Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Username: Drakenforge.

Player name: Shogo Kawada Ragedude McThingface Mike Shaun

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Psot coloUr: Something like this.

Weapon/Equipment: Brought with him is a standard issue military shotgun (16 shells) and a Berretta (30 rounds)

Abilities: Vectors. A type of psychokinesis that unlocks the hidden potential of the human brain. With this unlocked potential, the use of near ghost like arms was given to an extremely small number of people.
These "arms" vibrate at an incredibly high frequency, allowing them to be able to cut through or break anything. They have a range of 2 meters, but can launch objects much further than that.
Only has 2 of them.
They can also work as a shield.

Description: Long, dark hair, red eyes, and a slim frame. Wears average dark clothes, slightly raggy. His personality is drawn back, unfriendly, and highly cautious. He finds everyone else as a risk to his life, and never hesitates to kill.

Bio: He grew up with his family, till they died. The people who looked after him died, the cops who interogated him died. Everyone dies, because he had killed them. It wasn't intentional, not in the beginning. These arms. They, they just started attacking everyone. Eventually I knew. They were protecting me. Nobody can betray me. I won't let them.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

cyber95 Wrote:
Approved. [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img]

Lankie Wrote:Username: Lankie

Player name: Zeke

Race: Human

Gender: male

Post colour: #400080

Weapon/Equipment: Retractable blades from gauntlets and boots.

Abilities: Incredibly acrobatic and speedy. effectively like a ninja. ( I know, pretty cliche)

Description: Zeke is a tall man with a pale complexion, Black spikey hair and piercing green eyes. Wears a light blue t-shirt, dark green jacket and jeans. More importantly wears archaic metal Guantlets and boots, contained within them retractable blades which extend to 1.5 feet. He has a metal mask covering most of his mouth. Personality wise he is very calm and collected, a man of few words. Rarely shows any emotion.

Bio: Zeke grew up as an orphan in a small village. It was here up until he was 10 that he was trained in the art of ninjutsu. However when the small village refused to meet the demands of the Nelo Rose Empire, it was torched down by Alexander himself. Zeke tried to fight alexander one on one, however he was far too young and far too inexperienced, Alexander shruged off his attack effortlessly. Nevertheless he was intreaged by the small boys talent, he offered Zeke a place in his empire, where he could become 'more powerful than you could ever become here'. Zeke begrudgingly accepted and for 16 years Alexander trained him personally, becoming a fiece warrior. He is currently the 4th General of the Nelo Rose empire, Alexander sent Zeke to the battle royale so that he may become even stronger than before.
Under my classification, Alexander would have to be the Creator of your little world. Technically, you, Lankie, sent Zeke to the Battle. Hope that makes sense.
Other than that approved.

Drakenforge Wrote:Username: Drakenforge.

Player name: Shogo Kawada Ragedude McThingface Mike Shaun

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Psot colour: Something like this.

Weapon/Equipment: Brought with him is a standard issue military shotgun (16 shells) and a Berretta (30 rounds)

Abilities: Vectors. A type of psychokinesis that unlocks the hidden potential of the human brain. With this unlocked potential, the use of near ghost like arms was given to an extremely small number of people.
These "arms" vibrate at an incredibly high frequency, allowing them to be able to cut through or break anything. They have a range of 2 meters, but can launch objects much further than that.
Only has 2 of them.
They can also work as a shield.

Description: Long, dark hair, red eyes, and a slim frame. Wears average dark clothes, slightly raggy. His personality is drawn back, unfriendly, and highly cautious. He finds everyone else as a risk to his life, and never hesitates to kill.

Bio: He grew up with his family, till they died. The people who looked after him died, the cops who interogated him died. Everyone dies, because he had killed them. It wasn't intentional, not in the beginning. These arms. They, they just started attacking everyone. Eventually I knew. They were protecting me. Nobody can betray me. I won't let them.
Approved. [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img] Updating the first post now.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

ah well forget the whole Alexander sending him bit then

Zeke's there because he is constantly wanting to improve, so that one day, he might kill Alexander.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Fan-*expletive*-tastic! You're signed up!
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

I think i broke Schazer [img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img]

Not only can she no longer quote, but she says Colour instead of color.
I... I'm GOOD.
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

I was wondering why you capitalized and underlined the U in colour in your post. I mean, it was already there, so it's not like you were adding it.
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

theres nothing wrong with colour, thats how its spelt.
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

I know that's how colour is spelled. I just have no clue why it was underlined and capitalized in his form. It seems so pointless.
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

I spell colour with a u because I'm not American.

No idea what happened to that post... for some reason it copy+pasted everything twice. Stupid school computer pod >_>
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

C'mon! Three more!
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

I posted about this in the Thread o' Advertising. Hopefully that will generate some more interest.
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

You overstep your bounds, sirrah. Have at thee.
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

What is going on here?
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

[background=#80BFFF:232uhdfe]The Composer rolls her eyes. Nothing untoward, You, simply delays in my message being sent out to sufficient Creators.
It then turns its attention to the newcomers.
Greetings, Drae, Lan. And... the Composer pauses. The Observer himself. An honour to have you in our midst. She turns to them all. I trust you found sufficiently interesting beings for my competition?
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

I have to say, things aren't looking good for this one... Nobody else has signed up in two days.

Any ideas?
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Empy says he's interested in joining.

But he isn't for some reason seriously why

Next time he's on AIM I'll pester him until he just does it already.
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

Cyber, you need to shorten your signature by two lines.
Re: Battle Royale! 3 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

It's only three lines long on my screen, but I suppose I could make the font size smaller.
Re: Battle Royale! 2 Spots Open! Need peeps!
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

I'm interested in joining. I'll post a character tomorrow.
Re: Battle Royale! 2 Spots Open! Need peeps!
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Aww man, I feel so far out of my league.

Username: Korbz
Player name: Grimm
Race: Eclipse. The Eclipse are beings of shadow who wear different masks so they are distinguishable from one another. They are very often bodyguards of more powerful beings.
Gender: Male
Post colour: [background=black:20t12k8c]White[/background:20t12k8c]
Weapon/Equipment: A white mask.
Abilities: The ability to control shadows.
The ability to become shadows.
[Image: 6suh48.png]
Grimm wears a white mask which looks like a skull and fights fiercely using shadows to cut down his opponents. He's about the size of a fully grown human normally. Because he's a bodyguard, he will fight to protect his master no matter the cost, even death. He will, however, assess the situation before running into a battle, to make sure he doesn't die. He is usually the voice of reason, and has almost no sense of humor. Meeting him in a bad mood is not advised.
Bio: Grimm was a bodyguard to a very powerful warrior, until he was chosen for the Battle Royale.

(My brain's running low on creativity today, but how'd I do?)
Re: Battle Royale! 2 Spots Open! Need peeps!
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Ooh, something very much worth spectating is about to happen here...

*gets out the old popcorn bucket from back in the Slimestation day*

*sets up deckchair*

Re: Battle Royale! 2 Spots Open! Need peeps!
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Korbz, that's a good start, but can I see a little more info about his personality? Like, would he wait and check out the situation or would he immediately attack the nearest foe? Would he fight for survival or does he live to fight? Is he analytical, aggressive, ancient, grizzled, anxious, cynical, determined, cowardly... I'd like to know more about him.
Also how big he is. Otherwise he's a very good start.
Re: Battle Royale! 2 Spots Open! Need peeps!
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Username: MyifanW
Playername: Whit O'Donal
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Post color:this one.

Weapon: A tube shaped gun, which fires a gravity wave with the radius of 5 feet. Basically, it shoots a giant bullet, but invisible. It takes 3 seconds to cooldown after each shot. Also, a very sturdy case of money.

Abilities: Whit is an incredible gambler, a master of disguise, and a toned athlete... in terms of humans. He is very, very lucky.

Description: A tall human from a 1900s reality. His face is long and angular, his eyes are sharp, his hair is unruly, and while he's only thirty, he's developed wrinkles around his mouth from smiling too much.
Whit is a shallow, unlikable, yet lucky man, with only one outstanding personality trait; he's a thrill hunter, and finds the most excitement in gambling. He's always a cool, composed gambler, and an expert on reading the situation. His gambling skills have made him rich, and often have made others poor; a trait that has landed him in trouble often. Still, no major harm has come to him, because he is no fool- he's taken up several disciplines, such as cane fighting and boxing, in order to protect himself... and because he's incredibly lucky.

Bio: Whit grew up in an orphanage, but it wasn't a hard life: his parents had made a large donation to the orphanage before they left him. He had almost anything he wanted, and lived relatively happily- aside from the fact that he didn't consider a single person his friend. Sure, he had plenty of playmates, but he had made no connections with anyone. To him, every one around him was an enemy, and only wanted to profit off of him in some way. To be fair, though, Whit also wanted to profit off of others- but he didn't consider anyone else to be worth anything. Because of his attitude, his teenage years were difficult. He could never find a steady job because his employers always became sick of him, and he always became sick of them. Eventually, he didn't try to get hired anymore, and his money dwindled down... but he wasn't concerned about that. The fact was, he was bored of his life. Everything he did felt mundane, and that was because it really WAS mundane- his life was the same everyday, without any friends or relations to change things. He knew this was his problem, but he knew he wouldn't change- so, Whit decided to make enemies. Every night, he gambled at the local bar. He finally interacted with other people- people who he knew only wanted his money. For Whit, it was thrilling to be the center of people's focus, even though they wanted to destroy him. Placing himself against people was the only way he could enjoy the company of others.
Now, if Whit was a normal person, his story would have ended shortly after he started to gamble- he'd lose and eventually die penniless. But, that isn't how his story went, because he had godly luck. He won, every single time, and his skills quickly sharpened such that he didn't need to rely on luck. His gambling quickly escalated. He expanded his range- he became a boxer, a cane fighter, and various other things- and bet such that he'd gain the most money every time (yes, including throwing matches). He became infamous quickly, and became one of the richest people in the world. He continued Gambling like this for 10 years... and then became bored again. Gambling had lost it's thrill. No matter who his opponent was, they held "something" back. Realizing he could never draw forth that "something" from anybody, he quit gambling all together. So, once again, he stopped doing anything.
He's probably the most notable person in my world, so I sent him here. I'm a nice creator though, I asked him if he wanted to go. I told him that if he did, he'd be gambling with everything he had, against people who would hold nothing back against him- and, like I knew he would, he accepted. I'm not a liar either- all of his opponents will be gambling with their lives, the most important thing to any of them, right? Nobody could possibly hold back... Although, he's only human. He'd be destroyed by any of the other participants under normal circumstances. To make things fair, I gave him that gun...
Re: Battle Royale! 2 Spots Open! Need peeps!
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

MyifanW Wrote:

Well, technically the one reserved spot is for Sickhacker, and Mystify and Korbz have also reserved... (plus Korbz already submitted a character) but I can accept this character outright.

I'll send a PM to Mystify and Sickhacker asking how badly they want to be in this thing, and if I don't get a reply... say, within 24 hours of when I got their first expression of interest you're in.
Re: Battle Royale! (FULL) (one way or another)
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

There, I made some more info on Grimm.
That better?