Webcomic Deer Rectory

Webcomic Deer Rectory
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory

I just read it all

Nimona is over this is the end of everything
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Nimona may have ended....

But Count your sheep updated
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RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
(11-29-2014, 09:34 PM)Phish Wrote: »Nimona may have ended....

But Count your sheep updated

Ooh, exciting. Glad to shove this back in my bookmarks again.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Has anyone been following Ava's Demon? Necessary warning, the recent updates feature considerable body horror. If you know you're not great with those things, I highly recommend skipping them. Specifically from #1289 onwards.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I thought body horror was like, silent hill monsters, rather than "detailed illustrations of someone's insides"
I suppose that's a minor quibble though
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
It's not so much the detailed illustration of innards as how we got there. I'm not sure what we'd call that. Surgical horror? It's meant to be some kind of horror. At least for Ava, anyway. Michelle saw fit to slap a warning label on it (at least, in the blog) so I figured I'd better pass it on.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
It's been pretty terrifying recently I'll give it that. I'm glad it's coming back around to it's grimdark roots though. It's been way too long since Chapters 1 and 2.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Hot damn, who here's familiar with Stand Still Stay Silent? I just archive-binged the whole thing in an hour and a half-ish and am very glad I did.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
It is super good and updates are at an amazing clip to boot, also definitely recommend it.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I read it, linked it to Ren (who had a meltdown at how much he loved it) and its prompted me to finally read a redtail's dream :v
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I need to share this delightful comic with someone, holy hell. It's funny and charming as it is, but then i went back through the blog (its on a tumblr, but you can navigate it by only the pages) and i'm crying with laughter. The author is my new favourite person.

Some background: it's about a figure skater who gets a sports scholarship to go to university for ice hockey. You do not have to be interested in either of those things to find it adorable.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I would recommend queerfolks read this one
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Is anyone else mad as shit at Gunnerkrigg right now?
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Show Content
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I used to hope that but the longer this goes on the more increasingly unlikely it is.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I get anxious on Mondays Wednesday's and Fridays after 4pm when I know there's a new page up. It's great!
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Ren and i have been alternately checking it and sort of making low growly-grumbly noises at each update

If you want to get even more mad, apparently there are people on the forums claiming that he's a good dad who is only concerned about how she's doing at school!
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
it isnt fun or funny* and its this sort of thing where while its ok for it to exist in the comic and im sure it will pace better when the chapter finishes it would have been nice for there to have been some forewarning about

this disgusting display by anthony carver

*on the other forum i kept making jokes all with the assumption that the next page was going to be the last part of this part and it was wrong and this page takes it from "i can joke about how terrible he is" to "i cant read this"
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Anthony's an awful person and not qualified at all to be a parent, considering that he did best as we can tell last contact Annie just to get through to his old chum Donny to send him a bunch of medical supplies, which he probably directly used to perform invasive involuntary ether-surgery on his daughter!

I'm personally glad though the cheating thing got aired sooner in the chapter rather than later; that bomb waiting to be dropped was hell on me.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I'm probably alone is sort of having forgotten she was doing that until he reminded me
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
What's honestly effed up about this is the fact you've got a young lady who's got the same condition which killed her mum at 30 or so, and the guy who's probably done the most research into preventing it is making sure she's got algebra and physics to a sufficient academic standard

Like, maybe after getting punched in the face by Zimmy (and possibly losing his hand at the same time? Thus being forced to give up being a surgeon) he's shelved the dream of breaking the fire elementals' curse and is just trying to be a non-absent parent as best he can*.

Which means a proper education! And being The Adult and making wiser decisions on behalf daughter, even though you clearly struggle with interpersonal connections and almost certainly still blame her in part for your wife's death!
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
It kind of feels like he's trying to keep her in the court longer, too, maybe?
~◕ w◕~
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII don't know, this is playing out a little too 'Annie's worst possible nightmare' for it to be real.

I mean, jeez, her Dad which she blindly respects turns up out of blue with no warning
turns out to be a massive asshole which everyone hates
completely humiliates his daughter in front of a whole class
reveals that she's cheating and has to repeat a year
threatens to drag Kat down with her

It just seems...too much of a worse case scenario.

Also Annie's hair is all straggling out, which to be fair, could be just because of stress but her hair has done that when Annie/Zimmy things were going down.

This could actually be something to do with Kat too. She's pretty much gone on record that she hates Annie's Dad, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a product of her mind.

RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
When it was just "wash off your makeup while everyone judges you silently" then I could have seen it being a dream but this has gone on too long for me to really count that as a possibility any more. If the art style thing had recurred, or the happenings were more outlandish, then sure... but as terrible as it is this isn't a particularly unrealistic scenario and it would be weird to have this stuff going on with Kat if it turned out to not be real anyway.
If this was Annie's worst nightmare, Kat wouldn't have come to her defence.

besides "Anthony is a massive asshole" isn't a new thing and she is cheating
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Yeah, fair enough.

My gut still says something isn't quite right but we'll find out soon enough what are the haps.