Eagle Time
The Shop - Printable Version

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The Shop - Kowlb - 04-15-2017

[Image: 1.png?dl=0]
"Come in, come in. Don't be shy.
What can I get for you?"


RE: The Shop - Justice Watch - 04-15-2017

I need 37 saxophones, STAT

RE: The Shop - Tuesbirdy - 04-15-2017

>Honestly I don't even know how I got here, can you like, show me the door

RE: The Shop - Schazer - 04-15-2017

A stiff drink thanks

RE: The Shop - GhostOfSam - 04-15-2017

Do you have any complimentary fresh garlic?

RE: The Shop - BananaPanda - 04-15-2017

I'm in need of "the stuff," you know.

RE: The Shop - typeandkey - 04-15-2017

>Yes, ahoy-hoy, my good fellow. Would your fine shop happen to have any cheese, perchance?

RE: The Shop - Solekii - 04-15-2017

I need three cats and seven bottles of blue hair dye

RE: The Shop - Zephyr Nepres - 04-15-2017

A collection of colourful rocks, each with its own name and dark backstory.

RE: The Shop - Kowlb - 04-15-2017

Quote:I need 37 saxophones, STAT
Quote:A stiff drink thanks
Quote:Do you have any complimentary fresh garlic?
Quote:I'm in need of "the stuff," you know.
Quote:>Yes, ahoy-hoy, my good fellow. Would your fine shop happen to have any cheese, perchance?

"Of course."
[Image: 2.png?dl=0]
>The following items have been added to your inventory:
-37 Saxophones of Black Fire
-A stiff oily drink
-Fresh(?) garlic
-The Stuff

Quote:I need three cats and seven bottles of blue hair dye
Quote:A collection of colourful rocks, each with its own name and dark backstory.

"I'm afraid we don't carry the living.
The rest, however..."

>The following items have been added to your inventory:
-7 bottles of blue hair dye
-A bag of dramatic rocks

Quote:>Honestly I don't even know how I got here, can you like, show me the door

"Of course."
[Image: 3.png?dl=0]
"If you would just turn around, it's right on the other side."

[Image: 4.png?dl=0]

"How will you be paying?"

RE: The Shop - Tuesbirdy - 04-15-2017

> "Do you take credit, debit, or cash?"

How much inventory space do we have? I think we've kinda overdone it, guys

RE: The Shop - Justice Watch - 04-15-2017

I have all these other saxophones

RE: The Shop - Schazer - 04-15-2017

>dine and dash

RE: The Shop - Solekii - 04-15-2017

I will give you these three magic beans

RE: The Shop - Zephyr Nepres - 04-15-2017

> With stories:

One about a tunic made of sunlight, that dazzled every maiden around.
One about a grizzled man with a heart of gold, who takes care of hundreds of children.
One about an ancient artefact from long, long ago that bends time to the users' will
You take a big swig of the stiff oily drink.
One about how terrible this drink tastes oh my god.

RE: The Shop - GhostOfSam - 04-15-2017

Do you have change for a fat sack of cash?

RE: The Shop - typeandkey - 04-15-2017

>I recently entered a contest and won the ENTIRE MOON. I was hoping to offload it in exchange for these goods. I believe the sign outside "Yes, We Accept Celestial Bodies" means I'm covered?

RE: The Shop - Myeth - 04-15-2017

You can have my first-born child. He's a little shit and won't eat his fucking vegetables.

RE: The Shop - Dalmationer - 04-15-2017

Ill pay by leaving your shop

RE: The Shop - btp - 04-15-2017

Ooohh yikes uhhhh hrmmm

What's your return policy?

RE: The Shop - BananaPanda - 04-15-2017

I have a soul?

RE: The Shop - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-16-2017

(04-15-2017, 08:23 AM)Myeth Wrote: »You can have my first-born child. He's a little shit and won't eat his fucking vegetables.

they don't stock the living though. so we have to kill him first

RE: The Shop - Kowlb - 04-16-2017

Quote:Ill pay by leaving your shop
Quote:>dine and dash
[Image: 4.png?dl=0]


[Image: 5.png?dl=0]

Quote:> "Do you take credit, debit, or cash?"
Quote:I have all these other saxophones
Quote:I will give you these three magic beans
Quote:Do you have change for a fat sack of cash?

[Image: 4.png?dl=0]

"I'm afraid material goods from your plane hold no value here."

Quote:You can have my first-born child. He's a little shit and won't eat his fucking vegetables.
Quote:I have a soul?

"Do go on..."

Quote:> With stories:

One about a tunic made of sunlight, that dazzled every maiden around.
One about a grizzled man with a heart of gold, who takes care of hundreds of children.
One about an ancient artefact from long, long ago that bends time to the users' will
You take a big swig of the stiff oily drink.
One about how terrible this drink tastes oh my god.

[Image: 7.png?dl=0]
"Those sound incredibly fascinating. Perhaps you could tell me more after my shift?"

Quote:What's your return policy?
[Image: 6.gif?dl=0]
"There is none."

RE: The Shop - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-16-2017

oh, we're faust. hey good news guys, we're gettin' laid and then an angel is gonna say our sins didn't even count, time to get wild

RE: The Shop - Tuesbirdy - 04-16-2017

n o p e

I can't believe we just traded our soul for a buncha saxophones and rocks

> "Can we work off the debt somehow? In a way that won't result in our grisly death?"