We chat about videogames and videogame accessories.

Poll: Videogames or videogame accesories?
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We chat about videogames and videogame accessories.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
(03-13-2012, 08:47 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »tim j. koopa is the best koopa by far

with the possible exception of jimi kooprix


Bitch don't be dissing my Lavora
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
have half these games even been made, or are they just bizarre semihemidemiconcepts inside a man's mind

good god I hope the ideas I have for games don't seem that disturbing from the outside.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
I hope this answers your questions
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
Fantendo is just the greatest thing

The end of every page is like Christmas

All those related articles

And the blogs are dear goodness the blogs

RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
hey guys i found out about this cool place called Mario's Pizza, I wonder if the owner fights gorillas/has a princess for a girlfriend/is also a doctor/stomps on turtles/can shoot fire?????
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
Sometimes I get the urge to do stuff like that with games like Oregon Trail and the like; you know, the sort of mediocre, parent-approved video games you fought other kids to have a turn at in school?

I just want to be able to laugh at how shitty and stupid young me was.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
I got stuff to do tonight but

This Thursday (Thursday Thursday)

You can watch me fail at a kids' game and laugh at my frustration and shame!

It'll be fun for the whole family as soon as I download skype again.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
Oh ahahahahahahaha....

I sucked at Oregon trail. This boded wonders for my time and resource management skills >__<
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
(03-14-2012, 11:18 AM)Superfrequency Wrote: »I could never beat that flash game Fishy! in high school.

So I went back and beat it in one try.

I was terrible at video games.
trufact: when I replayed super mario sunshine eight years later, I found almost all the super-hard missions suddenly incredibly easy

but at least two missions that weren't no thing were suddenly super hard

I'll never understand this.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
When playing pokemon now I wonder how I ever managed to get past the league as kid without any knowledge of EVs and suchlike and a very shaky grasp of type advantage and moves. Guess I had a higher tolerance for level grinding.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
When I was a kid I basically just exclusively levelled up my starter pokemon and all my other party pokemon were meant to be a distraction while i healed or revived my main. Now that I try to have a full team because I know how to properly play it, I struggle more.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
When I was a kid, I ensured my Pokemon were at least 10 levels higher than everything in the vicinity before doing anything story-related.

Before I knew about EVs and IVs and so on, I picked and trained Pokemon because I liked them. Nowadays I can't train a pokemon that isn't The Absolute Best Choice because I know it's not the best choice I could put my effort towards.

Pokemon isn't fun anymore ;-;
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
I know that EVs and the like exist, but I just can't be bothered dealing with them.

Then again, I haven't gotten very far in any Pokemon game since Blue.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
EVs aren't important for anything but the most competitive of multiplayer battles
They are the little variables that Nintendo use to ensure that you can have two equally levelled pidgeys but they won't be exactly identical, and I'm not sure they ever intended for people to manipulate them by anything other than chance
The AI is far, far easier to play Pokemon against than a human opponent schooled in how competitive players do things and there is absolutely nothing wrong at all with using a team of pokemon you like and paying no attention to their stat balance at all besides checking whether their attack or special attack is higher to prioritise what moves to teach them

Type advantages and moves are important to know to beat the singleplayer, but EVs actually don't make that much difference at all unless you go to the incredibly time consuming task of maximising their benefit, which is completely unecessary because a pokemon with their EV stats assigned randomly can still beat the toughest enemies in the game
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
I've raised EV'd pokemon while playing the main game and it's really fun. You can take pokemon 10, 20 levels above yours without much trouble XD

Also, re: choosing pokemon- I still choose the pokemon I like. If you really want to play with less common pokes then you can always restrict yourself to the lower tiers.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
As a kid I obsessively kept six evenly leveled pokemon

I was always mad at Charmander/Squirtle (NO BULBASAUR NEVER EVER YOU BULBASAUR) for always somehow being 2-3 levels higher

I always raised a Nidoking, because like most American kids my Pokemon idol was GARY MOTHERFUCKING OAK. And because Nidoking was just a fucking beast.

Always raised a Butterfree, sleep powdered the Cerulean Abra, eventually dump the Butterfree for a cooler pokemon (FLOWCHART: "Did I meticulously comb Viridian Forest for a Pikachu?" If yes then Pikachu, if no then "Did I train Magikarp to beast mode" if yes then Gyrados, if no then Eeveelution/Hitmonchan) and then pretty much ended any opportunity the game might have at stopping me by catching Dugtrio (SUCK MY DICK SURGE).

The final spot was occupied by whichever bird pokemon I wanted. Pidgey if I just felt like not searching for Spearow, Spearow if I wanted to fuck bitches get money.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
I once raised nothing but a Chikorita till it was level 30-40, and then got stuck at the steel gym and abandoned the game for another one (I was playing Crystal on an emulator. Too poor for a real gameboy :'( ). I came back to it months later, still couldn't see the way out and from then on have raised them all evenly. XD
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
I have beaten more than one pokemon game by catching two pokemon and using them exclusively, if you give them diverse enough moves then nothing can stop you anyway as you overlevel everything
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
Right now I'm doing a Pokemon Pearl Nuzlocke run (Only catch one pokemon per route, no repeats, perma-box a pokemon if it faints) and it's pretty fun! It's cool relying on Pokemon I'd probably never use in a normal run because I don't like the look of em or didn't like there stats. It's especially cool to find Pokemon I never used and have it turn out they're actually awesome (Girafirig why did I ignore you for so looooooong?)

Oh and it also makes Pokemon fainting at least 50 times more heart breaking.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
(03-15-2012, 10:03 PM)Lankie Wrote: »Right now I'm doing a Pokemon Pearl Nuzlocke run (Only catch one pokemon per route, no repeats, perma-box a pokemon if it faints) and it's pretty fun! It's cool relying on Pokemon I'd probably never use in a normal run because I don't like the look of em or didn't like there stats. It's especially cool to find Pokemon I never used and have it turn out they're actually awesome (Girafirig why did I ignore you for so looooooong?)

Oh and it also makes Pokemon fainting at least 50 times more heart breaking.

And critical hits twenty times more rage-inducing.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
wait so, what if like...you lose? Do you just restart or say "welp! that sucked, lets pretend it didn't happen."

Or I guess not losing could be a requirement.

RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
Nuzlocked Red, tried to stick to a natural progression guideline (Most level-upping comes from fighting fights that naturally occur as you progress). This was to prevent overleveling and making the challenge a challenge. However had to break it several times when replacing lost squad members.

Two things took their boot to my butt: Gary and an ungodly amount of Crits. I ALWAYS lost someone at Gary, every fight. Still the game woulda been easy-mode because my Charmander, who had to come in and save the rest of the group's butt all the time, kept getting his pick of XP and got overleveled. However, a Crit at the Fighting Dojo took him down. I could have used my Kadabra there, had he not got the double-shot of being Critted by Gary at Ghosttown. And I could have used my Haunter had I ever used Ghost pokemon before and known that the he would in fact NOT singlehandedly rip apart the Poison Gym. That's the kind of path of destruction that followed me throughout the game. Only one original team member, FEATHERS the PIDGEOT, survived the entire game, but I did end up winning.

Then I tried a Crystal Nuzlocke, MIRACULOUSLY defeated Whitney, then lost my entire crew trying in vain to catch that Red Gyrados.
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
I did most of Black as a nuzlocke but sort of got bored of it when the only thing that ever killed anyone is crits and just started catching any old pokemon
I'm all for a challenge, but if the only thing that you are fighting against is a random number generator then it seems a bit pointless
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
Guys what happened to the good ole days where when you wanted more fun from a game you cheated to make it easier instead of harder?


(says the guy who watches youtube videos instead of playing games)
RE: We chat about videogames and videogame accesories.
I got a grand total of one gym into my heart gold nuzlocke, killed my chikorita and abandoned it. Then i traded in my newly bred and ev'd poison team and proceeded to wreck the collective shit out of Johto.