left to drift

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left to drift
left to drift
[Image: uFT8nBF.png]

Five minutes into the future of 15709 CE, your spaceship floats near an uncharted terrestrial planet.

You are a star charter, seeking habitable worlds for your species to settle. That was supposed to be your job, anyway.

[Image: vkrPtpK.png]

Your ship's name is Luka. She has a mind of her own. (This predicament probably isn't her fault though. Probably.)

[Image: 3ubh3q9.png]

Your communications array and navigational systems have experienced some kind of unknown error. You have no way of contacting the rest of your species, or finding your way back home. (Luka thinks the error is your fault somehow. What does she know, anyway?)

[Image: 6FbB5Zk.png]

This sucks. What are you going to do about it?
RE: left to drift
Percussive maintenance.

IE. Hit it until it works.
RE: left to drift
(05-20-2017, 09:45 AM)Solifuge Wrote: »Percussive maintenance.

IE. Hit it until it works.

hit it with your head
i'm a rad teen, confirmed good dog, and i try to do things sometimes.
RE: left to drift
(05-20-2017, 09:45 AM)Solifuge Wrote: »Percussive maintenance.

IE. Hit it until it works.

[Image: Xr8Rtok.png]

You punch the computer as hard as you can.

You are not very strong.

[Image: LYBeYrD.png]

Apparently that worked, sorta? The navigation systems appear to be functioning! You won't get any long range data until the comms array is back online, but at the very least, you have a map of the star system you're currently in.

Luka calls you a nasty name for hitting her.

(05-20-2017, 09:45 AM)bigro Wrote: »you didn't like them anyways.

[Image: y7yk772.png]

You furrow your visor in frustration, somehow. Ah, Luka. Your only companion in this cold, cold galaxy. Friends? Perhaps not. But a necessary evil.

You remember the time she helped you evade a band of space pirates. Perhaps she's not so bad. Then you remember the time she abandoned course to check out a really ugly asteroid. She is. She is that bad.

It WAS ugly, though.

(05-20-2017, 09:52 AM)spümpkin Wrote: »hit it with your head

[Image: WcBXrx3.png]

Tempting. Unnecessary, yes, but very tempting.

Luka warns you to back off.

[Image: 3uZEhHd.png]

You do it anyway. Gently.
RE: left to drift
Smash the window, flip the middle fingers at the ship as you float away on your none existant fucks.
RE: left to drift
go to the red one
i'm a rad teen, confirmed good dog, and i try to do things sometimes.
RE: left to drift
It's your way of showing friendship
RE: left to drift
you have few choices. you can either continue to drift in easily drawable space, or you can descend to the planet where no doubt complicated and difficult backgrounds await.

you could also maybe explore this ship and acquaint the audience with its hopefully duochrome and untextured interiors.
RE: left to drift
Run diagnostic on comms system. To fix it, you have to know what's wrong
RE: left to drift
> HEADBANG. HEADBANG HEADBANG HEADBANG or maybe consider playing some rad alien tunes over the intercom
RE: left to drift
It seems you have a lot of things on your agenda. Several of them involve damaging your ship, which is the only thing keeping you alive right now. You think you'd better figure out how to fix the comms array.

Actually, why don't we start with something actually important, instead?

(05-20-2017, 05:55 PM)SC Wrote: »> HEADBANG. HEADBANG HEADBANG HEADBANG or maybe consider playing some rad alien tunes over the intercom

[Image: T02cbjw.png]


[Image: cCmySjQ.gif]


(05-20-2017, 11:08 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »you have few choices. you can either continue to drift in easily drawable space, or you can descend to the planet where no doubt complicated and difficult backgrounds await.

you could also maybe explore this ship and acquaint the audience with its hopefully duochrome and untextured interiors.

[Image: EHeXVzM.png]

Ah, yes. You take a peek at the other end of your ship. On the left is the door, and on the right is your mass produced sleeping pod. In the corner there is a cooler filled with various carbonated beverages. No food, though.

[Image: Tai2s2o.png]

You wonder where all your food could have gone. Luka suggests that you ate it all. You wouldn't do that, would you?

(You would.)

It is fortunate that Space Explorers can go more than a week without food.

(05-20-2017, 11:40 AM)SneakyRobot Wrote: »Run diagnostic on comms system. To fix it, you have to know what's wrong

Right. Time to get to work. You tell Luka to run her troubleshooter.

[Image: A73pjk6.png]

Luka tells you that the issue is not a hardware or software issue. Some kind of outside interference is preventing you from sending long range transmissions. This interference could be anything - radiation, space magnets, intentional sabotage by unknown parties, space bugs in the ports. All Luka knows is that the interference is coming from somewhere within this star system.

(05-20-2017, 10:21 AM)spümpkin Wrote: »go to the red one

[Image: Y5v2zwz.png]

Using the classical selection process of "it's my favourite colour," you choose a destination within the system. Perhaps you expect to find a solution to your problems there. Maybe you hope to scout the planet as a potential colony world for your species. Or you're just dicking around.

[Image: wzOGPL2.png]

[Image: fQwZaAX.png]

Luka engages warp drive. Wow, it's gorgeous! You never get tired of seeing lazy lines drawn in ms pai

[Image: 4F41eso.png]

You are now orbiting the red planet. Scans indicate it is a terrestrial world with several oceans, but you are unable to identify the type of liquid from this range. Do you want to name this planet?


RE: left to drift
name it planet Whatever

and then burn it
RE: left to drift
name it Rei Hino
RE: left to drift
Name it "red thing" because you're unoriginal.
RE: left to drift
>Dub this planet, Neuw Urfth
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: left to drift
Name it ExploreCo™ T.P. 1011753-R as per your company's categorization protocols.
RE: left to drift
(05-21-2017, 01:55 PM)bigro Wrote: »Name it greg

Change my vote to this
RE: left to drift
Name it Weasel Words
RE: left to drift
(05-21-2017, 10:50 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Name it Weasel Words

and have it populated by weasel-y things
RE: left to drift
[Image: Wa6WaXN.png]

Aaaaahhh! You have so many good ideas! You wish you could just use all of them!

(05-21-2017, 10:47 AM)SneakyRobot Wrote: »Name it ExploreCo™ T.P. 1011753-R as per your company's categorization protocols.

[Image: QOKEl0w.png]

Professionalism comes first. ExploreCo™ T.P. 1011753-R will be the official, legal name of this planet... but that doesn't mean it can't have a nickname!

(05-21-2017, 02:13 AM)Tuesday Wrote: »name it Rei Hino

[Image: 8HhfeJC.png]

You may or may not have a secret love for magical girls.

Alright. Rei Hino it is.

(05-20-2017, 08:39 PM)Hawkshaw Wrote: »name it planet Whatever

and then burn it

You aren't going to burn it.

[Image: x7BoY6k.png]

Luka seems to think "Whatever" is a great name though. Whatever. She can call it that if she wants. To you, it'll always be Rei Hino.

(05-21-2017, 01:55 PM)bigro Wrote: »Name it greg
(05-21-2017, 10:50 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Name it Weasel Words
(05-21-2017, 11:07 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »and have it populated by weasel-y things

DING DING DING DING DING! What's this? The computer is beeping! The first preliminary scans of the planet have come back! Yes, the scans conveniently started working despite the range in time to use as many suggestions as possible!

[Image: uHF1qmY.png]

Ah! It must be one of the local creatures of the planet, a Weasel Gregs! You've discovered a new species! Good work.

Honouorable mentions to both New Urfth and Red Thing. These names will live on in our hearts.

[Image: 4F41eso.png]

You bask in the beauty of your newly discovered world Rei Hino/Whatever (ExploreCo™ T.P. 1011753-R) will go down in history! Future explorers will reflect on this moment in awe.

For a moment, you wonder why you didn't name the last planet you were orbiting. Apparently you were too busy abusing your space ship and grooving out.

Now what?
RE: left to drift
RE: left to drift
blow a weasel gregs a kiss and try to tame one. it's cute
RE: left to drift
Consult SPACELAW DIGITOME for the rules on interacting with hithero-undiscovered species
RE: left to drift
(05-22-2017, 06:16 AM)Hawkshaw Wrote: »blow a weasel gregs a kiss and try to tame one. it's cute

if you can domesticate one, you must
RE: left to drift
(05-22-2017, 06:03 AM)SC Wrote: »> GO SO FAST YOU CRACK THE PLANET IN HALF

I'm burning through the sky yeah
Two hundred degrees
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm traveling at the speed of light
I want to make a supersonic man out of you