Choose Your Own Alignment Mafia

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Choose Your Own Alignment Mafia
Choose Your Own Alignment Mafia
Don't like playing as town? Don't feel nefarious enough to be scum? Only like playing for weird third-party win conditions?

Well, then this is the game for you!

In this mafia game, you pick your alignment. Just send me a PM saying if you want to be town, scum, or third-party.

I'll design the setup after I know how many town and scum I'm going to have.

If there's an overabundance of scum, expect multiple scumteams. If there's an overabundance of town, expect extreme mod bastardry. If there's an overabundance of third-parties, then I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do.

If you actually give me the numbers to make a balanced, relatively normal setup, I'll be very disappointed in you all.

Anyways, that's all there is to it! Sign up now and let's make this crazy!

Note: I am not starting this until after Mafia All-Stars wraps up. However, there's no reason I can't take alignment requests and prepare the setup beforehand.