This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff

This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Oh my :swoon:
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
wow those are cute heels
thanks for subjecting your foot to them for us
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
So the Pope resigned. That was a surprise.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
are we going to have a pope election
are a bunch of people going to go on campaigns to run for pope
religious action committees
Super RAC's
Dang Ron Paul 2013 for Pope
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
(02-11-2013, 07:41 PM)Solaris Wrote: »Dang Ron Paul 2013 for Pope

right after i posted this i went back to tumblr and
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I think I'd be an ok pope
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
jac for pope

first edict: one eye'd things, pretty okay
second edict: do my classwork so i can go on tumblr and not draw my adventure all day
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I think Jac could be pretty good at being infallible
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I support Jac but only if he promises to try to make gnomes a real thing.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
They aren't real already? I'm on the case
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
No Jac, Solaris already said that I get to be Pope. No take backs.

My first order as Pope is that everybody has to wear the big pointy hats all the time, regardless of their status as a Catholic or not.

Okay, I'm done. You can be Pope now, that was all I wanted to do. I trust that you'll be a fair overlord.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
But but but I already wanted to wear a big pointy hat all the time!
It's no fun if EVERYONE does it.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Okay fine. Everybody except Seawyrm has to wear the hat. But no more exceptions.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Stayin' up all night just because I can and spending a fair amount of it composing

Living the dream
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Courtesy of Fogel:
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Apparently they posted on Reddit, with no prior announcement via any official channel, that "logistics" were more complicated than they had expected.

I like to pretend this means their servers are actually stored in space, next to Hussie's ego!
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
rince is generally an okay guy in my experience, when the mspaf had the multiple themes he sometimes made up some new ones if people clamored for them, like the doc scratch and betty crockercorp themes and i think he also did word image switchy shenanigains???
characterwise i havent really ever felt any sort of sigh in his direction and i think he's better than certain other parties?
an estimate would have been nice though, yes

also that you say "a post liked by solaris" sort of scares me like, if that is how you found it i have awkward laughs ha ha ha...

i've set it to reblog from him in about now and then again at four so that more people who follow me see it though

edit: also!!! tags seem to work fine in chrome here but thats not really a solution i miss pines
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Hmm, i miss the media subforum too. It saddens me that those forums are the most comfortable place to discuss vidja-related things because i don't want to be part of that place anymore. I don't care who's incompetent who's in charge or getting the money i just don't want to know anything about mspa.

I guess i'm gonna have to start discussing things here even if people aren't as interested Meloncholy

E: Oh, also, most of the cool guys from that subforum aren't here so that's sad too.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
i vote we kidnap BRQZZEEERT and others
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Eh, i don't invite anyone individually because it looks needy and kinda elitist.

So i'm always like "Eagle Time is a place you're free to join it is an okay place to join please join if you want it gets lonely in here sometimes."
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
big changes coming soon actually cameing?
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
The biggest change: No forums
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I...wouldn't be surprised.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I'm thinking "paid subscription" forums, like something awful.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
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