Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael stares at the evil slimey slime sludge thingy coming even closer.

"W-what is that metal thing?" Her voice is quiet with fear, but slowly grows louder as a little curiosity overcomes it.

She pushes herself standing when she sees Bastion run in front of it.

"Bastion! Don't be stupid!"

Since she's shouting uncharacteristically anyway, she decides to keep running with it.

"Don't kill it, guys! I think something's wrong with it - we need it alive!" She holds the last Premier Ball aloft, its shininess striking a rare ray of light through the haze. "I'll try and catch it - don't you dare faint it or kill it until all hope is lost!"

"if that's okay with you guys that is *meep*"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Yay, I got a Grimer! I will name you Sleim, I will."

Marc uses Antidote on Owei, and Owei moves left 4 and watches as Raphael attempts to catch it. If Raphael fails, Owei puts up a Reflect between Muk and the others.

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Calloway, flank him!" Clifton has his sheep go three meters left and two meters down. "If that huge... thing isn't captured, hit 'em with a tackle! And see if you can't hit the machinery!"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
(07-29-2012, 07:35 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »"Don't kill it, guys! I think something's wrong with it - we need it alive!" She holds the last Premier Ball aloft, its shininess striking a rare ray of light through the haze. "I'll try and catch it - don't you dare faint it or kill it until all hope is lost!"

At least have Gabby use Confusion on it - it's hardly taken any damage, and you're the only one here who can deal super-effective damage to it.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sleipnir was sent out! He's a bit tired, but ready to fight!

Tori starts her scan. Two turns etc etc.

Marc used an Antidote on Owei! Owei was cured of poison!

Bastion moves to where the Gastly is even though he shouldn't be able to

Raphael throws her Premier Ball at the Muk!
...but as it approaches, the device sparks up again, and a curiously colored arc of electricity flies to it.
The Premier Ball falls to the ground, uselessly.


Natalie just can't bring herself to wait because turn order exists for a reason, and used Mirror Move!
Natalie used Shockwave!
Damage: 2d10+8+9-15=18
The Muk took 18 damage!

Gastly hid behind Tori!

Muk used Disable!
Natalie's Pursuit was disabled!

Sleipnir is poisoned! He took 4 damage from the poison!
Sleipnir used Ember!
AC5: 1d20=9
Damage: 1d12+6+10+4-15=14
Muk took 14 damage!

Calloway is poisoned!
He took 3 damage from the poison!
Calloway Tackled the device on Muk!
Its Static negatively reacted, causing a Spark to jolt from it!
Damage: (2d8+6+9-6)/2=9
Calloway took 9 damage!
The Muk looks uncomfortable.

Owei cannot act, as an antidote was used on him this turn. (Pokemon can not act on a turn an item was used on them)

[Image: 5GOxm.png]


RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Confident that Natalie can finish this thing off, Bastion starts to scan the beast before running toward Gastlyfriend for Potiontimes.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton just sort of stares and scratches his head, totally unsure whether attacking the device helped.

"Uh... tackle him again, but this time the purple bits, not the machinery, Calloway!"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Natalie, get around the back of it, and use Peck!"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm uses an Antidote on Sleipnir.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Okay, now Owei runs over and uses Reflect.

Owei moves 4 left and puts up Reflect between Muk and the others.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Raphael finishes boggling. In a flat voice, she says, "Gabby? Use Confusion."

Seriously does it like matter which one besides A is the only one in range
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion scans and Bastion runs

Sturm cures a horse of poison


Natalie flew around and used Peck!
AC4: 1
But missed!

The Gastly stayed put!

The Muk's device sparked again, and it groaned in pain!
Muk turned around and used Shock Wave!
Damage: (2d10+8+9-5)*2=62!
Holy f- I mean, um, Natalie fainted. She's not in good condition...

Gabby used Confusion!
AC5: 1
And also missed. This is going great.

After poison damage. 2 damage.
AC4: 1d20= 9
Damage: 2d6+5-10=6
The Muk fainted!

All non-fainted pokemon on the field gained 680 EXP!

Hrothgar gained 816 EXP

All enemy Pokemon have fainted!

[Image: NJRxi.png]

Final Status
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion runs over to use a Potion on the Gastly. He feels a pit in his stomach as he sees the fallen Natalie, feeling a bit bad that he turned when he could have helped against the Muk. Still... he bites his lip a little and thinks about the hulking creature, reaffirming his distaste against evolved pokemon. Breathing in he stops doing all that sulking because for better or for worse, he stood up against one of those and this isn't a time to dwell on that stuff.

"Hey guys, I think that that... thing... had some metal thing stuck in it. I'm going to go make sure that uhm... Gastly here is okay so one of you guys check it. If anyone needs more antidotes I've got some too."

He turns to the Gastly, and makes a silly face to try to cheer it up.
"I'm sorry that you got so hurt trying to help us, hopefully this will make you feel a bit better."

He then holds his pokeballs, both his new friend Groop and the poor injured Hrotgar and decides to leave them both there for a bit...
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RAPHAEL INVESTIGATES THAT EVIL DEVICE IMMEDIATELY i mean she picks up the fried ball. And hurls it at the evil device thingy. ;-;
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
also level ups woo

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori rather forcibly shoves Raphael aside, stepping around piles of sludge and possibly-deliberately stepping on something resembling an eye. She picks Natalie up, and looks righteously pissed off.

"Good fucking job, everyone. Thanks for being so competent that I had to send Natalie into a lightning-spewing slagpile just to save your asses."

She saves an especially vehement look for Raphael, who's probably still in a sorry state trying to hold all her broken Pokeballs.

"Look at you. Fucking shown up by a bunch of schoolkids at keeping monsters off our backs."

Tori returns her Murkrow to its Pokeball, and stalks off ahead of the team.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton begins freaking out. "Uh, g-great job, Calloway! Now come back!"

He then rushes over to the Muk and the Murkrow and kneels down, scowling at the device lodged in the former. "What the shit is this thing? And who the hell crammed it in this poor thing?"


As Tori recalls her crow, he scowls at her and shouts after her. "Hey, lay the fuck off her, alright? Maybe you shouldn't have sent your fucking bird at a device spewing ominous electricity."

He proceeds to mumble angrily, shaking his head before sighing and looking around. "Any of you guys know about disabling electrical equipment? I'm worried this thing might go off at any moment. Maybe we should call the cops."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion also tries to find a rock to throw at Cliffton.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael lands roughly at the base of a tree, narrowly missing a fainted Gastly. She laughs a little hysterical bark of a laugh, "I-I'm supposed to become a-an engineer. But I'm supposed t-to be a Capture Specialist too!" She fishes in her pack and holds up the broken Premier Ball.

"...Best Capture Specialist."

Gabby runs over and pulls the ball out of her hands and stomps on it. Then he gives her a huggle.

Raphael draws him close and huggles back. Then she bursts into tears and sobs into a now flailing Gabby, somewhat muffled with a face full of Ralts.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Level Up!

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori probably hasn't even broken the trees yet, having to step over logs and fainted things, and makes it all take even longer by spinning around angrily.

"Why the fuck are you defending her!? At least you managed to do something, even if your sheep wasn't fast enough to stop me from 'sending my fucking bird out'!"

She gives a disgusted look at the sobbing trainer.

"She breaks a fucking Pokeball and can't go five minutes without crying to her little-whatever the fuck! How do you put up with someone like that? How do you get through life being so fucking pathetic!?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton storms over to Tori. "That's rich comin' from you, miss I'm-Just-Gonna-Stare-At-This-Ball-Cause-I'm-Scared-Of-The-Pokemon-I-Caught! Miss fuckin' 'I'm gonna charge in without thinking for a fucking second and blame OTHER people for my failure!' Least she gives a shit about the well-being of her Pokemon!"