Know about the relevance of travel deals

Know about the relevance of travel deals
Know about the relevance of travel deals
Some tourist spots in the world are so convincingly captivating that you will always look for chances to visit those boundlessly beautiful places. But in a volatile economy like ours, it won’t be easy and simple for you to plan a good vacation with family and friends. Don’t worry if you don’t have a large budget to go for a vacation, to one of your favorite destinations! You can always look for travel deals from top Fact Seagull travel deals websites and easily plan a vacation to your favorite place, without burning a hole in your pocket. Travel deals from travel deals websites have affordable travel deals packages to some of the most sought after destinations in the world.
Do you know the reason behind the relevance of travel deals? Travelling to certain places like NY will be daunting and budget exceeding for some of the travelers. But with the help of a proper travel deal, you can easily plan a trip to such places without breaking the bank. Almost all the daily deals offered by travel deal websites will have affordable price tags which everyone can accept easily.  Thus travelling doesn’t mean you have to break the bank, as there are a lot of travel deals websites online with fabulous and affordable travel deals packages within your budget.  By doing a good online research and finding out the best travel deals package, you can easily save hundreds of dollars, while enjoying a great vacation with your family and friends.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
By far the most terrifying aspect of that post is that the spammer is both mostly grammatically correct, and used the appropriate emoticon for the situation. I think we're dealing with a live one, rather than a bot.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
Oh, that is stunning. I'm keeping this on my mantlepiece.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
So by considering the best travel deals available online I can maximize my personal enjoyment without scavenging for time and parts? This is useful information to posses about travel deals! When I've looked for travel deals in the past I've often strained to gain travel deals with comprehensive packages. Frequently the travel deals online offer included transportation along with their travel deals. Travel deals deal primarily with travel companies who give deals to travelers dealing with travel deals on a daily basis. I cannot underestimate the travel deals available to dealers dealing deals traveling to travelers dealing deals to travel deals traveling online deals travel deals site deals deal traveling traveldeals.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
The best part is you won't even need a hotel, because you already have a tent.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
You know I actually successfully used that tent on a beach camping trip this spring break at the...wait... AW SNAP!

this is the vacation thread now.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals

How would you guys like to help me make my B-film series "Mummivacation"

RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
If that is a real thing, yes.

If its not you should put your mummies where your mouth is.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
I put his mummy where my mouth is... in bed
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
g0m I thought I told you to keep that under wraps
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
Man, sometimes I wonder if we're worse than the spambots.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
Woah what we have a travel deals thread!!!

So my semi eastern US buddies here is the deal, I will be traveling to Great Smoky Mountain National Park to make use of my /tent/ and /girlfriend/ and I was wondering if anyone has been there before and could make any recommendations as to what to expect/where to go!

RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
btp how is that relevant
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
A superb question! How /is/ talking about vacations in a thread created by a spambot relevant?

Short version: spambot made a post, said travel a lot, I thought it was funny and wanted it to stick around, so I dubbed it the vacation thread and my last post was continuing in that tradition.

So this is the talk about vacations/say "relavence of travel deals" a lot thread.

I suppose we could have also gone with the "make puns about mummies" thread. It's still pretty young, maybe it will all come together.

Edit: if no one has been to the great smoky mountains I will make certain to chronicle my quest.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
Actually can we have a travel thread? That would rule.

Some of my really close friends (I'll call them J, F, and B for convenience since I can't keep saying "my friend" over and over) and I are planning a road trip the summer of our Senior year (we're juniors in high school right now) and we kinda only have a vague idea of what we wanna do and where we wanna go.

And only J and I are actively talking about it at the moment? So I know I definitely need to check with the others about finalizing our route and organizing how we'll pack everything into J's small-ish car.

So far it looks like we wanna head down towards Pennsylvania to visit B's hometown, then work our way up back into New England (I think we wanted to go to a killer ice cream place in Maine that J was talking about, and I like, physically need to take my friends to King's Dominion in Vermont. IT IS SUCH A GOOD PLACE FOR ROLLER COASTERS AAAH) And then eventually end up in Canada? Around Toronto I think.

This is obviously gonna cost a lot of money, so we've resolved to start saving now, while we still got a summer to get jobs and get other trips out of the way first. Y'know, with our families and stuff.

That being said, does anyone have any tips for a successful road trip? I really want this to be the best we can make it. The trip will kinda be like a goodbye to our high school years, and our last solid block of hang out time before we all go off to different parts of the country for college.

I have already made plans to make a quirky indie documentary about it.

Edit: I'm sorry btp, but I know nothing about mountains and their smoking habits, sorry. D:
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
Road trip to California tomorrow. Biddy bye-bye.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
Flying off to Seattle, WA tomorrow, for a week, to among other things visit with the grandparents. Will try to remember to take pictures. Suggestions for other things to be among welcome.
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
Even after living in Oregon this long, and having had relatives that specifically went to Seattle to vacation recently, I just can't think of anything genuinely interesting in or around Seattle.

Go shopping! Needle the space! Smoke some Mary-Joannas!
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
Bring an umbrella! Play Ingress!

Oh god Ingress has finally leaked onto my ET posts
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
I'm flying back home to New Zealand tomorrow! Yay, home! Boo, no boyfriend!

It's going to be nice being back where there is decent coffee though
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
doing west cost crazy trip time in a week

you may have noticed
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
One day I really do have to come and visit you Plaid
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
Yes, please do! :D
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Know about the relevance of travel deals
going on west coast crazy trip in an hour

toot toot