Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal paused. It did not trust Mike. Mike had basically laughed in his face when he had offered an alliance, and know he expected Itzal to believe he wants to throw himself in harms way first? Itzal doesn't buy it. Curiosity or no, it wasn't going to be fooled. Without a word it quickly opened the door and slipped through. Mike cursed and moved to shoot Itzal, but he didn't get the safety off in time.

Itzal found itself in a large room. There were row upon row of cages. Each cage contained a set of animals, each weirder than the last. animals with a dozen eyes and multiple wings leapt around their cages. Other cages contain huge Behemoths that paced slowly back and forth. Some creatures hunched silently in the corner of their cage while some creatures wear themselves out attacking the bars. Itzals presence seems to spark a flurry of activity.

Itzal realizes the path he is on is itself merely a catwalk, providing access to the is row of cages. Below him he can see countless more catwalks providing similar access. Pipes run along hte strucutres, branches off to end at the cages. Itzal can see that they are providing water and what it can only assume is food to the creatures.

Taking all of this in as it moved, Itzal swiftly ran along the catwalk. spotting a cage with a particularly viscous looking creature, it pulled the pin out of the lock, allowing the door to swing open. The cage next to it seemed mostly harmless, and Itzal shape shifted through the bars, and mimicked the animal inside. It looked like a cross between a pig and a rabbit, with a round body, short white hair, and long ears. Itzal transforms into it as Mike burst in the door.

Mike looked around the room, trying to find Itzal. But the large creature emerging from its cage caught his attention first. The beast was easily ten feet high. Huge claws clacked on the catwalk as it walked out of its cage. Drool dripped off its teeth as it turns its head towards Mike. Mike raised his shotgun to fire at the approaching bulk, but the shotgun didn't penetrate its thick skin. The beast pounced at Mike, but his vectors struck it out of the air. It landed back on the catwalk, sliding back along the walkway. It leapt to its feat, and stood growling at Mike.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike glared at the beast, staring it down, their eyes locked like animals.
This beast knew no fear. It was the biggest, and it was the strongest. It was angry at it's captivity, and it wanted fresh prey. That prey was Mike.
And Mike was excited.
The monster charged down the catwalk. the vectors lunged forward, grabbing the behemoth by the shoulder blades. Mike was pushed back, his feet failing to catch any grip. He crouched, and forced his fingers through the holes in the catwalk. The vectors tried to hold the monstrosity back, but Mike's hold gave way before it did. Mike was thrown though the open doorway and back into the lower deck room. He smalled off of the ground, bounced over his head, and regained his balance on his feet.
He charged back into the room, the vector's vaulted him over the grotesque animal and he landed on the over side of it. The beast turned, and prepared to charge. Mike turned to look at it.
"Bring it" He said though his wild grin.
It leaped at him, it's claw's baring down on where he would be.
Mike bolted forwards, into the path of the beast, and leaped into it's chest.
Much to Itzal, and even the beast's surprise, Mike had managed to claw a vector though it's ribcage, and now had a hold of it's heart. He pressed the other vector against it, and even pressed with his legs, before the veins and artery's gave way, spraying Mike with blood as he ripped out it's still beating heart.
The behemoth didn't collapse straight away. It managed to stare at Mike, and saw it's heart being dropped into his hands.
And Mike grinned at it. He had killed it not for sustanace, not for revenge. Mike had killed the beast of beast's just for pure pleasure.
And so it died.
It collapsed to the ground on it's side. Mike walked up to it, tossing the heart over his shoulder. It rolled down the catwalk to where the open cage was.
He began brutally carving his way though the carcass, spraying himself in gore. And he looked like he enjoyed it.
'Ha! Some beast that was! It was much more fun that killing humans! Humans are scyh shitty opponants, they don't understand our basic need ot kill!'
'Good. The boy learns.
Yes, he becomes like us.

'You guys really aren't all that bad after all. I could get VERY used to this!'

Itzal made a stealthy exit, deiding that Mike in a blood rage was not a monster he wanted to challenge without the proper preperations. It made it's way quickly down the catwalk to a water tight door. It passed though, and sealed the hatch behind it.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal sealed the door behind it, blocking out the sounds of the animals. Itzal started plotting. It would greatly prefer free reign over the ship to prepare, but it will have to make do with the resources at hand. It had a plan, it just had to see if the situation at hand was amiable to it. Darting down the corridors, it started exploring the ship. Most doors led to similar rooms full of cages. After a while, searching on many different decks, it found the maintenance sections of the ship. Pipes stretched around the rooms, odd machinery humming away. Itzal had no clue what the purpose of most of it was, and so ignored it, continuing its exploration.

Itzal thought about the ship. The animals didn't have food or water in their cages, so they must get it someplace else. The cages also didn't have enough room for the animals to exercise. Hence, their must be a room for them to exercise. Itzal decided to try to find it.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit paused to catch his breath. He was already close to the wall, and had far outran the fire. He slowed to a walk, and began firing at the wall. He immediately realized that the sound was much louder then expected. he would attract attention... And while he wouldn't mind having it, he'd like to know where all the players stood first. He climbed a nearby tree. It was a sure vantage point, and one that he could easily escape from. He wasn't going to be caught like last time... Although he didn't know the specific properties of all of the trees, he knew that they'd still fall like any other. Still, dropping the forest was another last ditch move. His first plan was to not even be found. He retied the gun to his wrist, and leaned his arm comforably on a branch. His next shot cleared the branches and leaves out of the guns path, allowing his subsequent shots to be neigh undetectable, save for the slight winds it made and the loud impact on the wall in the distance.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke overheard a loud banging noise in the distance, near the outer walls of the forest, he went to investigate and noticed that an invisible force was smashing itself into the wall, he decided to investigate further.

Whit paused to see Zeke advancing near the wall, he grinned as he pointed his God Gun “Too easy.”

Zeke thought what could be causing this, the only invisible phenomenon he knew about what Mike's Vectors and –
before he could finish his thought he is smashed by the God Guns blast, shattering into the wall at terminal velocity. Zeke falls to his knees and quietly curses himself for being so thoughtless. Of course it was Whit, why wouldn't it be Whit? From the angle of the shot he determined that he was high up.

Zeke rolled to the side, preemptively dodging another of Whit's blasts, he glanced up to see Whit up in his vantage point and dashed towards the tree he was in.

Whit lost his target and he figured Zeke was heading in his direction; he began to make a move when suddenly the tree he was occupying began rocking violently, before slowly falling to one side. Zeke was at the base of the tree, hacking at it like a demon.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit cursed. He shouldn't have shot the second time, it was a give away. He aimed his godgun down, but paused. Zeke's cold gaze was on him... But his blades were too short to cut deep, and didn't have the force to cut hard. He was futily hacking away for a reason... Of course. If he got any closer, he'd be too close to dodge the six foot wave. But, if Whit shot at him with this angle, he'd bring down the tree. He was better off not shooting him. Still, he wasn't happy playing the defensive, being forced to hold. Nothing good ever came of letting time go by. The fire was already raging nearby...

Whit jumped down.

it confused Zeke, for an instant, to see Whit falling at him, but he had been ready for anything. He contorted his body lower... And in one continuous motion, flipped backwards. The wave smashed the ground he was an instant ago. He met Whit's eyes, as the two of them moved through the air. What was he thinking? Whit couldn't win the fight, and had already used his trump. Within the three seconds, he'd be dead. Zeke ignored the stray thought. It was pointless to waste time empathizing with his opponent. All he needed was the sharpness of mind and body that he had honed for years. An instant later, his feet touched a branch, and Whit's touched the ground. Zeke kicked off the branch, and prepared his arms for slicing flesh. However, a slight glimmer in Whit's hand distracted him. It wasn't the godgun... No, it was- he brought his arms up, and deflected the bullet. It was Whit's pistol. Zeke suddenly remember this happening before, in the Hoodoo. His momentum carried him right in front of Whit. Another bullet collided with his gauntlets, but was closer to his body. Whit was getting good at shooting, so quickly! He was very talented. Zeke didn't care, though. Talent meant nothing in the face of skill and effort. He thrusted himself low to the ground, shot his footblade out and swept for Whit's legs... Only they weren't there. Whit had hopped over his leg. A good move, Zeke acknowledged, but it didn't help him. Zeke's torso sprang forward. He first swung his left arm up, knocking Whit's godgun out of his grip. The three seconds had nearly passed. Whit's other hand was too high up to aim at Zeke. They met eyes again. Whit still had that indefinite look, a half smile, and his eyebrows raised. Zeke smiled. That face would be gone in a second... He thrust his right arm at Whit's heart.

What was Whit thinking? He himself wasn't sure. It was a mix of apprehension, fear and... Interest. He was so close to death... He had let himself go lose automatically, but his eyes remained sharp. His godgun was knocked away. A fist, a blade, shot towards him. Zeke's smile... Whit suddenly tightened his body, began twisting his torso, and swung his empty right hand forward- a counterpunch. Still, Zeke was faster, and his blade was longer. Whit realized that he had reached the limit of his ability- he couldn't save himself... Purely on his own ablities. Zeke's blade met Whit's jacket. It slowed the weapon slightly, and then allowed the blade to slip through- allowing it to meet a solid resistance.
Zeke's blade pushed against the solid, about to piercing it. Then, the blade slid off to the side. Whit had fully twisted out of the way in the moment the blade was halted. As if in triumph, Whit's counterpunch made full contact with Zeke's face.

Zeke hated it. He could accept being hit, but he couldn't stand that it was a blow from Whit. Still, he wouldn't let his emotions get the better of him. He moved with the blow, minimalizing damage, spun half a step, then dashed away. A bullet wizzed by his head. Zeke had lost his momentum, and he wasn't going to be a fool and stay wide open for a bullet. He zigzaged, and ducked behind a tree. He noticed Whit had stopped shooting, and dove to the side. A gravity wave smashed through the tree. As he moved, Zeke realized that Whit was almost unapproachable now- his godgun could clear any cover, and his pistol defended him between shots. Zeke had no choice but to retreat from Whit's range.

As he watched Zeke's retreating form for the second time today, he put down his arms and held his side. Zeke's blow had still cut him.

"augh... Well, it's not deep. That's good. Even better though, Im alive... Although that's to be expected."

The only quesion was why? Why was he alive? He checked inside his jacket, over his chest.


He drew out Itzal's knife, which was hanging on a strap over his heart. He smiled. Fate was good to him.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike stood in the remains of the animal, there was barely a spot on him that was not being occupied with it's blood and gore. His arms shook, and yet he knew not why. He stared down into the corpse, viewing the damage he caused. The animal's eye's were still open, they seemed to be looking into a void that Mike could never see.
'Why? What made me fight this thing... Why am I here? Why did I feel so... Elated, to kill? I've never killed an animal before, they're different than humans. They lack all the evil parts, they're simple and smart. But now i've killed the largest of them all, and with that, what is there left to fight?
When all this is over, who would I fight?
I'll be alone... Because of these vectors, and these fucking horns...
I'd just have to rip them off. Yes, that's what i'll do'
He raised his arms towards his head and onto his scalp. He brushed through his hair until he found two large lumps as hard as bone.
Just then, the one on the left cracked.
Mike screamed. It felt as though his head was splitting in two. The agony filled him. He collapsed onto the floor, writhing in pain, his body spazzing out.
The pain subsided after a minute, but for Mike it felt like hours. It left hi hourse and slow. He crawled over the catwalk into the open cage, and balled up in a corner.
He began to cry.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal continued its search of the ship, more focused in what it is looking for. Oddly enough, there was no room like that to be found. Most decks of the ships just had random animals wandering around. They didn't have food or water, and they pretty much ignored Itzal. It was intrigued by the sheer variety of animals, but it felt off. There was no cohesion to it. Disconcerted, Itzal continued his search, eventually deciding to just clear a deck of animals and work with that. It chose the deck directly attached to the bottom of the room of caged animals. Even though they largely ignored it, Itzal was able to physically heard them down the stairs to another level, leaving the deck clear. Looking around the area, It decided it would do, and started setting up its various contraptions.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Sruixan Wrote:
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

I mean, I guess I'm free to do something, but It would be kinda awkward until I know what Lankie does.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke began to tread a bit of distance from Whit, he needed to change his tactics against him. He needed something with ranged capabilities. While walking he entered a part of the forest which seemed different, the trees became denser and thinner. It got up to a point to which the trees were basically sticks, they were that thin. "Hmm..."

Zeke cut a few down with relative ease, the wood from these trees were pretty high quality though. Zeke figured he could make some makeshift spears with them. He gathered up some of the sticks and entered a clearing, he sat down andbegan sharpening up the sticks with his blades.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit began running away. His actions made too much noise, and if he was noticed by Zeke first, he'd be dead.

"hmm... It's always him. Where is everyone else? This place is already blazing..."

It was true. The forest was in a raging fire. Whit estimated that it had probably reached the other edge by now. Whit began panicing again. He was in trouble. He had to do something, but if he made himself obvious, Zeke would be waiting for him. He thought about the others. Where had they gone? If they were still here, most of them would be nearby, but Whit felt no trace of them. He looked up to the sky, pondering... And saw the ark. It perplexed him, but he was used to the nonsense by now. Could the others have gone up there? If so, how- no, that was a pointless question. He wasn't dealling with humans. His mind wandered back to the subject of the boat. Even if it was flying, It was still, a giant boat. Although Whit knew little about them, he remembered that boats were kept underwater by having wated in the lower parts of the boat. If he could crash it... He might be able to put out the fire, or better yet, end the round by killing someone. He squinted. Above the boat, he saw a few giant white... Balloons? No matter what they were, they looked like they were keeping the boat afloat... Or afly? He raised his gun, but stopped. If anybody was on it, they'd know it was him. Besides, he wasn't sure if the godgun's wave was strong enough to pop them from the distance.

"... Actually, this is a good chance to test this."

Whit picked up a good sized rock, and shoved it into the godgun's barrel. He aimed it up, at the balloons, and fired. The recoil was harsh, and Whit fell over to absorb the force. On the other end of the gun, though, the rock flew out, smashing through the wind but but moving too fast to make a noise. It was barely a rock now, it was a comet piercing the sky, fly straight at the Ark'a floatation.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

"Me? Don't worry about me, I've got a plan. go on ahead."

Gadget walked off towards the ark and Cobra went to work, trying to find traces of what he was looking for. He looked around the forest floor for hours, many times thinking he saw what he was looking for, but didn't. Finally, after a long while of searching, he came across a single leaf near the trunk of a tree. He looked up the top of the tree and saw exactly what he wanted. This tree was called a cassana-tree, and the leaves were, naturally, called cassana leaves. They acted exactly like velcro. He transformed into his half wolf form and climbed the tree easily, due to the soft hide. When he reached the top, he took a large handful of leaves and tore them off (keep in mind these leaves are like 4 square feet), then let them fall to the ground, grabbing another handful and tearing them off. He continued to do this for a while until he had what he thought would be enough. He climbed back down the trunk and saw his large collection of leaves. He went to work, taking two at a time, joining them at the edges, repeating. It was a slow process, but it would pay off.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.
