Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)

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Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
I'll have a preference for straight-er; if this ends up being clusterfucky though I can make Grand Starbucks a bit more restrained.
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
Stanley is up for whatever.
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
The NARRATOR has commanded that LORD STANLEY choose a Straightforward Game!
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
Wait... there's something on the back of this note...

"Actually, no. A straight game would be better. More opportunities for regret."

It was written in very neat cursive. Suddenly you look down. Nope, still zonked out. You could have sworn you saw Stanley winking, though...
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
Stanley S. Stanleyson decides that he wants the third option of not choosing a side. Stanley, you can't just not choose. Stanley?
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
Ooooh, Stanley. You thought you had a choice.
Well let me tell you something Stanley, this is my story so you're going to play by my rules, which clearly say that this is going to be a straighter game.
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
Stanley had planned to indicate that she would like her game the same way she liked her rulers, but all of the rulers within easy reach [which is to say, in the vicinity of her desk] are, unfortunately, curled and twisted with artistic whimsy. In fact, at least two of them seem specifically intended for drawing a flourish known as a "french curve."

Nevertheless, Stanley fully intended to communicate a desire for a "straight" game.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)

do you

do you see what i did there
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
Stanley found himself with an interesting conundrum. He was considering whether to have a more sensible, understandable game, or perhaps a complete muddle of-

Stanley! You didn't have to do that, Stanley! I take it you're not interested in the question? Very well, since you don't seem to want to, I'll just have to answer for you: and I would like it sensible, thanks very much!
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
iiiiin case you guys are looking for an ETA, this will start after CPIforum's Blendersongfia ends.
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
Stanley goes over and breaks his refresh button on Blendersongfia.
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
...yeah, im going to cancel thins game too unfortunately. Thanks for the interest, though!
RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
And so Stanley escaped the dark and terrifying complex behind him. Still, even as he stepped towards the light of freedom, he had to wonder: what had happened to all his co-workers? Why was the facility built to be begin with? But as he felt the cool air on his face, and heard the birdsong of the world outside, Stanley realized it didn't matter. There was nothing but the here and now, and he was free at last.

And Stanley was happy.