Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
[Image: U7x5m.png]
The Airot region! Located off the west coast of PokeCanada, this is where you've decided to start your brand new Pokemon journey!
Perhaps you've been living in Port Town all your life, having not ventured much further than Stout City, or even Ale Town! More likely, you've arrived by ship from another region to explore and find your way.
Or maybe you've just heard that all the towns are named after alcohol and see it as a particularly complicated wine tour.
Perhaps you want to study the Pokemon, and use this knowledge to create and help mankind as a scientist. Maybe you want to fight for the common good alongside Pokemon, as a Ranger. Maybe you just want to tackle the Gym Challenge and become a Pokemon Master.
Whatever your reason, you're here now, and your journey is about to begin.

Now I took too long so those links have updated since I downloaded all this and that link doesn't have the GM manual THEREFORE
I have uploaded version 1.29 to my own site because I am afraid of change.

SCRATCH THAT we're using the wiki from now on.
Not only has it been balanced more, it's just more convenient to look stuff up with. I won't make you change too much shit if you've already got it set up via the book, but make sure you look at the wiki for further stuff. We'll still use the book if I in particular like something older, like Arms Features, and we'll need the Pokedex of course, but other than that the Wiki is pretty much our go to guide.

You know what's great? Google docs. Instant editing and saving of stuff and anybody can view and edit and Here are your character sheets. You can update your characters here, I can update them myself when I need to correct something or have Secret GM Updates to make, and it's just overall really useful. I'll be using this from now on when updating to keep track of information.

I have no clue what I'm doing. I've never GM'd something more complicated than Paranoia, but I've started using stats in that so maybe I'm ready for a jump up. This isn't too difficult a system anyways.
I'm still winging it here. So, uh. Join, or something.

The forms I've provided are a little barebones and I unfortunately haven't really explained the mechanics in detail, but they aren't too complicated, and until then you can just look it up yourself to fill out the sheets. If you're having trouble, I'm usually on IRC so ping me and if I'm awake I will help you.

Oh, and the starting town is Port Town.
Player Sheet

Pokemon Sheet
Your starter Pokemon is at level five. I would say don't go too crazy exotic or whatever but I don't even know what that means. So, uh, as long as you think your choice for starter is reasonable, I'm probably okay with that.

Here's a completed version of each sheet. The filled out pdf versions in fact but i'm confident you have the ability to figure that the fields are still the same.

I guess I could go up to six players. WHATEVER LET'S GET THIS TRAIN WRECK STARTED!

Pokemon League Map


A quick guide to described damage!

Train wreck passengers:
1. MrGuy - Clifton "Trouble" Branson
2. Solaris - Bastion Rigby
3. Garuru - Marc Allens
4. Schazer - "Tori" Victoria Denver
5. AgentBlue - Raphael Wexler
6. Godbot - "Sturm Volhelm"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
The Photographing Genius, and His Hive-Mind Eggs

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Jazz musician with a Kricketot~

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Player Name: SOLARIS
Character Name: Bastion Rigby



HROTHGAR (Igglybuff)

GROOP (Grimer)

Hayes (Gastly)

Wigsa (Turtwig)


Caught: 4
Seen: 33
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori Denver and her ill-gotten Krow


Pokemon seen (26):

Pokemon owned (4):
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
(06-03-2012, 05:00 AM)cyber95 Wrote: »I've never GM'd something more complicated than Paranoia,

Run that by me one more time?

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
NTA, we need to make a second team-rocket themed thread for those of us that missed out on this first round endeavor.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
I would definitely be into some Team Rocket-ing.

Edit: Moving this stuff to Page 1 for simplicity's sake:





Seen (13):

Owned (2):
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Okay so after some pondering on it I sort of figure that having a villaincentric game on the side running with this in the same region would be too much of a bitch to properly coordinate anyways.


If somebody is willing to run a Team Rocket based game of this, with entry priority to people who didn't get in this one, I think that'd be awesome. And I'd probably end up wanting to play myself.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
stats! wonderful stats~


RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Re: team rocket
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Edit: wait actually:
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Just a few notes before we start.
I would like everybody to PM me with 6 pokemon they might want eventually, in order from most wanted to least wanted.

And because we might have some house rules going on, allow me to introduce...

Pokemon Tabletop Adventures v1.29.c95

TMs are not injections. I'm not sure anybody actually likes that bit of lore. They are still magical learnification discs. You can put 'em in a fancy device and point it at your pokemon and they'll absorb the magical learny magic, although new features in the Pokedex mean that you can also use that. It can, however take between a few minutes and a few hours for a Pokemon to get used to a move they did not learn naturally, however, so plan for that.

Arms Feature: Firearms User
Yeah, uh, working on this. Tentatively saying it's a DEX requirement, and is not automatically gifted to any class. If anybody has any ideas, tell me. If guns do actually end up a thing, they won't be particularly easy to get a hold of anyways

Unarms Feature: You don't know how to properly hold a weapon
With a weapon you don't have an Arms Feature for, accuracy check of 7, and you deal 1d8+2+(appropriate modifier as per weapon)
If completely unarmed and you don't have Fist Weapons User, deal 1d6+2+STR

Arms Features: Not the wiki version
Using the book version. Here's it in image form.

But how many moves can my pokemon have at a time? Well, 12 total, but not just any 12 moves! I was looking at the sheets and i totally saw wrong and thought there was room for 6 each and not 7 each but i'm not backing down shut up

ANYWAYS you can have up to 6 natural moves and 6 Technical moves! If a pokemon gets a move via TM that it can learn naturally, it counts for however it learns it. You can't learn a move twice.

The Pokedex! You won't start off with it but probably get one fairly quickly. They'll work a bit differently than in the rules.
Now, to access basic information, just point and push the button. It's a bit complicated and not very user-friendly, however, and it takes time in order to get any information more complicated that. About 20 seconds. In battle, you get all the basic Pokedex information once it's done, and also what it's HP was at the time of scanning. So you use it, and the following turn you'll learn the HP.
It's also a wiki! This is why Sharpedo can allegedly take out a supertanker on its own. If you've seen a pokemon, you can edit the page of that pokemon with mod approval, but if you've caught it, you can edit indiscriminately. It takes like five minutes to edit a page either way because who designed this fucking thing?

On humans and status effects!
Oddly enough, humans are just naturally resistant to status affect, and are completely immune to a couple! Humans can only be afflicted with two at a time.
Humans can not be infatuated by Pokemon. If you want your GardevoirxTrainer slashfic to come true, find another GM.
They also can't be Confused, and being hit by a confusion causing move will just Snafu them for a turn, disorienting them.

Against all other status effects, a human character gets a saving roll of 15 to prevent it, and any rolls they must make against it from then on are halved from what a Pokemon would need to recover.

This isn't a homebrew rule, but rather a handy guide for how big a burst is for Moves with the Burst Keyword.

Increased Trainer Combat
Your modifiers for stats are... really shitty to use as attack and defense as the like. As a bit of a compromise between trainers not being as good as pokemon and not having them be like, totally useless in a fight, when using Moves or attacks, or being attacked, use half of the relevant stat's total, rather than just the modifier.

Perhaps other things? We'll see how things go, but if any other adjustments or other rules are needed, it'll be put into this post.

I'll start this relatively soon. I'll get Godbot in as soon as he has a character.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG

Tuesday, May 14

Port Town! Most adventurers of the Airot region start their journey here, primarily because of it's titular port. Not... not the booze, although that's there too. Ferries make regular voyages here from regions near and far. The world famous Professor Oak was in fact on the latest one, here to promote the Airot regional Pokedex.
Aside from the port, Port Town has a popular boardwalk, a large hat shop called The Haberdashery, naturally a Pokemon Center and Pokemart, a liquor store with a specialization in Port Town Port, and various other locations of varying interest. Of course, for those ready to start their Pokemon Journey, the most important place is...

9:57 AM

There's a small crowd gathered outside the local laboratory. There's usually a few people there before it opens, trainers eager to get started on their adventures, but today there's a few more than usual. Through the large windows you can see many researchers and scientists mostly milling about. Some carrying papers around, a few just talking amongst each other, one standing by the front doors staring at her watch. The doors usually open at 10 AM, so that would be what she's up to.
The five of you are all here for whatever your own reasons are, whether it's to get a good start on your journey, hearing about Professor Oak's visit yourself, or maybe just curiosity about the crowd. You've got a few minutes before the doors open to mill about yourselves.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Are you all excited for this? I am very excited for this!"
"We're gunna have so much fun, and we are going to KICK BUTT and YEA!"

Bastion just can't keep still as he anticipates the moment when he does to see the Pokemon Professors and gets to go on his POKEMON ADVENTURE. Hrothgar holds on his head as steadily as possible as the twelve-year-old bounces around.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori, walking brisk and purposefully by in an attempt to look like she's got somewhere to be going, notices the crowd and figures it's a good place to mingle out of sight as any. She sidles on up to some dude at the edge of the crowd, keeping half an eye out to make sure nobody's looking for her.

"So, uh. What's happening here?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton yawns, leaning down to feed some leaves to Riff. He sighs as the bug nibbles at them, glancing at his watch. "Shouldn't be too much longer, I guess. You excited to take your first trip out of town, Riff?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael runs a hand through her scruffy hair. It could be put down to bed-head and the rush down to the laboratory, but another look at her rumpled clothes and a trace of last night's eyeliner reveals that she is pretty much Not A Neat Person.

An insistent tug on her cargo pants directs her vision downwards. "*yawn* What's with you, Gabby?" She looks around at the excited masses surrounding the laboratory doors. "You wanna see the Professor?" Another insistent tug. "Oh, arright you, hop up."

With Gabby sitting on her backpack, Raphael makes her way along the edge of the crowd!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
"Okay. Here we go, I guess. Gonna take a picture of all the pokemon in the region. It's going to be fun, I can tell! Seems like it'll take a while though."

He looked at his grand album of pictures to pass the time. It had only one entry, his Owei looking up at the camera with different faces. It was a vivid piece that captured both the individuality and teamwork of his Owei. It really was a nice picture.

#102 Exeggcute

He looked around absentmindedly, at everybody and their pokemon. Wow, there sure were a lot of other trainers here, huh? Marc wondered if it would be polite to ask if he could take a picture of their pokemon. He wondered for quite a while.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion: "...yeah. Sure, kid." The man next to Bastion just sort of shifts away slightly.

Tori: "Oh, you haven't heard? Professor Oak's doing a tour through this region. I've got a cousin who says he usually gives out free stuff to aspiring trainers, so I'm hoping to pass off as one of those."

Raphael: You have little trouble making it to the front of the crowd, which luckily isn't too packed. You see who you think is Professor Cork at the back talking to somebody else. He's gesturing towards some boxes.

Marc: You successfully convince yourself it's a good photo. Maybe... maybe you'll still take another one later once you've got the experience and talent to become a real Photographer.

Clifton: Staring at your watch accomplishes making time just move that much more slowly. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. 9:59. Surely they could open a minute early.

Indeed they can, or maybe the scientist at the door's watch is a minute ahead of Clifton's. Either way, she unlocks the door, and people start shuffling in.

[Image: G33D8.png]
i'm too lazy to import a million npc sprites into rpg maker so People will be played by the role of Colored Dots. Green is Professor Cork. Blue dots are various scientists and researchers. Staff basically. Red is the general public, and yellow dots are pokemans. You don't automatically know what any pokemon is but if you want to know what any specific ones are you can always roll to try and identify them

10:00 AM

Inside the lab is a motley congregation. A few people headed directly to those manning the counter, one particularly pimply individual practically ran to the nearest computer station, but most of the others are just hanging out it seems.
You are all still outside the main doors at the bottom
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Tori's never one to turn down free shit, so she just sidles on in as naturally as she's capable. She keeps an eye out for anyone toting anything particularly valuable that they're not being too careful with.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Bastion rushes forward to the counter and waves hello to Professor Cork.
Hrothgar waves in unison.

Bastion momentarily pauses as he notices the pokemon on the counter, "Ooh, what Pokemon is this?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Raphael is half-propelled through the doors by the people behind her, and glances around. Professor Cork is in the back of the large room, a fact evidenced by the excited murmurs of the crowd and very loudly evidenced by some kid's excited shouting. She winces.

Already there's a bit of a line forming at the counter, so she takes a place there.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG
Clifton slowly sidles in, looking back and forth. He promptly heads forward, realizes there's a line, and shuffles to the back, sighing. As he does so, he glances around at the surrounding 'mons, trying to decide if any of them look like a good practice battle.