The Shop

The Shop
RE: The Shop
>A peculiar and unprompted outing. Wheeled out here on a spur of the moment decision. Two days and she still hasn't said what it is she wants to do.

>Well anyway, time to get dressed in the usual attire.
RE: The Shop
Didn't you make some promise to this creepy lady about... fuck, your soul or... no, you can't remember...

Shake off the thought, it's probably a dream, you're still not awake yet.
RE: The Shop
> You were gonna get her something really nice. Get ready for the day ahead, strap on your saxophone too, you're not gonna be getting dinner without performing your usual routine. For some reason, that one earworm... "Some Nights" -you think it's called, gets the biggest audience. You hate the song, you could never get it out of your head after playing it once.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: The Shop
WE promised to go out and buy 37 saxophones, A Stiff Drink, Some Garlic, A collection of colourful rocks, each with its own name and dark backstory, Some Cheese, three cats and seven bottles of blue hair dye.
Oh, and "The Stuff". Can't forget "The Stuff"
There was a Delightful little Shop you'd heard about that had opened recently nearby and you're were eager to check it out
RE: The Shop
>You promised to do some errands and chores for them.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: The Shop
Quote:WE promised to go out and buy 37 saxophones, A Stiff Drink, Some Garlic, A collection of colourful rocks, each with its own name and dark backstory, Some Cheese, three cats and seven bottles of blue hair dye.
Oh, and "The Stuff". Can't forget "The Stuff"
There was a Delightful little Shop you'd heard about that had opened recently nearby and you're were eager to check it out

[Image: 192.png?dl=0]

Static rips through your mind. Your head screams.

Quote:Didn't you make some promise to this creepy lady about... fuck, your soul or... no, you can't remember...

Shake off the thought, it's probably a dream, you're still not awake yet.

A moment later, the static fades and your mind clears. It's as if nothing had happened at all.

[Image: 190.png?dl=0]

You decide to keep it as nothing.

Quote:7 AM gettin' up in the morning, gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs... our cereal is waiting for us. It's Friday, and don't we normally meet her on Fridays?

That's right, it was Friday.
Usually, she'd be the one taking you out somewhere, but this time was a bit different. She had asked you to take her out this time. To a concert of all things.

Your concert.

Technically the show wasn't until Sunday tonight, but since it was out of town you two decided to spend the weekend together for the heck of it.
A mini-vacation of sorts, why not.

Quote:>You promised to do some errands and chores for them.

You make a mental note to pick up some milk later.
Cereal with anything else would be a travesty.

Quote:>Well anyway, time to get dressed in the usual attire.
Quote:> You were gonna get her something really nice. Get ready for the day ahead, strap on your saxophone too, you're not gonna be getting dinner without performing your usual routine. For some reason, that one earworm... "Some Nights" -you think it's called, gets the biggest audience. You hate the song, you could never get it out of your head after playing it once.

You get dressed in the usual attire, a bright blue suit with blazing red accents. Fashionable, you insist despite her constant objections otherwise.

Before you leave you make sure to grab your instrument in its case, as well as the bag next to it. You'd give the latter to her tonight after everything was over.

You open the door.

[Image: 193.png?dl=0]

"About time you—oh no, not the striped pajamas.
Didn't I burn that last week?"
RE: The Shop
Excuse you Sam, these are your crowd pleaser clothes! Sweet tunes and colorful suits. That's your trademark.
RE: The Shop
>Hey, I look great in plaid. Like a real scrawny lumberjack.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: The Shop
>You did burn it, but I have many more.
RE: The Shop
>You know mere fire is no match for FASHION.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: The Shop
Says you, in that ratty hoodie and sweatpants.
RE: The Shop
>"Can I sell my soul to you in exchange for some bed times? Oh, wait. I can't- I already pawned that off."

RE: The Shop
Quote:>Hey, I look great in plaid. Like a real scrawny lumberjack.

[Image: 194.png?dl=0]

"Right, right, because we all know how cool lumberjacks are don't we?"

Quote:>You did burn it, but I have many more.
Quote:>You know mere fire is no match for FASHION.

Sam shakes her head.

"Somehow I'm not surprised, and that terrifies me."

Quote:Says you, in that ratty hoodie and sweatpants.

She stands up and punches you on the arm.
[Image: 195.png?dl=0]

"Come on you dweeb, there are a few things I want to see before the show."

Quote:>"Can I sell my soul to you in exchange for some bed times? Oh, wait. I can't- I already pawned that off."


[Image: 196.png?dl=0]

Sam continues to talk, but you don't hear her.
All you hear is static. Your head is splitting.
You close your eyes, trying to shut out the pain along with the rest of the world.


And then it stops.

[Image: 197.png?dl=0]

"Hey, you ok?"

Before you is a worried Sam.
Behind her the festival ground hosting this year's Jazz Fest.

"I'm just going to check that shop out real quick. Do you want to wait out here?"
RE: The Shop
>That shop? That shop over there? That mysterious shop that wasn't there yesterday and everyone we've asked was real nervous about it?
>Nah-nah. I'll go in with you. I have a good feeling about this shop.
RE: The Shop
>Just-- still waking up a bit, is all. Still a little tired.

>Try to convince yourself that's actually the case
RE: The Shop
>Rather strange how we haven't seen so much as one mirror today...

>(Maybe you should find one. Y'know, make sure everything is fine.)
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: The Shop
>You mean that shop that wasn't there five minutes ago and will cease to exist once a you step out of it? Nah. I think I've been there. Remember to bring cash with you.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: The Shop
> You need to take a minute. Let her go. Maybe practice some tunes to ease your mind?
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: The Shop
> why dont you give me the shopping list
> i think.. you should stay out here and enjoy the fest y'know??
RE: The Shop
>girl don't
RE: The Shop
>Are you sure... I mean, can't we just play like skee-ball or something... no? Please??
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: The Shop
Quote:>Just-- still waking up a bit, is all. Still a little tired.

>Try to convince yourself that's actually the case

You attempt to reassure both Sam and yourself that you're just feeling a bit drowsy.

Sam doesn't seem convinced.

[Image: 197.png?dl=0]
"All right... Just let me know if you need to rest?
Don't push yourself."

Quote:>girl don't
Quote:>SAM NO
> why dont you give me the shopping list
> i think.. you should stay out here and enjoy the fest y'know??
Quote:>Are you sure... I mean, can't we just play like skee-ball or something... no? Please??

"Woah, chill. It's not like I have anything in mind.
Besides, isn't wandering random shops part of the fest experience?"

Quote:> You need to take a minute. Let her go. Maybe practice some tunes to ease your mind?
Quote:>You mean that shop that wasn't there five minutes ago and will cease to exist once a you step out of it? Nah. I think I've been there. Remember to bring cash with you.

Sam gives you an odd look.

"Right... I'll see you inside then?"

She waves and goes on ahead, leaving you to your thoughts.

[Image: 198.png?dl=0]

You play a soft verse to calm yourself.

Quote:>Nah-nah. I'll go in with you. I have a good feeling about this shop.

As your final notes fade into the night air, you decide to follow after.

[Image: 200.png?dl=0]

You enter the shop.
Despite the crowds wandering outside, inside appears rather empty.
You don't see Sam.

Quote:>Rather strange how we haven't seen so much as one mirror today...

>(Maybe you should find one. Y'know, make sure everything is fine.)

You look inside the nearby mirror.

[Image: 199.png?dl=0]

Everything appears fine.
RE: The Shop
RE: The Shop
>Maybe adjust that shirt. Perhaps the matching plaid tie was a bit much?

>Anyways, maybe find something to defend yourself with. You know how it goes, first all the people go poof, then the lurking dread sinks in, then all the bad things happen.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: The Shop
>Who's that beautiful guy looking back at you in the mirror?
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]