Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not

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Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
I reccomend watching Steins;Gate.
You'd like it.
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
anyone watch Kino no Tabi
it's great

EDIT: Bakemonogatari spoilers under the break
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
I've seen Kino's Journey. I really liked it and have seen it a couple times, but I'm the only one of my friends who did. Though my friend never gave me his copy of the DVDs so maybe he liked it more than he wanted to admit?
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
(04-20-2013, 09:05 AM)Drakenforge Wrote: »I reccomend watching Steins;Gate.
You'd like it.

Do it.
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
Ok no idea why this isn't already on here, but go watch Gurren Lagann. If you don't like the first three episodes, skip to episode seven, which (Spoilers) is when shit gets serious. The first six episodes are filled with gags, and they poke fun at the whole "Giant Robot" genre in a loving way, with memorable and vibrant characters. It's totally worth a watch, if only to watch the robots pummel each other.
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
Ok, Tatami Galaxy has very rapid fire dialogue that makes following it pretty draining to read (like So Long, Mr. Despair if you try to catch all the background stuff), and I'll wait for a dub of that. But Kaiba's really interesting. I've been watching a couple episodes a day and I look forward to the rest.
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
Oh man, I loved Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Shame that every time I want to re-watch it all I find are highly pixilated 142p-ish quality with horrible audio.

My favorite was Komori Kiri, the Hikikomori - Shut-In
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
(04-22-2013, 05:31 PM)Infinity Biscuit Wrote: »Ok, Tatami Galaxy has very rapid fire dialogue that makes following it pretty draining to read (like So Long, Mr. Despair if you try to catch all the background stuff), and I'll wait for a dub of that. But Kaiba's really interesting. I've been watching a couple episodes a day and I look forward to the rest.

I dont think Tatami can be dubbed, because later on in the series the protagonist joins an english speaking club and there would be an incredible amount of animation revision required and i dont anyone wants to put that much effort in dubbing a sorta obscure anime. Also i find the fast-paced nature of it a refreshing change to the subs i usually watch.
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
(04-23-2013, 04:42 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »PAPRIKA

oh man i love paprika

i should find my dvd and watch it again

also the parade song is really great

RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
Speaking of Satoshi Kon, Perfect Blue is a pretty nice mindscrew. If you happened to like Black Swan or Paranoia Agent you might enjoy Perfect Blue

And it's hella creepy theme

Another series I loved and thought was incredibly underrated was Michiko to Hatchin. Funimation licensed a while ago but hasn't done much with it. It's one of the few series that got me really attached to all of the main characters, protagonists and antagonists alike.

Then there's Kakurenbo that aired on Adult Swim once and faded into "the company that licensed this anime went under good luck finding a legal copy ever" Purgatory.

I saw a couple of the shorts from last year's YATP, Dudu the Floatie and Wasurenagumo and adored them both. The first is a father-daughter story and it's really cute and imaginative and it involves a giant inflatable dolphin that comes to life. The second one involves a cute spider girl and gets really...uh...yeah.
Beep Beep
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
So there's this thing that is coming out


"Kill La Kill

- Director: Hiroyuki Imaishi (Gurren Lagann, Panty&Stocking)

- Series Composition/Script: Kazuki Nakashima (Gurren Lagann, Nodame Cantabile Finale)

- Character Design: Sushio (Gurren Lagann)

- Animation studio: Trigger (Little Witch Academia, Inferno Cop)

The upcoming 2-hour anime from the studio founded by previous Gainax staff."

It's a battle anime in high school. Just look at that bloody longsword.
Sounds pretty neat if you ask me (which nobody would, so I did)

(Also please watch Inferno Cop, it's so great)
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
Woah, Cristina Vee is pretty good. I couldn't care less about anime dubs but this is so well done.

[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
I recently finished Samurai Champloo. I thought it was hilarious. And it had some really good bits in it too.

/me best critic.

Samurai; if you added hip-hop and threw historical accuracy out the window and then wheeled it back in and patched it up with a strange kind of logic.
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
I remember watching that show a long time ago. It was alright, pretty fun.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
Samurai Champloo is probably my favorite anime ever
(I've only watched like 10)
(but it's far and away the best)

Everything about it was just so well-thought-out and stylistically distinct and humorous
I really like historical fiction and I also really like authors who play irreverent games with the subject
and rapping samurai

also the very tail end of the last episode when
was just the most perfect possible way to tie up the story
"The parties are advised to chill." - Supreme Court of the United States, case opinion written by Justice Souter
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
I always was spoilt to Champloo since I watched it when I was fairly young and it wasn't Cowboy Bebop II like I'd really wanted it to be. I might want to watch it again as an adult to see it for what it really is.
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
I thought Samurai Champloo was alright, but it took forever for me to really get engaged in it at all. The three main characters all just seemed so... (What's the right word here? Flat? Predictable? TVTrope-esque?) It just always seemed like the director cared more about style and sword fights than any sort of real character development.

That being said, the characters did finally grow on me after awhile and I really enjoyed the last 10 episodes or so. But I guess when you go into a show expecting to see another Cowboy Bebop, it's only natural to come out a bit disappointed in the end.
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
(06-03-2013, 06:18 AM)Infinity Biscuit Wrote: »I always was spoilt to Champloo since I watched it when I was fairly young and it wasn't Cowboy Bebop II like I'd really wanted it to be. I might want to watch it again as an adult to see it for what it really is.

Interesting, when i was very young i saw some Cowboy Bebop and didn't get it at all so i dismissed it, same as Evangelion. Then again, i was really young and i've been told in IRC several times that Evangelion is so deep and whatever and i should watch it but i really don't care.

(06-03-2013, 06:24 AM)Coldblooded Wrote: »I thought Samurai Champloo was alright, but it took forever for me to really get engaged in it at all. The three main characters all just seemed so... (What's the right word here? Flat? Predictable? TVTrope-esque?) It just always seemed like the director cared more about style and sword fights than any sort of real character development.

Archetype? Cliché? I get what you're saying and it's totally true. I only liked it because it had a really cool art style. Now that i'm thinking about it again, i think i never saw the ending. Huh, another series that i get through until the end and then stop watching for no reason, the other was The last airbender but that's technically not an anime I GUESS (it is to me).
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
So on a totally radical front, I'm gonna recommend an anime that's not 5/10/20 years old.
It's called Attack on Titan, and I'm assuming you've all heard of it already because it got a bit internet famous; the premise is that the human race, in some steampunk future-past, is trapped behind the walls of an enormous fortress because 10-meter-high, immensely strong and resilient giants are all around them and seem to love killing and eating people because they can.
It's not really deep or symbolic or whatever, but it's a good combination of action horror with a terrible sense of awe. The main character had a chance to be [generic_action_anime_protagonist_01] but instead he's a crazy, horribly obsessed pubescent version of Captain Ahab, which I adore, and the supporting characters get good development even if I don't like them all (it's nice to see people react under extreme, all-consuming existential stress and have totally changed personalities). I mostly got hooked by the overall tone of terrible awe, though, and the plot/pacing/animation does a really good job of conveying the utter helplessness the characters feel and the incredible disparity of power and scale between them and their enemies.
I can't yet comment on a number of things, like "does the plot suck and have a bunch of deus-ex-machina or loose ends?" and "do character arcs get resolved well?" because it's not finished and everything is ~~secrets~~, but on the whole I think it's a great piece of horror anime even if it doesn't turn out to be A Classic For The Ages.
"The parties are advised to chill." - Supreme Court of the United States, case opinion written by Justice Souter
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
I had a roommate who adored that film. Even the dub. Especially the dub.

Because Tim Curry.
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
i watch dubs because most of the time when I'm watching anime, I'm doing other stuff at the same time so I'd like to be able to listen to the dialogue rather than read it.

That said, even when it does have my full attention, I usually prefer dubbed because then I can pay attention to everything else better, instead of usually the bottom of the screen. I mean, not that I won't go subs if that's just what's available, the dub is really awful, or the original is just super great (i need to rewatch excel saga) but y'know. Words in which I know what they mean.
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
Yeah you kinda miss a few things here and there with subs but i guess you would also miss on some stuff that would only work in it's original context, some things can't be translated that easily. There's always re-watching with subs though, that way you can focus a bit more on the action.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
I’m often in it for the production values only, as so many shows that are new to me are now too plainly cliché and/or puerile for me to enjoy, thus rendering the audio issue a matter of whether anyone screwed with the sound, and which dub has the less grating voices. Looks like I’ve olded/got-a-lifed myself out of the target demographic! (not entirely).

As a translator, though, things that get lost in anime translation are not the sort of things subtitles tend to help with anyway. It’s the cultural issues that’ll getcha. That and keikaku.
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: Anime that is aniMAZING also critique why not
It depends on the show and the circumstances for me whether I want original or dubbed, but one thing that'll make me immediately want to turn it down is celebrity voices. Voice actors exist for a reason; don't just stick a famous live actor in the role and call it a day.