A terrible thing to happen is to stub your toe. A worse thing is to have your arm chopped off. An even worse thing is to have ALL of your limbs chopped off.
(0) Refer to stipulation A which prevents this from being a thing.
(06-04-2016, 06:52 AM)CrimsonMage Wrote: »A terrible thing to happen is to stub your toe. A worse thing is to have your arm chopped off. An even worse thing is to have ALL of your limbs chopped off.
(06-04-2016, 01:16 AM)Wheat Wrote: »I also agree with the things you said, and probably some other things too. I am in agreement. I have agreemance with opinions and stances....
(06-04-2016, 01:16 AM)Wheat Wrote: »I also agree with the things you said, and probably some other things too. I am in agreement. I have agreemance with opinions and stances....
Some mistakes were made and I was too hasty with the judgement of rule 4. Crimsonmage's previous post that I thought passed four rules does not in fact pass rule 4.
(06-03-2016, 10:05 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »I think my answer that question is rather obvious. You could say it's staring you in the face, except I wasn't always looking at the camera.
Didn't catch this post - (which is 0)
But this does change things! The final statement in the previous post is now invalid and it is possible for the previous post to pass rule 4.
That really is good semaphore, though, especially with the construction of the flags. You did a good job.
(06-04-2016, 01:16 AM)Wheat Wrote: »I also agree with the things you said, and probably some other things too. I am in agreement. I have agreemance with opinions and stances....
(06-03-2016, 10:05 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »I think my answer that question is rather obvious. You could say it's staring you in the face, except I wasn't always looking at the camera.
Didn't catch this post - (which is 0)
But this does change things! The final statement in the previous post is now invalid and it is possible for the previous post to pass rule 4.
That really is good semaphore, though, especially with the construction of the flags. You did a good job.
(06-04-2016, 01:16 AM)Wheat Wrote: »I also agree with the things you said, and probably some other things too. I am in agreement. I have agreemance with opinions and stances....
Rule 1: "Secret" - Post must contain a secret or be a secret.
Rule 2: "Graph" - Post must have more dots than lines. Judged via script.
Rule 3: "Euphonic" - Post must have words that begin with consecutive musical notes (A through G) that form a major triad.
Rule 4: "Yes" - Post must agree with at least one statement in the previous post and provide a reason regardless of veracity.
Rule 5: "Hell" - Post must describe a hell. A hell must have a punishment and a condition of entry.
The passing post had "BURNING TO DEATH (a lot)" as the punishment and "NOT BEING MINE" as the condition of entry for the hell.
EDIT: Script stuff:
Sometimes I needed to manually judge (with rule 3 or weird text symbols for rule 2) - images and videos didn't count unless incredibly obviously just dots and/or dashes / lines.
var DAHS = [
function satis2(str) {
var sum = 0;
var dot = 0;
var das = 0;
// Foreach char, tally dotdash
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var bl = dnum(str.charAt(i));
sum += bl[0];
dot += bl[1];
das += bl[2];
return [sum > 0, dot, das];
function satis3(str) {
str = letextract(str);
var mus = '';
var c = '';
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var ch = str[i];
// Nil state
if (mus == '')
mus += ch;
// a
else if (mus[0] == 'a') {
// ac af
if (strhas('cf', mus[1])){mus+=ch;if(mus=='acf'||mus=='afc')return mus; else mus=ch;}
// a
else if(mus.length==1)mus=strhas('cf',ch)?mus+ch:ch;}
// b
else if (mus[0] == 'b') {
// bd bg
if (strhas('dg', mus[1])){mus+=ch;if(mus=='bdg'||mus=='bgd')return mus;else mus=ch;}
// b
else if(mus.length==1)mus=strhas('dg',ch)?mus+ch:ch;}
// c
else if (mus[0] == 'c') {
// ca cf
if (strhas('af', mus[1])){mus+=ch;if(mus=='caf'||mus=='cfa')return mus;else mus=ch;}
// ce cg
else if (strhas('eg', mus[1])){mus+=ch;if(mus=='ceg'||mus=='cge')return mus;else mus=ch;}
// c
else if(mus.length==1)mus=strhas('afeg',ch)?mus+ch:ch;}
// d
else if (mus[0] == 'd') {
// db dg
if (strhas('bg', mus[1])){mus+=ch;if(mus=='dbg'||mus=='dgb')return mus;else mus=ch;}
// d
else if(mus.length==1)mus=strhas('bg',ch)?mus+ch:ch;}
// e
else if (mus[0] == 'e') {
// ec eg
if (strhas('cg', mus[1])){mus+=ch;if(mus=='ecg'||mus=='egc')return mus;else mus=ch;}
// e
else if(mus.length==1)mus=strhas('cg',ch)?mus+ch:ch;}
// f
else if (mus[0] == 'f') {
// fc fa
if (strhas('ca', mus[1])){mus+=ch;if(mus=='fca'||mus=='fac')return mus;else mus=ch;}
// f
else if(mus.length==1)mus=strhas('ca',ch)?mus+ch:ch;}
// g
else if (mus[0] == 'g') {
// gd gb
if (strhas('db', mus[1])){mus+=ch;if(mus=='gdb'||mus=='gbd')return mus;else mus=ch;}
// gc ge
else if (strhas('ce', mus[1])){mus+=ch;if(mus=='gce'||mus=='gec')return mus;else mus=ch;}
// g
else if(mus.length==1)mus=strhas('bcde',ch)?mus+ch:ch;}
mus = ch;
return mus;
function letextract(str) {
var list = str.match(/\b\w/g);
if (list == null)
return '';
str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
str += list[i];
return str.toLowerCase();
function strhas(str, char) {
return str.indexOf(char) != -1;
function dnum(char) {
var dot = 0;
var das = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < DITS.length; i++)
if (DITS[i].indexOf(char) != -1)
dot = i+1;
for (var i = 0; i < DAHS.length; i++)
if (DAHS[i].indexOf(char) != -1)
das = i+1;
return [dot - das, dot, das];
function tos2(bl) {
var out = '';
out += bl[0] ? "PASSES" : "FAILS";
out += " 2";
out += " with "+bl[1]+" dots and ";
out += bl[2]+" dashes.<br>";
return out;
function tos3(bl) {
var out = '';
out += bl.length == 3 ? "PASSES" : "FAILS";
out += " 3";
out += " had "+bl.toUpperCase()+"<br>";
return out;
function scan() {
var posts = $('.post_body');
// For each post
for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
var iht = posts[i].innerHTML;
var output = "";
Rule 1: "Secret" - Post must contain a secret or be a secret.
Rule 2: "Graph" - Post must have more dots than lines. Judged via script.
Rule 3: "Euphonic" - Post must have words that begin with consecutive musical notes (A through G) that form a major triad.
Rule 4: "Yes" - Post must agree with at least one statement in the previous post and provide a reason regardless of veracity.
Rule 5: "Hell" - Post must describe a hell. A hell must have a punishment and a condition of entry.
Alrighty I've been waiting so let it be known that I have a one track mind and 90% of the time I am either enjoying my favorite band, or thinking about my favorite band, so here, have some rules based on an album by my favorite band.