Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm grabs the Bibarel by the scruff of its neck, headbutts it in the face, and follows up with his axe.

Jormungandr can use Splash, I guess?

Jormungandr leveled up! Point to SDEF.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael scans the mushroom!

The Gabbies rally!

Gabby A moves 4 north and 1 west!
Gabby B moves 4 west and 1 south, and uses Confusion on the mushyroom!
Gabby C moves 1 east and 4 south!
Gabby D gives Jormungandr a hug.

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
also level ups woo

(+1 SDEF)


Gabby learned Lucky Chant!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Marc scans the shit out of that flower. Then he takes a picture, he guesses.

Sleim goes up one and uses Mud-Slap on the flower.

Also yeah he leveled up again.

[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton rushes two spaces south and one west, then stabs him some Vileplume. "Don't you dare hurt the kid, you little fucker!"

He points at Riff, then at Grace. "You! Try and Fury Cut her if you can!"

yet another level up for Riffsy
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion, Raph, and Marc all scan the mushroom. Marc gets a more immediate result of it having 46 HP and it's a Vileplume

Bastion is Paralyzed!
DC6: 1d20=13
He punched the mushroom
AC7: 1d20=13
Damage: 1d6+4+3-16=1

Sturm battle axed.
AC7: 1d20=3
But missed!

Clifton used stabstabstab
AC7: 1d20=18
Damage: 1d8+4+3-16=1

Grace took the direct approached and also stabstabstabbed Clifton!
AC5: 1d20=9
Damage: 1d10+15+5=28
It is rather quite painful.


Natalie used Peck!
AC4: 1d20=19
Critical Damage: (4d10+12+12-16)*2=60
yeah that's a faint

Riff is paralyzed!
DC6: 1d20=3
She was unable to move!

Bibarel used Rollout on Riff!
Damage: 2d10+4+12-7=25
Riff took 25 damage!

Gabby's target is missing! Also fainted.

Same for Sleim.

Groop has less of this problem.
AC4: 1d20=2
More of that problem.

A ghost and its ghost make it into the room.

Groop gained 2160 EXP

Jormungandr, Riff, Gabby, Natalie and Sleim gained 1800 EXP

[Image: XOHGn.png]

Yep, it's Stats
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion tries to attack the Hurp Durp with all his MANLY MIGHT.

Groop tries to DISABLE Bibarello's Rollout.

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael takes her chances at scanning the ghostemon. Again. At least all this constant failure doesn't make it seem quite as scary. (goddammit queues dammit)

Gabby A moves 1 south, 2 west!
Gabby B moves 1 east, 4 south, and uses Confusion on Hurfadurf Sr. II etc even though we all know it's a Bibarel okay hurfadurf is fun to say ><
Gabby C moves 3 east, 1 south, then 1 east. He gives the swirly thing a poke.
Gabby D moves 2 south and 2 east!

also level ups o_o

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm moves 2 Northwest and 1 North, and swords Grace. With a sword.

Jormungandr moves 1 West and uses Splash or something.

Jormungandr levels up again. Points to HP and DEF.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Natalie is levelled twice. Natalie learnt Wing Attack! Points in HP and SATK.

Tori proceeds to stab the fat ugly beaver in its fat ugly face. As her 'dex informs her Natalie can now use Wing Attack and inputs Riff, she scans the fat ugly beaver.

"Natalie, get this thing out of my face! Wing Attack!"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raph suddenly realizes that Clifton has been goddamn stabbed, and begins freaking out soundly.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton goes four east and one down, quickly downing his Super Soda Pop and humming the Popeye jingle in his head.

"Also Riff go Fury Cutter that bitch who just stabbed me ow"

For fuck's sake this is getting ridiculous
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Marc scans Riff. Finally.

Sleim Pounds upwards.

[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion makes another attempt at moving!
DC8: 1d20=5

Raphael tries to scan the Froslass. Again.
DC11: 1d20=12
And succeeds!

Sturm does the whole swording thing.
AC5: 1d20=12
Damage: 1d8+4+4+4=18

Tori used stabstabstab!
AC7: 1d20=8
Damage: 1d8+2-10=1

Clifton drank a Super Soda Pop!
He regained 45 HP!

Marc scans Riff, finally.

Grace is about to try some stabbing again, but is interrupted by the Mook.
"I think we're done here!"
He immediately throws down a smoke bomb. Why the hell do they have so many smoke bombs?
You hear Grace as the smoke fills the room.
"We're not done with you! Take the fucking rock, I'll take you down mys-oof! Watch it you idiot!"
You try to do something, but the smoke is just disorienting. You can barely think while it's so thick.

The smoke clears and the enemy is gone. How they manage to flee so quickly is a mystery, as is how they managed to get away while on the fourth floor.

Um, Combat Over!

[Image: 84DUQ.png]

End of Combat Stats

What's this? Hrothgar is trying to evolve!

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion struggles to cancel out Hrothgar's evolution!
He struggles to do a lot of things but after that he probably passes out!
He probably just collapsed and needs a bit of help standing up.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori breathes a sigh of relief, calling Natalie over.

"Jeez, remind me to sick you onto any other walking fungus we run into. You did good."

She then notices the Froslass again, sees Raph trying to scan it again and rolls her eyes, then glances down at Whit or whatever his name was. She waves at the trainer's ghost.

"I don't know what that bitch's deal was, but we dealt with her."

Natalie probably just looks mightily pleased with herself or something.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael rushes over to Clifton. "Crap crap crap crap, are you okay? You got stabbed you shouldn't exert yourself aahhhhh"

Gabby wanders over to Wisp and gives him a couple pokes.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Hrothgar manages to keep itself from evolving. Bastion doesn't quite collapse, but he's looking a bit weary.

Wisp picks himself up.
"Saw that. Good work there. I was trying to regain a bit of strength to help you out, but it looks like you handled yourself just fine."
He looks over at Clifton.
"Well, mostly. Some of the others in the tower should have some gauze on them. That glowy vortexy thing is the Spirit Stone. It's very important to us. Without it, we'd have no link to our ancestors. I'm sure that guy appreciates you protecting him.
You should all go get some rest. I've got to work on some additional protection on this place. Team Dimension won't bother us again once I've dealt with that.

Oh, and as I've said, I'm the Gym Leader. If any of you are taking the gym challenge, I'd be willing to go at it with you tomorrow. Well, today, I guess. You guys did a great job."

Achievement Unlocked!
[Image: 8xP9S.png]
Everybody gained one level!

The ghost goes up to Tori, and gives her a Lax Incense.
"This, uh, this can help keep you aware of what's happening. My son gave it to me, but I don't think I really need it. Th-thank you."

One of the psychics rushes up the stairs, trying to hold onto a pile of first aid kits.
"Anybody need one of these!?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Mission accomplished, this tower is now safe, thanks to the heroics of me and my friends!"

Bastion weakly gives a thumbs up before passing out for real, although it is more of a cutesy sleepy deal.
Given that he's been up almost all day and was attacked by a bunch of things he probably deserves it.


RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Oh, uh-"

Tori is momentarily lost for words. Options in her head include:
"I'm not taking shit from dead strangers."
"Whatever, I guess I can sell it?"
"I'll take it I guessss, but gifts from the dead are still weird."
"You have a son? Should I, uh, say hi to him when I see him? Or would that just freak him out?"
"Do you normally give presents to strangers?"
"How are you holding that?"

She manages to use her spontaneously-improved Wisdom to not blurt any of that out, and manages a "thanks. It, uh, it was no trouble."

Tori takes out a single incense stick from the pot, lets Natalie take a whiff of it, and if she finds it to her satisfaction pokes it in her feathers like a feather in her hat. A hat made of feathers. With a feather in it that's not actually a feather.

Natalie (presumably) gives no fucks.

Having done that, Tori finally comes down from battle adrenaline and notices Bastion's semi-conscious on the floor.

"Oh, fuck me."

Tori starts shoving people aside so she can haul Bastion up and carry him back to Spirit Town, never mind the fact there's a burly-ass viking right there who could do it for her.

As she's presumably-dragging/stumbling down the stairs, she resolves to do a few things:
-At a slightly less ungodly hour, go talk to this Wisp feller. If Gym Challenges or whatever mean prize money, and this dude's just got a bunch of ghosts like Gyps (how else could have that Gina bitch or whatever have been a problem?), it sounds like easy loot.
-Get a decent night and maybe morning's sleep now because christ
-At the earliest convenience, start getting schooled on Pokemon types. Seems like the kind of thing she could use, if she just got smart about it.

Tori levelled up! Point in WIS, took Workout (again) and increased her CON by 1 (again).
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael directs the psychic towards Clifton, despite Clifton's health honestly being fine (you got /stabbed/ Clifton, dammit)

She takes the broken ball pieces out of her bag. She is trying to fit a few of them together when something clicks.

Pokeballs really aren't that hard to make, are they?

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton rolls his eyes and applies some gauze. He then steps out from behind the pillar and pats Raph on the shoulder. "Thanks, kid, but I'll pull through. Not the first time I've had to deal with a knife in my leg."

He walks over to Riff, hugs and nuzzles her, and returns her to her ball before exiting the tower (getting her and Calloway healed before he turns in for the night).

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Marc runs over to the psychic.

"Oh hey thank god you're here um wow there are a lot of hurt people and pokemon here it's just a good thing nobody's dead. Well except for that ghost, but I don't think she counts? Um. My Grimer needs healing, too. So, please?"

Healthy but exhausted, he slumped down to the ground, and absentmindedly took out his camera. Huh. He took a few pictures in the midst of battle, and, well, they were absolutely gorgeous. He thinks he's got the hang of this whole photography thing. Apparently being in a battle helped? Who knew?

[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

He just about collapses, and catches himself on his sword.

Sturm is okay.

He withdraws his sea monster, who's at least isn't dead or something, and heads off after the others.

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
The Psychic goes around with the first aid kits and giving everybody quick patch-jobs. Won't do much on its own, but a good night's sleep should help.

Raphael definitely has a grasp on repairing and building, but has one problem -- She doesn't have the tools! She'll need to buy a Poke Ball Tool Box.

Everybody heads back to the Pokemon Center and gets some sleep, with most of the people at the tower stick around to do... something. They never really explained how they'd be protecting the Spirit Stone.

11:00 AM

Your alarms go off. Perhaps later than usual? It was kind of an exhausting night anyways. The extra rest was probably worth it.
Marc and Bastion have a post-it note attached to their Dexes.
"Good job! I look forward to more progress -Oak"
There's a star on the corner of the screens.
[Image: Vj7pf.png]
Marc and Bastion level up! ...again!

Also in each of your lockers is 1200P, an Energy Powder, and a Heal Powder, along with a thank you note from the owner of Strictly Spiritual.

[Image: jlfWs.png]
All of the buildings are now open.