Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)

Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
God luck with the contest.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Thank you! I post publicly-available updates to the comic on my patreon page so if you'd like to read it you can check it out there.

I'll also start posting notifications for adventure updates there as well.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Hmmm. Who else here thinks that we might be able to use the chain of command the authors have in place against them? I don't think infiltrating Region 1 with a spy will be anywhere easier than an assault, but I think we might be able to establish footholds and leaks in their data security.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
(05-23-2018, 08:23 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »Hmmm. Who else here thinks that we might be able to use the chain of command the authors have in place against them? I don't think infiltrating Region 1 with a spy will be anywhere easier than an assault, but I think we might be able to establish footholds and leaks in their data security.

Uh, sorry, it might be best if you posted that in the main Art of Domination thread so others can see and discuss there.

Speaking of which, is the pace of updates too slow? Do you folks prefer big, long updates with long pauses in between or short, rapid-fire updates?
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
I'm fine with updates whenever they come out. Do whatever works best for you!
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
This is something you do for free as a hobby so I thik it's understood you do thing as your rythm, taking the time you need with th free time you can spare.

That said, since you did sk for some feedback, the longer udates do have two definitive effect I've noticed:

-A definite quickening of the pace of the adventure as each updates contain a lot of thingsto react to at once.
This is coupled with the disparition of more character driven updates [size="8"](remember in the early game, you had things like 'Ghus and haweyes go eat or to shooting practice' or 'Vora check the allince forums' or 'Vora and Rheynar play a game while discussing strategy'. ?) [/size] and the accelaration of events in game time). It all makes sense from a storytelling perspective (as such scenes where motsly a vector for early exposition) perspective but darn if it doesn't feel a tad ovewhelming at time.

-A lower ratio of images as the number of images stay the same (2/3 per updtes) for a lot more text. It's understandable as generly an image require a lot more work than tet bu itwould be nice to see a little more of your artwork.
[size="8"](I'm sort of curious how the cannon design of an usurper knight and safet sphers or blood princes and other nits for example would compare to the mental image I'm making of it.)[/size]

So, it's only my opinion, but I personally wouln't mind a cople of shorter updates with less things happening at once and a couple of images once in a while.
But I'm fine with things as they are.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Hey, everyone. It's been an especially busy month and I strained an abdominal muscle (which gives me a sharp pain if I breathe too deeply or laugh) so I haven't had the time to work on any updates. You should probably expect an update in July 2018
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
(06-27-2018, 09:57 AM)Mayu_Zane Wrote: »Hey, everyone. It's been an especially busy month and I strained an abdominal muscle (which gives me a sharp pain if I breathe too deeply or laugh) so I haven't had the time to work on any updates. You should probably expect an update in July 2018

Ow! Thanks for letting us know; I always get a lil bit worried for the artists I follow if I haven't heard from them in a bit.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
I'm preparing a very, very short adventure. I wanted to make something... compact. In fact, the whole darn thing takes place in a single room. I know I'm already doing three different series but this one is relatively tiny. I'll likely put up the first post within the week.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Monsters Outside
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
I really like you're back buddy! Are u ok?? UwO
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Hey, thanks. I'm fine now, still recovering from this strained muscle but otherwise I'm all right.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
That's good to hear, hope you have a smooth recovery.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Thank you!

Monsters Outside is very close to its ending. I'm going to continue with the others that were already running in mid-August 2018. I really needed that 'break'.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Gonna continue Art of Domination sometime past mid-August. Not sure of an exact date, need to remove a toenail at the hospital tomorrow. Some kind of infection has taken root, so it's gotta come off before it spreads to the rest of my foot.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Hello everyone. Sorry about the lack of activity, been undergoing through some life changes.
Particularly, I'm going into making comics as a profession. I also finished a pair of novels, one that I spent five years writing and another that I spent two years on. Finally bringing back some focus into my life and getting a proper schedule.

I'm very sorry about the lack of updates, I'll get to resuming the adventures in mid-October. I hope you'll all still be coming along for the ride. Telling stories and seeing people respond makes me happier than anything else, and these adventures are no exception.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
I'm going to start updating the adventures again after 15th December 2018. I've been appointed a Board Director for a company, been booking flights to fly around the world in search of conventions where people might be interested in my artwork, setting up website accounts to sell prints...

In any case, I've finally figured out a proper schedule now after a major lifestyle shift. I know it's been going on for a really long while now, literally years, but I hope you all will still be interested and invested in what's going on, because I still am.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Congratulation on the position.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
@Ten11: Gonna switch discussion to here, seeing as it may be best not to post in the main thread and accidentally get people's hopes up, even if it as relevant discussion, but also because this thread's been pretty underutilized so... hey. May as well. Anyways, getting back on track...

(05-17-2019, 06:52 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »Oh yeah, there was a page in the dropbox that started with Olpho having a flashback. It was short though, with a single image and ending with the "what do you do?" prompt. The next page in the dropbox just went back to the present though, so I assumed that there was more to it which didn't get archived, and I decided that includinging just the very start of a flashback would be more confusing than not including it at all. I can put it in easy enough though, if that's what I should do.

Yeah, there was a segment like that. It's in this file on the second page.

I also noticed that the part where Vora gets info on new threats that the good 'ol nightmare factories on what R1's been cooking up is missing the first half in its entirety, which included the Car of Destiny and some other threats. Seems that's one of the update pages that also didn't survive to make it on the archive, unfortunately. In any case, I've gotten caught up to where the current thread starts, and I don't see/recall any further inconsistencies.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Oh yeah dang, not sure how i missed that the first time. It's up now.
And yeah, there were some updates missing from right before the Eagle Time thread starts unfortunately.
There were also a lot of minor notes of when a reader asks a question and Mayu answers it that I sometimes didn't include because I felt it would break up the flow too much. Were there any small bits like that you think i shouldve included?
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Could've just accidentally missed that bit. It's an honest mistake, after all. Shame about the bits that kinda got eaten due to not getting archived before the fora died for no real good reason, but... I guess that happens. At least most everything else is still up on a proper mirror, though.

Anyways, while it could be nice, and you could always do it like that one page where you had the one of those pages as a second option to check out before moving on to the next update, but I feel like that's more up to your best judgment. Could work for the bits and pieces of world-building he dropped from time to time that wouldn't otherwise have a place in an update proper, maybe. Again, up to you, tho.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of activity during June 2019, I was caught in a whirlwind of stuff that happened. Holes appeared in my roof after several rainstorms, a snake got into my house, got busy with my comic series and had to prepare some promotional material for a comic convention over in Malaysia. Everything's a bit settled now, so I'm going to work on updating Refugeville sometime this week.

Oh, and I'll keep looking for the missing stuff!
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Refugeville update:

Sorry for the delay, I've been focused on finishing my comic's issue 3.
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
What is your comic?
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
(07-24-2019, 05:21 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »What is your comic?

It's called Merchant Band, and it's a fantasy-adventure comic about a merchant who finds and sells magical artifacts named Boss, on a journey with his bodyguards. You can read it for free here:

It's updated every Monday, but without the bonus pages included with the paid versions.

You can buy it on Gumroad:

Issues 1 and 2 are also available on Comixology:

This comic has taken a lot of my time and energy, but be assured I intend to finish AoD and the other adventures. Finding the time to do it is a tricky thing. I've just finished issue 3 and I'm going to devote some time to the next AoD update.