Three-Word Story

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Three-Word Story
RE: Three-Word Story
calmly stepped into
RE: Three-Word Story
the Senate. Wait,
RE: Three-Word Story
this wasn't the
RE: Three-Word Story
North Pole, so
RE: Three-Word Story
why is Santa
RE: Three-Word Story
dressed as Obama?
RE: Three-Word Story
It's Obamafest 2016!
RE: Three-Word Story
Obamarama was cancelled.
RE: Three-Word Story
because of trademark
RE: Three-Word Story
acquired by CAPITAL-TRON,
RE: Three-Word Story
the world's largest
RE: Three-Word Story
robotic capitol building
RE: Three-Word Story
and purveyor of
RE: Three-Word Story
freshly prepared, locally
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RE: Three-Word Story
Obamafest 2016, however,
RE: Three-Word Story
was entirely different
RE: Three-Word Story
and consisted primarily
RE: Three-Word Story
of creamed corn
RE: Three-Word Story
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RE: Three-Word Story
cook-offs. It was
RE: Three-Word Story
hard to say
RE: Three-Word Story
who was ahead
RE: Three-Word Story
but Alton Brown
RE: Three-Word Story
was easily able