Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion

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Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by Bropocalypse.

>Hesti: What the hell are you doin man
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

Rothnan: "A local with some kind of weird headband just landed right in front of us from above."

> Inquire as to why she fell right there.
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Bropocalypse Wrote:>Hesti: What the hell are you doin man
Well it turns out you didn't even have enough money to get all way over to your friend's dome, which you only found out after the cab left. Cab prices must have gone up with rocket fuel prices. Anyways, once you told the driver this, he was, um, upset. Well at least he didn't dumb you from too high up!

[Image: 146.png]

"Hey, you alright?"


[Image: 147.png]

"Completely fine! Nothing wrong at all! But thank you for-"

[Image: 148.gif]

[Image: 149.png]

"Um... yeah."

"Er, right. What was with, uh, that?""

"Travel problems. You wouldn't happen to be able to give me a ride somewhere, would you?"
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by Bropocalypse.

>What do we look like, a bus service?
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by SonicLover.

>"Define 'somewhere'."
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> "We're kinda busy trying to find some nerds to help save this place from the Meteos."
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

SonicLover Wrote:>"Define 'somewhere'."
"Okay hold on, I've got my laptop let me open up Tresent."

[Image: 150.png]

"Well I guess it can't be that far away."

"The grey ones are residential, brown is private commercial, blue is public commercial like stores and stuff, purple is mostly recreational, red is industrial, and green is government. And-- Wait, hold on, I've got it pretty zoomed in."

[Image: 151.png]

"Huh. Okay so, I was heading towards the B."

"And we're at the A. I really, really need to get to the C."

"Um, wow. That's... kind of far. Why do you need to get there anyways?"

"So I can save my friend and possibly the universe from meteor based destruction!"

"Wait what."

Okay so this girl is either crazy or on to something. You'd be going quite out of your way to get to her destination, but it looks like it's right next to where that con is going to be. Upon additional inspection of the map, the Partydome appears to be right next to here if you decide to ignore both of those options with the new information. You can also opt to press her for more information, but, uh, you aren't sure you really WANT to know the details.

Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Press her for more information. If what she's doing is actually important, maybe you can get the Governor to help her out.
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by billybobfred.

>Explain Domestuck in great detail.
>Hey, I guess we found a nerd! Maybe not the right kind, though.
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> There's plot over at C so go for it.
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

billybobfred Wrote:>Explain Domestuck in great detail.
>Hey, I guess we found a nerd! Maybe not the right kind, though.
[Image: 152-1.png]

You explain the wonders and intricacies of Domestuck, which comes easily to you as the biggest editor of the wiki. You speak at lengths about the four main characters, each with their own interesting personalities and hobbies. You tell about the trolls and their strange appearances and lifestyles. Most importantly, you tell about Sburbion and all the it entails! The creation of a universe! Two opposing planets! You go on an on and on about all of this.

[Image: 153.png]

"What is she talking about, some kind of anime?"

"I do not know. I lost track when she started to mention 'troll romance'"

"She keeps going on and on!"

"She most certainly has passion. Perhaps we could assist her with her dilemma once we have finished our own mission here?"

"I'unno. I'm all for helping people out but what if she's a problem?"

Well what do you do?
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by Bropocalypse.

>Try to surreptitiously discover whether Misthine can smell or taste colors.
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Drag her along to B and take her to C afterwards. Or do you expect B to take a while?
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by williamcll.

>sees the meteor comign
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> Pick her up and take her to B, I don't think she'll notice for awhile.
Re: Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Originally posted on MSPA by Mooeena.

> Knock her out and steal her sweet hat.