4tuna Mafia Game

4tuna Mafia Game
RE: Day 7 - 4tuna Mafia Game (three/11)
Oh, well, looks like I'm grabbing the food. This bit over here looks a little dicey but it's probably fine.
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RE: Day 7 - 4tuna Mafia Game (three/11)
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RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
The sound of claws scraping against the hall echoes around the ship. a low, garbled noise joins in, like stones being ground together in a crude, unsettling approximation of a hum.

Dorite is roaming the halls once more.

[Image: n0D4rk1m.png]

"friends, friends, i'm baack, i have learned so much from the larrys, are you ready to see what i'v͠e͘ ̶l̡͢͞e͞-͘e͢-̨e҉ar̵͡n̛͜e͠͝͠d-͏ ̴҉̷d́- ̧͞d̸͜-̕͠"
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
Space is as vast and terrible and terrifying as it is beautiful. Slider had been crumpled up like a piece of paper and thrown away; and just like a piece of paper, they were the kind of trash that recycled. One antenna jutted out from their hair, bent and broken at odd angles and drooping to the side. Blood beaded and smeared, trickled out from underneath their mask - was it from a nosebleed, or something else? It didn't matter what being ejected had destroyed of them once they were dead. And oh, they were so very dead.

They didn't say anything to either Andromeda or Zephik. They just sang; an eerie, mournful warble that reverberated through the metal halls like the sound of a siren from the deep - the space deep.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
The sounds of ceramic and steel clattering against one another could be heard, echoing throughout the ship. A scent wafted its way through the air, quickly filling the ship through the ventilation shafts. It was a sweet scent, the scent of a home cooked meal, but it would quickly turn sour. An unseen kettle began to heat up and whistle, a cup of plain water quickly came to a boil and shattered violently

"La muerte viene a todos nosotros, amigos ... abrazarnos."
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
An ominous rattling is heard within the walls, as well as a horrible screeching noise that makes Zephik instinctively cover up their ears. The clanging noises grow to a loud, rhythmic thumping, then a banging so loud it seems like it should be accompanied by dents in the spaceship wall. It sounds like the engine is tearing itself apart! Zephik and Andromeda brace themselves on the vibrating wall, struggling to stand.
The noise accelerates, the bangs and sounds of tearing metal filling the echoey corrider with a cacophony of noise and vibration!

All of a sudden, it stops. A green reptile falls through the wall onto the floor, clutching a piece of gum that had been stuck to some machinery.
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
"YESSSS Finally I'm dead!!! I mean booooooo Look at there's a deed Mann roaming the streets.

Errr halls.

Look ghosts aren't creative beings.


Or maybe it's just me......

Actually uh. Just pretend you didn't see me. Everyone else was way spookier then me."

Deed Mann waves her hands as she backs in to a room all spooky like.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
[Image: hylEklT.gif]

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
[Andromeda doesn't think he's been this spooked in a long time... given the situation (lights out, ominous black hallway, ghosts?!) that is. He didn't even know why these spirits were haunting him (and Zephik) of all people - if anything he thought they'd be like "ugh Haprocrates that jerk". Oh well? He GUESSES they had a reason to be all vengeful or something.

Andromeda notes that he doesn't need a flashlight 'cause he can turn up the brightness of his screen. So he picks up a nearby metal pipe to act as a sword and one of his atlases to act as a shield. He doesn't know how effective this sword + shield combo is against ghosts but it's worth a try...]
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
Out of nowhere a knife flew by!

Driven as if by magnetic compulsion it whisked back and forth near the heads of the two surviving crew members and the ghosts, nearly missing people repeatedly. Eventually the knife held by a floating disembodied hand found purchase on a wall, stabbing deep into it.... and into a potato chip bag which was held by a second hand.

[Image: 1sFh7Wj.png]
"Why are these things always so damned hard to open..." a voice appears from around a corner, followed by a strange bodied creature with no arms, neck, or obvious hands.

The knife clattered to the floor as the disembodied hands finally opened the back and began to feed the creature potato chips.

"By the way the room service sucks here, so I recommend you guys look for a better hotel. At least they don't let your pets wander the hallways." The creature said, as two other hands rounded the corner carrying SPACE TODEZ rapidly through the crowd!
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
Zephik stood, quite spooked by all this, erm, spookiness.


[Image: jI4lfXw.png]
[Image: TqPfrvP.png]
He manages to shake most of it off, and then proceeds to equip his Mop, his [ITNTRUMENT] and his TRUSTY FISTS.

If Zephik didn't have his TRUSTY FISTS, he thinks he'd slit his wrists.

(He also equips the bottle of ORANGE GRIME DESTROYER. No time bother with the cart, he'll just have to use it directly.)
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
Dorite's cracking, rumbling hum joins in with Slider's song; the sound of rocks cracking rises into a sound not unlike a landslide, rumbling and groaning and crashing with the force of an angered planet, shot through with a wail that set hair on end and shivers up spines.
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
[Image: TqPfrvP.png]
"It probably best we try to convince the captain now, instead of breaking the door down and having to explain to him while he thinks he's under attack. What do you think?"
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
Yeah that's definitely the best option. We already know the captain is probably in a state of "nervous wreck" so we should use [DIPLOMACY].
RE: Day ???? - 4tuna Mafia Game
Oh what seriously? A boss already? I mean we're not even on Fortuna yet and this guy with its fancy little title screen pops up and decides to just crash the party... haha okay then. Let's see how you like a taste of my BLADE!

[Andromeda throws the metal pipe he was holding straight at the bottom screen of The Guy.]

So uhh Puggo are you gonna help or something?
RE: 4tuna Mafia Game
Good gosh, this has been super great and fun to read, even if I was the first eliminated. I had a lot of fun, you guys~

And thanks a lot Wheat, for putting so much effort into this game!
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: 4tuna Mafia Game
Haha good job Andromeda and Zephik for slugging their way through the final three days!

Especial good job to aC for doing such a good job taking all my mafia strategy advice onbard even when I insisted on using Hoot's typing style all the damn time.
RE: 4tuna Mafia Game
[Image: ny6o8fI.png]
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: 4tuna Mafia Game
[Image: jbkqk.jpg]

This was done a while back but I guess I'll post it now??
Clicc picc for a full view!
RE: 4tuna Mafia Game

[Image: FTNMAFV.png]

aC strikes once more with a groupdraw. Definitely my favorite game of the bunch!

Please clicc picc for a clearer, hi-res view.
RE: 4tuna Mafia Game
[Image: 3iYPCAP.png]
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: 4tuna Mafia Game
Ouch, a mafia AND a 2-life SK with an SK-Ally.

Also haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaands
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]
