GRAND TWEET V: it's over!

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GRAND TWEET V: it's over!
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Vera was suddenly knocked aside by a leather-covered paw.

"Never look away in a fight! ...What's that weird metal thingy?"
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Catarath sighs.

"Still, can't leave graveyard for long. Damn skeletons won't give up. But who to fight... that one."
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Stink? No, no smell at all! Just pure, metallic bee-yutey! Hop right in and start the ride of your life!"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"How dare you touch me with those paws! Damn, who knows what they've touched! I hate anthro's. Disgusting creatures.” Stab towards her.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Accept the plane's offer. I think it will be fun for us both!
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Floating brain, diagnosis: escaped corpse. Gravedigger's code instructions: re-inter."
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Did I mention metallic beauty? Damn, I'm good looking. I mean it's good looking. And just think about how good you'll look in the cockpit!"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Haha, that's more like it!"

She knocked her knives away with a blast of solar wind.

"No weapons, though!"
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Business? I do-it-all! Scouting, striking, I've even rained steel on parades! Oh, man you should've seen the look on those kids' faces!"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
I didn't escape! I don't have a body. Why don't you do everything I say so you can be happy?
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
The shovel swings down, aiming to cleave something more organic than dirt. Just another happy gravedigging day.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
The drone tips down towards him, lowering one wing towards the ground to allow him to climb up into its compact cockpit. "Heh. Sucker."
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Walks slowly off with her remaining blade. "I'm going to skin you and hang you on my wall!"
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Xehbleb floated away quickly, no longer unaware that Dragonborn resist mind control.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Acting on a cat's instincts and woman's intuition, Shelena dodged a shovel from above.

"Hey! What did I just say? You people are so rude."
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Walks faster away from the man in the shiny shoes
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
The cockpit sealed with a click in seconds. All of the controls seemed to be sealed behind plexiglass, like a fighter plane in a museum.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Mind-necromancer, class five coffin-hazard. Gravedigger's training very comprehensive. Get out of my head.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
Are you sure? You really seem unhappy. Wouldn't you rather be happy?

Xehbleb tried to telekinetically grab the shovel as it thought.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
She sprints toward her knife that's been left on the floor. She wants it back. Call it sentimental value.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 1: Big Desk
"Stay out of the way. Official grave-digging business." Catarath brandishes a Union License, rehoists the shovel.