Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion scans the Ratatta and so does Tori.

The three mooks with fainted Pokemon immediately recall their mons! One of them pulls out a smoke bomb and throws it down! You can see Mook 1 struggle a bit to conceal himself, but 1d20=18 he manages to disappear with the other mooks.

Clifton took 6 poison damage.

Sturm plays PokeSwap. So does Tori.


Gabby used Confusion!
AC3: 1d20=20!
Critical damage: 4d8+9-6=29
It faints, obviously.

Groop gains 288 EXP!

Jormungandr, Sleim, Calloway, and Gabby gain 240 EXP!

Natalie and Gyps gain 120 EXP!

The last Mook looks a bit worried, and hastily recalls his Bidoof, immediately fleeing up the stairs!

Combat over! You have won the battle!

One of the Empaths from the first floor arrives.
"One of the Spirits told me you had almost taken out those guys from here, and I thought I could help! I think I can heal two of you or your pokemon, and if you're suffering from status effects, I can help one of you. That's all I've got the energy for, sorry."
He pauses for a moment.
"Who attached those to the graves?"

And then from behind a grave, Professor Oak inexplicably appears.
"What an exciting battle! Now which of you has a Pokedex to show me?"

[Image: WgVMU.png]

End of Battle

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion recalls Groop and prepares Hrothgar's pokeball and then he runs to the bottom of the stairs and waits for the rest of his team to get INTO ACTION.

Above those steps is DESTINY.

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton heads over to the healer (recalling Calloway and sending out Riff in his place) and asks for treatment for poison (unless she needs that to treat Sleipnir) remembers he has an antidote and uses it on himself.

He also informs her that the tags were there when they got here, so if they aren't supposed to be then it was probably Team Dimension, and also be careful because they turn into fire.

calloway leveled up! again!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Sturm also Pokedexes someone's Gastly.

Jormungandr leveled up! Point to HP!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Whew. That was a pretty good battle... Oh shit it's Oak. I mean uh hey Oak. I think I might have made some decent progress on my pokedex..."

Marc checks.

"Oh darn, only 22 pokemon."

Sleim leveled up twice!

[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori lifts a pokeball.

"Any chance you fix Natalie's poisoning?"

If the Empath can do that, Tori sends Natalie out to get patched up. She makes an especial effort to totally ignore Oak, giving a covert glare to anyone who tries to humour him.

Gyps levelled up! Point in ATK.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael sidles shyly over to where Oak is, holding up her Pokedex.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
The Empath goes ahead and uses Heal the Body on Natalie, as well as Healing Power. He also uses Serious Healing Power on Sleipnir. They are both healed back to max health.

He sighs. "Alright, I'm out. I'm going to need to rest before I do that again. ...Fire you say?"

He tries to pull off one of the tags, only to get burned a bit, and takes an amount of damage that would matter if I had an actual statsheet for him or any idea of his maximum hp

The ghost with the Froslass comes up a bit, not making it much further than the stairs, however. Removing the tags seems to let him come further.

Professor Oak takes a look at Marc. "Well, come back to me when you've seen three more, then."
He takes Raphael's Pokedex.
"Well, let's see. One pokemon caught... You know, for a Capture Specialist... No, I'm sure it's fine. It's an imposing world out there! I'm sure once you throw your first Pokeball you'll be a natural!
But oh! You've seen 27 different Pokemon! Let me just hit a few buttons here... Taking longer than usual. Watch out for some of that third party software, now. It can give it a bit of lag sometimes! There we go!"
He hands it back, and a small star is in the corner of the screen.

[Image: Vj7pf.png]
Raphael levelled up!

The Empath examines the tags on the graves.
"I think I might be able to get these off without burning myself too much. You guys go ahead, and I'll try to figure this out. I'm not useful for much else when I'm worn out of healing anyways."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion is pretty much like let's get the fuck up there and fuck some shit up motherfuckers only not because he would never use any of those words because he's twelve.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori glances over her shoulder, sees the Froslass, and goes and tries ripping another tag off. She can handle a bit of burning.

She then returns Natalie to her ball, and joins the crew heading stairswards with Gyps ready to wreck some shit.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm withdraws Jormungandr, sends out Sleipnir, and charges up the stairs.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael takes the Pokedex back wordlessly. Gabby pats her on the knee.

+1 INT


New Feature:

She tries to scan the ghost Froslass.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton shrugs and follows after Sturm.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Marc scans the Froslass, then he goes upstairs as well. Sleim follows.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Raphael tries to scan the Frosslass
DC11: 1d20=1
yeah no

Marc tries similar!
DC11: 1d20=17
yeah yep

Tori tears off one of the tags as she goes, and takes a bit of a burn. 5 HP's worth, specifically.


You all march right up the stairs to see the clearly endless forces that were required to there are two members of Team Dimension here. There's that mook that ran up earlier when you hurt his bidoof, and some lady with dark red hair and a big D on her jacket. You presume that's the telltale sign of her alleigance.

Also noticable is some dude in robes a couple sizes too large, and hair that he probably needs to trim the front of so he can see better. He's leaning against one of the pillars, unconsious.

Next to the Team Dimension lady is a pedestal, upon which is a smooth stone with some kinda purple vortex thingy around it. Probably the Spirit Stone.

"I've been expecting you six! Well, I have for the past few minutes. Not a whole lot of time to prepare, but more than enough, regardless. You can call me Grace. It's a shame you just missed the boss, but it's not important. I can handle you all well enough myself."

She twirls a butterfly knife around, but fumbles after a few seconds and drops it.

"Dammit, uh, well my good friends here will provide assistance."

She tosses out a couple of Pokeballs while she grabs her knife again, and two Pokemon are released. They look pumped.

The mook you dealt with earlier also throws a Pokeball to release his Bi-uh, something else.

[Image: 48zt0.png]


RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori scans that there heinous insect, then starts making her way to the row of pillars the unconscious dude's next to.

"Gyps, Hypnosis on the green-headed one!"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Hey, that one thing looks like Gabby!" Clifton says, pointing at the green-haired lady. "I bet it's psychic too!"

Clifton sends Riff five meters left and two meters down, and has her Struggle Bug re: Gardevoir.

He also scans the dumb beaver thing
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm just rushes the beaver thing (down-right 1, down 1) and wails on it with his sword and axe. Sleipnir uses Flame Wheel on the bug lady.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Gabby looks over at Lady Green oddly. Raphael is also interested, and scans Lady Green with Le Pokedex.

Gabby moves 4 north, to the edge of the stairs, and uses Double Team!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion begins to scan the Green Lady Hair Deal and has Hrothgar move down one and use CHARM on Bee Thing.

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Marc scans the beelady right away!

Sleim moves down 3, right 3, then Mud Slap on the hurfaderf 2.0.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
So, first let's move Vera one southwest, one northwest and 3 north, and have her confuse ray to the east. (confuse ray imba nerf plz)

Seeing's we've got nothing better to do, Honey moves three south, and uses power gem on Sleipnir.

Meanwhile Grace kindly requests (yells at) her colleague (underling) to use (fucking) rollout on Sleipnir aswell. If that is one of his moves (I better fucking hope so) but otherwise stays well put.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Tori starts scanning the bug, Clifton Hurfadurf Sr., Raphael the green lady. That'll happen in 2 turns.

Marc scans the bee and gets a more immediate response. It's a Vespiquen, and currently has 39 HP.

Sturm attacked hurfadurfadurfadurfadruffurdaf
AC5: 1d20=15
Damage: 1d8+4+4+4-8=11
11 sword and axe damages!


Vera used Confuse Ray! Gastly, Hrothgar, and Sleipnir are all confused!

Sleipnir is Confused!
Confusion Check: 1d20=16
But no longer!
Said horse delivered some kinda spinning fire attack dealie to a large bug
Damage: (2d10+8+11-15)*2=32
It's Super Effective! Honey took 32 damage!

Gastly is Confused!
He is also cured of his confusion!
He used Curse on Vera! His health was halved!

Vera is Cursed!

Honey used Power Gem
AC4: 1d20=5
Damage: (3d8+10+11-10)*2=36
Sleipnir fainted...

Riff used Struggle Bug!
AC4: 1d20=13
Damage: (1d10+4+6-13)*2=8
It's Super Effective for, uh, 8 damage. Still, her Sp Atk went down a stage!

Gyps used Hypnosis!
AC6: 1d20=12
Vera fell asleep!

Bibarel looks towards his trainer confusedly. The Mook just shrugs and says to do nothing, in fear of angering the scary lady that probably has some control over his paycheck.

Gabby used Double Team!
Agen Raph will be privately informed which is the real Gabby.

Sleim used Mud-Slap!
AC3: 1d20=16
Damage: 1d6+3+5-8=4
The badger thing took 4 damage, and its accuracy lowered!

Hrothgar is confused!
Confusion Check: 1d20=20 wow really huh
Well, he used Charm!
AC2: 1d20=15
Honey's Attack lowered 2 stages!

[Image: Im0cT.png]

Yep, it's Stats