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Re: Intense Struggle! (2 Slots remaining)
12-28-2009, 10:54 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..
Name: Trickster
Gender: Male
Font color: This one (#004000)
Race: Human in appearance, but demonic spirits stir within him.
Weapon: His signature 'weapons,' if you would call them that, are his gloves (not shown in the description) that allow him to amplify his fire magicks to extreme levels (e.g. making a giant flamethrower from his arm). He can do large spells without them, but they will overall lower his health.
Abilities: Trickster is gifted in the fire-augmented magicks, but aside from that he cannot do much else. He is quite fast and can levitate up to about ten feet, and a little more if he uses fire like rocket-boots. Overall, he has low defense and health, but in battle his other abilities usually make up for it.
![[Image: PictProfile-Trickster.png]](
Trickster wears a grey-green jacket and black fingerless gloves most all of the time, and baggy orange pants as well. He has a bit of a mixbreed of a fedora and a tophat that he barely ever removes. He has a view on the world similar to most other human males at his age, a careless one with little care for the feelings and overall views of other people. He has a low tolerance and a high temper. He is not very secretive about his ablities and is quite adamant with them, in fact.
Biography: Born of the very fire and flame that he can control, Trickster was thrust straight from birth into a world that was essentially trying to kill him, as the demonic spirits that birthed him did not want any sort of human in their ring cast him out unto the Earth. He was raised by an elderly family, but he was soon orphaned again by old age. At this time he was of about 13 years, and had a good grasp on reality. He soon found his powers when he discovered the dreadful, street-life secrets behind the big cities that enveloped them. He first discovered them when he was attacked, and mugged, and soon feeling as an outcast of society removed himself to the forested outskirts of the city where he stayed for years upon years before once again revealing himself to society. He was overtaken by a band of mysterious, sentient machines and brought to the Monitor.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (2 Slots remaining)
12-29-2009, 12:00 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Weldar.
I'd like to give this a go but I'm not too sure, I'm a pretty bad writer and I have a history of abandoning my projects so maybe it would be better to let someone else play. I'll think about it a bit.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (1 Slot remaining)
12-29-2009, 12:09 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Trickster is approved. That leaves one slot; if it's not filled in the next two days, I'll just put Cross in.
Also: Aryogaton still needs to repost Aegis' info.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (1 Slot remaining)
12-29-2009, 12:34 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.
I'm making one, but I don't mind if someone else wishes to claim the last spot. There'll probably be more opportunities to join one of these later, anyway.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (1 Slot remaining)
12-29-2009, 12:50 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.
Name: Aph
Gender: Female
Race: Nymph
Nymphs are not naturally occurring creatures. They are created via magic rituals. They fall in love with everyone that they meet, but upon leaving that person's side the love fades almost instantly. They are curious and will, if not currently occupied by being in love with someone wander off somewhere. They are not naturally combatative as they fall in love even with those that would do them harm.
Colour: This seems quite apt (fourth up from the bottom on the far right).
Weapon: Aph uses a sword.
Abilities: Being a creation of magic Aph has some minor magical abilities, such as zapping an enemy with a small bolt of lightning and moving small objects with her mind. Basic magic. The kind stuff they teach you on your first day, that kind of stuff. She could probably get better if she studied it. She mainly attacks with her sword. If she goes into a rage that's when she is at her most deadly.
![[Image: Aph.png]](
Aph is the same size as an average human, with light pink skin. She floats slightly off the ground. She has pointed ears and two hook-shaped horn things on her head. The tentacle looking things behind her are her hair (she has more than just four strands; the drawing was just to suggest the general shape and length of it). It floats out behind her.
Aph is like the rest of the nymphs in that she falls in love with everyone she meets, but the sheer amount of love she feels for people is far more than that of any other Nymph. It is almost overwhelming. When the love she feels for someone isn't returned she becomes angry and eventually psychotic.
Background: She was created by a lonely and rather inept magician. He attempted to alter the ritual so that she would not love others and that her love for him would be permanent. However he made a mess of it and caused her to become almost psychotic over the people she loves. At first everything was fine, but soon Aph started demanding more and more affirmation from the wizard. He was unable to satisfy her that he really loved her as much as she wanted and she held him captive trying to force him to love her more. Eventually unable to be loved as much as she wanted, she killed the wizard in a rage. She ended up living on the streets where she learned to defend herself. One day as she was swooning over the latest love of her life; some guy passing by, she vanished and reappeared somewhere else...
Note: Aph is NOT going to be all about sex and innuendo. She feels LOVE for everyone she meets, not LUST.
This sound okay?
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Full - Starting soon)
12-29-2009, 01:26 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Approved! We're full now.
I'll start it officially in a bit - I'm still deciding where to set the first round, but I should be able to come up with something.
It would be nice if Aryogaton could repost Aegis' info before things get officially started, otherwise I'll do it myself.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Full - Starting soon)
12-29-2009, 01:45 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Aryogaton Wrote:Username: Aryogaton
Name: Aegis Cupris
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Color: Red
Inventory: Shapeshifting gauntlets (referred to as simply 'gauntlets' from this point on)
Abilities: His weapons are of the same type as Aeon's adaptive tool in GBI, only they take the form of a pair of large gauntlets. Instead of changing into any shape he wants, they have pre-programmed weapons built-in that can be activated with very little mental input (unlike Aeon's weapon that changes into any shape, as long as he keeps his concentration). Furthermore, unlike Aeon's weapon, they store their mass instead of convert it from energy, and are thus very heavy and slow Aegis down quite a bit.
Description: A perpetual grin. A grip stronger than iron. A nice guy, if you get past his overzealous sense of humor. Arrogant, pompous, obnoxiously loud and confident. Impulsive, reactive, and exceedingly unprudent. Of average intelligence but prefers not to use it. His moral status is frustratingly vague. Either you love 'im or you hate 'im. Ridiculously top-heavy and unnaturally strong--one finger has the strength of a man's arm. When he laughs, the entire room shakes. All these phrases and more describe Aegis Cupris.
Biography: He comes from the same village as Aeon Ferrous (from GBI). He alone serves as the police department for the entire village, and he takes the job by the throat, wrings it three full revolutions, and snaps it like a toothpick. He knows everyone in the village as both a friend and a jackass. Another profile that will be relevant:
snoomanwaff Wrote:Name: Cabaret
Gender: male
Race: human.
Weapon: whatever he matieralises.
Abilities: Capable of matierialising random objects (not many weapons though) and wielding them proficently, however the exact object and it's usefulness will vary (I.E a baguette when something like a...bludgeon of somesort would be more useful), he's, strangley, useless with regular weapons (he can easily fence with a bowling pin or the aforementioned baguette, but give him an actual fencing weapon and he'll likely end up poking himself).
Description[img]images/smilies/icon_surprised.gif[/img]ne of those shirts that look like two worn at the same time but not, grey and dark blue for the main shirt + short sleeve bit and long sleeve bit respectively, blue cargo trousers and a full face mask with a :3 face painted on it.
Biography: Ok, there was this guy see who was a stage magician by trade, a conjuror to be specific, but lost everything except his talents when he found a blank, white, mask to wear for his act. Although the mask increased his talent well beyond any mortal limit, he became unable to control his talent and spent years practising to get his control of it to point it is today.and the :3 face? he painted it on so he wouldn't scare his audience while performing. Bae will be disguised as Cabaret (from GB2) as the game starts. Of course, the other combatants won't know this - they'll have to somehow discover it on their own.
I've got a setting in mind now, so I'll start things off soon.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Full - Starting soon)
12-29-2009, 02:21 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Eight beings awoke in separate glass chambers. Through the glass, they could see a figure in the middle of the room; it sat at a chair, in the midst of several complex-looking machines.
"Greetings. I am known as the Monitor," said the figure. "I have brought you here for a simple purpose: To battle each other. I am very interested in the data such a battle will produce."
The shadowy Monitor pressed some buttons, and a spotlight illuminated the first glass booth.
"Participant number one goes by Larus Mutabilis, though that is not his real name. He is an outlaw with the ability to make his body as light as mist, or as hard as stone. Or anywhere in between."
More buttons were pressed, and the spotlight moved to the second booth.
"Participant number two, Aegis Cupris. You may notice the heavy-looking gauntlets he is wearing; he can change those into a number of weapons to adapt to a variety of situations. I've seen a friend of his advance quite far in a similar contest. It will be interesting to see if Aegis will prove himself to be as capable."
More buttons, and the third booth lit up.
"Participant number three, Sister Clara Jungfrau. Her appearance may surprise you - it is the result of a ritual undergone by priestesses of her world. She is still as devoted to her cause as ever."
The light moved to the fourth booth.
"Participant number four is known as 'B', though he may answer to 'Ben' as well. He has the ability to change into any kind of beast, even those that do not exist in his world."
The fifth booth lit up.
"Now we have participant number 5, D'Neya. 'She' is, in fact, a Twilight Sprite - a personification of a concept. I could give a detailed explanation, but I do not have that much time. Suffice to say that she is considerably more dangerous than she appears."
The sixth booth lit up next.
"Participant number 6, the masked magician Cabaret. He is capable of producing unusual weaponry from nowhere, and wielding it rather effectively."
Behind the mask, Bae smirked. This unassuming form would be perfect for catching the others off guard. He looked forward to the reward the Monitor had promised him should he win.
The light shifted to the seventh booth.
"Participant number 7, Trickster. He wields fire magic, and quite well. I imagine by his name that he also has a few other tricks up his sleeve..."
And finally, the light settled on the eighth booth.
"Participant number 8, the nymph Aph. She falls in love quiet easily... and can be very implacable if it is not returned. Note also the sword she is carrying."
The spotlight shut off. The Monitor pressed more buttons as he continued to speak.
"That should be sufficient information on your competition. Now, I will send you to the first arena. Once one of you has fallen in battle, the rest shall be retrieved and I shall send you to the next round. This will continue until only one of you is victorious."
The Monitor pressed one final button, and the glass booths filled with light, then emptied. The combatants found themselves in an abandoned military base, with bodies strewn about everywhere.
The Monitor's voice spoke once more.
"This base was the site of a large-scale battle. There were no survivors, on either side. However, the commander of this base had it filled with lethal traps, many of which are still active. You will have to contend with the traps as well as your competitors, or perhaps find a way to use them to your advantage."
"That is all. The first round has begun!"
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SpoilerRound 1's setting is inspired by the Base of Bobperations in Bob Must Die. It's not the actual Base of Bobperations, though there may be distinct similarities - I'm not going to expect you to comb through that massive topic to get ideas.
As the Monitor said, there are deadly traps all over the place, as well as plenty of corpses - and of course, some of the corpses may have weapons to loot, or other things you can work with. Go crazy!
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Re: Intense Struggle! (1 Slot remaining)
12-29-2009, 02:40 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
This is what I get for not calling dibs, I guess. Ixcalibur posted and the tournament started while I was typing.
Uh, I'ma post this anyway. Maybe I can use it in another one or something.
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SpoilerName: Vexmagog
Gender: male
Font color: How about a bluish purple? Second from the right in the sixth row, #4000BF.
Race: One fallen god and one half-dead god
Weapon: His right hand. It is covered in the vitals of a god of chaos. Its appearance is as if he dipped his hand in purplish-blue lava, which then began to cool and harden into black stone, though with some cracks still keeping the shifting colors visible underneath. The more influence the dead god exerts on his consciousness, the more of his arm it covers. It usually goes from the tips of his four thin, multi-segmented fingers to about halfway up his forearm, but there are gruesome scars from previous expansion that extend all the way up to his right shoulder.
Abilities: Vex, the main being, can alter the sensory input of other beings around him, but cannot cause physical pain with this power. He is particularly skilled at causing states similar to drunkenness and lust, simply due to what he tended to use the powers for most frequently before he was bound to Magog. Among other things, he can also change the way beings perceive him physically, and change the ways others perceive each other, along with causing enough of a sense of befuddlement that makes the target of the ability less likely to recognize that they are being duped.
Magog, the pseudo-being in the arm, exudes a constant malicious reality-twisting aura. Grass near it may wither and die, or may turn gray and harden into a slimy mass of tiny spines. The air nearby tastes acrid, assuming Vex is not altering your senses to make you think it does not (which he usually is, instinctually at this point). Root systems near it may begin to writhe and lash out at passers-by. Electronics tend to start reacting strangely, such as PDAs printing the word "blood" over and over on screen in the user's native language. When the arm covering is at half-forearm length as usual, it may take around ten minutes of constant proximity within about 20 yards for the effects to become noticeable. As it gains power, the time decreases and the size of the field increases. It does not affect things with a living will except at higher levels of power, and even then only if said will cannot hold its own against the uneasy, painful emotion associated with it. However, on physical contact with a willed individual, that individual finds their confidence and their energy draining, possibly made worse by the burning sensation that contact brings.
Description: Vex, the main being, is a satyr-like creature. Humanoid, slightly taller and leaner than the average human. He has four fingered hands and feet, which are structurally similar and both about equal in gripping ability--that is, very good. His head is less human than the rest of him, though. It is more elongated, with much lower, larger eyes, which are entirely light blue. He has two curved horns at the back of his skull, and longer, pointed ears. His head, upper torso, and legs are covered by an orange-brown fur. He wears a dark green cloak and brown pants.
It is lucky that a physical description of Magog is unnecessary, as all that remains of its once-fearsome visage is a covering over Vex's right arm. The most of it that has been seen so far is a shifting mass of indigo energy barely contained in a cracked shell of black stone.
Biography: Vexmagog is, in essence, what happens when two gods embodying different aspects of the same concept are forced to share a role.
Vex was, at one time, a god of chaos. He played his part as a merry trickster, confounding and amusing the other gods with his antics. His universe was, apart from the familial struggles that are bound to occur when a bunch of nigh-omnipotent beings get together and decide to wrench some purpose out of this bothersome all-encompassing void, fairly stable. It had sentient mortals who worshiped them all as sentient mortals tend to do. It had a grand purpose, heroes, villains, drama, comedy, and all of it quickly snuffed out and replaced in the span of the puny lifetimes of its capricious inhabitants. Vex enjoyed himself, though he would, from time to time, make his other godly brethren the targets of his pranks instead of the mortals. They would be furious and try to punish him. Sometimes he was caught, sometimes he got out of it in his own sly way. The enjoyment gained was worth it either way.
Unfortunately, one of the times when he was caught (in a compromising position with one god's wife while imitating his sister, no less), something of a calamity occurred. A thread in the tapestry of their universe came unraveled. Panicked refugees from another universe poured out and shared their tale. The gods listened to it as best they were able to interpret the refugees' foreign tongue. Their universe, as well, had a god of chaos. This god was not like Vex. This god was a terrible abomination from the other side of the ledge of sanity, and he had recently escaped his restraints and became a horrifying scourge across the stars, driving mad those it was not merciful enough to consume outright. In desperation, they had opened up many portals to many different universes, seeking refuge and possibly a champion who could best this beast.
The god who had captured Vex thought it would be sporting to toss him into the rift and see how two gods of chaos got along with one another.
Unknown to him, this happened to be exactly the simplest way to rid the alternate universe of its problem. When Vex left the border of his universe into the void between the two worlds, he felt himself being pulled into the hole to the universe he was meant to be saving. He desperately clung to the frayed walls of reality, but was slowly dragged in. As his leg, first, slipped through the hole, Magog knew something was wrong. Two gods of the same domain were trying to share the seat of their power, and the universe wasn't having it--in fact, it was trying to overwrite the first with the second. Magog rushed to the scene in an attempt to drive Vex back from whence he came, just as Vex slipped further and made one last desperate grab for the edge of the portal with his right hand.
Magog realized his only hope was to rush into the space between worlds and come back, but Vex slipped the rest of the way while he was still halfway through. Magog's entire physical form and the lower part of Vex's arm were shredded and painfully combined.
The resulting being still has the will of Vex, but he now has that nagging voice in the back of his brain, telling him the world would look a little nicer with an extra coating of blood.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 02:46 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..
Holy fuck, you have to make an exception for that.
Working on my part now, but I will wait for someone else to do something first so I can get a prime example.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 02:51 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
Alright then, reserved.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 03:04 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerBaphomet, that is awesome, and I'm really sorry we got things started before you finished writing it up.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 03:31 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
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SpoilerDragon Fogel Wrote:Baphomet, that is awesome, and I'm really sorry we got things started before you finished writing it up. Hey, no need to apologize. My bad for taking so long and not calling dibs beforehand. I just feel upset with myself for not-quite-joining two of these things in a row, both times after writing excessively lengthy character descriptions.
If anyone hosts another one, I'm entering with Alanna with Clara as her spectral advisor who is amalgamated to both AB and Vex who is bound to Magog. Five-part internal dialogue will ensue. It will not be awesome.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 03:32 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
B found himself alone. Wait, somebody was nearby, but not in direct view. Probably an adjacent room. Around the area were bodies. A lot of them. B hadn't seen so many since C had arrived at the lab. Speaking of labs, he appeared to be in a laboratory himself. A weapons lab, specifically. It looks like all sorts of gadgets were once built here, offensive in nature, but there wasn't anything useful left.
After noting where he was, Ben realized that he still had no idea where he was. A battle... back when the people who ran his home were still alive there was a person who was in charge of monitoring he and A, but that man had a name, and not just a job title. Plus the voice was different. It mentioned that he was in a battle. And that he would be moved to the new round once one had 'fallen in battle'. He wanted to be hopeful, and think that just meant if one was knocked out... but from the corpses in the area, and the fact that only one would remain in the end, said otherwise.
His brother and sister weren't here. Neither was Hal.
B was alone, and didn't know if he could find somebody to trust that he's supposed to fight.
B was scared.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 03:34 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.
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SpoilerSo, essentially, when the next one (of I think two three more, semi-officially?) of these rolls around, I'll be just about forced to do battle with one of the best serious authors on the MSPA Forums EDIT who will be playing five people simultaneously?!
Well, it's not like I was expecting to win that much, anyway. Fuck.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 03:41 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.
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SpoilerDon't worry, six others will be in the very same position. Misery loves company.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 04:05 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..
Ugh, damn...
Trickster slowly rose from the cold, hard concrete and studied his surroundings as his senses slowly trickled back to him. There was blood, and bodies were scattered around; around him stood 7 mysterious figures that he just then remembered the identities of... The memories of the Monitor and being trapped inside that bubble thing. He tried to remember something before it but couldn't muster... odd.
He realized that he had been standing there for a good twenty seconds thinking about his previous experiences over the past few conscious minutes. Nobody around him seemed hostile at the current moment, but he knew very true to himself that looks could be decieving, decieving in such a way to make someone old enough to be a great grandfather look as no more than a teenager. He tightened down his lucky hat, and protruded his gloves from the pockets in his flourescent orange jeans. For a split second he considered stripping his pants off; such a bright color was definately not unnoticable, and to get by in this helltrial free for all with his measley skill level, he would need to slip by near invisibly and let the others do the most work they could before coming after him. He slowly put on his gloves and started warming up a fireball... he had a bad feeling he was going to need it very soon.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 04:09 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
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SpoilerUm... that doesn't seem right. Everybody is standing around Trickster? Even though B is alone, and somebody else was in an adjacent room to him?
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 04:11 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerGot beat to it.
Gah, I really need to find some time to write an intro as well. Bear with me, folks, I'm in the middle of a vacation.
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SpoilerWaitwhatwhat? Draykon is in here too?
This is going to be interesting...
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 04:32 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
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SpoilerHe's uh... offline now.
... we just ignore his post for now? Because it doesn't work. Is there a less 'mean' approach to this?
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 09:38 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.
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SpoilerAww man. I can't believe I prevented Baph from being in one of these things. [img]images/smilies/pc_bemused.gif[/img] If he wants in, I'd happily get the hell out.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 11:57 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.
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SpoilerI'm just going to go ahead and force the story into an acceptable (to me) compromise; I'll probably write it such that B is by himself, someone else is nearby, and the remaining six all landed in a courtyard. Acceptable? Maybe. Possibly mucking things up even more? Yep. We'll see how this plays out and how much retconning needs to happen.
Sister Clara bit her lip and idly straightened her wimple, slowly looking around the blasted courtyard she and most of the rest of the group had landed in. Most of her competitors didn't really phase her (you see a lot of things by the time you get to Clara's now-considerable age), but one in particular bothered her quite a lot. She hefted the large, leatherbound text she'd been reading from when she had been thrust into this asinine contest and scurried across the courtyard, adroitly stepping around pools of blood and disembodied limbs without giving them a second glance.
As she passed the scruffy youth in the ridiculous clothes, she shot him a glance that pretty obviously said "I'm sure we'll have no need for THAT, young man."; her real destination, though, was the oddly-serene girl standing by a wall and staring vaguely at nothing. Sister Clara squatted on her haunches and put one hand on the poor girl's shoulder; the very idea of putting such a young girl in a place like this, much less for the reasons this Monitor character said he had... Oh, it just didn't bear thinking about.
The nun smiled serenely; "Are you alright, child?"
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 12:11 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.
'Cabaret' watched this B child through one of the armoured windows, if it could get through it could jump the B child and end this round. But it had to be smart, it had to stop any attempts at escape, and that meant finding the rest of it's opponents. It turned away from the window and started to rummage through the pockets of a human in a white coat, finding alot of blood and a small notepad. Looking over the wad of wood compound and the various marks on it 'Cabaret' let it's feelings shine through, causing the mask to make a grin full of teeth.
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SpoilerBae has it's back to B so the boy, assuming there isn't something like a reflection, shouldn't see the grin.
also What did 'Cabaret' read on the notepad?, what will it's next move be?
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 01:08 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.
snoomanwaff Wrote:
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SpoilerWhat did 'Cabaret' read on the notepad?, what will it's next move be?
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SpoilerFind out next episode of DRAGON BAL-Yeah, you get the joke.The horrible joke that should never have been brought into this world.
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 1 - The Abandoned Base)
12-29-2009, 01:27 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.
Korbz Wrote:snoomanwaff Wrote:
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SpoilerWhat did 'Cabaret' read on the notepad?, what will it's next move be?
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SpoilerFind out next episode of DRAGON BAL-Yeah, you get the joke.The horrible joke that should never have been brought into this world.
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