Disappearance Speculation Information Station

Disappearance Speculation Information Station
Disappearance Speculation Information Station
Man, you guys ever miss someone?
Wish that you at least knew what happened after someone left?
Even if it was for a just a while?
I know that we have a spot for introducing people, but we don't really have anywhere to say goodbye forever I hate you, or I am going to go away fighting dragons, or I'll be back later for your skull, schazer.
So here is a nice spot for speculation about what a hellish time they are having away from here they are doing, or preemptively informing us about where they going to go and stab us in the back.

I for one, am sad that I have not seen een for all of 9 hours here :<
I am worried, but I am sure that she is having a lot of fun slaying the slime beasts and grease demons that all unfortunately infect her home, and I am sure that the extermination of them will be swift and righteous, at which point een will slay her resident internet leech and come speak with us once more.

Oh yea, also I am going on a plane ride to the Dominican Republic on Saturday.
Re: Disappearance Speculation Information Station
Have a good time, Solaris! We look forward to hearing about your exciting Dominican Republic adventures!

Betting pool! How many secret supervillain lairs will Solaris accidentally stumble across before his trip is over? I'm thinking three, myself.
Re: Disappearance Speculation Information Station
Dragon Fogel Wrote:Have a good time, Solaris! We look forward to hearing about your exciting Dominican Republic adventures!

Betting pool! How many secret supervillain lairs will Solaris accidentally stumble across before his trip is over? I'm thinking three, myself.
Well 3 each, so I say 9.

Mirdini has been quite AFK of late. As far as I can tell he's a secret consort of Kate Beaton's who's tasked with accompanying her on her adventures throughout time in order to protect and support her as she investigates the austere mysteries history has left for us to uncover. He sports a bullwhip and a moonraker laser. Two weapons for all occasions.

When he returns to us, please remember to ask him how Descartes was. I hear that guy is a hoot.
Is observing my own pattern of behavior of observing my own patterns of behavior a mental fractal or just navel gazing? Please advise.
Re: Disappearance Speculation Information Station
Does anyone know what happened to the milk bottles that had missing kids on them?

This is the blog for my game I'm making for real its happening
Re: Disappearance Speculation Information Station
Mehgamehn Wrote:Does anyone know what happened to the milk bottles that had missing kids on them?
The guy who got the pictures was kidnapped. There were no pictures of him to put on the milk carton, so nobody ever found him.
Re: Disappearance Speculation Information Station
I am now available to tell you myself, my dear Niall. Descartes is a cad and a bounder, and I would not trust him farther than I can throw my trusty robocodile.

I am semi-back but still constrained by the confounded INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE ORIENT for the moment, upon the fine date of August 9th I shall return to my rightful seat of Dormroomia in the hallowed halls of European Studenciety.

Happy to be back though!