Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime

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Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
For those of you not in the know, Dwarf Fortress is a highly complex, intricate insanity simulator where you lead a community of seven and growing idiotic dwarves into prosperity, greatness and ultimately complete and total destruction, all in pseudo-ASCII graphics. In the name of Eagle Time, I've founded the beginnings of what I hope will be a prosperous and Fun fortress.

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[Image: tLLL3.gif?1]
We're embarking over a half-mountain/half-forested region. My hopes are to find some giant eagles, capture them, and tame them, but I'm more likely to get them from some elven traders. Dwarven names include one common first name and a last name that is a compound of two dwarven words. Here's our starting roster:
Zefon Bomrekmondul (Zefon Whipgrave in English)
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Asmel Etasrel (Joinsilvers)
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Kikrost Atastzuglar (Braveships)
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Tulon Unibonul (Ragmirrored)
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Zon Nebelkel (Admiredmetal)
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Kogan Tostsazir (Visedbridges)
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Zekkud Uristbidok (Daggeracted)
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I'm be willing to nickname dwarves after eagletimers if you feel a resonance with one of these fellows

Let's get started.
[Image: pNhbw.gif?1]
While I dig out a properly designed and laid-out fortress, I punch out a hole in a little hill up north. Nothing fancy, but it'll do. A dog chained near the entrance and a dorm along the west. At the end is a mess of food, drink, and the workshops that made them. The brown junk is farm plots, currently growing everything I can. Variety in booze is very important for dwarven survival. One floor down is a temporary dining hall, a circle cut out of the sand with a flurry of tables, chairs, more workshops, and nestboxes for the peacocks that I brought.

[Image: 2Lz9M.gif?1]
Next is the main entrance. While I typically use doors, building destroyers, such as trolls and ogres, can break down doors. Building destroyers can't destroy straight up, however, so I used floor hatches and a short underpass. Also a dog chained up like the temporary mud hole.

[Image: NgJgm.gif?1]
The beginnings of the main fortress, one z-level down from the previous picture. I'm going for circles because circles are cool. The triangles are ramps, which look pretty from a design perspective, but the way I laid them out sucks for rapid up-down transit so I added a ring of up-down staircases in the center, which are the 'X's. Over to the right is an under-construction tunnel to an under-construction farm. Spring ends somewhere around here. Summer commences

[Image: oqzPk.gif]
My first migrants! What valuable skills do they bring to our fortress? Overall, jack shit. I'll give the abbreviated version for migrants.
Meng Adasen (Sungravel) is an adequate engraver. He might be useful later, but for now he's our new chef, incidentally replacing our mason/temp chef Zon Admiredmetal.
Eresh Ducimrovod (Workarch) is a novice ranger, meaning he hunts and traps. He also has the "animal dissector" skill, which currently has no use. Ironically, his preferred meal is vegan.
Ber Cattenvathsith (Channeledsquares) is a novice farmer, who wants to do general farming but is 25-years-old and wet behind the ears. She has been relegated to do all the farming/related jobs that only happen occasionally like butchery, tanning and milling. I had her butcher the two horses that pulled our caravan here. It's not like they were going to be good for anything else.
Cerol Fikodthoth (Glazeaura) is a prime example of the infamous lye maker. A skill that's related to the production of soap, lye makers are often lumped with fish dissectors and cheese making as low-value skills. I won't be making soap for a while, so she'll be on hauling duty until I can figure out what to do with her.

Now you might notice that there's ten migrants on that list. The other six? Are bratty, useless, dwarven children. They do nothing but eat my food and drink my booze. I'd crush them all immediately under a bridge if it weren't for the fact that my four adult migrants who, although of marginal utility, are still working bodies, would throw tantrums. Four spawned from the hairy loins of Ber and Erush, and the other two from Cerol and Meng. Maybe once they're happier, I'll kill the youngest one.

[Image: nlns7.gif?1]
The first thing Ranger Eresh Workarch did was march out with his crossbow, quiver, and bronze bolts and go hunting. I checked to see what wildlife happened to be in the area at the time and a wild trio of Giant Chinchilla. Now I knew chinchillas were generally harmless, but I also knew that giant creatures can be surprisingly lethal. It was entirely possible that they'd get angry and maul my hunter, but it was also possible that we'd be eating Giant Chinchilla biscuits shortly. I decided to let him go ahead. He empties out his entire quiver of bolts into one rodent while the other two run away. In this picture, you see Workarch circled in red having finally killed his mark and the giant chinchilla circled in yellow, surrounded by broken bolts, blood, and chinchilla vomit. Hunting is messy business, you know.
He drags it back where I have Channeledsquares butcher the body, and Sungravel fry up some chinchilla chorizos. Not bad, I say, so I decide to let him carry on. It's good marksdwarfship practice anyway, and they drop as much meat as a horse. Meanwhile I put our useless lye maker Glazeaura on bone carving duty to cut some bone bolts to get some more delicious chinchilla meat. He manages to wound one more chinchilla before it and the third one run away off the map. Saddening, but five chinchilla people just walked onto the map, and our hunter has five horse bone bolts. And we still crave chinchilla meat.

It's now late summer. Here's an overall view of the map.
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RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
Oh my god I have no idea what you just said.

I do know that you need luck.
And I wish it my elven brother. I wish it.
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
Nooooo. No killing migrant children. Let them drain our resources and drink our mead. Also we need mead.

> continue design and construction of pokéball fort

So, wait. You guys had one meal for the entirety of spring?

Also Whipgrave is an awesome name.
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
I didn't see any beehives, but I'll keep an eye out so we can make some mead. I've dabbled in the beekeeping industry before and it's not very productive, but it's pretty hands-off as industries go.

Dwarves don't eat very much, actually. Two foods and four drinks per season. We're currently stocked up on a few hundred drinks and maybe two hundred or so food items. Most of our food is coming from farming, which I've been doing this whole time. Farming is really productive, but meat is more fun to get. Especially chinchilla meat. Oh yes.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
Whenever I play Dwarf Fortress it ends horribly because as it turns out I am surprisingly bad at not doing stupid things for laughs.

Maybe I'll actually learn something from reading this.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
[Image: fLub5.gif]
I did find a bee hive, so apiary began construction. The ultimate plan is to have an internal staircase that leads directly to the bee hives, and then to wall off the area. The black 0s are planned walls that haven't been built yet. Underscores are artificial hives. Our hunter is our temporary beekeeper when there's nothing to hunt. Apparently sentient chinchillas don't count as edible, so our hunter had nothing better to do.

[Image: hCo6k.gif]
Stodir Pagedtangled, one of the kids, entered a strange mood. Unfortunately, he's possessed, meaning he won't gain a legendary skill. The blinking pink exclamation point indicates that that dwarf is under a strange mood. Also visible is a cage of three kittens, locked up so they don't accidentally adopt a dwarf. They will be left there until they reach adulthood, upon which they become walking meat or breeding stock if female.

[Image: egPC3.gif]
Pagedtangled ends up claiming a craftsdwarf's workshop and swiftly creates this:
[Image: 5lud8.gif]
Nothing fancy. I later checked after getting a broker and found it's worth 12,000 dwarfbucks. Not too shabby.

Somewhere around this time, I got four migrants. A glazer, a novice farmer like Channeledsquares, and two kids. All useless, of course. I converted the glazer into a full-time stone crafter, and had the new novice farmer replace Channeledsquares, who was put on recordkeeping duty. Also at some point one of the kids grew up and is now a useless peasant.

[Image: vwRxG.gif]
When fall arrived, I just threw together an outdoor depot for the coming dwarven traders. Shown is the arriving dwarven caravan. Since I haven't played in a while, this is my first time actually seeing a wagon in-game.
[Image: 3ojdn.gif]
And here is the outpost liaison sitting next to our expedition leader, who is sleeping in the bedroom. Real professional, bub.
I realize I don't really need much. I buy a pick and some leather in exchange for assorted stone crafts. As they leave, I request some picks, anvils, and barrels of chinchilla blood next time they drop by. I have plans for this blood. Plans. Also winter happened somewhere around here. It snows later.

[Image: 156YT.gif]
Here is a giant mosquito that has been buzzing around the map all season. A giant fucking mosquito. I kind of wish our hunter would just put a bolt through it, but then I'd be stuck imagining its exoskeleton crumple in on itself all day. Eugh.

[Image: 2KQ1W.gif]
Another group of giant chinchillas passed by my map. Our hunter Workarch kept trying to do silly things like beekeeping and hauling items to stockpiles. I told him to shut up, grab his chinchilla bone bolts and get his ass outside. He emptied two quivers into the fleeing rodents. While he was grabbing his third refill, this one you see here bled out on the formerly fresh white snow. Because of the way hunting and butchering is handled, I couldn't get this one butchered before it rotted. I should get it inside eventually.

[Image: t1VyO.gif]
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
(05-12-2012, 03:23 AM)Gnauga Wrote: »kittens, locked up

RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
I am in favor of using our possesed dwarf to craft unholy but valuable weaponry. Also

> capture mosquito? Tame it???

> also dont need an army of some kind? Conscript the peasant!
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
Seeing's the title of crazed GB shipper is a toss-up between my fanfics and Shazer's crackpairings I will do both of us a dubious pleasure by nicking the title first. Kikrost "Woffles" Braveships is onto you.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
[Image: Kmdxa.gif]
Although slightly confused, Woffles Braveships continues about his duties with skill.

[Image: FwRwW.gif]
I regret to inform you that the guard dog of our main entrance has fallen in the line of duty against the Giant Magpie invasion. Our fullest attention is going into our hunter to ensure that justice is exacted for this cowardly act of terror against our people.

One giant magpie: slaughtered, butchered, and sauteéd with chopped garlic and olive oil. Let this be an example to every terrorist giant magpie across the realm! Eagletime will be your graveyard!

[Image: tJQh5.gif]
Because of stockpile mishaps, some chopped-up magpie parts were left to rot in the butcher's shop, and now there's miasma everywhere. A lesser fortress might see a tantrum spiral, but the stench is tolerated.

Spring arrives. Maybe fresh crops (and consequently, fresh booze) will brighten our spirits. As a note: underground crops are affected by seasonal cycles, despite being, y'know. Underground.

[Image: TErra.gif]
A huge wave of migrants! Word of our artifact must have gotten out.
Notables include:
Lokum Oarbridged, a highly-skilled clothier.
Melbil Strifefulgears, an adequate mechanic
and 24 dwarves that are so useless that they are temporarily on hauler duty while I find things that need more workers.

[Image: 0uuam.gif]
One of the kids gets another strange mood. This one is secretive, rather than possessed, meaning he'll gain a legendary skill when he finishes his artifact. He demands lots of bones, so I have to slaughter a llama that came with the migration wave. As a side note, that chalk toy hammer is just a toy, so it's useless except for adding value to the fortress.

[Image: twtEm.gif]
Meanwhile, a flock of giant wrens pass by. Now I know wrens and magpies are different, but I've got my eye on them. And so does our hunter Erush Workarch, who's been removed from beekeeping for full hunting duty. He kills two of them by the time they leave.

[Image: 9Yd5a.gif]
Our moody kid uses a ton of bones to create this guy. The description sounds funny, but it's a giant axe blade made out giant chinchilla bones (and other kinds of bones, but primarily giant chinchilla). It's meant for use in weapons traps, like tomb raider or something. It's pretty useless because it turns out bone makes for shitty axe material. It's placed in a weapons trap in the dining hall to boost its already-legendary value.

[Image: tjbHK.gif]
The first birth of the fortress! This one, our bookkeeper, just plopped out a baby dwarf in the middle of the hallway, named it Lorbam Stakeyells, picked it up, and kept walking.

[Image: YBdEY.gif]
Our temporary dining hall / dormitory. By this point, basically all of our operations have been moved out of our dirt hut and into the fortress proper. The actual dining hall and bedrooms are planned to be on the floor below and are impractically oversized. You'll see them in a bit.

[Image: 0gM2j.gif]
Our hunter goes into a secretive mood as well and demands some bones, wood, and stone. I don't have much on hand in the way of bones, and I don't have any animals I'm eager to slaughter, but...

[Image: g6KGr.gif]
A human caravan arrives! Humans are "U"s in dwarf fortress, just so you know. I buy up their livestock and slaughter a llama and a water buffalo and a boar. The caravan leaves, and our hunter begins a mysterious construction...

[Image: nS7Gz.gif?1]
It turns out to be this. In vanilla DF, it's unusable for anything. Also autumn happens somewhere around here.

[Image: mM2bH.gif]
Giant Chinchillas pass through our fortress again! Hurrah! Also another massive migration wave happens and it brings, like, four rangers who all think they can hunt. They can't, but by the time I switch their labors to hauling, they've all started pretending they're Solid Snake or something and I can't stop them. Turns out sheer volume and enthusiasm makes up for skill. After using up probably around a hundred or so bolts (which is fine, I have a ton of them now) our butcher sees this:

[Image: z7EQc.gif]
Three giant dead chinchillas, piled up on her workshop. Two get butchered, and the third ends up rotting in place. Bleagh. What a waste. Winter happens.

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Keeping you updated on fortress construction.
On the negative-fourth floor are the dormitory on the left and dining hall on the right. Two equal and massive circles. There's a couple of stills and kitchens built into the dining hall to get the freshest booze and meals to them as quickly as possible. The dining hall isn't completely carved out yet at this point, in the interest of mining out other things. I've also conscripted four more miners to dig out these highly impractical design ideas. Also it looks like testicles.

[Image: wVFlP.gif]
THRIPS MEN (they actually don't do anything except gross out my brain)

[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
How many dorfs have you now, Gnauga?
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
A respectable fortress of 92 drunkards. Of them, 27 are haulers, 25 are children, and 3 are babies. There's been a couple other births that I didn't bother to mention.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
How many boozes for those 92 drunkards?

Can you make booze out of bones?
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
Dwarves drink 4 units of booze a season. If they can't get booze, they drink water, but even I'm not that cruel. Right now I'm at stock of 850 units of drink. Booze can only be made out of plants or honey (which makes mead)

Bones can be made into crafts for export or bolts for crossbows. They can also be used to make weak armor or to decorate existing goods. In my old fortresses, I would use the bones of unique monsters to make ceremonial armors.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
So are there any real threats in this world aside from poor planing and reckless choices? I mean, is there some gargamel put there wanting to turn your dwarves into soup?


> turn dwarves into soop.
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
This season has been a fruitful one, and by fruitful I mean babies are being born like this fortress is a gatling vagina. Seven dwarven babies just this winter.

[Image: Yxarm.gif]
The human caravan shuffles out of my carefully designed trade entrance.

[Image: oH0QR.gif]
I've set up some cage traps around the embark location, and it seems that I've captured some wandering animal people. Four fine porcupine women, one thrips man, and one thrips woman.. For now, they'll just sit in a cramped cage in the dining hall deprived of all civil liberties, but I'm taking suggestions.

[Image: lKFDT.gif]
The miners have begun searching for precious mineral ores. Most of the layers below are metamorphic, which carry relatively few useful minerals. Chalk is a sedimentary layer, so we've started combing through some of that in the hopes of unearthing some hematite, an ore of iron.

Spring arrives.

Another three births. It's a good thing dwarven farming violates every known human rule of agriculture or we'd all starve.

[Image: r2kM9.gif]
One of the tykes gets a secretive mood. A few bones, gems, and stone blocks later, I get this, a regular bone battle axe. Nothing to write to the mountainhome about except another fairly pointless legendary bonecarver.0

[Image: gsRg3.gif]
Some more construction happens, mostly in preparation for the long-overdue goblins that should really be showing up by now. Here's the upgraded depot entrance. The walls extend as close to the map edge as possible, and then the floor is dug out the rest of the way there. This forces the caravan to enter at exactly one point and follow one well-trapped route to take out any invaders that chase the caravan into the fortress.

[Image: pU2WT.gif]
A giant weasel has been captured and (partially) tamed! The plans for her are myriad, but fingers are crossed for a Mr. Giant Weasel first.

[Image: KjPo7.gif]
Our hunter for some reason is interested in tasting the flesh of a giant moth. Here are 52 pieces of giant moth meat. The flesh. Of a massive moth. Blankaloupe

>A dwarven soup-machine has been constructed. Squads of dwarves are gently tenderized with dozens of steadily pounding dull wooden training spears. Once suitably prepared, they are sent to the razor-sharp teeth and claws of myriad monsters and demons to be cut into bite-sized pieces and roasted.

>On an unrelated note, the first four dwarven corpses of the fortress! And what a coincidence! They're all babies! The cause of death has been ruled "soup by-product". Their grieving mothers have been relieved from military service to grieve over legendary booze and food.

Summer arrives.

[Image: seVBo.gif]
The soup machine has inadvertently turned the dwarves (who had been given wooden spears for some reason) into master speardwarves, and have been handed copper spears. As a second attempt, another ten dwarves have been handed wooden swords and shoved into the same room. Here they all are, being prodded repeatedly with wooden shafts. Oh, and the red stuff? The mingled blood of five babies, whose heads were crushed while cradled in the arms of their mothers. No need to thank me; just doing my job.

>The metal-smelting industry is gaining steam. Tetrahedrite, an ore of copper and silver, has been found in surplus. Despite thorough exploratory mining, there's no signs of any iron or tin ores. It seems like I'll have to import any metals superior to copper.

Another migant wave comes. I'm at about 160 of these guys now. I'm starting to feel the lag from the number of entities on the map now. I'm turning off migration in the settings file now.

[Image: L9Qdw.gif?1]
Ah, our first hostile entity! A forgotten beast has come. Forgotten beasts (or FBs) are randomly-generated monsters of considerable size. Their threat ranges as wildly as their attributes. FBs comprised of steam are thoroughly harmless (I had one such beast fight a dog for several seasons before it killed itself by slamming into a wall.) This one seems reasonably dangerous, especially since it can fly.

[Image: N5Zum.gif]
But a more eminent foe threatens us first. A cave crocodile: commonly present for any fortress, yet commonly lethal to an unprepared dwarf. It strikes one of our Starting Seven, a legendary woodcutter, who had gone down to the tetrahedrite mines to fetch some ore. He flees the beast, attempts to run past it, but is driven back once more.

[Image: fGDPs.gif]
Our freshly-tenderized squad of highly-competent speardwarves is sent to deal with the crocodile. Litast Trademirrors arrives first and unleashes a surprising number of piercing strikes to a diverse number of crocodilian organs. The crocodile manages to vomit twice before succumbing to the squad known as The Ochre Barbs. Now being sufficiently tenderized, the crocodile is sent to the butcher to prepare it for consumption. Yes, dwarven meat processing tenderizes the meat while it's still alive.

[Image: nKzPu.gif]
However, they find the woodcutter bled out and missing a hand and a pinky toe. He is sent to be smashed into nothingness under a drawbridge and is memorialized on a stone slab as is our custom.

[Image: 9J7rJ.gif]
But before the speardwarves can leave, a rutherer arrives, seeming to be in pursuit of a miner. She is massive, thick-furred, and thoroughly dangerous. She is also quickly chased and put down, having decided to rush through a worked-up squad of speardwarves. Another one for the butcher.

[Image: Bw3kt.gif]
A kobold thief attempts to sneak through our main entrance. Our bustling, dwarf-filled, two-tile-wide entrance. Here he is, fleeing after being spotted. They're quite fast.

[Image: qSUVY.gif]
A human caravan arrives. Excuse me Mister Merchant, I will give you this box of stone shit for everything you own that is bronze or iron.

Autumn arrives.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
Waste all bronze immediately on gaudy statues.

> eat soup

> how long can a dwarf remain unclothed before the elements destroy them?

Oh oh oh make a reality show where you strand dwarves out in the wild and see how long they survive but no or survives.
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
[Image: sxwsX.gif]
From the debriefing of Edem Lancedhelm, Captain of 1st Swordsdwarves

We heard the alarm come from the mines and rushed down to help. I've told the overseers at least a dozen times to have the masons seal the caverns up properly, but did they listen? Of course not. Not even after the Shearcurious cave crocodile attack. Uh, where was I? Right. When we arrived, we found a miner being strangled by a troll, or maybe it was an ogre... Either way, our bronze swords carved it up like butter, my compliments to the weaponsmith.

[Image: OuR77.gif]
Something grabbed its attention. The Forgotten Beast Tofi Eyomerine, formerly idling about, flew in through an opening in the wall and attacked a couple of miners. Miners use their mining skill when fighting with a pick, so they manage to deal some damage, but by the time I notice this, they'd fallen to the beast's talons. The entire melee military, ten spears and ten swords, were nearby to respond. Twenty-five pages of curb-stomping later, the Forgotten Beast Tofi Eyomerine became Tofi Eyomerine's mutilated corpse and Tofi Eyomerine's trunk. Apparently it had a trunk?

[Image: Erq0f.gif]
A memo from a mason
Cavern's sealed up good.
--Kubuk Wheelbent

The civilian casualties have been six babies, two miners, and one legendary woodcutter. Slain in proceedings are one troll, four crundles, one cave crocodile posthumously named Bithitkesham, meaning Shearcurious, a rutherer, a molemarian (like a centaur but a giant mole-rat and a mole-rat man instead of a horse and a human), and of course, the Forgotten Beast Tofi Eyomerine.

[Image: 1i8Y8.gif]
A band of chinchilla people are passing by. The crossbow squad is sent to practice on them for shits and giggles. End result: three dead chinchilla-people.

I wasn't really paying attention, but some giant wrens have been captured and enslaved tamed, including one female that has already layed a clutch of seven eggs. I'm not too sure what to do with them. Probably butcher them as a food source.

[Image: c7V6c.gif]
A secure, trapped entrance to the cavern is prepared. The swordsdwarves squad is sent down to explore the caverns more thoroughly.

Winter arrives.

From the diary of Zulban Paintdefense, Swordsdwarf
Dear diary,
Today, I realized just how much I appreciate my shield. I've come a long way since my days as an animal doctor, or as a fishery worker. Now the children play "Zulban and troglodytes". I'm a hero to these dwarves, now. But I couldn't have made it without my faithful shield. I've named it "The Sorcery of Harvesters". I had the carpenter bore a little hole in it too. Tonight, I'll show how much she really means to me...

Mr. Paintdefense has been sent to the doctor to check for a concussion. Several militia dwarves have been exhibiting similar behavior. We aren't sure if we want to pursue further investigation.

One hauler has been struck by a fey mood. Similar to a secretive mood, except he's more straightforward about what he wants. I can probably guess where this one's going.
[Image: WIAt7.gif?1]
Yup. Another stone crafter.

The troll attack victim has died of infection due to a lack of soap, so some was prepared for future injuries.

[Image: sHWK3.gif]
The giant wrens have made giant wren hatchlings! They're so cute I could just lock them up in a cramped cage!

[Image: pSUOD.gif]
Speaking of newcomers to the fortress: Invaders! Four goblin snatchers (I was worried they weren't going to show up) and two kobold thieves pay a visit to my humble fortress this season. All four gobbos are caught in cage traps, and one of the kobolds fall to the speardwarves. I've been meaning to carve out an execution room for a while, you know...

Spring has arrived.

(05-23-2012, 07:19 PM)btp Wrote: »Waste all bronze immediately on gaudy statues.
You can't do that because all your bronze is already inside swords and axes! You throw together a silver statue instead.

(05-23-2012, 07:19 PM)btp Wrote: »> eat soup
[Image: NEqvA.gif]
Okay, but it might take a while to get to it.

(05-23-2012, 07:19 PM)btp Wrote: »Dwarf vs. Wild
Producers have been contacted, and contestants are being interviewed.

[Image: 0kjwR.gif]
A few packs of crundles have been slaughtered in the caverns by the swordsdwarves. The butchers have been working around the clock to butcher them, but the hauler can't seem to put away the meat before it rots, so everyone's been bathing in the stench of putrid crundle. Also? Do not google crundle.

A squad of axedwarves have been assembled. They are known as the Eagles of Earth, which makes them immune to electric and ground-type attacks.

Summer arrives.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
Sounds like the eagles of earth are ready to take on some pikachews.

Okay so there has to be a way to make use of putrid meat-rot. Maybe set it out for traps? Oh oh I know

Build and encase a room around the rot. Only open the room to toss in prisoners.
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
[Image: 6G3RA.gif]
Breaking news! The forgotten beast Celo has arrived! A gigantic three-eyed tick. It has large mandibles and it appears to be emaciated. Its cream exoskeleton is sleek and smooth. Beware its noxious secretions! Cavern workers have heard what they described as resentful singing. The axedwarves, who are on standby in the caverns, have been sent to deal with the situation. This is Sarvesh Chambertrammeled, for ETN news.

[Image: 5uMjQ.gif]
A report from the metalsmithing guild
The magma tube from the second layer has finally been bled into a metalsmithing center. The damn stuff moves like molasses. The natural magma levels are noticeably lower (see attached sketch) but they should recover with time. The smelters and smiths are happily working without fuel restrictions, but we might work faster if some food and booze were moved down here. And maybe our own bedrooms.
--Goden Helmsgilds, Furnace Operator

A sketch of the magma tube. It maintains this shape all the way down..
[Image: itp64.gif]

More attacks in the fortress:
Woffles Braveships has been killed by a giant bat. Sorry Woffles. The bat has been named Mirerevere for its feat. If it's any consolation, we managed to avenge it for you.

Goblins visited our lovely fortress once more this summer. This time they managed to steal a baby. What concerns me is that mothers always carry their babies, so this one somehow managed to steal a baby directly out of its mother's arms.

[Image: 5uMjQ.gif]
A troglodyte accosts a weaver gathering webs. Here it is strew about. The speardwarves take the lead on this year's Appendage Hurl, knocking a troglodyte's hand eight meters away. The weaver recovers without incident.

The human caravan arrives. We more or less clean them out.

Autumn arrives!
A memo from the Overseer's Office
As we have all discussed before, Operation Dig Deeper is to begin.
The first step is to prepare the infrastructure. The masons' guild is to seal off the previously discussed plot of muddied land in the first cavern layer. Meanwhile, the miners are to prepare a deeper dormitory and dining room for shorter travels. As I'm sure we're all familiar with, the commute from the dining hall to the cavern layers is hella long.
With haste,

[Image: 4d2mE.gif]
Here is the first serious engagement with goblins at Eagletime. Unlike thieves, ambushers are armored, armed, and willing to fight to the death. The Eagles of Earth are sent to deal with the visible gobbo squad, while the speardwarves and swordsdwarves are stationed at the two entrances.

An axedwarf is struck down by a macegoblin that caught him from behind. Stunned, the axedwarf cannot react to the following series of morningstar strikes that eventually shatter his skull fatally. Unlucky kid. Said goblin gets messed up proper by the rest of the axedwarf squad, though.

The second squad of pikegoblins arrive. A couple of markdwarves are the first responders, but after running out of bolts, they charge in for melee. One is stabbed in both legs, while the other is slain outright. It is a bloody season for Eagletime indeed.

[Image: zQSu7.gif]
Despite our losses, the home team prevails. The scraps of the ambush party are getting the fuck out of dodge, while an axedwarf and a swordsdwarf are in pursuit.

[Image: Hyrjt.gif]
Probably because the rest of the goblins look like this. The little superscript 2s are severed body parts.

In light of this battle, steel helms are placed on the priority production list for the infantry. All corpses are hauled off to be smashed under a drawbridge, and slabs are lined up to be engraved into memorials for allies and enemies alike.

The years pass by.
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[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
C'est la vie.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Dwarf Fortress: The Legacy of Eagletime
She got buried right? Is that what dwarves do? Bury their dead?

Or do they just like, let them sit around until enough miasma collects?