IRC highlights!

IRC highlights!
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:[19:23] < > wait are all the S? battles in the same thread
[19:23] <DragonFogel> No.
[19:23] <Jacquerel> no
[19:23] <Agenpapers> no
[19:23] <Agenpapers> yes
[19:23] <Agenpapers> no
[19:23] <Sanzh> no
[19:23] < > no
[19:23] <Agenpapers> maybe
[19:23] <Anomaly> maybe
[19:24] <Agenpapers> ask again later
[19:24] <Agenpapers> no
[19:24] <DragonFogel> Pineapple.
RE: IRC highlights!
[08:54] * Gonedini is now known as Mirdini
[08:54] * MrGuy has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:[15:31] <Agenpetra> hmmm
[15:31] <Agenpetra> well i suggest some kind of combo move capability
[15:32] < _mobile> ooooooooo
[15:33] <Elpie> I love Harvard
[15:33] < _mobile> I was expecting you to suggest something we already planned
[15:33] < _mobile> but this is great
[15:33] < _mobile> thank you elpie, this is my first grand battle
[15:33] <Elpie> I'm the most outgoing and assertive person on this whole campus
[15:33] < _mobile> oh
[15:33] <Elpie> Wait do you have a character named Harvard?
[15:33] < _mobile> yes
[15:33] <Elpie> Ha!
[15:33] <Elpie> I am literally at Harvard this weekend sorry
[15:34] < _mobile> I'm on mobile someone copy this to the irc highlights thread
RE: IRC highlights!
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RE: IRC highlights!
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RE: IRC highlights!
[18:55] <sbnkalny> I love you Sai
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: IRC highlights!
[21:03] < _mobile> confession: I thought Sanzh was female
RE: IRC highlights!
[22:04] <sbnkalny> Ashley loather is a children's jrpg to be a condescending piece of paper and caryons and we all know why most of us

We know, loather. We know.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:23:59 infrared cesar millan looks like hella jeff
23:59 infrared or the other one
00:02 wheat cowabunga dan
00:02 wheat *cowabungah dan
00:03 infrared yes that one
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: IRC highlights!
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RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<Schazzz> improtant question
<Schazzz> is pizza a pie
<Plaid> no
<Schazzz> thank you
<Plaid> it doesn't have pastry
<Schazzz> Dini is sofull of shit
<Plaid> yes
<Plaid> but we already knew that
<Schazzz> this is such horse shit
<Schazzz> I don't believe
<Schazzz> pizza is not a goddamn pie
<Schazzz> you need to enclose the shit in pastry
<Mirdini> it's called a pizza pie, accept enlightenment
<Plaid> first sentence in the pizza article
<Plaid> "Pizza is an oven-baked flat bread"
<Schazzz> accept my middle finger, asshole
<Plaid> type: flatbread
<Plaid> not pie
<Plaid> suck it
<Mirdini> hahaha
<Schazzz> this is disgusting
<Schazzz> I'm reading the talkpage and as expected there is a minor edit war
<Plaid> so how did this even come up
<Schazzz> we're coming up with a skill tree for pie bandit for offbeat classes
<Schazzz> and Dini had the gall to say "we could make a pun on pizza"
<Plaid> how dare he
<Schazzz> I think we just had our first argument
<Anomaly> so he's fired now, right
<Mirdini> oven-banked
<Mirdini> *baked
<Schazzz> more like half-baked
<Plaid> i feel like this is going to snowball into an Incident That We Do Not Talk About
<Schazzz> pizza argument mach 2
<Jacquerel> maybe it's only a pie when eaten cold
<Schazzz> NO
<Schazzz> FUCK OFF
<Plaid> but
<Plaid> you can eat hot pies too
<Plaid> that makes no sense at all
<Schazzz> AT A PINCH
<Plaid> cold spagalimis pizza the morning after is excellent tho
<Anomaly> people who eat cold pizza are Literally Satan
<Jacquerel> hee hee hee
<Schazzz> uuuuuuuuuuuuugh
<Plaid> see what you've started deens
<Plaid> how could you do this to us
<Mirdini> pizzapocalypse 2015

Quote:<Anomaly> new topic: worst pizza toppings
<Plaid> mushrooms
<Anomaly> black olives
<Schazzz> get out
<Plaid> actually thats a lie, on pizza is the only time i will eat mushrooms
<Plaid> any kind of meat
<Plaid> is more my pizza ruiner
<Schazzz> nah that's fair enough
<Jacquerel> tarmac would make a pretty bad pizza topping
<Schazzz> chalk
<Schazzz> semiprecious metals
<Schazzz> maligned metals
<Mirdini> precious metals
<Plaid> pond slime
<Anomaly> fine, then i won't invite any of you to my pizza party
<Schazzz> plastic bottles
<Mirdini> glass
<Schazzz> recyclables
<Schazzz> dishcloths
<Schazzz> action figures
<Schazzz> unopened tins of anchovies
<Jacquerel> an nvidia geforce gtx 970 computer graphics card
<Mirdini> raw eggs
<Schazzz> whole eggs
<Jacquerel> a live hen
<Schazzz> a whole baby
<Mirdini> half a baby
<Anomaly> all of those things, at the same time, are still better than black olives
<Schazzz> sentient olives that scream for mercy
<Jacquerel> an ant hill
<Mirdini> sentient olives that conspire to poison you
<Plaid> so just olives then
<Anomaly> thank you, plaid
RE: IRC highlights!
will eagletime ever reach peace on the topic of pizza..... only time will tell......
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<Solaris> what does sbnkalny think about the pizza situation
<sbnkalny> Does Solaris make sense
<Solaris> damn
<Schazzz> sbnkalny is pizza a frozen treat
<sbnkalny> How to play because i have is pizza hut
<Solaris> damn
<Solaris> damn
<Schazzz> sbnkalny is pizza a pie?
<sbnkalny> Oh, maybe Solaris is in context
<Solaris> i need to leave, i need to leave, im getting OWNED
<Schazzz> no sollie
<Plaid> :v
<Schazzz> i don't think sbnkalny realised you were actually on-topic
<sbnkalny> I don't have too many u4gs per year
<Schazzz> sbnkalny is it ok if we go back to the pizza topic, I'd like a verdict
<sbnkalny> Its ok if my first team is really cool, then you are not couherent
<Schazzz> wow sbnkalny
<sbnkalny> Birthday wow
<Schazzz> rude
<Schazzz> you're one to talk about not being coherent
<Schazzz> sbnkalny, again: is pizza a frozent treat?
<sbnkalny> Solaris, are you seiga
<Schazzz> REKT
<Schazzz> FUCKN REKT
<Rivenforge> is being seiga good or bad
<Schazzz> sbnkalny who would you consider it an insult to be compared to?
<sbnkalny> Slorange is an insult honesetly
<Schazzz> wow
<Schazzz> WOW
<Schazzz> holy fucking shit
RE: IRC highlights!
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RE: IRC highlights!
(02-27-2015, 01:16 PM)Schazer Wrote: »<sbnkalny> Slorange is an insult honesetly
<Schazzz> wow
<Schazzz> WOW
<Schazzz> holy fucking shit

[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:[2015-03-03 16:40:34] <Sanzh> guys I need your help with something
[2015-03-03 16:40:42] <Sanzh> Hello, Biochemistry Students!
[2015-03-03 16:40:42] <Sanzh> Please stop by my office if you need/want some "bread"....the kind you use with peanut butter and jelly. :) I ran across a deal that I just could not pass up and thought that I would share.
[2015-03-03 16:40:42] <Sanzh> I will be around for the next hour or so.
[2015-03-03 16:40:42] <Sanzh> Stacia
[2015-03-03 16:40:49] <Sanzh> what does this email mean
[2015-03-03 16:41:01] <Schazer> I don't know but I love it
[2015-03-03 16:41:05] <Jacquerel> do you want some ;) ;) ;) "bread" ;0 ;)
[2015-03-03 16:41:07] <PickYerPoison> that's adorable
[2015-03-03 16:41:08] <Mirdini> get bread sanzh
[2015-03-03 16:41:09] <Mirdini> do it
[2015-03-03 16:41:10] <Whimbrel> doesn't it mean she wants to share some bread
[2015-03-03 16:41:12] <Solaris> go buy some weed sanzh
[2015-03-03 16:41:15] <Whimbrel> go get some bread
[2015-03-03 16:41:17] <PickYerPoison> hahahaha
[2015-03-03 16:41:20] <Sanzh> stacia is my favorite professor
[2015-03-03 16:41:32] <Whimbrel> wait drugs
[2015-03-03 16:41:34] <Whimbrel> wh
[2015-03-03 16:41:34] <Schazer> you should definitely go get some bread
[2015-03-03 16:41:37] <Sanzh> I might get some bread just so I know what "bread" is
[2015-03-03 16:41:42] <Elpie> That is an A+ email
[2015-03-03 16:42:22] <PickYerPoison> but sanzh what if you get mixed up in wacky comedy hijinks
[2015-03-03 16:42:25] <PickYerPoison> inolving
[2015-03-03 16:42:26] <PickYerPoison> "bread"
[2015-03-03 16:42:55] <DragonFogel> PYP, I would think the risk is that you don't.
[2015-03-03 16:43:08] <Mirdini> sign me up for comedy hijinks involving "bread"

Quote:[2015-03-03 17:09:18] <Sanzh> alright
[2015-03-03 17:09:31] <Sanzh> gonna see about getting some "bread"
[2015-03-03 17:09:43] =-= YOU are now known as Safknzh
[2015-03-03 17:10:21] <MrGuy> is
[2015-03-03 17:10:26] <MrGuy> sanzh going to drain somebody's blood
[2015-03-03 17:10:32] <MrGuy> or like, is he doing a drug deal
[2015-03-03 17:10:33] <MrGuy> what could "bread" be
[2015-03-03 17:10:49] <Solaris> his professor sent him an email about getting free "bread"
[2015-03-03 17:11:01] <MrGuy> that only raises more questions!!
[2015-03-03 17:11:03] <Schazer> I'm excited
[2015-03-03 17:11:17] <Schazer> Please stop by my office if you need/want some "bread"....the kind you use with peanut butter and jelly. I ran across a deal that I just could not pass up and thought that I would share.
[2015-03-03 17:11:26] <Schazer> 09:40 Sanzh I will be around for the next hour or so.
[2015-03-03 17:11:27] <Schazer> 09:40 Sanzh Stacia
[2015-03-03 17:12:11] <MrGuy> knives
[2015-03-03 17:12:13] <MrGuy> he's getting knives
[2015-03-03 17:14:39] <Whimbrel> no he's getting "bread"
[2015-03-03 17:15:36] <Solaris> i bet its science

Quote:[2015-03-03 18:00:08] <Safknzh> guess what, haters
[2015-03-03 18:00:12] =-= YOU are now known as Sanzh
[2015-03-03 18:00:18] <Schazer> you got "bread"?
[2015-03-03 18:00:21] <Sanzh> you thought i was scoring drugs but NO
[2015-03-03 18:00:27] <Sanzh> I WAS SCORING BREAD
[2015-03-03 18:00:34] =-= LawyerPrequel is now known as elpie
[2015-03-03 18:00:37] <Schazer> pics or it didn't happen
[2015-03-03 18:00:38] <elpie> What kind of bread?
[2015-03-03 18:00:43] <Mirdini> [03:00] Schazer pics or it didn't happen
[2015-03-03 18:01:40] <Sanzh>
[2015-03-03 18:02:46] <DragonFogel> So how's the "bread"?
[2015-03-03 18:03:07] <Solaris> it bread!
[2015-03-03 18:03:09] <Schazer> are you going to use it with peanut butter and jelly
[2015-03-03 18:03:19] <Solaris> however its expiring soon...
[2015-03-03 18:03:25] <Solaris> could this be a trap....
[2015-03-03 18:03:33] <Schazer> can you please post the entire saga somewhere for future generations
[2015-03-03 18:03:34] <DragonFogel> That's probably why it was so cheap.
[2015-03-03 18:05:00] <Sanzh> I don't have peanut butter/jelly but I could acquire some
[2015-03-03 18:05:31] <Solaris> sanzh just be careful.... with all this bread.... it could be the work of an enemy stand
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:09:49 Sanzh right now i'm trying to outline my presentation, so that even if I can't tackle it now it's
09:49 Sanzh less unsurmountable?
10:01 Schazardous ugh fuck awesome I feel like throwing up with this presentation tomorrow
10:01 Schazardous I should not have signed up for this
10:01 Mirdini :<
10:02 Schazardous (I'll be fine)
10:02 Mirdini you can do it guys, you're powerpointerful
10:02 Schazardous get out
10:02 NotTheAuthor you'll excel
10:02 Sai Word.
10:02 Schazardous fuck off all of you
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RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:[10:02] NotTheAuthor Whassabout, anyhow
[10:03] Schazardous sexy birds
[10:03] Sai Isn
[10:03] Sai Isn't presenting sexy birds what you do for fun anyways?
[10:03] elpie You need a better outlook Chaz
RE: IRC highlights!
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RE: IRC highlights!
13:09 Elpie If testicles equals D
13:09 Elpie Then that means
13:09 Elpie D's nuts
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<Agenternet> you can't combine gender wackiness with gems at *all*
<Agenternet> it
<Agenternet> is so disappointing
<Agenternet> i am fated to never have a gemsona it appears
<Agenternet> I should *really* get a tumblr
<Schazer> Agen to that i merely retort: lmao
RE: IRC highlights!
(03-18-2015, 02:05 PM)Schazer Wrote: »
Quote:<Agenternet> you can't combine gender wackiness with gems at *all*
<Agenternet> it
<Agenternet> is so disappointing
<Agenternet> i am fated to never have a gemsona it appears
<Agenternet> I should *really* get a tumblr
<Schazer> Agen to that i merely retort: lmao

RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:[12:34] <sbnkalny> So you're with falcon. I want ti test, but i'm not a new quest, while learning the process appears in every single person on the ds with 3d if it's not for an hour before we made it by lagging or something so unbalanced.
[12:34] <Schazmander> what the fuck
[12:34] <Schazmander> that is almost a rap
RE: IRC highlights!
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]