Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

An entity, a Composer, wanders the multiverse; displeased with its own created universe, and bored out of its multidimensional mind. It chances upon the exploits of a strange group who pitted mortals against each other in a fight to the death. The idea sticks in its mind, and it henceforth issues a proclamation to other Creators across the multiverse:

To the Creators:
I ask for your assistance in the forging of my latest masterpiece, an arena of death whose contestants hark from across all of your universes.
To the eight who hear my summons, bring to me your finest warriors and most twisted abominations, or whatever you feel belongs in this symphony of destruction that will span the multiverse.
This will be... The Battle Royale.

Spectators are also welcome.

Don't worry, I have Cyber's blessing to steal his game. Though you should go and check out his ones, here and here.

The Rules:
This is a text-based deathmatch where the pen (or at least the keyboard) actually is mightier than the sword. Each round, one character will be eliminated based on the writers' skills. So if you want to survive, write well!

Elimination is decided based on (in no particular order, though some are certainly more important than others) creativity, good spelling/grammar, entertainment value of what's written (this is a collaborative story, after all), effective characterisation (of both your own and other characters), and not godmoding. Usually the decision to eliminate is decided by the Composer, but in cases where it's a close run both the audience and the participants can offer input.

Once eliminated, players may write their own death scene before the Composer effects a scene change.

To stop someone posting halfway through your long wall of exposition and forcing you to change it for canonicity, simply post Reserve so everyone else holds tight until you post. Practical time limits for reserves apply (so if someone reserved then don't post for, say, at least three hours without an explanation of delay, you can probably go ahead.)

How it works:
The Battle Royale, like the Grand Battles, allows you to be more lenient with writing about other peoples' characters. Check out the originals (later posts especially) for examples of this.

Oh, and this time your character can know they're in for a fight if you (The Creator) are a benevolent kind of entity and want to inform them. Of course, once the fight starts, your character is on its own without divine intervention. Also of course, your benevolence is put slightly under question due to the fact you just chucked your character into a fight where only one can survive, but that's moot.

There is no limit on how big or small a post must be; mostly at the start posts are shorter as people stick to their own characters instead of messing up the characterisations of others'. As the game progresses, though, expect decent lengths.

And if you're still keen, here's the form!

Username: Duh.
Player name: The character being thrown into this clusterfuck. Originality is recommended.
Race: Whatever you feel like. Humans are ok, because of the whole different-dimension thing we're pulling for this game, though I encourage you to try something really out there.
Gender: He/She/It.
Post colour: First in first served. Try keep it non-eye-imploding.
Weapon/Equipment: Tools of the trade.
Abilities: The powers for survival your character possesses. You're allowed both powers and weapons if you want, but avoid godmoding.
Description: A good physical and mental profile of your character. Go into plenty of detail, or if you're good at pictures, post one of those here too. Appearance, personality, the lot.
Bio: A little or a lot (preferably a lot) about your character's circumstance. What did they do before all this happened? What's their motivation to win the game? Do they even realise what's going on?

Let's get this mindfuck started!

The Players:

Yousodumb - Xeno Photon - #FF8000
Kiren17 - Cobra - #0000FF
Cyber95 - Gadget Solune - #0080FF
Drakenforge - Mike Shaun - #004000
Lankie - Zeke - #400080
Korbz - Grimm
Mystify - Itzal Argi - #FF0000
MyifanW - Whit O'Donal - #404080
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

Username: SleepingOrange
Player name: God
Race: God
Gender: God
Post colour: [color=#God]God[/color]
Weapon/Equipment: Modes
Abilities: Godmoding
Description: God!
Bio: It's God. Jeez.

I assume you don't want players from the other battles, huh?
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Ooh, I look forward to seeing what kind of characters everyone comes up with this time. I won't myself, since I'm already in one, but I'll be watching.

Suggestion: Two (or more!) people go for outright villains this time. I'd like to see how different that is from the "one villain" dynamic we've mostly got going on in the other two games.

SleepingOrange Wrote:I assume you don't want players from the other battles, huh?
I have to say, if that *were* happening, it would be hilariously disastrous to have Eximo and Gestalt in the same game...
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

I'll probably get in on this. I've been thinking that when somebody else made one of these, I could get in as a contestant, rather than the person running it.

I'll start coming up with a character soon.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Username: Kiren17
Player name: Cobra
Race: Fang layonin (BASICALLY, a race I made up, a human with uber strength, speed, agility and intelligence, (Honestly, not godmoding, they are killable) and a wolf tail, wolf ears, and when transformed becomes muscular and furry and has fangs... LIKE A WOLF)
Gender: Male
Post colour: BLOO
Weapon/Equipment: One (1) sidearm (dagger) One (1) main weapon (Bastard sword) and One (1) Defensive weapon (Large kite shield)

Abilities: The ability to transform into a half or full wolf. He may communicate with any sort of canine or canine-related beings, he speaks many languages including layonin, common and elven. JHe may channel a portion of his energy into his weapon/shield to increase the speed and power of said weapon, or to increase the fortitude of the shield. He can also utilize his energy to extend his weapon/shield, but he must sacrifice power of said weapon or durability of said shield to do so.

Description: Always wearing chain mail armor, and never leaves home without his sword and shield. Not very intelligent, but makes up for it in charisma, strength and speed. Has a red and a blue eye, left arm barely longer than his right (Wielding a heavy shield has stretched his arm, is what he thinks) fur is pure white (when transformed) and tail is striped white and black. Always wearing a scarlet fedora to hide his ears (which are black) a significant chunk has been taken out of the top of his right ear, and the tip of his left pinky is missing. His shield is bright red, with a large black peace sign on the front. In the two larger segments of said peace sign are the letters "S" and "W" for Shadow Wolves, the clan he leads.

Bio: Ever since he were a little kid, he's been trained to fight valiantly. At 600 years old (15 in human years) he was already a war hero, destroying an entire battalion of soldiers by expanding all his energy in one huge explosion. It nearly killed him, which is why he's never done it again. At the age of 1000 (17-1[img]images/smilies/icon_cool.gif[/img] he became general of the Fang society's military. He was a natural, he had more strategy than the past 5 generals combined. He left shortly after because being general got 'boring.' So he started his own clan, the Shadow Wolves, they were the most feared clan throughout the entire country. At 1500 years old (24, and his current age) he went off on his own journey, to find his calling. War was beginning to be too much for him, he needed something else, something more. After mere months of traveling he met the girl of his dreams. She was then taken away from him, and he was told he had to fight in the Battle Royale to get her back.

Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

Allow me to post! I am (eventually) going to create my own version of this game!

Username: yousodumb

Player name: Xeno Photon.

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Post colour:[color=#FF8000]

Weapon/Equipment: The soul saber, A weapon of pure spiritual energy. When this blade meets with one of pure neutrality, it sucks the soul straight out of their bodies. however, the more pure or corrupt the soul is, the more hits it will take. does little to no damage physically, can only be wielded by someone who is purely neutral.

Abilities: one of the few who can wield the soul saber, Also wears a cursed mask of mysterious power. Relatively well built.

Description:A hard-bitten no-nonsense kind of guy, wears only leather pants and a denim jacket. His face is obscured by the mask, underneath he hides a scar that runs down the left side of his face, he is extremely attractive, in that rugged sort of way. His hair is a dark, burnt orange color, with a white streak and kinda spiked. He is noble, and peaceable. Honor dictates his every move, will not attack a defenseless target, But is incredibly smart in the battle field. Nearly obsessive over neutrality, Has a connection to professor Paradox. the mask kinda looks like this,
[Image: mask.png?t=1255417099]

Bio: originally from feudal japan, Xeno was a samurai of legends, he was tasked with finding the soul saber for his Daimyo. When he handed the weapon to the Daimyo, he crumbled to dust. Xeno picked up the weapon to find that he, and only he could wield the legendary blade, thus he was declared the new Daimyo. A few years later, he heard word of the mask of the legendary Kitsune God, a relic of immense power. Xeno knew if it fell into the hands of anyone else, they would use its power to their own ends. After ten years of searching, he finally found the mask in an ancient abandoned temple. When he put on the mask, he found out that upon removing it, a horrible power was triggered, He turned around to find that his would-be successor laughing at him, The whole quest was a ruse so that Shinmyo would rise to the position of Daimyo. Shinmyo then caused Xeno to fall into a deep death-like sleep for over a thousand years. Xeno awoke to a Futuristic space society, where Earthlings had populated many different planets. Xeno quickly adjusted to the new rules of society, and became the high-ranking general of space station 23 1/3. He still secretly wishes to return to feudal japan, and is still seeking for a way to remove the mask, he was promised both if he joined the fight.

(in case you where wondering, I did a bad job last time because I used a half-completed character, this one is way more fleshed out in my imagination. ugh, I keep on forgetting things.)
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

yousodumb Wrote:Allow me to post! I am (eventually) going to create my own version of this game!

Username: yousodumb
Player name: Xeno Photon.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Post colour:[color=#FF8000]
Weapon/Equipment: The soul saber, A weapon of pure spiritual energy. When this blade meets with one of pure nutrallity, it sucks the soul straight out of their bodies. however, the more pure or corrupt the soul is, the more hits it will take. does little to no damage physically.
Abilities: one of the few who can wield the soul saber, Also wears a cursed mask of mysterious power. Relevantly well built.
Description:A hard-bitten no-nonsense kind of guy, wears only leather pants and a denim jacket. His face is obscured by the mask, underneath he hides a scar that runs down the left side of his face, he is extremely attractive, in that rugged sort of way. His hair is a dark, burnt orange color, with a white streak. He is noble, and peaceable. Honor dictates his every move, will not attack a defenseless target, But is incredibly smart in the battle field. Nearly obsessive over nutrallity, Has a connection to professor Paradox.
Bio: originally from feudal japan, Xeno was a samurai of legends, he was tasked with finding the soul saber for his Daimyo. When he handed the weapon to the Daimyo, he crumbled to dust. Xeno picked up the weapon to find that he, and only he could wield the legendary blade, thus he was declared the new Daimyo. A few years later, he heard word of the mask of the legendary Kitsune God, a relic of immense power. Xeno knew if it fell into the hands of anyone else, they would use its power to their own ends. After ten years of searching, he finally found the mask in an ancient abandoned temple. When he put on the mask, he found out that upon removing it, a horrible power was triggered, He turned around to find that his would-be successor laughing at him, The whole quest was a ruse so that Shinmyo would rise to the position of Daimyo. Shinmyo then caused Xeno to fall into a deep death-like sleep for over a thousand years. Xeno awoke to a Futuristic space society, where Earthlings had populated many different planets. Xeno quickly adjusted to the now rules of society, and became the high-ranking general of space station 23 1/3. He still secretly wishes to return to feudal japan, and is still seeking for a way to remove the mask, he was promised both if he joined the fight.

(in case you where wondering, I did a bad job last time because I used a half-completed character, this one is way more fleshed out in my imagination)
Well, shit, you're not just going to win for the next 20 posts.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

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Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

SleepingOrange Wrote:Username: SleepingOrange
Player name: God
Race: God
Gender: God
Post colour: God
Weapon/Equipment: Modes
Abilities: Godmoding
Description: God!
Bio: It's God. Jeez.

I assume you don't want players from the other battles, huh?
No, I'd rather I saw more of Gestalt.

Kiren17 Wrote:Username: Kiren17
Player name: Cobra
Race: Fang layonin (BASICALLY, a race I made up, a human with uber strength, speed, agility and intelligence, (Honestly, not godmoding, they are killable) and a wolf tail, wolf ears, and when transformed becomes muscular and furry and has fangs... LIKE A WOLF)
Gender: Male
Post colour: I...Don't understand...
Weapon/Equipment: One (1) sidearm (dagger) One (1) main weapon (Bastard sword) and One (1) Defensive weapon (Large kite shield)
Bio: I'm a human/wolf.
Error: That is not a valid Abilities/Description! Go read the first pages of Cyber's Battles to get a better idea what I need from you.
Also, by Post Colour I mean a colour all of your posts are in. Just pick one on the right hand side of the reply page.

yousodumb Wrote:Username: yousodumb
Player name: Xeno Photon.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Post colour:
Weapon/Equipment: The soul saber, A weapon of pure spiritual energy. When this blade meets with one of pure nutrallity, it sucks the soul straight out of their bodies. however, the more pure or corrupt the soul is, the more hits it will take. does little to no damage physically.
Abilities: one of the few who can wield the soul saber, Also wears a cursed mask of mysterious power. Relevantly well built.
Description:A hard-bitten no-nonsense kind of guy, wears only leather pants and a denim jacket. His face is obscured by the mask, underneath he hides a scar that runs down the left side of his face, he is extremely attractive, in that rugged sort of way. His hair is a dark, burnt orange color, with a white streak. He is noble, and peaceable. Honor dictates his every move, will not attack a defenseless target, But is incredibly smart in the battle field. Nearly obsessive over nutrallity.
Bio: originally from feudal japan, Xeno was a samurai of legends, he was tasked with finding the soul saber for his Daimyo. When he handed the weapon to the Daimyo, he crumbled to dust. Xeno picked up the weapon to find that he, and only he could wield the legendary blade, thus he was declared the new Daimyo. A few years later, he heard word of the mask of the legendary Kitsune God, a relic of immense power. Xeno knew if it fell into the hands of anyone else, they would use its power to their own ends. After ten years of searching, he finally found the mask in an ancient abandoned temple. When he put on the mask, he found out that upon removing it, a horrible power was triggered, He turned around to find that his would-be successor laughing at him, The whole quest was a ruse so that Shinmyo would rise to the position of Daimyo. Shinmyo then caused Xeno to fall into a deep death-like sleep for over a thousand years. Xeno awoke to a Futuristic space society, where Earthlings had populated many different planets. Xeno quickly adjusted to the now rules of society, and became the high-ranking general of space station 23 1/3. He still secretly wishes to return to feudal japan, and is still seeking for a way to remove the mask.
For someone obsessed with neutrality, you don't spell it too well, do you? Jk, this character is tentatively [color=#008000]Approved.
Just avoid abusing the power and don't use your weapon as a crutch and you'll do fine.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

If you mean me then I mean your writing skills are a pretty sweet match, therefore you've a high chance of winning a lot of the battles... Unless I misinterpreted the entire thread...
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Let me show you an example of my character from the first of these. Perhaps that will make it clearer to you.

This is Eximo's post color. All posts I write for Eximo are in this color.

Here we have Eximo's abilities and description:

Abilities: Powered by dark magic (and resistant to it because of this), able to interface with advanced technology, ability to suck in and blow out air, very efficient cleaning techniques.
Description: A bizarre hybrid of an undead monstrosity and a vacuum cleaner.

You may want to take a quick glance at the other topics if anything else confuses you.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Kiren, this "battle" is essentially a role-play where the premise is a fight to the death, and you write about your character's adventures in this battle. You can make, break, and go back on alliances, be analytical, aggressive, passive, peaceful, cowardly, whatever you like. However, nobody actually dies in the round except for one person at the end, who is decided by elimination of the weakest writer at that point.

I strongly recommend you go and look at The Grand Battle and The Grand Battle II, this is essentially another game of it and has pretty much the same rules. The first couple of pages have character profiles, and from about page 3 onwards the game starts.

If you're still interested, have another crack at your character sheet [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

Dragon Fogel Wrote:
SleepingOrange Wrote:I assume you don't want players from the other battles, huh?
I have to say, if that *were* happening, it would be hilariously disastrous to have Eximo and Gestalt in the same game...
Definitely canon: Dragon Fogel and I will win our respective Grand Battles; eventually, there will have been enough such games that we have eight champions. The champions will be dropped into another battle.

Schazer Wrote:No, I'd rather I saw more of Gestalt.
You can't see Gestalt, maaan.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Well, no, not having eyeballs, Vyrm'n can't, but how about if I said I'd rather I was able to read about Gestalt's exploits more often then?
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

I fixed a lot of things and even added a picture! I am rather bad at spelling, so If something looks like it doesn't belong, I probably spelt it so bad the spellcheck mistook it for another word. Kiren17, Don't doubt yourself! be creative, and thanks for the complamint, take another shot at writing that sheet. I was once gestalt's greatest ally, until I died. I do think that the eight winners will fight each other, which would be cool, only the cream of the crop would remain, resulting in epic post-battles.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Well, my character sheet didn't take 5 times as long to edit as I thought it would.

Also, thanks for not... Flaming me, I guess would be the right terminology. I looked back at the other Grand Battles and I think I've got it covered. I've done these in forum's before, just not as in-depth as this.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

SleepingOrange Wrote:
Dragon Fogel Wrote:
SleepingOrange Wrote:I assume you don't want players from the other battles, huh?
I have to say, if that *were* happening, it would be hilariously disastrous to have Eximo and Gestalt in the same game...
Definitely canon: Dragon Fogel and I will win our respective Grand Battles; eventually, there will have been enough such games that we have eight champions. The champions will be dropped into another battle.
I must say, I approve of this. If we manage to get 8 completed games of this, we need to try to round up all of the winners to write their winning character into a battle of the champions.

And it will be the hardest ever to judge.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

Kiren17 you get [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img] ! great job, see what effort gets you?
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

yousodumb Wrote:Kiren17 you get [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img] ! great job, see what effort gets you?

Haha, not really efforts, just not being lazy. I'm honestly not that incompetent, I write short stories/mock roleplays on an almost daily basis.

I really appreciate the help and encouragement though.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

Effort is the absence of lazyness.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

yousodumb Wrote:Effort is the absence of lazyness.
This is very true, very true indeed.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

did you read my new massively edited post? It's like twelve here, I get philosophical when I get tired.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

yousodumb Wrote:did you read my new massively edited post? It's like twelve here, I get philosophical when I get tired.
I did. Well done on that, by the way.

Getting philosophical is almost never a bad thing, I find it breeds new and better states of mind.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

not if your me, I only get philosophical after everyone decides it's time to sleep. I always end up Philosophizing with myself while trying to go to sleep. in other words, it causes terrible insomnia.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

yousodumb Wrote:not if your me, I only get philosophical after everyone decides it's time to sleep. I always end up Philosophizing with myself while trying to go to sleep. in other words, it causes terrible insomnia.
Ah, well that is a problem then. If you don't mind my asking, how old are you? Just out of sheer curiosity.