Let's Play: A Terrible Experience

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Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
The title pretty much says it all, folks. In case that's not quite enough for you though, here's a little background: you remember when you were a kid, and you played a game or watched a cartoon or even read a book because you were already a huge dork even then, and then you made up a story about the characters from it plus every other thing you'd playwatchread recently? Well, this is that, but in Link to the Past romhack form, and made by an ostensible adult. It was introduced to me slash inflicted on me by the forum's foremost yaoi expert, soundlyParanoid; I'm playing it because... Well, mostly because I want senpai to notice me.

Come with me down the rabbit hole that I've been promised leads to a wonderland of frustration, eyerolling, and unrelenting horror. Nobody's going to enjoy it, but you can all at least enjoy how much I'm not!

RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
I'd admonish you for how harsh you're being regarding syntax, but considering the guys reaction when people tried to offer positive criticism and a few other... quirks, I'm not that forgiving. And the fact remains even if it was perfect the story is somewhere along the lines of a good ol' fanfic wank so that still deserves some ribbing.

Godspeed, Slorange.
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
Disclaimer: All errors in text have been faithfully transcribed from the source. Management claims no responsibility for typos, doubled words, or mistakes of any kind; we simply don't have a sufficient supply of [sic]s to flag them all.

RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
why was there a black mage in the opening cutscene.

also I like how they just said "Bye!!!" to Definitely Not An Upcoming Miniboss Darknut Captain, like they just had no idea to respond to that shit and awkwardly ended the conversation right there
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
Why are they so against you looking for treasure?

Also how do you get away with calling anyone "Bigdad" without being a prostitute
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
"Okay, they're carpenters. Sure. Maybe not the sprite I would have chosen for this purpose, or at all, but I don't see anything problematic with making the Chinese dudes building things in harsh conditions."

Oh come on, this was probably not intentional. I hope.
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
(06-16-2013, 04:14 AM)MrGuy Wrote: »why was there a black mage in the opening cutscene.

(06-15-2013, 03:15 AM)SleepingOrange Wrote: »remember how I said this was a horrible, childlike crossover?

I expect rampant Black Magery to be the least of our cross-canon worries. I mean, just as an example, the flower in the very first screen is a Secret of Mana enemy. There's gonna be shit from all over with no explanation.

(06-17-2013, 12:38 AM)Mehgamehn Wrote: »Why are they so against you looking for treasure?

Treasure is a known vector for adventure.

(06-17-2013, 10:20 AM)GenetiXientist Wrote: »Oh come on, this was probably not intentional. I hope.

Probably not, no, and you can't really fault a non-American for making unintentional reference to old American racial inequalities; it's more the sprite itself I actually take issue with. The fact that its usage matches up with some sad racisms is just funny to point out.

RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
"Breaking and redecorating is pretty much the only crime Kakariko suffers from, but the interior designer turf wars it spawns can get bloody."

You'll find that 'Breaking and Decorating" is the very definition of an Anti-Crime.

If you don't get this reference, shame on you.
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
I think I just shot blood out of my eyeballs at the misogyny on display this update.


RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
That is the rudest hut

And also I was really rooting for you to get that Rupee, I feel like I felt that loss as well
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
[Image: 7b37c2f44e0fcc0c296388b006173661.png]

Yeah, that seems like a good place for a bridge.
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
(06-18-2013, 05:11 AM)Mehgamehn Wrote: »That is the rudest hut

And also I was really rooting for you to get that Rupee, I feel like I felt that loss as well

Sure, you get more rupees, and eventually you might even get all but one of them, but the knowledge that there's one you missed: that you didn't get every last one of them, will gnaw at you forever, until you finally go to the garden, and there, there you will see that rupee. And the plants will have you, just as they knew they would.

The real enemy of this game isn't the essence of the color pink, but your own greed. And murderous plants.

This has been "amateur dramatic writing" with Geneti.
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
Yeah, yeah, everybody loves Pratchett. Just, no need to make a reference just for the sake of making it, you know?

Anyway uh,

Here's some stuff

RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
Well, uh. I really have no response to the sex slavery. What the christ?

EDIT: Oh, and Deku Scrubs are sentient. This fucker traffics in sex slavery and just normal slavery. I kinda want to punch the creator of this mess.
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience


I don't think I'll be able to type coherently for awhile.

edit: there are no words for how disgusting I find the creep who made this.
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
Okay, now the title of this thread is literal.

because what thE FLIP was the creator thinking
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
So are you going to buy her
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
I don't understand
the maker is from 4chan I cant think of any other rational explanations except 4chan or sick fucks
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
We have to buy her. It's the only way to truly experience this 14 year old's wet dream.

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
I'm afraid of what will happen if we buy her. I'm hoping that Lunk sets her free, and the confronts the shopkeeper, but based on what's been seen in the game... Why did I have to think about it.

At least Lunk is probably closer to her age than the shopkeeper is, so, um, small favors?

The internet has jaded me far too much for this to make a significant impact, and it scares me.
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
Given the way legend of zelda games tend to progress, even romhacked versions, what exactly are the chances here that slavery won't be a mandated plot key at some point later in the game. I mean there are literally three options here.

1. At some point in the game you'll find you need a small enslaved girl to proceed.

2. She is required for acquiring some secondary item/improved item, fetch quest dealy, or she is a secondary item :/

3. She is a one use item to give a temporary boost to attack/defense etc.

I mean. There's no way out here, I can't tell which of these are the worst, and they're all awful. dear fuck creator, just, what the hell?
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience

really wish I could ascribe that to something being lost in translation.

Maybe it's a doll.
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
Deadcrystal, none of those will happen.

This is a z1 info room, and you can't actually buy any of those. (and no flags will ever change events in there.)
RE: Let's Play: A Terrible Experience
Even if it weren't an inforoom, the three rupee things would mean there's only three purchasable items. You could never free the girl.

You can only leave, letting her sit eternally on that counter, forever. She will never know if purchase would make her lot better, or far worse, because all she can do for the rest of her sixteen-bit life is stare at that wall.

Quote:Oh, and Deku Scrubs are sentient. This fucker traffics in sex slavery and just normal slavery. I kinda want to punch the creator of this mess.
Don't forget mutilating animals. You think that Gleeok was braindead or that cat was mute when he found them?