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06-13-2012, 08:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-13-2012, 08:22 PM by Gatr.)
As Marc decided that taking pictures would be too impolite, he wanders in the building. The crowd near the counter was getting restless, and Marc didn't mind being last, so he sat on the left couch and waited for the commotion to quiet down. He begins trying to identify all the pokemon in the room, starting with the one besides those two people.
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06-13-2012, 10:13 PM
Tori: Perception 1d20+WIS(-3) = 9
There's one lady in line for the front desk wearing some particularly nice jewelery, but she doesn't look like the type to not notice it going missing, epsecially while wearing it. Other than that, nothing catches your eye.
Bastion: Professor Cork looks your way and gives a bit of a distracted smile and nod before going back to talking to the researcher next to him.
You look at the Pokemon next to you.
Knowledge 1d20+INT(-3) = 13
Oh, you know that! That's a Togepi! You are of course somewhat familiar because it's an adorable baby Pokemon. You think it might be a girl. Her owner is currently preoccupied talking to the person behind the counter.
Raphael: You take your place behind a woman and her Pokemon. The Pokemon looks a little beat up. Perhaps it was in a tough fight.
Clifton: KNOWLEDGE ROLLS, 3x COMBO 1d20+INT(-4): 10, 1, 1
The Pokemon nearest to you, a pink cow thing, looks pretty beat up already. Prrrrobably not a good fight. As for the other two pokemon? You have no clue how you could possibly gauge their battle potential.
Marc: MORE KNOWLEDGE ROLLS 3x COMBO 1d20+INT(+1): 19, 15, 21
Nearest to you is a male Skitty. He looks tired, and about ready to fall asleep right in the middle of the room.
On the counter is an egglike Pokemon. Togepi, you think? Yeah. That seems right.
Aaaand waiting in line with its owner is a Miltank. A really beat up looking Miltank. You'd think its owner would head to a Pokemon Center, but it doesn't look very upset about it.
Cork pulls a phone off of the wall and speaks through the speakers in the ceiling. "All who are interested in meeting Professor Oak today should come into the back room. There's no need to set up a meeting at the front desk for this. And thank you for visiting Cork Laboratory today!"
![[Image: AYYu7.png]](
omg identifying markers. Can you figure out which your character is?
Most of the visitors follow the Professor through the door to the back room, where Professor Oak is, along with a lot of high-tech equipment, and even more boxes.
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06-13-2012, 10:23 PM
Tori sticks her head through the back door, making sure she's unlikely to get cornered by cops or something if she wanders in there. She then just nonchalantly takes a position near that window and pot plants top right. Maybe sees if she can find anything useful in a box without getting busted for finding anything useful in a box.
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06-13-2012, 10:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-15-2012, 12:28 AM by MaxieSatan.)
I head on over to the lab employee on the left and shoot him a smile. "Hey, I was told that I could pick up a training starter kit here? Guide and stuff?"
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06-13-2012, 11:19 PM
Bastion excitedly rushes forward into the back room to marvel at all of the amazing things.
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06-13-2012, 11:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-14-2012, 12:00 AM by Gatr.)
Marc nervously walked in and saw his idol, Professor Oak. It really was him, in person! He wanted to walk over and shake his hand, but he was too petrified to even move. He just kinda stood there dumbfounded instead.
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06-14-2012, 01:56 AM
Raphael stares with surprise at the musician next to her. "We can have training kits? When did this happen?" She shakes her head apologetically. "Sorry. We didn't do that back home."
She turns to the lab technician behind the desk. "Yeah. Traaaining kits. Any chance I could get one of those?"
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06-14-2012, 04:13 AM
Tori: You find yourself a spot up by the plants, near one of the numerous cardboard boxes.
You try to see if there's anything you can rustle out of it.
Sleight of Hand: 1d20+DEX(1)= 20
You deftly snag three Premier Balls from the box. Nobody notices you.
Bastion: There are quite a few neat machines in the room! Over to the right is a big tube of water that contains a blue fishlike pokemon that glows a bit. At the back of the room are three large cylindrical devices that you have no idea what they could possibly do.
Marc also enters the room.
Raphael and Clifton: "Yes, we do have a trainer kit consisting of a few essentials, but we only give them out if you adopt one of our Starter Pokemon, and the two of you seem to already be set on that front. I hear Professor Oak will be giving something out to new Trainers today, though, regardless of if they're here for their first Pokemon. I could look up exactly what, if you want."
![[Image: Ip8k1.png]](
Professor Oak and Cork quickly whisper something to each other, and Oak takes the center of the room. He's got less hair than he does on TV. He looks around a bit and clears his throat.
"Hello! I'm Professor Oak, and I'm going to tell you a bit about the wonderful world of Pokemon! Now, in my old age, I've seen many aspiring trainers start from nothing, leaving from a small town, and not only stop dangerous plots from criminal organizations, but go on to become Pokemon Masters! You're surely familiar with Red and Silver, who each stopped the infamous Team Rocket once and for all before going on to take the Pokemon League, but whether it's environmental extremists, or just crazed cultists, you too can become a great crimefighter of your region!"
Cork raises an eyebrow and goes to whisper something to Oak.
"Of course I should! These people are our future! When was the last time the rangers did something like this? It's always individuals! ...Yes, I have tried some Port Town Port, it would have been rude not to. Now to continue..."
It seems like it's going to continue like this.
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06-14-2012, 04:16 AM
Bastion obliviously continues to listen to the Pokemon Professor.
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06-14-2012, 04:17 AM
Marc's eyes become wide and starry. He stares at Oak with adoration, and starts fantasizing about becoming an excellent researcher like him.
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06-14-2012, 04:19 AM
Tori fucks around checking the window ain't gonna jam or something if she needs a quick escape route, then checks out the thing in the huge tube.
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06-14-2012, 05:11 AM
Clifton sighs, smiles, and hoists Riff onto his shoulder. "No need, I'll let it be a surprise." He shuffles into the back room, sidling up next to Marc.
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06-14-2012, 09:04 AM
Raphael follows into the back room, letting the professor's slightly drunken ramble wash over her. She looks around the room, paying attention to various pogeymans and peoples.
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06-14-2012, 10:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-14-2012, 10:17 AM by Robust Laser.)
Tori: The window isn't locked. Appears to need a bit of give to get open, but other than that, shouldn't be too much of a problem.
You go to look at the thing in the tube. It's blue with a yellow mask marking over its eyes, and a large bulb protruding from its forehead.
Clifton and Raphael: Both of you make your way to the back room, where Oak is still going on about... something.
"And another thing! Nobody ever learned anything but minding their own business! If it's not locked, a door is just asking to be entered! You never know when somebody is inside their house just waiting to give you an Onix in exchange for a Bellsprout!"
Suddenly, the lights go off. You hear shuffling, a few of you feel pushed a bit. You hear Oak and Cork complaining about something. The lights turn back on.
![[Image: J9gDO.png]](
I turned on the grid lines because combat situation! Each tile is one meter. I mean, probably not really based on the size of stuff but it'll do for our purposes. The fancy D markers represent your mysterious foes and the Poochyena icons represent your slightly less mysterious foes. I also kind of replaced the generic pokemon icons with more proper representation.
"Alright, we just want the Professor! The Professor! ...just Oak! Just let us leave with him and nobody has to get hurt!"
This is a worrying scene! A number of people in an unfamiliar uniform with a D on the front have shown up during the darkness with Pokemon. They're covering the exits, although it seems like a couple of people manage to flee during the panic of the darkness.
They have Professor Oak and Professor Cork behind them, with Oak more thoroughly guarded.
Speaking of whom, it seems he's not done.
"This is what I was talking about! Bring your best to a dangerous situation!"
"Sh-shut up, old man!"
Field Pokemon
Show Content
Owei the Exeggcute: 26/26 HP
Riff the Kricketot: 29/29 HP
Hrothgar the Igglybuff: 35/35 HP
Gabby the Ralts: 17/17 HP
Poochyena ??/??
Poochyena ??/??
Poochyena ??/??
Poochyena ??/??
Poochyena ??/??
Skitty: ??/??
Miltank: ?/??
Togepi: ?/?
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Spoilerdid i make anything confusing please tell me if I need to make something more clear
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06-14-2012, 10:43 AM
Tori thinks to herself: "Fuuuuuuck the cops are bound to show up."
Then she thinks to herself: "Waaaaait if I save these Professors they'll probably bail me out of anything unpleasant."
With impeccable demonstration of her utter lack of experience working with Pokemon, she marches across 2 metres and tries to kick the nearest goon in the crotch.
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06-14-2012, 12:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-15-2012, 12:29 AM by MaxieSatan.)
Clifton shifts one space to the right and stage-whispers to the scientist hiding behind the fish tank tube thing. "Hey, there's a couple trainers outside, I think. One of them had a real beat-up looking Pokemon. If we take care of that goon by the door, can you go, like, slip 'em a potion or something and bring 'em back in here?"
The scientist thus alerted, he then shifts two spaces left (carefully sidestepping Riff) and nudges Raphael. "Hey, uh... maybe we should do something about this. Those old men might get hurt, y'know?"
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06-14-2012, 02:40 PM
Raphael slowly backs behind the tube thingy as well as a growing commotion occurs on the other side involving kicks and crotches. "Keep your voices down, you three! We could probably take the goon by the door down, but we'll have to go through his little dog, first." On cue, Gabby chirps a quiet 'ralts!'. "Gabby can't attack, though...but he can use Confuse Ray*! Stir it up a little bit, maybs?"
*totes not a retcon
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06-14-2012, 03:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-15-2012, 12:30 AM by MaxieSatan.)
Clif scratches the back of his head. "Well, uh... Riff's not so great in a fight yet, either, but we can give it a go. Worst comes to worst, we can get into position to take the guy down ourselves. He doesn't look too tough."
He then strides over to the entrance, shifting one space left and doing his best to ignore the growling mutt, and looks the guard straight in the eye. "Hey, pal, some of us have places to be. Are you going to move, or do you want me and Riff here to work that little guy over first?"
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06-15-2012, 12:11 AM
"Oh god oh fuck what is this even."
It seemed people were ganging up on the grunt near the door. The one he was closest to. Well, he couldn't just ignore it, now could he?
"Owei, use Hypnosis on that Poochyena."
Hopefully, this will help.
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06-15-2012, 01:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-15-2012, 01:58 AM by Solaris.)
This is not a good thing at all! Both Bastion and Hrothgar know that they all must do their best to stop these malcontents, it is their duty!
Bastion whispers to Hrothgar, telling him to go onward and use SING on the two neer-do-wells and their pooch (possibly risking dehabilitating the good Pokemon Professor as well <_< ) whilst he charge forward against the Poochyena closest to him and start stomping and kicking and punching FOR JUSTICE.
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06-15-2012, 10:18 AM
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SpoilerI couldn't find rules for unarmed fighting, or fighting without an arms feature in general, so I'm going to say using a weapon without an Arms Feature is 1d8+2+whatever the stat would be for the weapon's Arms Feature. Completely unarmed is 1d6+2+STR modifier. It kind of needs to be established. No, your boot does not count as a fist weapon.
Tori: You head right over to the nearest grunt and prepare to deliver a swift boot to the low hanging fruit.
AC6: 1d20: 8 - Success!
Damage: 1d6+2+1= 9
You successfully hit the unfortunate mook in the nads, and he clutches them, falling to his knees.
He coughs and sputters, "God dammit you stupid Poochyena! Do something! Tackle!"
His poochyena sets his sights on you and takes a run at you, landing a solid hit to your side.
Damage: 2d6+6 = 11
Tori takes 11 damage.
Professor Cork notices the Pokeball at Tori's side, "Hey, don't you have a Pokemon in there? You should, you know, USE IT!"
Clifton, Mark, and Raphael: Clifton shuffles over to talk to the scientist, who has his eye on one of the boxes in the room, and starts to think to himself, before moving over to the mook by the door, after having another quick talk with Raphael.
The Mook simply declares that he doesn't give a fuck what you had scheduled today, and promptly commands his Poochyena to use Tackle on Riff.
Marc orders Owei to use Hypnosis on said mook's poochyena.
Clifton did not order his Pokemon to do anything before he decided to taunt the man, so Riff ain't doin' shit this turn.
Poochyena used Tackle on Riff!
Damage: 2d6+6 = 11
Riff took 11 damage!
Owei used Hypnosis on Poochyena!
AC6: 1d20 = 9
Poochyena fell asleep!
Bastion: Bastion orders Hrothgar to sing, and the mooks take notice! The closer one orders its poochyena to tackle Hrothgar, and is unfortunately faster!
Damage: 2d6+6 = 14
Hrothgar is hit for 14 damage!
It doesn't deter, the igglybuff, however, and he sings towards his attacker, and the targets behind it.
AC11: 20
yeah okay that succeeds pretty thoroughly. The two Mooks guarding the professors, their pokemon, and the professors themselves all fall asleep.
Bastion takes this opportunity to take a boot to the nearest sleeping pokedog.
AC7: 12
Damage: 1d6+2+3=7
And he does so.
That last mook doesn't appear to do anything.
![[Image: xT1BT.png]](
The numbers will just be there for this turn. They're just so you know how I'm defining each of the enemies by number in the stat roundup.
Field healths that matter
Show Content
Tori: 29/40 HP
Marc: 55/55 HP
Clifton: 70/70 HP
Bastion: 65/65 HP
Raphael: 50/50 HP
Player Pokemon
Owei the Exeggcute: 26/26 HP
Riff the Kricketot: 18/29 HP
Hrothgar the Igglybuff: 21/35 HP
Gabby the Ralts: 17/17 HP
Mook 1: Healthy
Mook 2: Healthy - Asleep
Mook 3: Healthy - Asleep
Mook 4: Cringing
Mook 5: Healthy
Foe Pokemon
Poochyena 1: Healthy
Poochyena 2: Scratched - Asleep
Poochyena 3: Healthy - Asleep
Poochyena 4: Healthy
Poochyena 5: Healthy - Asleep
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06-15-2012, 10:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-15-2012, 10:33 AM by AgentBlue.)
Raphael spins around as she tries to follow the action, and decides to follow the plan. "Gabby! Use Confuse Ray!" she says, indicating Poochyena #4.
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06-15-2012, 03:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-15-2012, 03:42 PM by MaxieSatan.)
Clifton frowns. "Okay, so that's a no go on Bide... Riff, go over there and then use Growl!" (Riff shifts one space north and one space west. Growl effects friend and foe alike in a five-meter radius. Diagram below.)
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Riff's intended position is marked by the star. The area of effect is area within the black circle. Hrothgar and Poochyena 2 might or might not be affected, but I'm fairly sure they are.
Clifton then shifts left and punches Goon Number Five square in the jaw.
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06-15-2012, 03:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-15-2012, 03:42 PM by Solaris.)
Bastion makes a silent FUCK YEA in his head at the success while he starts to beat up on the sleeping doggy. He whispers to Hrothgar to come closer, moving next to him, abovewayse (if he can) get his defenses ready and use DEFENSE CURL.
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06-15-2012, 11:46 PM
"Son of a bitch!"
With another bad case of the not-paying-attentions, Tori pulls out her knife and tries to stab the stupid dog. As an afterthought and substitute to her Shift action for the turn, she actually thinks about what that snoozing git said and sends out Natalie.
If having her fly above the boxes bottom-left of Tori isn't a valid action, then just send her out top-right of Tori.