A Very Serious Adventure

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A Very Serious Adventure
Re: A Very Serious Adventure
SMITE Raaaaage
Re: A Very Serious Adventure
Buuuuh. Find something to hit him with. That isn't highly deadly. Or someting like that.
Re: A Very Serious Adventure
>Berate him mercilessly over his stupid clothes and just what a dumb butt he is.
[Image: j5xngn.jpg]
Re: A Very Serious Adventure
Clearly you should have a change of heart about Johnathan the Female Clown Citizen, she is clearly your future love interest in this hell hole and might be who you are looking for.

I might not even be paying attention but you go talk to her right this instant mister.
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
(12-14-2011, 08:09 AM)SleepingOrange Wrote: »>Just walk past. You're an angel, what's some gibbering clown with a sword going to do to you?

[Image: wzlWp.png]

This is stupid. So stupid you're not even going to pay any attention to it.

[Image: Jh550.png]


(12-14-2011, 08:35 AM)Schazer Wrote: »SMITE Raaaaage

[Image: TCW9l.gif]

You are not going to let this imbecile get away with that.

[Image: gXmTP.png]


(12-15-2011, 03:05 AM)GreyGabe Wrote: »>Berate him mercilessly over his stupid clothes and just what a dumb butt he is.

[Image: C4yfl.gif]

"What kind of stupid armor is that? And can't you even talk properly? I hate this entire kingdom!"

[Image: OvlwY.png]

[Image: ZT3ek.png]

"Thruzako harguri miyoso?"
Once again, you have no idea what he just said. Although he seems to be angry now.

How are you going to handle this now?
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
Yell at him to speak up, obviously
Shouting is always the answer
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
I don't think he's actually mad at you.
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
Poke him!
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
Man just tell him you're here to burn some documents like you burnt him. He'll probably have some rediculous reaction and let you pass while muttering more gibberish.
RE: A Very Serious Adventure

Maybe he's unintelligible because he's wearing too many helmets? Just

Take all his helmets off

Or something
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
Compare him to mint chocolate chip ice crea-- wait


He's, uh, cool, so no need to get all hot and bothered, right?
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
(03-29-2012, 12:31 AM)Not The Author Wrote: »Maybe

Maybe he's unintelligible because he's wearing too many helmets? Just

Take all his helmets off

Or something

[Image: ku45X.png]

Whatever he's saying must be muffled by this stupid helmet.

[Image: qurvq.png]


[Image: HZHOA.png]

"Thakhara toogatsi miroba!"

You hate this kingdom so much.

(03-28-2012, 02:23 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »Yell at him to speak up, obviously
Shouting is always the answer

[Image: uzsgk.png]

"Speak up! I have no idea what you're saying!"

[Image: gAIpB.png]


This is just ridiculous.

[Image: zRDxc.png]

[Image: Gc1WV.png]

Well, that could have gone better. At least you managed to get inside, though. Now what?
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
Fiddle with the controls at random.
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
Fiddle with the controls methodically.
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
Say hi to the face-panel thing under the controls.
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
Mmm! Strawberry!
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
Play some games to distract yourself from everything.
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
>Burn this place to the ground, grind whatever remains to dust, and salt the earth after you're done. That ought to delay this paperwork nicely.
[Image: j5xngn.jpg]
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
> Readers: Disregard sloppily pasted wings on last panel.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: A Very Serious Adventure
>Readers: Appreciate series of cameos