What's the Big Deal?

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What's the Big Deal?
What's the Big Deal?
Last Edited: Saturday, August 30th, 7:30 AM, Korean Standard Time

Hi everyone. This is a project Dragonfogel and I have been working on for a little while now. We've finally started solidifying some ideas (though it's still extremely extremely in-progress still), so we figured we would post the rules up here and ask some people if they wanted to try and playtest some parts of it.

This is intended to be a roleplaying game that uses cards instead of the traditional dice mechanics that are seen so often. On top of that, we've added an extra aspect that makes the whole thing seem much more like a normal card game rather than just using cards to determine how well you do at something.

Every class has its own special "draw action" that affects how they can handle cards, decks, or any other crazy thing, and while these actions are thematically appropriate for each class, they don't actually have any effect on the narrative, so they play out more like a meta strategy outside of what the actual character is doing at the time.

Below are the rules, which we've tried to explain as clearly as we could without too much feedback. At the moment, we really only have basic combat mechanics and some class features. We'd love to hear any feedback as well as well as any enthusiastic shouts from volunteers. We're trying to see if the basic system we have in place right now works and feels fun to play with, so the more volunteers for playtesting the better.

New features are in RED

New features that are still in development or not yet being implemented are in BLUE

Basic Rules:

Character Classes:

Experimental Classes:
RE: The Big Deal



IT'S HERE. is there a designated time for the next playtest? No? Sign me up!
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: The Big Deal
We're basically going to run playtests when we actually have people available.

Also, "The Big Deal" is a placeholder name, if someone comes up with a better pun for a card-based RPG we'll use that.
RE: The Big Deal
I will sign up as well.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: What's the Big Deal?
I sign upp
RE: What's the Big Deal?
If the playing hand is fixed, what does resting do?
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: What's the Big Deal?
It's not fixed, the hand size is the number of cards the class starts with.
RE: What's the Big Deal?
Then couldn't resting accumulate into ridiculously large hand sizes? All the other actions seem to involve zero-sum changes in hand size.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: What's the Big Deal?
You use up cards when you get attacked as well as when you attack. So on a single round, even if there are only two players, if both attack then each loses two cards but only draws one on their own turns.

Also as we develop things more, there will be ways to use up more cards in one turn.

There's probably going to be a hand size limit too, but that didn't really come up in our one playtest so we haven't thought about it much so far.
RE: What's the Big Deal?
Color me curious.

If the health cards themselves have value, a let's-say-berserker class might work by self-wounding to use the value of the inflicted wound in some way. Maybe similar to the Priest's Pray skill? Not totally sure.
RE: What's the Big Deal?
One thing we've been contemplating (but haven't tested yet) is allowing classes to use health cards for special abilities. We're mostly focused on getting the basics down first, though - the mechanics of the classes and how they fight.

(And at some point we hope to come up with rules for how they don't fight. We want to work actual adventuring into this system, too!)
RE: What's the Big Deal?
For fighter's ability I suggest taking a page out of Munchkins book and giving it trumping powers. (nontrumps count as trumps)
RE: What's the Big Deal?

Scott and I are planning a playtest again this Friday evening at 7 PM Mountain time. That's 10 AM Saturday morning for him (he's in South Korea), in case it's easier for you to work out what that is on your local time.

So if you want to test, let us know if you'll be around for that.
RE: What's the Big Deal?
It is possible that I will be.
RE: What's the Big Deal?
We already had the playtest, maybe next time I should put a specific date on to reduce confusion.

We'll keep you in mind next time we schedule a test, though!
RE: What's the Big Deal?
I could have sworn I checked the post date.
RE: What's the Big Deal?
oh yeah i missed that didn't i? dang.

i'd still like to be in the next playtest, though. maybe a PM as a reminder would be nice.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: What's the Big Deal?
7 pmmmountain time is pretty dang inconvenient for me, so I didn't come. Should've sent a pm tho, sorry