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RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
not if I was actually christine vandelay for the night and I didn't know it because according to the flavor bullets pinged off my STRONG SASQUATCH HIDE INTO THE NIGHT like BANG SWOOSH PCHOOOOOOOO
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
which leaves the question of why isn't ix dead still actually ugh

it possibly explains why seedy is dead at least if I trust the flavor that much

maf protective doesn't seem impossible?

and no-one has claimed to feeling BAD VIBES today?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-21-2013, 06:43 AM)Mirdini Wrote: »not if I was actually christine vandelay for the night and I didn't know it because according to the flavor bullets pinged off my STRONG SASQUATCH HIDE INTO THE NIGHT like BANG SWOOSH PCHOOOOOOOO




RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
yes this was just about my reaction but it makes the night make so much more sense that my headcanon wants it to be true
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
we're arguing from flavor now
is this what this game has come to
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
I've asked glorious overmods about it but I pretty much expect nothing more than a cryptic response here
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
i am this close to just being like screw this
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Actually yes. I even checked her posts to confirm it (After Boogey got lynched of course).


Here. Actually kind of also noticed that she jumps on Agent and Ix too? Regardless I would say yes this is her placing three people on the 'more scum then Mirdini' scale so uh.

Again Actually Yes. So there is something else (you really have to check your quotes Catboss, especially if you're going to relate it to post Boogey dying). Question stands.

And Mirdini that seems uh... strange? I guess I could believe it maybe?

Maf protective feels less likely to me than busdriver still just because oh hey only one non-scum killer in the game with all of these ridiculous town power roles (a doctor would be next to useless). Then again they had a godfather so...

Also konec0 it took you this long to think of going 'screw this'? I'm impressed.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-21-2013, 06:46 AM)Mirdini Wrote: »maf protective doesn't seem impossible?

just for the record, what you're suggesting is this:
#1: Cat and myw are scum. Cat shot you, not Ix. The bullets supposedly bounced off your hide and hit cD.
#2: Pala shot Ix. There's an unaccounted for scumdoc, who doc'd Ix.

My personal opinion is:
i) argument from flavour really
ii) I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone there's an unaccounted for scum!blocker. To have an unaccounted scumblocker and scumdoc, while not impossible, is pretty darn improbable. Almost all the roles out in the open have some sort of corroboration; we're running out of slots where those could go.
iii) The scum players chose to doc Ix, who has been the least present all game. Rather than, say, Cat, or their mystery 3rd player. Why?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-21-2013, 06:57 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »Maf protective feels less likely to me than busdriver still just because oh hey only one non-scum killer in the game with all of these ridiculous town power roles (a doctor would be next to useless).

Must've missed that line, whoops. Good point then. But again: it's the only thing I can think of now that make sense.

Busdriver is impossible. If Ix and Mirdini were driven, you would have Seen Bigfoot as well?? It would have to specifically be a redirector that works like cD does.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
I mean like, Ix and seedy were driven and Cat just regular shot Mirdini.

That is my theory there. Why in the world would Cat actually shoot her own teammate? Or is there another reason why scum busdriver is impossible?

I mean your suggestion is pretty ridiculous too don't you think? At least as strange and unbelievable as Mirdini's

#1: I am scum, I shot seedy
#2: myw is town and shot at Agen
#3: Cat is town and shot myw, is redirected to Mirdini
#4: Somehow Cat/myw still get masoned

For your personal opinion on scumdoc/blocker I'd like to point out that Ix/Cat could easily be blocker/doctor - in fact I fail to see how it doesn't make the most sense (seeing as how, like you said, we're pretty much out of slots to go to). As for who they docced keep in mind that doctors usually can't target themselves, possible I guess that Cat is doc and the other scummate isn't a likely kill target? There's also the fact that Ix was basically the second best looking person to kill for a vig yesterday (after Agen).

Then again this is all moot because despite this new development I'm still pretty skeevy on this whole flavour thing and a scumdoc existing in general.

Anyways going to bed now will be back before dayend.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Why would I have been so cavalier about being able to kill people the past few gamedays if I was mafia ???

Like I know you can talk about mechanics and stuff but seriously
do you think I am dumb enough to do that
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-21-2013, 07:02 AM)konec0 Wrote: »just for the record, what you're suggesting is this:
#1: Cat and myw are scum. Cat shot you, not Ix. The bullets supposedly bounced off your hide and hit cD.
#2: Pala shot Ix. There's an unaccounted for scumdoc, who doc'd Ix.

My personal opinion is:
i) argument from flavour really
ii) I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone there's an unaccounted for scum!blocker. To have an unaccounted scumblocker and scumdoc, while not impossible, is pretty darn improbable. Almost all the roles out in the open have some sort of corroboration; we're running out of slots where those could go.
iii) The scum players chose to doc Ix, who has been the least present all game. Rather than, say, Cat, or their mystery 3rd player. Why?

I'm suggesting cat shot ??? (probably not ix if they're scumpals, guessing one of you/seedy/solaris) and got redirected onto me by seedy, and the kill then bounced off me and hit seedy

ii. well if cat/myw are mafia and not masons they can both have unaccounted-for roles so that just makes even more sense? myw has claimed a totally non-provable role, cat's claim is identical to just being vanilla scum doing the kill?

iii. because ix magic-bagged and then quit the game, that's a pretty weird slot and one that isn't an unlikely kill target imo

am arguing from flavor because god if it's not the only thing that makes sense in this game

cat you still haven't answered why myw and you only got masoned last night when neither of you did anything to get masoned with each other last night???

and I think you're smart enough to set up a vig alibi for late-game, yes

especially if you suspected there was a redirector running around who could possibly prove you were a killing role?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride

I actually don't know half of these lingos

So I really have no idea what you're talking about

On the other hand it's shaping up to look like a choice between Myw/Cat being scum and Pala being town or vice versa, non? Because their alibis contradict? I think that's most of what I got from reading all that...

And yes! Who did get bad vibes last night? No one? Did anyone visit me other than myw? (It was myw right)
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
I knew there was a redirector the first two night because both of my first two kills got driven.

Pala hasn't claimed to be part of the two kill thingy and I've shown where all of my targets were, and none of them were on anyone towny I don't think?

and I have no idea where the masoning came from. Like... that's the most confusing thing to me, too. I can't explain it. But don't you think we would have come up with something if it was a fakeclaim? @_@
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-21-2013, 04:42 PM)Cat Wrote: »But don't you think we would have come up with something if it was a fakeclaim? @_@

i brought the cheese
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
3 hours until deadline
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Cat I don't actually remember you listing off your targets (and couldn't find one on a quick skim of this thread). Could you list them again before you talk about how all of your targets were on scummy people?

Mirdini and Solaris have pretty much stated any remarks I could have had on your other things.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
I fear super-diligence is not among my powers and I refuse to be stopped by my arch-nemesis Deadline, so Vote: myw. With the scumblocker still at large and the power of the Mighty Occam's Razor, cat and myw pulling secret identities out of their asses is the simplest solution.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
About An Hour To Go Votals

Myw - 3 (Mirdini, Solaris, Granolaman)
Cat - 1 (Palamedes)
Palamedes - 2 (Myw, Cat)

Deadline is tentatively 5 PM EST on Sunday, April 21st. With 8 alive, it takes five to lynch. There is no soft lynch.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
yo agen/konec0/pala any two of you fine folks made up your minds on the lynch here or do we want to leave the night up to the (certainly possible if pala's scum busdriver theory is correct?) scenario of two kills on town and an instant loss @_@

because Iiiii'm willing to bet the farm on cat/myw being in mafcahoots here atm the other teams all have to include either solaris or konec0 and both REALLY don't seem like scum to me.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
wait I guess nola/pala/agent but nola feels townier than cat/myw not to the extent konec0/sol do but enough that I'm still okay with lynch over the possibility of no lynch leading to town instaloss

RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Okay yeah no lynch is kind of shitty as hell for me/town and they're both equally obvious scum.

Vote: myw
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
something still feels wrong here

RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride

KARKATLYNCH PALAMEDES except not really karkatlynch because i don't die


(yes that's dayend everyone go to da sleep)