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RE: Fiasco
So hey! It's been a while since we had a game, and I thought it would be good to get one going. Especially since we now have an Eagle Timer-made playset, the Biocube!

We're currently trying to run a game on IRC at this very moment if we can get enough people together. If not, right now we're looking at Friday afternoon EST, when Maxie is available; but if there's enough people around, another game could be arranged.

So if you're interested, say so here and we can try to organize a game!
RE: Fiasco
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RE: Fiasco
No, you roll dice at the start and then take turns picking dice from that pool. You decide relationships with two other people, and for each of those you pick one of a Location, Need, or Object.

Then from there you work out who your characters are and start doing scenes. There's some die-rolling there, but pretty much only during two phases. The rest of the game is, mechanics-wise, about determining who gets how many dice (and what kind of dice those are). Although the main point of it is acting out scenes where things go horribly wrong.
RE: Fiasco
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