Break out the Glowsticks

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Break out the Glowsticks
Break out the Glowsticks
[Image: lemons.png]

You are the CHIFFON SOPHONT, and you have to break the rest of your gang, the Glowsticks, out of prison. Your interests include NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS NARRATIVE. You have been visually rendered with a MINIMUM OF EFFORT, but who honestly gives a flying fuck.

What do
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
break out the glowsticks
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
Get the floating hockey stick.
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
> Break out the rest of the gang
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
find a guard, forcefeed him that glowstick stuff and snap his spine to light up this dark place
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
go left.
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
A disguise would be good. Lure a guard out to a secluded spot and steal his uniform.

Or, since you're hastily scrawled, just change your color to whatever color the guards are going to be.
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
Pick up your rapier, which you left leaning against the rock here:
[Image: d2a142558721e568ddff41f160eb748a.png?1361311923]
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
(02-19-2013, 10:03 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »Get the floating hockey stick.

[Image: lemons2.png]

[Image: lemons3.png]

[Image: lemons4.png]

The Legendary BLUNT WEAPON PUCKFUCKERER has been embedded in three-space, and resists your efforts to be got.

Crowstone Wrote:find a guard

[Image: lemons5.png]
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
jump on his back and ride him into the prison
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
knock him out!
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
Give him a big hug.
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
Knock him out and steal his bird costume uniform!
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
>Sloppy beakouts
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
Flip the bird
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
(02-19-2013, 10:38 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Give him a big hug.

[Image: partridge.png]

[Image: partridge2.png]

(02-19-2013, 11:23 PM)SleepingOrange Wrote: »>Sloppy beakouts

[Image: partridge3.png]

Well, fuck you for fuck me for thinking this was a good idea.
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
>teleport to safety!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
All part of the plan, you'll break them out from the inside!
RE: Break out the Glowsticks

Alternatively: Let it swallow you and punch its guts.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
Steal that hat!
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
Ride it
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
(02-20-2013, 03:25 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Steal that hat!

Yes this

With its lightmaking abilities it could prove invaluable to Operation: Sick Rave
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
Don't worry! The roughly 50% of its volume devoted to mouthspace keeps the other 50% from being devoted to digesting you, probably!

Make like a bad poker hand and hide in your sleeve
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
Become one with it.
RE: Break out the Glowsticks
Tear out its throat with your bare teeth