A Grand Battle

A Grand Battle
A Grand Battle
Solitary in an otherwise empty dimension stands a vast and wondrous palace with gleaming spires reaching up into the heavens. This palace is rendered from the finest of materials, it’s every room and every hallway immaculately decorated with the most exquisite silken tapestries, the most luxurious furniture and massive ten feet high statures wrought from materials that in most universes don’t even exist. But before a hypothetical person managed to navigate their way through these corridors to the throne room that lay at its heart, there was a ripple in the fabric of reality; a wave behind which the palace was no more. In its place there was a simplistic wooden treehouse built in the highest boughs of a towering tree. Its furniture was made from wood and woven straw and through the windows it was possible to see a spectrum of colour reflected in the leaves of the enormous tree. In the place wherein you would expect there to be a throne room there is a large room with a balcony at one end allowing the beautiful dawn light to stream in.

And there is a man with long brown hair tied into dreadlocks a pair of sunglasses and necklaces and bracelets decked with beads and crystals and he is looking out at the sunrise. This is the Indecisive, though this form is as transient as the rest of his realm. He is troubled. He says so himself.

“I find myself troubled.” He says. “Like so many others I wish to run a Grand Battle, but I find myself unable. My very nature; the inherent transience of my moods and desires means that every step forwards is two steps back. Try as I might I just cannot organise a battle, which is of course why I have drawn you here.”

He turns to face you, brushes some hair from his eye.

“I cede the creative process to you. I shall function as a Grandmaster in authority alone; a sort of figurehead so to speak.” He paused. “Name me this battle and find me some battlers to participate in it, and do so quickly before my mind is changed for me once more.”

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RE: A Grand Battle
An eagle with the power of temporal manipulation.
RE: A Grand Battle
Username: Oh wait oops nope
Name: Somn
Gender: N/A
Race: Nightmare
Colour: 33101E
Description: Somn is an incorporeal, intangible ghost until he finds someone or something asleep. He then takes whatever form their nightmares consist of, although his personal flair to any form consists of concealed extra limbs, the smell of stale earth, and a nearly-inaudible noise coming from no particular direction while he is near.
Items/Abilities: Somn is normally tethered to his host of choice, but with sufficient cultivation of his host can begin to mould their dream into a form that better suits him, or gives him more useful capabilities. The host cannot wake up through normal means, but killing them will effectively incapacitate Somn. It finds this highly unpleasant, but has the means to protect its host.
Somn can dematerialise and reappear at will at its host's side if it perceives a threat, and for especially susceptible hosts can manipulate their thoughts into sleep-walking.
Background: Somn is a relatively rare monster from a modernish age with something of a hangover from its high-ish fantasy roots. It takes little interest in most affairs, other than those its perceives as a threat to its existence. These it'll have die in messy ways, if it can't just straight-up catch them when they're sleeping. Malicious by nature, but also cunning in a self-preservative kind of way.
RE: A Grand Battle
Name: Smith

Gender: Male

Race: Kiira/Human
Kiiras as a species cannot exist on their own. Their eggs are lain in the bodies of other creatures, whose body eventually alters to a state approximating Smith's. Some Kiira's bodies change more, some less. Eventually the Kiira takes over the body, but the original inhabitant remains, trapped inside with no control. Whenever the Kiira arrive on a populated world a bloody war inevitably ensues with the Kiira not resting until they have enslaved the population for reproductive purposes. They are fast and agile, good at climbing and leaping long distances.

Colour: Some sort of grey, maybe?

Description: Uses his speed and agility to get the better of his foes. Attacks with his Kiira arm, which is a long blade. Fancies himself quite the ladies man.

RE: A Grand Battle
An organism that rapidly proceeds through stages of its life cycle, growing more complicated and advanced every so often. A robot that is building itself a new body from its framework skeleton. A dragon, but dragons are actually chunks of dead gods and they collects souls to shepherd them into the next life. A space marine with post-traumatic stress disorder from fighting too long against the insectoid aliens. A pair of anthropomorphized cephalopod disc jockey techno wizards. An individual who's from an evolutionary branch of humanity and carries with him the memories of his now-extinct human forefathers. An overgrown psychic alien leech inside of a life-support pod mounted on tank treads. A giant bat.
RE: A Grand Battle
The Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which may or may not be:
- Highly incompetent
- Entrenched in bureaucracy
- A single being with multiple personalities
- Concepts, rather than actual beings
- Imposters
- A band
RE: A Grand Battle
Someone with the power to interchange bodies with another person upon physical contact, who has long since forgotten their own identity.
RE: A Grand Battle
The character made by the guy who didn't read the OP and made a character designed for fighting and nothing else.
RE: A Grand Battle
There was a moment of silence in the room as the spirits that had been gathered considered the task at hand. It was quickly broken by a grey spectre that introduced itself as Znash.

(07-11-2012, 07:17 AM)Znash Wrote: »An organism that rapidly proceeds through stages of its life cycle, growing more complicated and advanced every so often.

“Interesting,” the Indecisive mused. “Am I to-

(07-11-2012, 07:17 AM)Znash Wrote: »A robot that is building itself a new body from its framework skeleton.

-assume this-

(07-11-2012, 07:17 AM)Znash Wrote: »A dragon, but dragons are actually chunks of dead gods and they collects souls to shepherd them into the next life.

-is a concept-

(07-11-2012, 07:17 AM)Znash Wrote: »A space marine with post-traumatic stress disorder from fighting too long against the insectoid aliens.

-you would like-

(07-11-2012, 07:17 AM)Znash Wrote: »A pair of anthropomorphized cephalopod disc jockey techno wizards.

-me to look-

(07-11-2012, 07:17 AM)Znash Wrote: »An individual who's from an evolutionary branch of humanity and carries with him the memories of his now-extinct human forefathers.

-further into-

(07-11-2012, 07:17 AM)Znash Wrote: »An overgrown psychic alien leech inside of a life-support pod mounted on tank treads.

-or do you-

(07-11-2012, 07:17 AM)Znash Wrote: »A giant bat.

-have, ahem, a specimen in mind?” The Indecisive finished his sentence and frowned. “Those are some interesting ideas Znash and I will take them into consideration.” Znash’s outburst of creativity complete he slunked down for the moment as though mentally spent, and another spirit, one that was a dark shade of green (india green perhaps) took the opportunity to step forwards.

(07-11-2012, 08:09 AM)Tutho Another Wrote: »The Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which may or may not be:
- Highly incompetent
- Entrenched in bureaucracy
- Concepts, rather than actual beings
- Imposters
- A band

As Tutho spoke, his ideas crystallised in the air and formed a neat bullet pointed list. “And they call me indecisive.” The grandmaster of the realm muttered to himself as he scrutinised the list. “Okay this sounds like a viable proposition. Consider the four horsemen to be on the list of battlers… in one form or another; I’ll work it out.” The next spirit to step forwards was a glittering shade of topaz.

(07-10-2012, 09:54 PM)Erol Fangdog Wrote: »An eagle with the power of temporal manipulation.

As Erol proposed this wondrous creature there was a ripple in the fabric of reality itself, and suddenly their locale changed entirely. The elaborate treehouse was gone, replaced with the dispassionate white, grey and pale green tones of a hospital. The specific room in which The Indecisive and the collection of spirits were situated was now an operating theatre. A steel operating table stood in the centre of the room, with a tray of surgical implements next to it. Everything was pristine, or perhaps cleaner; perfectly sterile, every surface was unmarred by human hands. The Indecisive himself was now dressed in surgical scrubs, his face obscured by a facemask, his hair contained within a hairnet.

His brow furrowed and then eventually he said: “Yes. I can make this happen.” He paused, his attention momentarily drawn to a surgical implement a centimetre out of alignment with the others and he ever so cautiously straightened it, and then turned his attention back to the group of spirits. “I have plenty of concepts to be working on for the moment; I understand that it is short notice and you could not have been expected to have such a thing ready but if you do happen to have a candidate for inclusion in the battle, and we really must give this battle a name, then I would appreciate hearing about it.”

Two spirits stepped forwards at once; one that was a shade of earthy brown and one that was a pale cerulean.

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Two dossiers materialised in The Indecisive’s hands. He took a minute to scan through them, throughout which Dotheby stuck his tongue out at the grandmaster in an act that was almost unfathomable in its reasoning. Zachres happened to notice and jammed an ephemereal elbow into Dotheby’s chest before The Indecisive had time to notice such blatant shows of disrespect. They were, after all, guests here in his dominion.

“Yes.” The Indecisive nodded an affirmation. “These are fine examples; I will add them to the list of candidates immediately. Which brings us up to our half way point,” he hesitated and turned his gaze towards the spent grey spirit, “or, potentially more should any of Znash’s ideas prove to be workable.”

An electric blue spectre chirped up, offering its own suggestion.

(07-11-2012, 09:15 AM)Gene Ablut Wrote: »Someone with the power to interchange bodies with another person upon physical contact, who has long since forgotten their own identity.

“As much as I appreciate your collective enthusiasm, and I will note this down for future consideration, I feel that it is time to cease bandying around ideas and put those we have into motion.”

The Indecisive clicked his fingers and suddenly amongst them there was another man. He was dressed in surgical scrubs but he did not look the part of a doctor. His black hair was slicked back into a quiff and his facial hair was somewhere between that which is popularly known as ‘designer’ stubble’ and a full on beard. He had a world weary look in his eyes and he sighed loudly as the Indecisive gestured at him to put his surgical mask and hairnet on.

“This is Luic. He’s an assistant. Consider him to be at your disposal-”

“Hey, what? I didn’t agree to that!” Luic protested.

“Irrelevant.” The Indecisive replied. “A previous self of mine thought to give them authority in this venture. Whether you take command from them or me, it is the same.” The Indecisive refocused his attention upon the crowd of spirits that had fallen quiet for the moment. “I have some work to do here to put some of your ideas into motion. Take Luic into the world and begin the acquisition of our contestants-”

(07-11-2012, 06:29 PM)Bogdot Wrote: »The character made by the guy who didn't read the OP and made a character designed for fighting and nothing else.

The spectre that spoke up was a foggy black shape with tiny, seemingly distant, specks of light escaping here and there. The Indecisive frowned at this suggestion.

“I don’t understand this spirit. I feel perhaps its words have been rendered insensible by transdimensional interference.” He paused. “Perhaps with time this will clear up? Who can tell?” He shrugged, “I have to go and commence my preparations while I am still in a form that is advantageous to do so. Talk to Luic, tell him what you would have him do.”

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RE: A Grand Battle
Name: Thirful
Gender: Female
Race: Slimech Mk 7
Colour: PINK
Description: a Slimech Mk 7 is the 7th edition of Terrormech Corp's Slimech Line, obviously. Designed to terrorize populations of worlds with an average humidity greater than 70%. She's basically a big pink blob of slime with a metal bits, some of which include fleshy organs. The twenty metal bits composing her solid body consist of: three beam swords, a big long metal sword, two 10 inch syringe loaded with unknown substances, a gun that fires short blasts of heat, 5 packs of extra water, 3 big metal plates used as shields, 3 metal-encased hearts, an eggsac and a metal encased brain.
Items/Abilities: Drawing her power from fission of water, she can essentially draws her own power from the air and operates best in humid weather. Keeping her vital organs at the center of her blobby body, she rolls around and attacks opponents.
Background: Long after she and the rest of the Slimech Mk 7s destroyed the population of the swamp planet Froth, Thirful settled down with a mate and had several little baby Slimech Mk 8s. When Terrormech Corporation returned to the planet to collect their soldiers, the Slimechs rebelled, culminating in the destruction of Terrormech and the sovereignity of the Frothy nation. Thirful became a politician and was elected as the president of the planet. Her amazing charisma is pretty much the only thing that sets her above any other Slimechs, though her slimy pink appearance isn't so charismatic when viewed by other non-slimech species.

by the way can someone link me to an offical grand battle rules page or something? I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong...
RE: A Grand Battle
Perhaps we can call this the Adventurous...
RE: A Grand Battle
Is Indecision 2012 too obvious

Relatedly: A newschannel.
RE: A Grand Battle
The Big Battle