The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
i hate complaining about anything because of how minutiae i feel they are but i hate weekends
as i have the luxury of having school twice a week and having work in such a way that i still have nice free time i really dont like it being the weekend and suddenly a bunch of shit happens after everything was quiet except for when i left for work or school

my moms bf is here, my dad wants to know if i want to go to his house, my mom wants me to go and get money from him, i just want to eat a fucking pizza in thigh highs on my bed watching stupid shit and talking to people but i fucking cant because im a shitty pathetic person who would rather complain about things on the internet than actually ever solve anything and who can hardly do that because he feels bad about complaining when there are other people close to him who have it worse than him

i fucking hate weekends
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
supes can we live our dreams somewhere
somewhere far away
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
It'll be over by tomorrow but at the moment programming is just making me want to shove my head into a meat grinder
The Jacquerel of the past who decided that "nah, we can handle this, we've got plenty of time" is graciously there on hand to turn the crank for me
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
I can't trust anyone

I've got an hour's worth of recording I should transcribe. A lot of it's silence, or admonishment; (I'm finding myself compulsively counting things again) Mother dearest asked for my passport today. 'To keep it safe,' she said - she exploded when i said i could handle things on my own HOW DARE YOU! You can't handle things on your own when you're so clearly broken

Daddy dear: 'i wonder what trauma must have happened to you to make you this way; i'm so sorry you turned out like this we should have paid attention to you more' DADDY DEAR please please no you couldn't understand every time we talk it ends up like this is it any wonder i won't talk to you anymore and sit here counting things (164 books on the bookshelf, ~820 english words per spine, 18 yellow lights from the apartment building across from the sports field and the highway - sweet oblivion, maybe! - 336 flashing lights in that neon sign, 26 fixtures on that wall) the only trauma here is the one you're inflicting on me and i don't want to hurt you you are the best daddy ever ever ever but you won't understand every time you bring up God and his plan it's another nail in that coffin and you're trying to help and I can't explain why you're not because it's too painful and every time you bring it up I can't help and I can't explain and I can't it hurts too much and it'll all go to waste because it already did i tried i tried i tried i'm so tired i just i don't want to wake up tomorrow

the bank can't do anything right i've got to go down there tomorrow and get that done, and it's already so late i can't got to get out but it'll hurt them so much i'm hurting them so much just by existing i'm hurting them i've got to go one way or the other; yes, yes this is a cry for help, because cessation is too sweet; too sweet
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Mother dearest. The fact that I called you nosy is - the best way I could have said it. Don't tell the Lord that means you /knew in that moment/ that you don't have a right to know anything in my life. You don't, Mother dearest. You forfeited that right when you lied to me to bring me across continents. You forfeited that right when you forced me to come out, before I was ever ready to bring up anything of that magnitude with you. You forfeited that right when you betrayed my trust, Mother dearest.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
awww supes

im really sorry to hear that :c


agent im really sorry that you have to go through all this
you dont deserve it and it is bad that this is happening to you and im so sorry...
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
"If you are gay, you will get AIDS, and you deserve to die*." - Mother Dearest

*This is somewhat stronger in the original Cantonese.

Getting out of here is becoming a Sisyphean affair. My resolve cannot crack, yet I feel a guilt in the impending departure - but there seems to be roadblocks coming at me from every direction; the bank won't link up to a PayPal account, and paying for it directly throws up the insurmountable obstacle that it requires SMS confirmation - and here I am, in a country where my Australian phone refuses to even roam. I can't wire money from the money I've been paid into my Australian account, not in the timeframe I've got left. What the hell have I been working for? Staying for?

All I can think about is how much I'm going to hurt them.

And how much I'm hurting now.

Is this never going to end?

Will I ever stop the heartache in the void where my family used to be?

I need help. I need to call on everyone who said they could help. I was hoping to be able to handle the tickets myself (in case identity verification at the airport is a thing) but it seems like all the avenues in that direction are exhausted. I need someone to help me get out. I need to get out.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Is there any way I (someone living in America) could help financially or would that be at least as difficult as getting money from your own account? And if not, is there anything else I could do from here?
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Is there a way to send money through the mail or something? Money transfer? Can someone in Australia manage your account/confirm through SMS for you? I'm trying to think of solutions but i can't come up with anything.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Yes I don't know what specifically I can actually do from Britain but if there is anything at all, I want to help you
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
I don't know how I can help with setting up financial stuff but I'm sitting on a huge surplus of cashmoney from Christmas/birthdays/being a suburban white male and I'd be willing to help finance things-- I'm guessing the issue is getting your money into an accessible form so I don't know how much help that is, but the offer's there?

Hit me up on IRC I guess, you're a good friend and I'd like to help you. I'm sitting on a lot of money that realistically speaking I'm not going to use any time soon-- I've covered tuition this semester, have another account for later years and when I'm out of college, and the only real expenses I have are food, personal stuff, and airport shuttles once every two months or so-- so don't worry about shit being expensive or whatever else.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Would sending money to your paypal help you buy the tickets yourself? Just send us your e-mail and we'll funnel money into it faster than you can blink.

Alternatively give us your itinerary and we can buy the tickets ourselves and send those to you.

Alternatively alternatively I know a guy who knows a guy who has his pilot's license...
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Can you get a loan from the Hong Kong bank to pay for the plane tickets, then repay it when you get back into Australia? I don't know how tough it is to get a loan over there, especially if you're explicitly doing it to get out of the country, but if they'll let you do it that's probably the fastest way. Get the money, get out of there, sort out repayment later when you're not under so much stress.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
anxiety over things you have no control over: worst fucking feeling
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

I don't know if I'm laughing or crying.
Beep Beep
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
All my e-hugs to you, Nog. Now for my own flipout:

Arggh, a big fucking portion of my problems would be resolved if i had money. Fuck you country, for being terrible and stealing money and not providing good job opportunities. Also, fuck you to myself for being so terrible at gathering money.

Actually, fuck everything, i was feeling okay but now i'm angry and depressed.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Ah, money. The eternal problem.
Me, I've been feeling pretty good lately. I think I have at least a couple more weeks before my job starts to drag me down into a spiral of frustration and depression. Maybe even three or four.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
These past few nights I've been staying up too late for Important Things or schoolwork and I've been running on 2-4 hours of sleep each night and I really need to stop.

I'm not a very healthy person in the first place, what the hell am I doing.
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
An fellow Australian in need?

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
If you're referring to Agent, that situation's been handled now. They're back at university in Australia, and the situation with the family is... not great, but slightly better than it was. (At least, since I last heard about it.)

I guess that was never noted anywhere here on the forum, so, I'm just noting it here for the sake of anyone who was worried.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
(03-12-2013, 05:33 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »If you're referring to Agent, that situation's been handled now. They're back at university in Australia, and the situation with the family is... not great, but slightly better than it was. (At least, since I last heard about it.)

I guess that was never noted anywhere here on the forum, so, I'm just noting it here for the sake of anyone who was worried.

Still, Australia. I have a lightly higher chance of knowing who they are now.

Bonus points if they're in NSW, ACT or Vic.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Well, it's...'handled'.

I don't know if I'm home free yet but I do have a reasonably medium-term place to stay, and family interference is winding down and will probably cease soon. I really, really hope. I'm exhausted. Spent. ;-;

I wish I didn't have school to handle and a job to find.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
I hate customers

I hate you all

All of you


stop coming to my store

stop killing yourself with cigarettes

You're giving me guilt you fucks.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
customer hating high five!
It's like IQs halve when they walk through through the doors.

If it wasn't for customers my job would be so much easier.
Sure I wouldn't have one for long, but I'd actually be able to get stuff done!