
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
(12-25-2011, 06:24 PM)Fabricati Wrote: »Minor bug- posts total is made out to be the replies which makes an extra page one post early.

This bug is currently viewable in the Introductions Thread (on page 6), though it may not last long.

However, the bug does kick you out to a page that doesn't link back to the place you last were, which is at least annoying and inconvenient.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
There's no indication whatsoever when you received a new PM.

Being able to mark all PMs as read would be nice, too, as every PM I've ever received has been so marked in the shift (including ones I deleted).

Edit: Also, every message I've sent has disappeared; my "Sent Items" folder is empty.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Can we get working [noparse] tags, or a disable tags option?

If we've already got a way to turn off code, playing with [noparse] tags and skimming the buttons didn't help me find a way to do it.

Edit: I'm sure this has been mentioned already, but I pressed a couple of buttons to see if any of them were the tags I wanted, and it opened a bunch of tags for me, which I deleted by hand. When I submitted the post, it had tag closers (i.e. [/quote][/code][/php]) at the end, and I had to go back and edit them out. Now my post has this ugly "edited" message and I can't feel better than everyone else about my Grand Battle posts that didn't need any fixing.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Yeah, an odd (not necessarily bad) thing about the tag buttons is that you hafta press them again to close them. But if it autocloses deleted tags then that seems a touch inconvenient. And brings to mind some other problems that might arise from deleted tags.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
So, when I sent out the Secret Santa gifts just now, I had the option for a read receipt checked.

But I can't find where the read receipts actually are.

Edit: Oh, never mind. Found them, as well as the missing messages I sent before the forum shift.

They're under the not-very-obvious-what-it-means "tracking" tab.

Double edit: except I can't read those messages - apparently I can only view the titles of the ones that people have read?
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Page two of this thread does not exist.

How will ever I find out what PYP was happy about? I mean, like, besides asking him.

Edit: According to the timestamps, PYP's post is the one at the end of page 1. It looks like the forum made a second page even though there are no posts to go on it.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
It will not allow me to have more than two images in my signature, but I need seven ):
How will I cope without my gaudy images!

Guess I'll use text links
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
It's after New Years' that tree is looking kind of brown

Maybe it's time we put away the samta eagle hat too
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
(01-02-2012, 06:31 AM)Fabricati Wrote: »It's after New Years' that tree is looking kind of brown

Maybe it's time we put away the samta eagle hat too

But there are twelve days of Christmas. We're only on the eighth day.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Pinary we need some MAIDS and LORDS STAT! (milking and leaping respectively.)
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
[Image: cvnF]
who is this masked man without a profile
this handsomely dastarly devil
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
He's a search engine spider
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Juliet found his marriage proposition of twelve fat flies, a pig, and a nice orb web overlooking a patch of smelly flowers dissatisfying.

So she ate him.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Specifically a search engine spider from CHINA
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Eagle Time Forums Patch Listings, January 6:

-Changed "Sex" field on profiles to "Gender"
-Streamlined index page layout
-Overhaul of Memberlist page:
-Avatars shrunk down to less obnoxious sizes
-Removing annoying ABCDEFGH etc etc
-General cleaning up
-(Pending)Changing the default listing order so it's alphabetical, or based on post count, or something less awkwardly oldbieist
-"Find all posts" button removed from under each post
-Removed warning level from user info on left of post, added location

All sorts of other fixes are still on the agenda (fixing videos, making buttons less ugly, etc etc etc), but we're trucking slowly through it (I can only assume Pines is letting me get elbow-deep in templates because my incompetence is endearing, but at least I can say I helped out with one or two of the things so far).
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Ugh you changed it to GENDER?

That is so insulting.

I'm changing my SEX to female in protest.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
So, it turns out that a drafted post doesn't get deleted when you open it up and actually make the post.

Not sure how fixable that is, though.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Ok so I just found this feature on my UCP. I'm assuming everyone else has it accessible as well.

There is no way this will not get the shit abused out of it (by which I mean I would be abusing the shit out of this if I didn't know everyone else would follow suit).

Also also more patch notes:
-Location is now clearly your location rather than some incongruous statement
-Last edited info is less of an ugly mouthful
-You can no longer quick-change users from the Advanced Post page. Wheat and Pharmdrugs, if you take issue to this you shouldn't have cut off my viagra prescription, for I am a horny and spiteful admin.
-Eggs are back!
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I don't see it on mine. Unless it's really well-hidden, I think it's administrator-only. Though you can always check with Otto's account if you want to be sure.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
i dont see it under any of the usual suspect links under settings so unless it is like, under like "saved drafts" it aint there

yaya eggs and ghaspt straight delete button :O:O:O
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
i think it does that whenever it is the last post of any given thread? (so it did that because it was post 125, the last post of page 5)
It is in quite a few threads as far as I've seen.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
The software change produced a bunch of broken youtube tags in the music thread. Is there a way to fix them all or do we have to do it manually?
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
We're still figuring out how, exactly, we'll work video embedding and its associated code (I was thinking a universal (read: works for vimeo and youtube which are the only ones people'll need) [video] tag for convenience, but I'll need Pines to wrangle that).

Until it's in whatever final iteration, I know it's a pain in the arse but we'll leave the tags how they are (because once it's finalised I'll go through and fix 'em all up).
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I'm having this weird thing when I'm editing my posts for Jormungandr. It isn't in all of them but some of them, when I go to edit, will add a random sentence from the posts I am editing in to the end after the spoiler. When I went to edit: after the spoiler at the end was the line 'you reply thoughtfully'. It has happened with a couple of them and it's not a major issue, just something weird I thought you might like to know about.