Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)

Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
So did you take the job? :V
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
They normally contract it to Howl rather than Howell
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
[Image: hrijqo.png]

I, too, have received a job offer! It's only seasonal, so if I get accepted to one of the other jobs I just applied to I'll go with that instead, but the fact remains that even in the worst-case scenario I'm gonna be earning money, getting experience and having a good time.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Or print it on Members Only jackets with a picture of a flexin' ghost on the back
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
passed my driver's test.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I just got clearance from the third year English teacher to introduce a few unusual measurements in the class going over "measurement".

I'm going to teach 800 Japanese kids what a smoot is. And a beard-second. Can't wait.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)

We did it.


RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Today I quit a job. It remains to be seen whether this belongs here or in the flipout thread.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
(09-18-2013, 07:06 PM)SleepingOrange Wrote: »Today I quit a job. It remains to be seen whether this belongs here or in the flipout thread.

conversely, i got my first job.

~ every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end ~

[Image: 5LIsbIg.gif]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
i made a computer is this how parenthood feels like
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)

don't tilt your computer or child while it is running, unless you have an SSD
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
how do i install solid state drive in child

please help
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
carefully; you do not want to instill poor dental hygiene
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
(09-19-2013, 11:25 PM)Stij Wrote: »how do i install solid state drive in child

please help

the best part about alive beings as opposed to computers is that they regenerate themselves, so you should just be able to open your baby and throw the drive in there and it will connect itself in a couple weeks at most
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Just don't try putting your children in The Cloud, they never seem to stay there for some reason and it's so hard to find them back on the ground
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Whoop whoop I managed to get the following done today:

Put out the trash (Japanese rubbish collection is scary so results pending to see if I actually did it right)
Run a class of 20 3rd year boys by myself
Helped a girl out after school with some (really bloody difficult) revision for her English exams (the above two were because the teacher who'd normally do that with me/with the students is away on yearly leave)
Cleaned my room, did some laundry
Wrote some letters, wrote some web shit

Life's just generally pretty ok right now. Gimme functional IRC at work and I'd give it a solid 10/10.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Yaaaaaay i'm glad for you! :>
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
That is indeed good news! When are they going?
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I moved into my apartment like three weeks ago and I forgot to put it here but yay I don't live with my mom anymore
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
You forgot to put your apartment here?
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Okay, that was a buttload of driving. I mean, it was worth it; all my stuff (including my shiny new degree) is successfully here at home with me. Just, next time, I'm going to go ahead and come up with a plan that isn't spending >50 hours in a car over a total of five days on the road.

I'll probably post graduation pictures and properly joysplode later. For now, I'm just worn out. Woo, though.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
On the other hand, Pines, if you played Ingress you wouldn't mind the travel so much!

But only if you're Enlghtened.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
(I *do* have ten invites on hand, incidentally, so if that prospects interests you, step over here to my nice, blue tent...)
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]