Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori runs east and recalls Natalie to her Pokeball, sending Molly out in her stead.

Raphael and Clifton will gain information on the MYSTERY SEA MONSTER in 3 turns, or when it faints, whatever comes first.

Sturm attacks the Pokemon with his sword!
AC6: 1d20=13
The creature takes 6 damage!

Bastion runs south.


Sleipnir runs towards the general direction of Tori and such.

The sea creature used Splash!
Sturm is slightly wet.

Gabby used Confusion!
AC3: 1d20=14
Damage: 2d8+7-3=12
It faints!

The Pokedex has registered MAGIKARP.

Owei moves a bit.

Mareep 5 and 7 have escaped!

Mareep 1 heads towards Molly. They meep at each other a bit, and Mareep 1 growls a bit, but ultimately leaves.

Also Sleipnir, Molly, and Owei all lose one attack stage. Because Growl.

Mareep 1 has escaped!

[Image: js90O.png]

EXP is awarded!
Owei, Riff, Hrothgar, Sleipnir, and Gabby gain 385 Experience

Natalie gains 370 Experience

Molly gains 15 Experience

End of Battle Health and Status
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Are you guys ready to move on, or do you want to head back and heal first?

Edit: cyber says it'd be a waste of time to head back. Let's just press on.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton waves at Tori. "Hey, you got that bird, right? If I get anything you want, hit me up. We can trade."

He then scans any pokemon he hasn't scanned yet, doing his best to communicate to Sturm that he wants to have another look at the sea monster he caught.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm hands over his Premier Ball and scans the K.O.'d Magikarp.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton releases Jormungandr, scans it, puts it back in the ball and hands it back. He smiles at Sturm, taking care not to bare his teeth too much, because he doesn't know the difference between an Aipom and a viking.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Natalie levels up, and adds a point to HP. Tori just kinda stares at Molly, wondering how the hell that worked and whether it's going to run away now or something.


It only dawns on Tori just now that she threw the Pokeball at a bird in a tree several metres away from her, and said Pokeball is now at her waist. Decidedly confused, she takes the capsule with the offending little bastard inside it and tries to figure out what she'll do with it.

"Uh, right. Jeez, its buddy tried to kill you, and you want to trade it? I only threw a ball hoping it'd keep it off my ass until I dealt with the, like, pack of murderous sheep.

I'm almost tempted to just take it to take it, get it healed, then pay someone to go release it in the wild so it doesn't try killing me again."

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Professor Oak appears from behind a tree! He sets down an easel with a chart that you can't make heads or tales of.

"Pokeballs work mostly off of Apricorn Energy, which is particularly good at tracking life forms, Pokemon in particular! When you throw a Pokeball, it keeps track of your own aura, and, assuming it doesn't break, uses its mechanisms to return back to you after you've either released, captured, or called in a Pokemon!"

He nods and leaves immediately, before anybody can even get a word in. He leaves the easel and chart.

What's this?
Something is happening to Riff!
She glows a bit. It seems like she's evolving!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

"Good job, you!" Raphael runs to Gabby and scoops him up. He immediately scrambles back to his accustomed backpack seat. "Oof! Enthusiastic, aren't ya?"

While she's at it, she wanders in Sturm's direction, tries to ask to scan Jor..j...jorm-

She loses her nerve and just holds up her Pokedex while pointing at the Premier ball.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm sends out Jormungandr again. It just kind of flops around in the grass.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Raphael waves her Pokedex at it, stammers out something that could have been an apology or a thanks, and scurries behind the lamppost.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Oh shit son, RIFF evolved into KRICKETUNE!


Clifton stares in awe, then smiles and scans her. "Man, this is a pretty good start."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion sort of just awkwardly looks away at Riff before realizing that Bastion is sort of glowing too.

He panics for a bit and presses shit on his Pokedex and makes "No!!!" motions and sounds in hopes that whatever Hrothgar is about to do stopssss.

Assuming that it does, he then plays with his pokedex and gets some seen marks and identifications and such.
Also, I bet that Marc is like, flipping out at Oak's tree powers so there should be some mention of that somewhere.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Owei levels up to level 10
(When Garuru gets back he'll be free to reallocate any points that I've autoallocated for him)


Marc is sort of wondering just where the heck Oak came from, and where he went. He examines the chart, but it doesn't actually have any words on it. It's just a pie chart with numbered percentages that add up to 123%

He also Pokedex'd things while they were available to be pokedex'd

While examining the charts, Marc also finds a sheet of paper on the ground with a torn staple mark. Indeed, there is a staple embedded in the tree.


It appears to have been scrawled fairly quickly.

If there's nothing else to do here, it doesn't seem likely for there to be much more interference on the way to Ale Town.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori stares uncomprehendingly into recently de-Oaked space.

"Is everyone just gonna ignore the fact-"

Tori turns around, gets a load of the scanning and cooing over assorted Pokemon.


Molly presumably hasn't run off at this stage, but presumably isn't bouncing up to Tori for cuddles either. She's in the difficult position (again) of having whacky animal monsters saving her neck from other whacky animal monsters, and some weird internal code of ethics telling her the nice whacky animal monsters need to be shown some common courtesy.

"Uh, thanks for telling your buddy not to eat me. The Pokeball thing and my bird was self-defence, I swear."

Tori removes the Chatot's Pokeball from her belt, examines it like it's going to explode, and still thoroughly dissatisfied with Oak's explanations puts it back.

"I'm not letting this son of a bitch out again until Natalie's able to take a hit from it before she can knock some sense into it, but I guess if you want to leave you can."

She glances back at various adventurers whooping and hugging and waving Pokedexes around.

"Seriously, I wouldn't blame you."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton thinks for a moment, then releases Calloway and begins petting him. "Alright, kid, we're going to be friends now, okay? So I want you and Riff over here to buddy up."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
what up im back yo

Good job with my char, but can I have +2 in SPD instead of ATK?

EDIT: On second thought do a 1/1.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm tosses the Magikarp back into the water once everyone's done scanning it and drinks a few handfuls of water from the pond.

Vikings can't read.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Molly looks up at Tori, and seems to spend a couple of seconds, until finally settling on what seems to be whatever the closest a Mareep can pull to a shrug, and heads over to Tori, who recalls Molly in favour of sending Natalie back out.

Riff and Calloway seem to be getting along... reasonably well. Well, Riff is showing herself off a bit, rather happy to have evolved. Calloway looks on in Dull Surprise™.


12:05 PM

Ale Town is a charming small town. There's usually a bit of through-traffic, which means the local stores are usually rather busy, but not a lot of people tend to stay, generally making it a quick stop before heading off to where they're actually headed, usually Port Town or Stout City.
It's got all of your standards: A Pokecenter, Pokemart, Ranger Station, Health Clinic, and of course this is Airot, so a Liquor Store. For those who expect to spend a lot of time on the road or want to be prepared for an unexpected stop away from a town, there's Quite Camp, for camping and cooking supplies.

[Image: eLqlP.png]

A man wearing white and red robes, walking with a brown and yellow pokemon carrying spoons, suddenly takes note of Tori.
"Excuse me, miss, but, er, are you aware that you've got a lot of psychic residue on you?"

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
After scanning spoon-dude, Clifton heads straight for the Poke Mart to buy a couple more balls. And a hunting knife, while he's at it. Maybe a cookbook, too. "Got to learn to live off the land if we're going to be traveling this much."

He also sees what he can do about getting this EVIDENTLY INCREDIBLY SHITTY SAXOPHONE repaired.
Also marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Sturm heads to the Pokemon Center to heal his dudes.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael stares around a bit, and with a 'meep' runs after Clifton to Quite Camp!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
I guess I will go and visit the Ranger Station, inquiring about the local wildlife.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion, being a twelve-year-old, is still with Tori and goes like "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat :O" at this man's words about his self-designated-chaperone.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Tori pointedly drags Bastion away from the creepy SOB and makes a beeline for the Pokemon centre. If nothing else, Sturm'd prove a good deterrent for further weirdoes.