i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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09-22-2011, 02:22 AM
There are 4 competing theories on how human civilization was first formed.
The Divine Right theory dates back to Ancient Egypt, at the least. God has imbued me to lead you; or: I am God.
"I know you're stronger than me, and faster than me, and overall more able than me -- but I have your religion on MY side. Do you want to piss off your religion?! Please don't kill me"
The Force theory is that a small group or a single person dominated an area and so squashed opposition that their authority is hardly ever questioned, or rewarded their followers, or both.
"I'll murder you if you don't participate in Everybody Walks Backwards Fridays."
The Social Contract theory is that, for their mutual benefit, humans clomped together into societies for their protection and the many benefits it offered over their nasty, short, brutish lives. All governing is done by consent of the governed.
"Hey guys, maybe we should form a tribe so that bears don't eat us and I can be guaranteed that I actually own what I own."
The Evolutionary theory is that large families or clans settled down and gradually multiplied into a country. In short, the sexiest and most incestuous theory.
"I love you, let's have 9 million ancestors together."
Well, let's put these theories to the test with a game of
Ah, but no ordinary game of Nomic! Typically, Nomic has starting rules: turn order, democracy, etc, in place. The original rules for play can be found here. It is designed to model the US Constitution, which, as you ought to know, is based on the Social Contract theory in favor during The Enlightenment. Also, all their "s"s looked like "f"s!
What this is meant to model, however, is the lawless primordial ooze from which civilization emerged from. (Or the post-apocalyptic wasteland it will descend into, your choice.) There is nothing to provide backing for the rules, that is, less than even regular Nomic, where by joining you implicitly acknowledge the authority of the initial ruleset. You should probably provide your own backing if you want to start a ruleset.
That's it! You didn't even need to read any of this. Don't you feel dumb? Oh, but important, I feel: AS OF NOW, THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING YOU FROM JUST DROPPING IN, and likely never will be, so please don't make posts that just read "I'm in" or whatnot.
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
Posts: 3,788
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09-22-2011, 02:22 AM
![[Image: 1eS3K.png]](https://i.imgur.com/1eS3K.png)
Because everybody is going to likely be running different rulesets, I have reserved this post for keeping track of it all. I'm a nice guy like that.
Proposed Societies:
Societies are formal collections of people under one set of rules.
Explicitly exclusive societies are marked in red, explicitly non-exclusive in this shade of blue.
Schazer's Sexy Party Collective
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SpoilerAs the genetics major, I dibs evolution
I'm accepting applicants interested in joining this "society" over drinks on Thursday night.
Birthday Party:
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SpoilerSchazer's Sexy Party would now like to release a statement of intent to transmute from a Party into a Collective.
Salient points in regards to the newly-renamed SSC (Schazer's Sexy Collective) - The Collective would initially wish to note that its original incarnation, Schazer's Sexy Party, was instituted before the Self-Governing Body issued its Articles of the Confederation. As the group had already formed before the S-GB declared its opposition to the formation of groups, members of the S-GB may freely associate with members of the Collective.
- The Collective permits members to participate in the activities of any other group, Group, association, or collection of individuals - where the organisation's interests do not conflict with the continued membership of members in the Collective.
- Entry into the Collective is indicated by an expression of interest, which will be explicitly recognised by the head of the Collective (Schazer). This verbal agreement will be followed up with a change to the applicant's member group on the Eagle Time forums, indicating them as a regular-priveleged user whose name appears beside forum posts with any colour other than the one presently used by Eagle Time's administrators.
- The name of this usergroup, along with its representative text colour, will be agreed upon in the event that the Collective acquires a further member. These details will be changed in future as decided by a majority vote of all of the Collective's members (save for members holding an Admin rank on the Eagle Time Forums).
- Members of the Collective will express a united opinion on all extra-Collective matters. The "party line" on any such matter brought to the Collective's attention will be decided by a majority vote, where all members of the Collective each possess one vote. The "party line" may be amended with a later majority vote with at least two thirds of the Collective in favour of amendment.[/list:u]
The Party Line:
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SpoilerPresent Party Lines held by Schazer's Sexy Collective:
Chwoka's Notes are considered highly beneficial, and are supported by the Collective.
Members of Schazer's Sexy Collective will request additional membership into Ixcalibur's presently unnamed society.
The Collective will follow an alternative interpretation of the Golden Rule and the Sanzh provision, wherein all weekends (posting local time) mandate the attachment of "cute" pictures of animals (organisms in kingdom Animalia) to posts, and posts at all other times mandate the attachment of pictures of animals in general.
TimeothyHour's Self-Governing Body
Articles Of The Confederation:
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SpoilerI propose the formation of a group, whereupon a self-governing body may form. One must merely state their intent to join the group, and they will be a part of it. However, there are some caveats to group membership:
One must oppose the formation of groups that are not this group.
Those in other groups or not in a group at all are our opposition: you may try to convince them to join our group, but do not affiliate with them otherwise.
However, you gain several things in exchange:
A constructive experience with others, in order to form a set of rules and ideas instead of hopeless anarchy. This law rule-making process may either be like a classic game of Nomic's or a more collaborative rule making process.
Possibility of a win condition, or other objectives to aspire to attaining.
Consideration of your opinion; acceptance by the group within the game.
Federalist Paper 1
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SpoilerIn regards to Pinaryâ??s proposal of joining the group on conditions of the groupâ??s acceptance of URBAN JUNGLE RULE:
Yo, man, that request
Made on your behest,
Could get pretty annoying,
And really quite rude,
So in order to be enjoyinâ??
This awesome rulefest,
Would accept that we merely include?
TRANSLATION: Posting in rap-only style would be tedious for the entire group. I propose that, if we accept the urban jungle rule, that a rap would be included/worked into each memberâ??s post. Please designate if these conditions are acceptable to you, and you will be officially accepted in the Self-Governing Body.
Adorable picture of corgis and invertebrates are acceptable, but not required for those within the Self-Governing Body.
Groups without an explicit law making or governing purpose, but serve for other purposes such as a game or a narrative (i.e. a Grand Battle or Adventure) will be considered â??An Association,â? by the self governing body. Associations are perfectly acceptable for members of the Self-Governing Body to join, but are not required. If there is a question as to if a group is an Association, propose it to The SGB and a ruling will be made.
The SGB accepts MrGuy into its ranks. The SGB now officially has two (2) members, who will discuss the terms of rule-making within the SGB in this thread, and eventually reach a conclusion, in order to encourage healthy collaboration.
Bill of Rights:
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Use of other communication mediums in regards to The SGB:
All members of the SGB may use various mediums to communicate and interact with each other, including, but not limited to, Forum Posts, IRC, Private Message, Email, Text, Google Documents, Quicktopics, and Skype or Skypesque programs.
For posterity, the encouragement of discussion, the freedom of information, and transparency within the SGB, from now on a record of all non-private discussion must be presented on this thread. Please appropriately label and structure records as such:
DISCUSSION OF [Topic of discussion or proposed law]: [brief description of topic of discussion or law], [medium of communication], [date]:
[spoiler containing complete log]
The SGB considers private discussions as:
-Trivial questions or questions that can be explicitly understood from the SGBâ??s rules and regulations.
-Private transactions, such as the transferring of Eendollars. (Eendollars are elaborated upon below, in ESTABLISHMENT OF THE EENCONOMY)
-Personal disputes between SGB members.
SGB considers non-private discussions as:
-Legitimate questions in regards to the SGBâ??s rules that may have to be discussed further in order to reach a verdict, discussion of a complex question that reached a verdict.
-Discussions of a proposed rule, the proposition of a rule, or the discussion of an already existing rule.
-Disputes between SGB members in regards to SGB rules and regulations that may have to be discusses further in order to reach a verdict.
If there is a question about the privacy/non-privacy of an interaction, the issue may be brought up before the SGB. This amendment also reserves the right to creative a specific thread, Google document, or quicktopic for the purpose of archiving if the volume of the archives become excessive.
Official statement from the SGB:
We accept the wording of the Sanzh Provision to imply the following: 12 PM-12 AM shall be considered Invertebrate Time, and 12 AM-12 PM shall be considered Corgi Time. This rule is not required, however, among our numbers.
Therefore, to establish a system whereupon prosperity and value could be added to our society, these foundational laws will be paramount to the Eenconomy, named in commemoration of Een, inventor of Eenconomics.
The Eenconomy is based upon a structured currency system, whereupon members of the SGB can buy goods and services, either within this Nomic or the outside world. This currency will be called Eendollars, colloquially to be known as Eens.
As of September 23, 2011, the main purpose of the Eenconomy is the buying and selling of creative internet works, such as writing, art, or a combination of the two. A member of the SGB may sell a work to another SGB member for Eendollars, or a member may commission another number for a certain number of Eendollars.
Members may barter creative works directly, without the use of Eendollars, foregoing the currency entirely.
Although transactions between individuals may differ, the following is the SGBâ??s official acceptance of the worth of an Eendollar, compared to a creative work:
Fanart or small drawing: 1 Eendollar
Small piece of writing, poem, mini-grand post or song lyrics: 1 Eendollar
Large Drawing: 2 Eendollars
Adventure Update: 2 Eendollars
Larger amounts of writing, such as a short story or Grand Battle post: 2 Eendollars
Audio, Video, Massive Artwork or Piece of Writing: 3 Eendollars.
All members of the SGB are immediately given 3 Eendollars and a free, non-massive piece of writing from TimeothyHour.
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Ixcaliber's SocietyFormed
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Spoiler1. You can only give a command if you are part of this society, which is yet to be named.
1a. Upon joining this society you become a character in this adventure.
2. When submitting a command you can submit a command for the main character, but also a command for your own character.
3. Commands for the main character are to be prefaced with a >, while commands for your character are to be prefaced with your username and a colon.
4. The leader of this society reserves the right to pick and choose which commands to take for the main character but your character will perform whatever action you command them to.
5. Your character may look nothing like you. This is just how things go.
6. You can be in multiple societies if you wish, this will be reflected in the adventure.
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Sanzh's Unorganized Aggression
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Spoiler1. The Unorganized Aggression is a Grand Battle, and subject to all the rules governing such entities.
2. The Unorganized Aggression is a society, with select membership.
2a. Membership to other societies is not limited by participation in the Unorganized Aggression.
3. Joining The Unorganized Aggression requires both the completion of a character template and approval by me.
3a. The character template can vary in structure, but should provide a characterâ??s name, gender, text color, biography, description, and abilities or weapons.
4. Upon reaching a certain number of characters, sign-ups will be closed and I will choose individuals to join.
5. Further rules are subject to being added, I dunno.
Pick Yer Poison's Sidewinder
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Spoiler1. A "character" is the virtual representation of a forum user within this thread.
1.a. A character is not required to be drawn nor described. It simply exists.
1.b. A forum user may opt out of having a character if they wish, but only if they have not used them in a "post" yet.
1.c. A forum user may add their character to Sidewinder at any time, provided they do not already have one already in existence.
1.d. Once a character is in the game, the only way for them to leave is to "die."
2. A "post" in the context of Sidewinder is a post in this thread that involves either one or more characters, or develops the setting in which Sidewinder takes place.
2.a. The "setting" in which Sidewinder takes place is representative of this thread.
Canoninity of Posts
3. Posts may be either "canon" or "non-canon."
3.a. A "canon" post is one which does not conflict with any existing character behaviors, locales, or other already-defined specifications, and does not violate any of the rules regarding canoninity.
3.b. A "non-canon" post is any post which is not canon.
4. A character's actions, abilities, and personality are limited only by the personality and actions described in their previous usages.
4.a. If a forum user wishes to overwrite a behavior established in the character representative of them by someone other than them, they may do so as long as they have not used the behavior in a post of their own.
Miscellaneous Posting Rules
5. Posts are to be written in a non-changing color that the forum user decides is representative of them.
6. Posts should have a clear indicator located at the top to indicate that they pertain to Sidewinder.
7. Characters other than one's own character may be used in a post if they are required for the post's plot to progress.
8. Posts may be either "solid" or "fluff."
8.a. A "solid" post must contribute to one of the following: the development of that character as a person, the development of that character as an entity, or the interaction between that character and another character.
8.b. Any post which is not solid is referred to as "fluff."
8.c. Posts may have varying degrees of "fluffiness." The "fluffiest" posts can be completely ignored without missing anything substantial involving any characters used in the post.
9. If a post is made in which a lasting effect is bestowed upon a character, it requires the approval of the forum user represented by the character in question. If this approval is not given, the post is to be declared non-canon. This applies to injuries, powers, and similar effects.
Injury, Death, and Rebirth of Characters
10. A character may be injured in a post only if they recover from the injury by the end of the post, if the injury does not significantly affect them in any capacity, or if approval for a lasting injury is granted by the forum user represented by the character.
11. A character may die.
11.a. Dying is classified as a lasting injury.
11.b. The mechanics of a death are allowed to bend, but not break, the general laws of physics.
12. A character may be brought back to life after having died, but only by the forum user that character represents.
12.a. If a character is brought back to life, their abilities must differ noticeably from who they were when they died. Their personality may remain the same if the forum user wishes.
12.b. Whether a character remembers their past life, the details of their death, or any related information is up to the forum user represented by the character to decide.
12.c. The forum user may change their posting color if their character is reborn.
Changing a Character
13. A character may only be changed in a significant manner, on the level of a total psychological change or breakdown, if approval is granted by the forum user represented by the character.
Final Notes
14. Approval by a forum user for something regarding their character is automatically considered to be granted if the post is made and the forum user fails to object to it.
14.a. If the forum user does object to the post, it is to be declared non-canon.
15. You are automatically entered in Sidewinder by posting in this thread.
15.a. Being in Sidewinder does not apply any restrictions on your ability to join anything else.
15.b. Sidewinder is not an Association or a Society, as its member list consists of everyone who has not opted out of it. For this reason, Societies or Associations which prohibit joining other Societies or Associations are recommended to exclude Sidewinder from their prohibition.
Chwoka's Chwoka's Notes Improvement Club (We Have Snacks)
Guiding Principle
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SpoilerThis is in service of running polls to improve Chwoka's Notes.
Rules and Regulations:
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Spoiler1. Chwoka is the only one who can request answers to a poll.
2. All members must endeavor to answer the poll, answers in bold.
2a. To become a member, you answer a poll.
3. Members may suggest polls, but it may not be voted on until Chwoka makes it official.
that's it
Proposed Rules and Rulesets:
These are simple, usually single, rules that people have proposed.
Urban Jungle -- Pinary
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SpoilerTime, I am in, but there's just one thing
And my support hinges on us putting it in
It's no big deal, so don't get in a flap
It's rather simple really: all posts must be in rap.
Corgi Adventure -- Pick Yer Poison
The Golden Rule:
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SpoilerEveryone who posts earlier than noon, UTC, must include an image of an adorable corgi in their post. :3
The Sanzh Provision:
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SpoilerI'll agree to PYP's position, provided a corollary of including images of adorable invertebrates whenever posting later than noon UTC.
Regular Adventure -- DragonFogel
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Spoiler1. An "Adventure" is a story told by using series of commands or suggestions from the audience to advance from one part of the story to the next.
1a. An adventure may use text, pictures, audio, or any combination of three.
2. Any player may start an adventure in this thread. The first post of an adventure will follow this format:
Quote:Title in Bold
Opening Panels/Text/Whatever you want to introduce it with
2a. Any post which follows the above format is an adventure.
2b. Whoever has the first such post in the thread with a given title is considered the "author" of the adventure with that title, unless they relinquish authorship to someone else.
2c. Edited posts do not count towards the previous rule.
3. The Author of an adventure has free reign to allow others to update their adventure.
3a. Updating a given adventure without the permission of the author is not allowed, on punishment of the author ignoring your update.
3b. The author may give anyone else permission to update the adventure.
3c. The author may give full or partial author privileges to anyone else they wish.
4. The author may use any post after their most recent update as a suggestion for their next update.
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09-22-2011, 02:25 AM
As the genetics major, I dibs evolution
I'm accepting applicants interested in joining this "society" over drinks on Thursday night.
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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09-22-2011, 02:33 AM
Schazer Wrote:As the genetics major, I dibs evolution
I'm accepting applicants interested in joining this "society" over drinks on Thursday night.
I think the Evolutionary theory, in this format, would probably be more like evangelically converting people who haven't played Anarchy Nomic into your society. Like a cult.
A sexy cult.
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09-22-2011, 02:38 AM
I propose the formation of a group, whereupon a self-governing body may form. One must merely state their intent to join the group, and they will be a part of it. However, there are some caveats to group membership:
One must oppose the formation of groups that are not this group.
Those in other groups or not in a group at all are our opposition: you may try to convince them to join our group, but do not affiliate with them otherwise.
However, you gain several things in exchange:
A constructive experience with others, in order to form a set of rules and ideas instead of hopeless anarchy. This law rule-making process may either be like a classic game of Nomic's or a more collaborative rule making process.
Possibility of a win condition, or other objectives to aspire to attaining.
Consideration of your opinion; acceptance by the group within the game.
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09-22-2011, 02:48 AM
Time, I am in, but there's just one thing
And my support hinges on us putting it in
It's no big deal, so don't get in a flap
It's rather simple really: all posts must be in rap.
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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09-22-2011, 02:57 AM
TimeothyHour Wrote:Possibility of a win condition, or other objectives to aspire to attaining.
Oh, so you are going to offer us a meaningless win condition that will be recognized by nobody outside of the winners, or at least a miniature version of a rat in a maze, so that we feel better about our meaningless lives.
But then, what is a normal forum game?
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09-22-2011, 02:59 AM
Everyone who posts earlier than noon, UTC, must include an image of an adorable corgi in their post. :3
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09-22-2011, 03:01 AM
I'll agree to PYP's position, provided a corollary of including images of adorable invertebrates whenever posting later than noon UTC.
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09-22-2011, 03:04 AM
Okay, time to start making a real mess of this
1. An "Adventure" is a story told by using series of commands or suggestions from the audience to advance from one part of the story to the next.
1a. An adventure may use text, pictures, audio, or any combination of three.
2. Any player may start an adventure in this thread. The first post of an adventure will follow this format:
Quote:Title in Bold
Opening Panels/Text/Whatever you want to introduce it with
2a. Any post which follows the above format is an adventure.
2b. Whoever has the first such post in the thread with a given title is considered the "author" of the adventure with that title, unless they relinquish authorship to someone else.
2c. Edited posts do not count towards the previous rule.
3. The Author of an adventure has free reign to allow others to update their adventure.
3a. Updating a given adventure without the permission of the author is not allowed, on punishment of the author ignoring your update.
3b. The author may give anyone else permission to update the adventure.
3c. The author may give full or partial author privileges to anyone else they wish.
4. The author may use any post after their most recent update as a suggestion for their next update.
Have fun, everyone!
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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09-22-2011, 03:15 AM
Pinary Wrote:Time, I am in, but there's just one thing
And my support hinges on us putting it in
It's no big deal, so don't get in a flap
It's rather simple really: all posts must be in rap.
I love hip-hop, when the flow is sick
but this schtick seems like it'd age so quick.
Do you make all the posts in just one style?
Once I'm done will it seem like it was worthwhile?
And once joined, is it kosher to run around
joining other groups, clown, and not get down
with the delirious rhymes I could cook up;
but instead, back down, and not step up?
Fairly Intelligent Foxie Hivemind
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09-22-2011, 03:47 AM
![[Image: SF1.png]](https://i699.photobucket.com/albums/vv360/Ixcaliber/SF1.png)
You are now Ixcaliber. You are stranded on a desert island or something, and you have been for some time. You have built yourself a house and are thinking about branching out into forming a society.
![[Image: SF2.png]](https://i699.photobucket.com/albums/vv360/Ixcaliber/SF2.png)
Here is a map of the island. You are where the x is, because that makes sense. The other things are various other societies that have formed. The SGB is the only one you really have to worry about. They are pretty militant.
So what do you do?
Show Content
SpoilerHere are the rules for participating in this adventure:
1. You can only give a command if you are part of this society, which is yet to be named.
1a. Upon joining this society you become a character in this adventure.
2. When submitting a command you can submit a command for the main character, but also a command for your own character.
3. Commands for the main character are to be prefaced with a >, while commands for your character are to be prefaced with your username and a colon.
4. The leader of this society reserves the right to pick and choose which commands to take for the main character but your character will perform whatever action you command them to.
5. Your character may look nothing like you. This is just how things go.
6. You can be in multiple societies if you wish, this will be reflected in the adventure.
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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09-22-2011, 04:02 AM
> Make a pilgrimage to Fogel's Adventure Collective.
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09-22-2011, 04:57 AM
Possible correction: PYP and Sanzh probably isn't a society as much as it is a mutual agreement that posts should contain pictures of adorable corgis (or adorable invertebrates). I don't think our societal arrangements stretch past that point yet.
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09-22-2011, 06:31 AM
Ennui was a rare feeling for The Anarchist.
Over the course of many eternities of time, he had found many ways to be true to his namesake. His record for sowing discord was unmatched. He had seen countless societies throw away their rules and live as feral, disunited entities, existing only in terms of raw strength. He had seen more than a few deliberately tampered-with universal constants and the utter chaos that ensued-- planets straying from their orbits and rapidly falling apart as the gravity that kept them in a semblance of order loosened, atoms flying apart as electrons no longer maintained their orbits around nuclei, universes colliding, the very fabric of space and time altered to bewilder the inhabitants of countless universes, and so much more. He had experienced many lifetimes of destruction and collapse and felt as though there were no more possibilities to exhaust.
He paced along the barren pocket dimension he called home, examining some of the collected memorabilia he had gathered after he had inflicted his damage. He almost mustered a smile, thinking about how many unique ways he had found of subverting the law and regularity others depended on. As he stood, he gazed out into an empty void-- something his domain had plenty of among the ruined edifices and testaments to collapse.
Had he really exhausted all possibilities? Surely there was more than just instigating chaos. Perhaps he needed to put his mind towards a constructive endeavor?
The Anarchist laughed. Such thoughts were folly. At the same time, there was some merit to the thought that possibilities remained untouched.
He had always chosen to look at the big picture. But what if he didnât? What if he started small? Perhaps if he were to just start with eight select individuals, plucked from the a multitude of universes, and force them to engage first-hand in the destruction of the conventions and agreements they held dear. Force them to kill one another-- a little violence was always a delight-- through a variety of locales, until one remained, undoubtedly scarred beyond measure by the experience. The very act of ripping them from their homes would surely incite chaos, not to mention whatever damage occurred in the locales they visited.
Yes. This will do. This will be a fitting legacy to leave. Not to engage in chaos directly, but rather to force others to do so. Some would perhaps enjoy the task theyâve been assigned, others might be less inclined, but the end result would be the same. He would give one last tumultuous sundering of civilization, of order, of the structure others took for granted.
The Anarchist cracked his knuckles and waved a hand, sweeping aside assorted objects to make room. He was about to begin what could be described as an Unorganized Aggression.
Show Content
SpoilerThese are the rules for participating in The Unorganized Aggression:
1. The Unorganized Aggression is a Grand Battle, and subject to all the rules governing such entities.
2. The Unorganized Aggression is a society, with select membership.
2a. Membership to other societies is not limited by participation in the Unorganized Aggression.
3. Joining The Unorganized Aggression requires both the completion of a character template and approval by me.
3a. The character template can vary in structure, but should provide a characterâs name, gender, text color, biography, description, and abilities or weapons.
4. Upon reaching a certain number of characters, sign-ups will be closed and I will choose individuals to join.
5. Further rules are subject to being added, I dunno.
![[Image: oODPR.png]](https://i.imgur.com/oODPR.png)
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09-22-2011, 10:09 AM
![[Image: corgi.jpg]](https://www.thecutereport.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/corgi.jpg)
I choose to join Times's group.
Posts: 99
Joined: Jul 2011
09-22-2011, 09:50 PM
In regards to Pinaryâs proposal of joining the group on conditions of the groupâs acceptance of URBAN JUNGLE RULE:
Yo, man, that request
Made on your behest,
Could get pretty annoying,
And really quite rude,
So in order to be enjoyinâ
This awesome rulefest,
Would accept that we merely include?
TRANSLATION: Posting in rap-only style would be tedious for the entire group. I propose that, if we accept the urban jungle rule, that a rap would be included/worked into each memberâs post. Please designate if these conditions are acceptable to you, and you will be officially accepted in the Self-Governing Body.
Adorable picture of corgis and invertebrates are acceptable, but not required for those within the Self-Governing Body.
Groups without an explicit law making or governing purpose, but serve for other purposes such as a game or a narrative (i.e. a Grand Battle or Adventure) will be considered âAn Association,â by the self governing body. Associations are perfectly acceptable for members of the Self-Governing Body to join, but are not required. If there is a question as to if a group is an Association, propose it to The SGB and a ruling will be made.
The SGB accepts MrGuy into its ranks. The SGB now officially has two (2) members, who will discuss the terms of rule-making within the SGB in this thread, and eventually reach a conclusion, in order to encourage healthy collaboration.
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Spoiler![[Image: l.jpg]](https://a4.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/117/decd51b7678341678ca02eb7b0cb6136/l.jpg)
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09-23-2011, 12:58 AM
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Spoiler![[Image: tumblr_lkqi04wDxb1qbwakso1_500.jpg]](https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkqi04wDxb1qbwakso1_500.jpg)
1. A "character" is the virtual representation of a forum user within this thread.
1.a. A character is not required to be drawn nor described. It simply exists.
1.b. A forum user may opt out of having a character if they wish, but only if they have not used them in a "post" yet.
1.c. A forum user may add their character to Sidewinder at any time, provided they do not already have one already in existence.
1.d. Once a character is in the game, the only way for them to leave is to "die."
2. A "post" in the context of Sidewinder is a post in this thread that involves either one or more characters, or develops the setting in which Sidewinder takes place.
2.a. The "setting" in which Sidewinder takes place is representative of this thread.
Canoninity of Posts
3. Posts may be either "canon" or "non-canon."
3.a. A "canon" post is one which does not conflict with any existing character behaviors, locales, or other already-defined specifications, and does not violate any of the rules regarding canoninity.
3.b. A "non-canon" post is any post which is not canon.
4. A character's actions, abilities, and personality are limited only by the personality and actions described in their previous usages.
4.a. If a forum user wishes to overwrite a behavior established in the character representative of them by someone other than them, they may do so as long as they have not used the behavior in a post of their own.
Miscellaneous Posting Rules
5. Posts are to be written in a non-changing color that the forum user decides is representative of them.
6. Posts should have a clear indicator located at the top to indicate that they pertain to Sidewinder.
7. Characters other than one's own character may be used in a post if they are required for the post's plot to progress.
8. Posts may be either "solid" or "fluff."
8.a. A "solid" post must contribute to one of the following: the development of that character as a person, the development of that character as an entity, or the interaction between that character and another character.
8.b. Any post which is not solid is referred to as "fluff."
8.c. Posts may have varying degrees of "fluffiness." The "fluffiest" posts can be completely ignored without missing anything substantial involving any characters used in the post.
9. If a post is made in which a lasting effect is bestowed upon a character, it requires the approval of the forum user represented by the character in question. If this approval is not given, the post is to be declared non-canon. This applies to injuries, powers, and similar effects.
Injury, Death, and Rebirth of Characters
10. A character may be injured in a post only if they recover from the injury by the end of the post, if the injury does not significantly affect them in any capacity, or if approval for a lasting injury is granted by the forum user represented by the character.
11. A character may die.
11.a. Dying is classified as a lasting injury.
11.b. The mechanics of a death are allowed to bend, but not break, the general laws of physics.
12. A character may be brought back to life after having died, but only by the forum user that character represents.
12.a. If a character is brought back to life, their abilities must differ noticeably from who they were when they died. Their personality may remain the same if the forum user wishes.
12.b. Whether a character remembers their past life, the details of their death, or any related information is up to the forum user represented by the character to decide.
12.c. The forum user may change their posting color if their character is reborn.
Changing a Character
13. A character may only be changed in a significant manner, on the level of a total psychological change or breakdown, if approval is granted by the forum user represented by the character.
Final Notes
14. Approval by a forum user for something regarding their character is automatically considered to be granted if the post is made and the forum user fails to object to it.
14.a. If the forum user does object to the post, it is to be declared non-canon.
15. You are automatically entered in Sidewinder by posting in this thread.
15.a. Being in Sidewinder does not apply any restrictions on your ability to join anything else.
15.b. Sidewinder is not an Association or a Society, as its member list consists of everyone who has not opted out of it. For this reason, Societies or Associations which prohibit joining other Societies or Associations are recommended to exclude Sidewinder from their prohibition.
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09-23-2011, 02:20 AM
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Spoiler![[Image: tumblr_lr9h6guOC11qbwakso1_500.jpg]](https://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr9h6guOC11qbwakso1_500.jpg)
Darkness consumed an alley, nearly obscuring the blindfolded man stumbling drunkenly down it. He wore a tattered, pale blue T-shirt, along with a pair of short jeans that had violent rips along the bottom.
A dumpster loomed in front of him out of gloom, but he dodged it easily without removing the blindfold. A serrated knife glinted at his belt as he danced around the dumpster.
Pip, as the blindfolded man was known, wandered into the middle of the town. Although it was nearly midnight and the moon was high in the sky, he did not appear to be bothered by the darkness, nor by the strange looks he received from a few other night owls who had decided to take a walk around the town that night.
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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09-23-2011, 04:08 AM
The Chwoka's Notes Improvement Club (We Have Snacks)
Guiding Principle
This is in service of running polls to improve Chwoka's Notes.
Rules and Regulations:
1. Chwoka is the only one who can request answers to a poll.
2. All members must endeavor to answer the poll, answers in bold.
2a. To become a member, you answer a poll.
3. Members may suggest polls, but it may not be voted on until Chwoka makes it official.
that's it
Poll Archive and Current Poll
Archived Polls and solutions will be in italics, the Current Poll in bold.
Should we even have Chwoka's Notes?
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09-23-2011, 05:56 AM
![[Image: tumblr_lr8bipkuSu1qbwakso1_500.jpg]](https://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr8bipkuSu1qbwakso1_500.jpg)
Yes! Keep Chwoka's Notes! They're a great help to me.
However, you have incorrectly listed Sidewinder as a Society. I clearly stated in the last point that it's not a Society, since anyone can butt in at any time and leave whenever they feel like it. Also, I didn't want people in active Societies to have to discourage it.
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09-23-2011, 09:46 AM
Keep Chwoka's notes, definitely.
Also, Times and I are working on a fabulous system of currency!
![[Image: corgi.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1301775757119]](https://www.nitrobeard.com/storage/mark/2011-04-april/corgi.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1301775757119)
Also also: Requesting expansion of "corgis" to a greater degree of adorable dogs, so we don't run out of corgi pictures too quickly.
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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09-23-2011, 12:22 PM
MrGuy Wrote:Also also: Requesting expansion of "corgis" to a greater degree of adorable dogs, so we don't run out of corgi pictures too quickly.
I think you're gonna be fine.
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09-24-2011, 02:06 AM
Use of other communication mediums in regards to The SGB:
All members of the SGB may use various mediums to communicate and interact with each other, including, but not limited to, Forum Posts, IRC, Private Message, Email, Text, Google Documents, Quicktopics, and Skype or Skypesque programs.
For posterity, the encouragement of discussion, the freedom of information, and transparency within the SGB, from now on a record of all non-private discussion must be presented on this thread. Please appropriately label and structure records as such:
DISCUSSION OF [Topic of discussion or proposed law]: [brief description of topic of discussion or law], [medium of communication], [date]:
[spoiler containing complete log]
The SGB considers private discussions as:
-Trivial questions or questions that can be explicitly understood from the SGBâs rules and regulations.
-Private transactions, such as the transferring of Eendollars. (Eendollars are elaborated upon below, in ESTABLISHMENT OF THE EENCONOMY)
-Personal disputes between SGB members.
SGB considers non-private discussions as:
-Legitimate questions in regards to the SGBâs rules that may have to be discussed further in order to reach a verdict, discussion of a complex question that reached a verdict.
-Discussions of a proposed rule, the proposition of a rule, or the discussion of an already existing rule.
-Disputes between SGB members in regards to SGB rules and regulations that may have to be discusses further in order to reach a verdict.
If there is a question about the privacy/non-privacy of an interaction, the issue may be brought up before the SGB. This amendment also reserves the right to creative a specific thread, Google document, or quicktopic for the purpose of archiving if the volume of the archives become excessive.
Official statement from the SGB:
We accept the wording of the Sanzh Provision to imply the following: 12 PM-12 AM shall be considered Invertebrate Time, and 12 AM-12 PM shall be considered Corgi Time. This rule is not required, however, among our numbers.
Therefore, to establish a system whereupon prosperity and value could be added to our society, these foundational laws will be paramount to the Eenconomy, named in commemoration of Een, inventor of Eenconomics.
The Eenconomy is based upon a structured currency system, whereupon members of the SGB can buy goods and services, either within this Nomic or the outside world. This currency will be called Eendollars, colloquially to be known as Eens.
As of September 23, 2011, the main purpose of the Eenconomy is the buying and selling of creative internet works, such as writing, art, or a combination of the two. A member of the SGB may sell a work to another SGB member for Eendollars, or a member may commission another number for a certain number of Eendollars.
Members may barter creative works directly, without the use of Eendollars, foregoing the currency entirely.
Although transactions between individuals may differ, the following is the SGBâs official acceptance of the worth of an Eendollar, compared to a creative work:
Fanart or small drawing: 1 Eendollar
Small piece of writing, poem, mini-grand post or song lyrics: 1 Eendollar
Large Drawing: 2 Eendollars
Adventure Update: 2 Eendollars
Larger amounts of writing, such as a short story or Grand Battle post: 2 Eendollars
Audio, Video, Massive Artwork or Piece of Writing: 3 Eendollars.
All members of the SGB are immediately given 3 Eendollars and a free, non-massive piece of writing from TimeothyHour.
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10-02-2011, 12:22 PM
Schazer's Sexy Party would now like to release a statement of intent to transmute from a Party into a Collective.
Salient points in regards to the newly-renamed SSC (Schazer's Sexy Collective)- The Collective would initially wish to note that its original incarnation, Schazer's Sexy Party, was instituted before the Self-Governing Body issued its Articles of the Confederation. As the group had already formed before the S-GB declared its opposition to the formation of groups, members of the S-GB may freely associate with members of the Collective.
- The Collective permits members to participate in the activities of any other group, Group, association, or collection of individuals - where the organisation's interests do not conflict with the continued membership of members in the Collective.
- Entry into the Collective is indicated by an expression of interest, which will be explicitly recognised by the head of the Collective (Schazer). This verbal agreement will be followed up with a change to the applicant's member group on the Eagle Time forums, indicating them as a regular-priveleged user whose name appears beside forum posts with any colour other than the one presently used by Eagle Time's administrators.
- The name of this usergroup, along with its representative text colour, will be agreed upon in the event that the Collective acquires a further member. These details will be changed in future as decided by a majority vote of all of the Collective's members (save for members holding an Admin rank on the Eagle Time Forums).
- Members of the Collective will express a united opinion on all extra-Collective matters. The "party line" on any such matter brought to the Collective's attention will be decided by a majority vote, where all members of the Collective each possess one vote. The "party line" may be amended with a later majority vote with at least two thirds of the Collective in favour of amendment.[/list:u]
Present Party Lines held by Schazer's Sexy Collective:
Chwoka's Notes are considered highly beneficial, and are supported by the Collective.
Members of Schazer's Sexy Collective will request additional membership into Ixcalibur's presently unnamed society.
The Collective will follow an alternative interpretation of the Golden Rule and the Sanzh provision, wherein all weekends (posting local time) mandate the attachment of "cute" pictures of animals (organisms in kingdom Animalia) to posts, and posts at all other times mandate the attachment of pictures of animals in general.
![[Image: Baby-Hermit-Crab-457x303.jpg]](https://www.coralreefphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Baby-Hermit-Crab-457x303.jpg)