Cult of Please

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Cult of Please
Cult of Please
[Image: cult_of_please_001_by_theboyd-d5l5h46.png]

The Fallout did some strange things to this world.

Nothing quite like the mutations you read about in stories.

Just, strange.

[Image: cop_002_by_theboyd-d5l5h5x.png?1]

The destruction, contamination, disease, and death was to be expected.

Few survived to live in the Hell that remained.

The dead are the lucky ones.

[Image: cult_of_please_003_by_theboyd-d5l5h7r.png?2]

Then there are those who befriend the strange.

Even in a world as rough as this, brute force isn't necessarily the road to success.

[Image: please_hocus_by_theboyd-d5kw6rs.png]

Welcome friends.

What plans do you have for me today.

The Cult of Please.

RE: Cult of Please
>Please read to us from the book you carry.
RE: Cult of Please
>Who has time for politeness in a world like this?
RE: Cult of Please
Could you give us a tour of your home, please?
RE: Cult of Please
Dude you promised we'd head out for a picnic
RE: Cult of Please
Go grick a crunk up your ross-tang.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Cult of Please
Wonder about the Cult of Thank-yous.
RE: Cult of Please
RE: Cult of Please
RE: Cult of Please
(11-15-2012, 08:10 PM)Coldblooded Wrote: »Could you give us a tour of your home, please?

[Image: cop_005_by_theboyd-d5l8qtq.png?2]

You are Augury, a survivor of the Fallout. You don't remember much from it, just waking up surrounded by pigeons.

[Image: cop_006_by_theboyd-d5l8qvn.png?2]

You've set up camp in a decrepit Museum. You've found that while most modern, household items, have been destroyed, ancient relics tend to have survived.

[Image: cop_007_by_theboyd-d5l8qzo.png?1]

"Back when things where built to last" they say. Or maybe the museum just offered better protection than those stock homes they had before the Fall.

[Image: cop_008_by_theboyd-d5l8r18.png]

Either way, it provides well for you. Protection, supplies. You still need to make the occasional trip out to scavenge for food and water, but having a stable home works for you.
RE: Cult of Please
Don't you have a hobby?
RE: Cult of Please
Can you talk to the pidgeons?
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Cult of Please
>No, really, what's in the book?

>Determine how long your current stockpile of food will last.
RE: Cult of Please
(11-16-2012, 12:55 PM)Ed Wrote: »Can you talk to the pidgeons?

(11-16-2012, 10:51 PM)SeaWyrm Wrote: »>No, really, what's in the book?

>Determine how long your current stockpile of food will last.

[Image: cop_009_by_theboyd-d5ldb7w.png]

You're not entirely sure if the pigeons understand you. You think maybe, or at least know what you're thinking. You're almost entirely sure that they don't understand themselves though.

[Image: cop_010_by_theboyd-d5ldbf6.png]

They just say please. It's not actually speech, just a quirk of the Maelstrom caused by the Fall.

They're extremely useful though, and incredibly loyal to you.

[Image: cop_011_by_theboyd-d5ldbli.png]

You open the book and look at your inane scribbling.

Seems like it would be a good time to do some scavenging.

[Image: cop_012_by_theboyd-d5ldbos.png?1]

You hesitate, wondering if you should take anything with you. Usually you just carry your cane and fleams, but you might entertain the thought of something additional today.
RE: Cult of Please
bring some grenades
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Cult of Please
>Bring an extra sack.
RE: Cult of Please
Bring a pigeon.
RE: Cult of Please
>Bring an extra snack.
RE: Cult of Please
Bring some self-worth and work on your appearance! Drab meets drab? Puh-lease.
RE: Cult of Please
(11-17-2012, 08:49 PM)Crowstone Wrote: »bring some grenades

[Image: cop_013_by_theboyd-d5lgfbf.png]

(11-17-2012, 10:13 PM)SeaWyrm Wrote: »>Bring an extra sack.

[Image: cop_014_by_theboyd-d5lgff4.png]

(11-18-2012, 02:52 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Bring a pigeon.

[Image: cop_015_by_theboyd-d5lgfgq.png]

(11-18-2012, 05:15 AM)btp Wrote: »>Bring an extra snack.

[Image: cop_016b_by_theboyd-d5lgfns.png]


[Image: cop_017_by_theboyd-d5lgfr0.png]

[Image: cop_018_by_theboyd-d5lgfz5.png]

[Image: cop_019_by_theboyd-d5lgg18.png]

You spot a small shanty town. There are many ways to approach, depending on what exactly you're trying to achieve here.
RE: Cult of Please
RE: Cult of Please
Approach such that they won't see you until you're close.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Cult of Please
>Calmly enter the area in plain sight and have your pigeon please the whole time
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Cult of Please

RE: Cult of Please
these are all great ideas, but I'm unsure whether you want to rob them, barter for goods, or kills them and eat their corpses. (etc.)

and I was so hoping I wouldn't have to explain the type of suggestions I wanted.. oh well.
Course I could always fill those blanks in myself. I'm not above that.