
RE: Swamped
Go with them, but put your mask back on. No sense getting desert fever.
RE: Swamped
(03-11-2017, 02:22 PM)thriggle Wrote: »Go with them, but put your mask back on. No sense getting desert fever.

forget to take the smoking wood out first. look, it's been a long, weird day
RE: Swamped
You decide to tough it out and go along to the meeting.

"All right, let's get going," you say. "Can I have my mask back?"

Crosswinds hands it back to you, and you put it on. Only to find an uncomfortable lump.

You take it back off, and find the darkwood is in there. The flame's been doused, but there's still smoke coming off it.

"What's this doing here?"

"Oh, right, I needed something to carry it in after I checked it out. Gotta show that to Razor, too. But if it's just smoking, I guess I can put it in my pouch now."

You hand the darkwood over. Hopefully you won't regret this.

You follow Crosswinds down under the floor for what seems like quite a length of time. On occasion they stop and tell you to stay down while they talk to someone; it seems Crosswinds does a lot of work here.

But finally, you get to your destination. Crosswinds leads you out of the floor into an empty room, and someone steps in a moment later. Probably Razor.

"Already here," he says. "I'm always amazed at how you manage to be so punctual and yet I can never actually find you when I'm looking, Crosswinds."

You decide to sit back and be quiet, at least for now.

"I didn't come here for backhanded compliments, Razor. There's something important I have to talk to you about."

"I assume it involves that guest in the unusual uniform," Razor says. "From the height, would I be right in guessing they're another grebling?"

"Yeah. I questioned her already. Seems she's from the desert and woke up here this morning. Kind of panicked when she realized there was human military around and so she kept a low profile."

"And you believe that?"

"Yeah, and I'd stake my rep on it. She just wants to get out of here quietly."

Razor gives you a long stare.

"You didn't bring her here just so I could lead her out of the swamp, Crosswinds. There's something she knows that I need to, is that it?"

"A couple of things. First, she thinks the poison's not from murderflies."

"Then where is it from?" He's looking directly at you.

"The desert sands," you say. "You all thought it was slow-acting murderfly toxin, but the symptoms Crosswinds told me about, on that timing - matches every case of desert fever I've ever seen. And I've got a hunch that you've heard about a lot of weird desert animals popping up."

"I can't comment on that either way," Razor says. "But that's certainly a theory worth looking into. I'll ask Doc about it later. What's the other thing, Crosswinds?"

"This." They pull out the darkwood, still smoking a bit. "Our friend there found this burning in what looked like a campfire. Under the floorboards."

Now Razor looks deeply upset.

"Is that darkwood?" he says, almost shouting.

"Sure is. So we need to figure out how it got there."

And now Razor is looking very pointedly at you. It's even more unnerving than the last time.

You don't think he's going to be satisfied with you just saying you didn't do it. How are you going to convince him?
RE: Swamped
It got here the same way the desert fever did, and the bees did, and I did. And based on the unusual storms I witnessed in the desert before being brought here, it's not just a one-way street. I need to get back to my group so we can find out what's going on and how we-- how all of us can protect ourselves against it.
RE: Swamped
"My guess? It came from the desert, like I did. And the bees. And probably other things I don't know about. Oh, and for what it's worth, we've been getting harsher winds than I've ever seen over the last few days, and we found some dead things that look more like swimmers than desert beasts. So whatever's going on seems to be going in both directions."

"Really," Razor says, looking thoughtful. "Crosswinds, what do you think about that theory?"

"Can't rule it out, but if it came here through the desert, we've got an even bigger problem," Crosswinds replies. "I made plenty of campfires on my way here, and that was no campfire. That was meant to burn slowly. So either someone planted it there on this side, or someone knew it'd wind up in our base."

"So we either have a saboteur on base, or there's someone in the desert who can send things wherever they want. I find a saboteur much more likely, and my options are to believe that this grebling you've found did it; that one of the Bogknight prisoners managed to slip out and plant it; or that one of us planted a fire under the floorboards." Razor steps closer; Crosswinds stands between the two of you, but you're not confident in your chances if Razor presses the issue. "So. Do you have any proof for this theory that the fire came from the desert? Or at least, that it wasn't you who planted it?"

That's a hard question. How are you going to answer it?
RE: Swamped
Point out that when you discovered it you tried to extinguish it; Crosswinds saw the evidence of that.
RE: Swamped
"As soon as I noticed the smoke, I tried to put it out," you say.

"I can back that up," Crosswinds adds. "I found the wood where she told me it was. In Keeper's cabinet, stuck between two glasses. It was still burnin' when that happened. Now, I suppose it could have been planted there to put in the fire later, but that'd make a poor hiding spot unless Keeper were in on it."

Razor pauses for a moment, tapping his sheath all the while. You can tell he's doing it to make you nervous, but that doesn't stop it from working.

"Well, we've checked Keeper more than enough times to rule that out. Have to play it safe with the man who runs the water supply." He starts pacing around. "So. You're saying she has nothing to do with any of our problems?"

"Might've caused some trouble outside, but far as I can tell, nope. I'm all for lettin' her leave, long as she doesn't come back."

"Hmm. Well, I can't allow that right now," Razor says. "For reasons that I can't discuss in front of her."

Crosswinds makes some hand signals, and Razor makes some back. You've got no idea what any of them mean... well, no, one of them looks like Razor's spelling something out. Maybe it's a name or something that's not really covered by the code?

"Guess we're done here," Crosswinds says. "Come on. You're going to have to sit tight for a while."

And with that, Razor walks out and Crosswinds leads you back under the floor. You feel more than a little disappointed.

"Why can't I-"

"Can't talk about it," Crosswinds grumbles.

Well, you're not going to let it stand at that. Is there some way you can convince Crosswinds to let you know what's going on?
RE: Swamped
There's got to be a safer place to sit tight than under the floor boards with the great rats. You heard something about crows earlier, can't you go be a prisoner in the roost? At least some place with a window?

... They don't know about the gliding wings on your suit yet, right?
RE: Swamped
"Hang on. Where are you going to keep me? A prison cell? Under the floor here?"

Crosswinds doesn't reply.

"Hey, this is important. I got attacked by a greatrat. You don't want me stuck somewhere they can get at me, do you? Even if my hands weren't bound, I'm no fighter."

"Just follow me," they grumble. "The whole thing should be sorted out in a few hours."

"Is there at least a window? Wouldn't mind having some light."

"And, no doubt, a launching point for those glider-wings of yours."

Well. There goes that plan.

"I was hoping you hadn't noticed those."

"Look, I want you out of here almost as much as you want to leave. But I got my orders and, however unfair they may seem to you, they're not dumb enough for me to say screw that. If that changes, I'll rush you right out of here, but until then, you're just going to have to sit tight."

And you still don't even know why. You try a few more protests, but Crosswinds doesn't even respond.

Finally, you emerge in the kitchen, where Keeper is already waiting.

"Keeper, here's your new friend. Take good care of her, got it?"

Keeper just grumbles something as he starts mixing leaves in his bowl. He doesn't seem enthused about this - well, you can't say you are either.

"Right. That's it," Crosswinds says. "Don't leave here, you'll just get stupid rumors started. I'll see you when it's time to escort you out."

And with that, Crosswinds dives back under the floor. You think you hear the faint click of a latch, so going down that way is out.

Now what?
RE: Swamped
Oh, waiter! A carafe of your finest vintage, please!
RE: Swamped
"Don't suppose I can at least get a good stiff drink out of all this mess?" you ask Keeper. "I've had a rough day."

"Suppose I can give you that much," he grumbles. "But just half a glass, got it? I ain't made of this stuff."


Keeper pours you a drink as you take your mask off. It's hardly top-quality liquor, but it's leagues above anything you could have had in the desert.

"So. Did you go scrounging through my leaf supplies?" Keeper asks. "I can't afford to let them get mixed up, y'know. Or else I'll have a whole mess hall filled with sleepyheads."

"I didn't mix anything. Took a bunch from a box with the most common marking, a few from the other two in case they ended up being useful."

"Ah. That would explain these ones Crosswinds gave me. Must have been confiscated off you. So which boxes did you take them from?"

"Three from one of those boxes, two from that one," you say, pointing to the other markings. "I know one puts you to sleep, got a mouthful of that one while Crosswinds checked things out. Don't know what the third type does."

"Neither do I, yet," Keeper grumbles. "A foraging team found a tree in an odd state the other day and they couldn't tell what kind it was. I'm supposed to run tests on it, but I haven't had the time to spare for that."

Not spoken, but you got the message clearly enough: he might have had some more time if he wasn't stuck babysitting for you.

Well, it's not like you wanted to be here either. You just want to get out. And, as Keeper runs off to the counter, you realize that you're not being watched that closely.

Except, Crosswinds' passage is locked up, and a quick investigation reveals that the hole you made earlier is already blocked off. You figured that might have happened.

You could just make a run for it, but then everyone in this damn base would see you. And you doubt Razor would be so restrained after you pulled a stunt like that.

So what are you going to do?
RE: Swamped
stay put
RE: Swamped
See what Keeps knows about darkwood
RE: Swamped
After everything that's happened today, you're just worn out. For now, you might as well sit tight; at the very least, if something goes wrong, you won't get blamed for it.

Keeper comes back a few minutes later. He doesn't even acknowledge you, he just starts filling another bowl with leaves.

"Is it busy out there?" you ask. You don't have a lot to talk to him about, but you're desperate for some kind of conversation.

"Nah, just the stragglers who missed lunch for one reason or another," he says. "Think that's the last of 'em... no, wait, Seahawk hasn't been in, and I saw him at breakfast so he's not missing."

"You remember everyone here?"

Keeper shrugs.

"Got a good memory for people. Besides, they're my family now. Not like I can push 'em out of mind."

He keeps working as he talks, without slowing down at all.

"So," you say, desperate for some subject of conversation. "I found some darkwood earlier. I thought it might have come from the desert, but Razor was skeptical."

"What's that got to do with me?"

"You seem to know about, well, chemical processes." You point to a distillation device you noticed in the corner. "So I was wondering if you've ever studied up on that stuff. I know the stories, of course, and a little bit on its chemical composition, but not much more."

"I ain't that good of a chemist," Keeper grumbles. "Just the best the Marshguards can find."

He says that, but for the first time since your conversation started, he's slowed down on whatever he's doing with the leaves. You think you may have hit a nerve.

How do you want to proceed from here?
RE: Swamped
Keep prodding him about his background. Humans are hard to read, but that's probably what he wants you to do.

"So what did you do before marsh... guarding, then, if not chemistry? Some other science?"
RE: Swamped
"So where'd you pick up what you do know, then?"

He puts the bowl down.

"Maybe you haven't heard. Marshguards tend to have troublesome pasts. And we don't go around talkin' about them."

"So, what? You got in trouble with the law by taking the dirty stuff out of water?"

"It's not your business what I did, what they say I did, or whether there's a difference between the two. That's my old life, and I couldn't go back to it if I wanted to."

Well. The direct approach doesn't seem to have told you much. Although now you're really wondering just what could have happened. He must have done more than just distill water, but what?

Or should you even bother with trying to question him about it? Maybe you should change the subject to something else.
RE: Swamped
Yeah, better change the subject to something less personal. Something innocuous, like the weather.

Hey, how often does it rain in the swamp?
RE: Swamped
You opt to change the subject, since you've put him in a foul mood. The weather's always a good standby.

"So, ah," you begin. "Think it'll rain soon?"

You aren't prepared for the glare he gives you.

"Who even knows any more," he says, when he finally regains himself. "The last rain came so suddenly, never had one that soon after the storm. We're lucky we didn't lose anyone."

He just sits still for a bit, before going back to work. You're not sure what you can even say now, so you decide not to say anything and let him resume his duties.

A few minutes later, he rushes back suddenly.

"Open the cabinet!" he says, at what counts as a shout for him. You do so, and he swoops in and grabs two bottles before rushing off. You close the cabinet after him, since presumably that's what he wants.

He comes back shortly after.

"What was that about..."

"Medical emergency," he says. "Either that or Corvus pulling a trick that'll see him get what's coming to him once he's found out." He glances at the cabinet. "Oh, good, you shut it. Thanks for the help."

Well. He seems to be in a slightly friendlier mood. Should you try talking to him again?
RE: Swamped
No, the guy's clearly got unpredictable mood swings. Maybe now's a good time to quietly eat your carrot.

...If you can find it, that is!
RE: Swamped
You're just not doing well with Keeper. You decide not to push things for now. Besides, you're hungry, preferably for something more substantial than swampleaf.

As he gets back to work, you decide to take out your carrot...

Wait a minute, your pouch is gone. Does Crosswinds still have it?

Wonderful. You're bored, hungry, and your only company is a man who keeps getting upset with you. And you can't really go anywhere without causing a ruckus.

So you just sit quietly in a corner for a half-hour or so, until you hear an alarm go off.

"What was that?"

"Bad news, but probably not anything you need to worry about," Keeper mutters. "That's a call-to-arms, but it's not an invasion alert, so we've got trouble outside. I hope they don't call me out for whatever it is."

"Wait, why would they do that? Don't they need you in here?"

"That'd be far too sensible," he grumbles. He doesn't elaborate.

Wonderful. Now you're still stuck here, still bored, still hungry for something with more flavor than swampleaf, and on top of that there's some kind of emergency.

So what exactly are you supposed to do? Just sit here while you wait for it to blow over?
RE: Swamped
Heck no! You need to find yourself a weapon in case this outside trouble comes looking for you.

See if you can find any promising cutlery.
RE: Swamped
You decide that whatever's going on out there, you want to be ready for it if it comes in here.

One of those pikes you found earlier would be decent, but you doubt you can find any in the kitchen. But maybe there are some knives.

You poke around in some drawers, but all you find are forks.

Well. That makes sense, you suppose. You can't really slice these leaves. If they're the main meal in the swamp, knives wouldn't be much use.

Another problem is that even if you were going to take one of the forks for self-defense, you don't exactly have a sheath for it.

Hmm. Maybe you can do something with the sleeping leaves. They worked on you pretty fast, after all.

You've got plenty of leaves, but just stuffing them into something's mouth would require you to get uncomfortably close if it's a beast. And the humans around here all have masks.

Is there something you can do to get a bit more reach?
RE: Swamped
Is this an elastic bungee cord? Time to make a forkapault.

Alternatively, some kind of lung-powered dart shooter, with darts made from fork tines and leaves.

Just don't prick yourself with your new tranquilizer darts...
RE: Swamped
You start thinking about what you have available.

You could fashion a sling and launch the leaves, but you'd need something sufficiently elastic... and you can't see anything adequate around here. Besides, the leaves would need to be tied around something, or they'd just float...

Maybe if you removed the tines on one fork, you could use it as a dart, with the leaf wrapped around it. It might not even have to be a direct hit on the mouth; if the dart pierces deep enough, the sleeping agent might get into their bloodstream. You'd still need a launching mechanism...

Oh, maybe a blowgun? It would be easier to craft one of those than to make an elastic. You just need...

"What are you doing?"

It's at this point you realize that you've been scratching out your blueprints on the wall with your claws and the fork.

"I was thinking about how to defend myself if whatever's causing that alarm gets in here," you say. "And, um, I got carried away."

"Why didn't you say so, I've got a couple of spare mudpikes. We've got way too many of the damn things."

He goes over to a supply closet and pulls one out.

"There you go. Hopefully you won't need it, but it's there if you do."

Well. That was a little embarrassing. He also seemed oddly comfortable with just handing you a weapon, now that you think about it.

Maybe you can use it to get out of here...

"Don't get any funny ideas about using that for somethin' else, by the way," Keeper says.


So now what do you do?
RE: Swamped
tunnel out of here