The Basalt City (TWS)

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The Basalt City (TWS)
The Basalt City (TWS)
In all of the endless miles of the Boundless Realm, the greatest gathering of merfolk is without a doubt the Basalt City. There, numerous Shapers have practiced their craft over the years to sculpt the rock of the ocean floor into structures for both practical purposes and pure artistry until the city bloomed almost a mile towards the surface. Coral Keepers made similar strides in their craft, guiding their polypal friends into crafting living structures amongst the rock. The city overflows with art and abundance, which comes as no surprise given that it is a gathering of all of the greatest mages in all the seas. Though the city is filled with merchants and aspiring craftsmen to support the ever growing cadres of mages, the true heart of the city lies with those who are invited to come to it by the Joyful Council that rules over the ocean. The Seers and Current Readers advising the Council take care to seek out any great mage, regardless of what far flung waves they ride, to invite them to the elegant heart of the undersea empire. There, they can live lives of luxury while devoting themselves to their craft, making ever greater strides in the name of magic, life, and progress.

Or so the tourist slates say, anyways. While all seems cheery in the obnoxiously art-crammed City of Stone, plots are always afoot within its countless shadowed nooks and crannies. The Joyful Council knew what it was doing when it created this city, and it didn’t invite all the spellslingers to one place so that they could work together. No, it brought them to this deep, dark place to keep them under its careful gaze, to stop them when they summon something they can’t control, and most importantly to prevent any of them from breaking away from the Council’s rule. In the city’s countless alcoves, the mages plot against each other constantly, jockeying for power and prestige as if they’ll be remembered for any of it.

The Joyful Council knows about all this, of course, but the fact is that these magic users, whether they call themselves Shapers, Readers, Keepers, Mystics, or Seraphines are even more dangerous than the councilors believe them to be, and if they weren’t constantly at each other’s throats they would have torn the realm apart long ago. You should know this better than anyone; after all, it’s your job to clean up their mess. A small team of agents with no small allotment of talent, you spend your days keeping tabs on the plots of some of the city’s most dangerous sorcerers, working both to ensure that their attentions are directed against each other and to make sure that nothing gets far enough out of hand to threaten the city itself and the typically less than innocent civilians that live there.

As you swim through the uncanny, enormous smile that makes up the door to the council chamber, you look back over your team - who do you see?

Humanoid Upper Body:
Aquatic Lower Body:
Mundane Talent:
Magical Talent:
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: The Basalt City (TWS)
Name: Octo Rocker
Humanoid Upper Body: Reptilian. (Lizardlike, if you want to be more specific.)
Aquatic Lower Body: Octopus
Mundane Talent: Skilled with a wide variety of musical instruments, and can play several at once thanks to all those tentacles.
Magical Talent: Object summoning. Gotta keep those instruments somewhere!
RE: The Basalt City (TWS)
Name: Leavantine "Auntie" Ostara
Humanoid Upper Body: gaunt, ethereal, mottled and replete with gossamer fins, extremely foul mouth like woah
Aquatic Lower Body: Lionfish
Mundane Talent: Toxic quills, fourth-stream practitioner of the Rippling Palm Technique
Magical Talent: Venomkinesis
RE: The Basalt City (TWS)
Name: Luymesi Rift
Humaniod Upper Body: Slender, bendable frame with a skeleton made out of cartilage rather than bone. Forehead splits into a dual crimson crest. There are basic facial features, but they posses no teeth, vocal cords or arms.
Aquatic Lower Body: Giant Tube Worm Colony. An inverted mass of red tendrils that help them glide across the ocean floor.
Mundane Talent: Can use tube worm colony for limited storage and as dexterous appendages. They can also sense detailed vibrations in the water effectively allowing them to hear.
Magical Talent: Gastral projection. Can send their tubeworms into the internal digestive systems of other seafolk. Either for intelligence gathering, or for offensive means.
RE: The Basalt City (TWS)
Name: Elgin Fathomseeker
Humanoid Upper Body: Muscled and sturdy. Extremely aquadynamic, featuring a rostrum jutting out of the head and a large foldable sailfin along the back. No other protrusions or extra fins, capable of pulling arms into grooves along the torso.
Aquatic Lower Body: Sailfish
Mundane Talent: Extreme speed, expert three-blade swordsfishship.
Magical Talent: Current manipulation.
RE: The Basalt City (TWS)
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