Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)

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Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Welcome! I'm your host, Host. And this is a game.

So we got Mafias and RPGs and what not, but I figured more variety in our gamepool would be nice. So I got this game for you. Its nice and easy, doesn't take much effort to play, but hopefully can be great fun.


At the beginning of each round, every player will be PM'd a question with many different potential answers. Each player will then PM me with their answer. After all answers have been given, I'll post who answered what.The point of the game is to try to guess who else amongst the other players has been asked the same question as you based on the answers. And that's basically the gist of the game.


The players will not be told how many questions are being asked in a round, nor does any question have a set amount of players it can be asked to, only that the question must be asked to at least 2 people. For example, if there were 10 people, and 3 questions in the round, I COULD ask 6 players Question 1, and give Question 2 and 3 to 2 players each. In the interest of transparency, I will say that I decide how many players will get each question, but who gets each question is decided by RNG.


At the beginning of each round, every player is given 10 points and tries to avoid losing those points during the round. You lose points either by:
-Guessing a player has the same question as you when he/she does not (1 point each)
-Not guessing a player has the same question as you when he/she does (1 point each)

For example, if PLAYER A was asked the same question as PLAYER B and PLAYER ASSHOLE, and PLAYER A'S Guess is "PLAYER DIGIMON, PLAYER B", the PLAYER A would lose 2 points. 1 point for an incorrect guess (DIGIMON), 1 point for leaving a player off (ASSHOLE). PLAYER A ends the round with 8 points.

Iunno, 10? Yeah lets do 10


You are allowed to research to your heart's content for both your own answers and other players, however your answer must be a reasonably connected answer to the question. The basic rules I'm going to lay down is "If your answer is, or requires, Uncommon Knowledge, it is not valid" and "If your answer, while correct, has no decipherable connection to the question, it is not valid". For example, if the question is "Name something that is blue", answers like "a house" or "[some super rare insect]" would not be valid answers, because a house can be any color, and nobody else even knows what that insect is Schazer. NOTE: You CAN have a valid answer that is technically incorrect. If you had answered that previous question with "The Ocean", that's a valid answer even though the Ocean isn't technically blue, because we all associate the ocean with being blue.

14. SeaWrym


I probably need at least 9 or 10 players, but I would love to have just a bunch. However, because everyone is important in this game, please only signup if you will be able to give a few seconds to do the answers.

If there are any questions, please ask here or on IRC.
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Baboop. Add me.
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Yes yo sign up me
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Beep boop
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Joining in.
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
I like this.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
I will try this thing
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
sounds insane. i'm in
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Cool. I'm in.
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Made a change in how the game will work. You'll PM me the answers instead of posting them in the thread, then I'LL post them all together, because obviously that's the more logical thing to do in a game where you're all supposed to be answering at the internet forum equivalent of "The Same Time".

You will be free to muck about this thread in anyway you like, as long as you don't hint at what your question is
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
wynaut :3
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
ONE LAST BIT OF WARNING: The questions are designed as best I can to cause confusion and strife (else it would be an easy game), while avoiding as well as I can questions that outright will have many answers that crossover.

Some still will however, its just the wide openness of the game. So a word of advice is to really think about how "well" an answer fits to your question, because even if its CORRECT, if you have a gut instinct that it doesn't FEEL right, there could be a good reason for that.

I'm not sure how to handle an answer that's PERFECT for multiple questions, any suggestions from the gallery would be welcome. My default right now is to be a ruthless defender of the rules and still deduct the point, but that could change.
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Sure, I'll try this.

(No way this will be a disaster no sir)
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
I would play
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Sure, I'll take a whack at this.
BUT CONFOUND IT, IT'S "WHO'S" NOT "WHOSE" *internet grammar rage*
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
I'm closing the signups and keeping the name. I'll PM the questions sometime tomorrow, tonight I'm beat
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Whom Have Got The Answers?

I for one can't wait to find out.
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Everyone should have gotten their first question, say something if you haven't.

I gotta go to work today so don't expect any results today

Also sorry Cat D:
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Well, while we wait for one HIGHLY-REGARDED SLACKER to show up, I might as well cover the rules of duplicate answers that I made up because there are duplicate answers.

If the duplicate answers are from within the same group, we reveal the answers as normal. However, the two players who gave identical answers are considered the same entity SO FOR EXAMPLE if both Player A and Player Digimon say "BLUE" for favorite color, other players who believe that BLUE is an answer to their question need only to give ONE (1) of the players names to avoid a point deduction. If you are one of the people who said an identical answer, you can omit saying the other person/persons entirely as its just assumed you would get it. That's not to say you should be shooting for answers that are likely to be identical, because you're just making it easier for everyone else to also get points and THIS AIN'T COMMUNISM.

If duplicate answers are given from different groups, all parties will be asked to submit a new answer, because logically I would have to deem the answer to versatile for this game.
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Well here we go with this game surely headed for a Titanic finish. The answers are!

1.BestTeaMaker: Dreyfus
2.MrGuy: Paris
3.Schazer: Black
4.Bigro: Cruise
5.ParadoxGamer: Patton
6.Garuru: Berry
7.btp: Sydney
8.SleepingOrange: London
9.Leafsword: Cairns
10.Coldblooded: Sherman
11.Agen: DiCaprio
12.Palamedes: Resolute
13.Cyber95: Sydney
14. SeaWrym: Antananarivo

In bold are duplicate answers, please remember that you are only required to guess one of them if you believe they had the same question as you.

Guesses are in PMs as well, so PM me who you think had the same question as you, based on these answers

EDIT: Answers now underlined
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
Yee-ah cyber we're answer buddies!

*btp puts his arm over cyber's shoulder and whispers*

it's like we're the same person
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)

Here were the questions and who had them

Name a city outside the United States where you would find a world-famous landmark:
4 People (Cyber95 SleepingOrange MrGuy, btp)

Name a city outside the United States near which you would find unusual or exotic wildlife:
3 People (Seawyrm Leafsw0rd Palamedes)

Say the last name of a famous actor or actress: 4 People (Bigro Schazer Garuru AgentBlue)

Say the last name of a historical Military Officer:
3 People (BestTeaMaker Paradoxgamer Coldblooded)

And the results are in the spoiler. Its pretty fair to say that Leafsw0rd caused the most strife, but can you really consider the Great Barrier Reef a "Landmark"?


Feel free to check your sent PMs for any inaccuracies in my scoring, and I will send out any new questions sometime tonight
RE: Whose Got The Answers (A Quiz-like game)
I was the true enigma here.

Also Garuru you picked the most inconvenient famous person ever and I will never forgive you.