Tales of Azela [PokeRPG]

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Tales of Azela [PokeRPG]
Tales of Azela [PokeRPG]
Welcome to the Azela region! Not that any of you need a welcome, of course; you've all lived here if not all your life then at least for the last few years. You'd all recognize the map, of course, since you pay just as much attention in Geography as Battle Theory, right?


You'd also know that in Azela, pokemon ownership and use is much more tightly regulated than in many other regions. Which is to say, regulated at all. Yes, children can't receive their pokémon license until a minimum of age 16, and most that don't plan to pursue a career in gyms or contests wait until 18 or so to bother. It's not even unheard-of for people in their early 20s to get their license, or simply not to bother at all.

Growing up in Azela has also taught you a bit about the place and its pokémon: as a tropical island that was inaccessible to all but the natives for millennia, it once had a tremendous diversity of rare and unique pokémon species. Of course, when it started being aggressively colonized, that diversity rapidly disappeared. By now, you can find pokémon from all over the world living on the little island, but only very few that are native to it. Stringent conservation laws now exist to protect what remains of the native wildlife, but it's mostly too little, too late.

More salient to you, probably, is the fact that the island's culture has undergone a process very similar to the one its pokémon went through: Azela has been actively occupied by a foreign military for longer than any of you, and most of your parents, have been alive, and been a territory of the same occupying nation for even longer. By now, very little remains of what could be called authentic Azelian culture, and that's been the case for so long that most people don't remember or care what that is; foreign soldiers speak in your language and drink in your bars and date your siblings, and that's as normal as it's ever been. There are always groups that oppose that sort of cultural assimilation, though, and they periodically make themselves heard, but they tend to be forgotten as quickly as they appear.

You, and all your soon-to-be friends, have recently received your trainer's license. You're members of an organization called the Young Trainers' Association, which helps young people get their license and supports them on the journeys many of them take upon graduation. At the very least, it certainly lowers premiums on your parents' homeowner's insurance if you graduated from the YTA before you got your license. Best of all, they give a startup kit to all new graduates, which includes... Your very own pokemon! The YTA specifically breeds pokémon known to be docile and good for learning the practical ropes of training with, many of them otherwise-rare Azela natives. Honestly, that's probably the reason you signed up and went to weekly classes at all.

So, how about you tell me a bit about yourselves?

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Me I will play
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Well maybeeeeeee would it be ethical for me to be involved with all of the pokemans games going on.

More importantly, do I care? Profile incoming.

EDIT: Myles Pumice

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Oooh ohhh I wanna play!
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Character Name: David Jones

Desired Class: Ranger


Max HP: 44

Money: 988 pokemonies

Inventory: White t-shirt, camo pants, a pair of boots and a swiss-army knife he isn't quite sure how to use.

Description An enthusiastic young man, around 19-20, brown hair, crooked nose, who often goes into situations with unreasonably expectations. He holds himself to very high standards of himself, and usually cracks under the pressure he puts on himself and the situations he gets himself into. Fairly indecisive, mostly relies on others deciding for him, moderately likable. Has all sorts of insecurities impressed upon him by his father, but he hides it well. Gets easily stressed out.

History: Having grown up under the stern thumb of a militant father, David grew up feeling impotent and incompetent. The amount of pressure from his father to "Make the family proud for once" led David to join the army. For the first time achieving his fathers full approval, David went into his new occupation with his chin held high. He wanted to prove himself, and though he wasn't sure what that entirely what that meant, was assured that the army would somehow allow him to do that. But being stationed in a foreign island thousands of miles away from home made him reconsider that. Coupled with his increasing homesickness were the military drills, the constant yelling, and the irrational fear that he may actually kill someone during his career, poor David soon found he was not fit for military life. He eventually had a nervous breakdown which resulted in breaking most of the plumbing in the military latrine. Ashamed and shocked at what he had done, and deeply afraid of how his father would react if he found out about this episode, David soon made the single (and only) most impulsive, reckless decision of his life. Gathering the money his Mother had sent him, David deserted the army in the middle of a sunny afternoon.
David, surprisingly, didn't feel extraordinarily remorseful for his impromptu life-changing decision. David didn't feel worried, or scared. David just felt lost. Not looking forward to facing his parents any time soon, David came to a nearby port town, looking for some direction in his life. After an encounter with a particular aggressive person on the street giving out flyers, David became aware of Trainer School, which was pretty cheap, and as good a decision as any. And so, David set out to be a pokemon master!

Starter Pokémon: Gimme a steel type
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Character Name: Carla Shin

Desired Class: Researcher, then probably Professor.
Str: 10
Dex: 11
Int: 13
Wis: 13
Cha: 8

Max HP: 36

Money: 2000 pokebucks. Did some part-timing at a retail store.

Inventory: Conservative skirt. Jeans that still have tags. Two shirts. Practical sneakers. Nicer, fancier shoes. A bandanna/hankerchief. Notebook and something to write with. Typical travel things, like for hygiene and stuff.

Description: Sometimes stares off into space or at the floor. Pretty forward, but awkward. Stammers when excited or agitated. Flips coins to help make decisions. Ambivalent sense of ethics. Glasses. Short. Does not have a height complex. Willing to take charge of situations that she might not be strictly qualified to handle.

History: Immigrant parents that settled where they arrived. Grew up in moderate affluence. Did well in school; ended up as typical introverted bookworm. Self-conscious of social awkwardness; trying to be more social and less awkward. Joined the YTA as a matter of course. Procrastinated a year before getting license at age 17. Looking for something interesting to do.

Starter Pokémon: Ice ice baby.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Oh god I am so tempted but I have no idea how to play these things
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Pokemon is a pretty easy RPG to learn to play. There's no complicated skill system, experience is easy to track, and all the resources are condensed into one easy-to-navigate wiki. As an online game, I'd be doing all the rolling and mechanical stuff anyway, so you as a player just say what you're going to do and I make it happen.

If you want to give it a shot but still feel lost, I can walk you through character creation in #eagletime !
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Make way for Florian Schneider, the token rich kid.
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
i'm down with the poke-clown
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Character Name: Kurt Umphrey

Desired Class: Coordinator, either like Cool Bro or Tough Guy (probably Cool Bro)

Str: 8
Dex: 10
Con: 13
Int: 9
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Max HP: 52

Money: 2500 pokebucks

Inventory: Nice jeans, tank top, flannel, a backpack, bland-name MP3 player, oh and sunglasses

Description: Fills the room despite not taking up much literal space. Brash. Prone to shouting, and also whispering. Has swag; additionally, has swagger. Acceptable haircut. You are already his friend, even if you don't know it. 16.

History: Kurt's gotten kinda sick of living in the Port Anther subububrbs, living with his MOM and DAD and how much they LOVE him and want him to DO WELL and PROVIDE FOR HIM SUBSTANTIALLY. As soon as he was old enough for a Pokémon license, he flew out to make a real difference, by dancing with magical animal things.

Starter Pokémon: let's sayyyyyyyyy Bug
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Okay, I guess I'll give this a shot.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
oh i would love to play this
are all of us posting here going to be able to play?

edit: so does this have non-nintendo pokemon?
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]

Here we are!

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]

It's not exactly graduation; you already graduated, technically, and there wasn't a ceremony for that anyway. You just passed a practical at the DPT and got a terrible picture taken and got your license. No fanfare or anything, which some of you might have been a bit disappointed by. No, today's just another day, no special name for it. Of course, ceremony or not, this is way better than graduation: today's the day you finally get your pokemon.

The YTA distributes its care packages to new trainers once a week, so you waited a few days after getting your license and showed up at the YTA building early, eagerly anticipating what's to come and sure you'd be first in line. Of course, five other youths had the same idea, all of you collecting in the lobby within minutes of each other, all a bit before the receptionist is even in.

Given that the YTA's classes are modular and independent, you've only seen each other before rarely, if at all. It looks like all you've got to occupy yourself with while you wait is small talk and getting to know each other, or else studiously avoiding doing so.
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Kurt begins an introductory rap.

"Hey hey hey hey/hey hey hey hey/hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey/hey hey/hey/hey hey hey hey hey/I'm not very good at freestyling"
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
David shifts around uncertainly. "Hello! So like... Pokemon? Am i right?"
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
"Hey! Name's Kurt. Kurt Umphrey. Emphasis on the UMPH!

It, um. Took me a while to come up with that. Anyway you all can be the very best and all that; I'm just here to look good. People tell me I'm good at that."
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Davd simply nodded in agreement. Okay, he thought, how do I talk to People? What are some topics of discussion? Oh Hey I've been sleeping in the back of this classroom for the last few weeeks because I had nowhere else to go, but it's okay because I am pretty sure the janitor was cool with it? What the hell do i start with... David took a deep breath. "Hey I'm David, and I've been sle- wait no um I mean I've been looking forward to like, this thing we are doing. Pokemon! Pokemon? Yeah. What uh type do you think you are going to get?"
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Illena shifts in her seat, trying to ignore the boys. It's not polite to eavesdrop- except they are kind of loud

OOC: i'll take a fire, water or grass starter whatever
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG, Signups Open]
Ivory grumbles and slouches in her seat. She takes out one of her many bent hairpins and begins to clean her nails with it. Most of her experience being around a large group of loud people ends with her pickpocketing from them, so she kinda doesn't feel right being here, where everyone can clearly see her. She just hopes nobody tries to start conversation with her.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG]
Piston hangs out in the back, twirling b-ball on his finger.