm off. I'll probably still watch. I mean, hey, it's what I do. I Observe. Catch you later."
The Observer took his leave.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.
