Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick

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Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
[Image: slywardcord3honeyamongthebes.png]




[Image: Zelma1.png]

Your name is Chain and you have just failed your flying test.

RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
Flap your hands really fast
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
Good thing you passed your landing test with flying colours!
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
That's okay, you can still pass your plummeting test!
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
>Make parachute of silly hat
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
> Too bad you needed to be the best flyer in order to win the only parachute, huh?
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
>Flap your hands really fast

[Image: Zelma2step.gif]


>Make parachute of silly hat

[Image: Zelma3.png]

That bitch is gone, homes.
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
Swear revenge upon your murderer, Zelma!
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
>Okay, fine, use your shirt as a parachute instead.
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
> Grab part of a cloud and use it to cushion your fall.
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
> Crashland. Cut to several years later when Chain is being rebuilt by a shady government organisation with a view to protecting human interests.
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
>Aren't y'all connected with some sort of giant flying animal?
Like a bat or somethin'?
You should probably call it.
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
Shout some magic-sounding nonsense at the ground.
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
>You should probably call your giant flying animal

[Image: Zelma4.png]

You whistle for your FLYING SQUID to come save you.

[Image: Zelma5.png]

The call goes unanswered.

RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
>Start composing an angry letter to the government about the lack of safety protocols - shouldn't they have somebody around to catch you in case of an emergency? Naturally you always carry a pencil and paper with you.
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
Friendly Tornado, come by and help Chain!
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
> Accept the inevitable.
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
> Bellyflop.
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
Land on the stick!
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
>Spread your arms and legs out to increase your wind resistance. That always works in the movies.
[Image: j5xngn.jpg]
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
> Time to lose weight really quickly. Try inducing vomiting.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
Throw your stick at the ground REAL REAL HARD.
RE: Legacy of Zelma: Upward Stick
> Accept the inevitable.

[Image: Zelma6.png]

The strings of your mortality have tautened, awaiting the cruel sweep of the reaper's blade. As you fall towards the unknown, you take a second to wonder what you will see. The great expanse of clouds have yet to yield to anyone seeking to penetrate them, and only legends speak of what is below. Will you see green, lush lands? Will you fall into the fiery openings of Hell itself? Will you just continue to fall endlessly, the sky your eternal tomb? These questions pass fleetingly in front of your mind's eye, before being replaced with the panicked screams of someone who is realizing that he is going to FUCKING DIE HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT


[Image: zelma7step.gif]

[Image: Zelma7.png]

[Image: Zelma8.png]

You have made a Scientific Discovery.

