Sheep! Round 4: THE SHEARING

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Sheep! Round 4: THE SHEARING
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
Shit I think I accidentally WIFOM'd myself

RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
In? I guess?
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
I'm up for this one
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR

.suoivbo oot yaw dna emal si ekoj sihT

!NI ym eralced lliw I tuB
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
I'd like to join if that's alright.
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
Once more into the breach and all that.

Also this time I will move beyond third place I swear.
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
Hipster contest? I'm in.
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
In and submeeted
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR

Oh, that means I'm in, by the way...

(If we're making Monty Python references, why not?(The we are no longer the knights who say NI sceen))
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
I'm doing this, and I'm either going to do great or horribly.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
Why the hell not. Expect my answers right away, if my internet connection doesn't suddenly break.
Fingers crossed. In.
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
I can win this. Nobody is as special a snowflake as me
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
Probably gonna do this on Monday or Tuesday, I work long hours this weekend
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
I am participating this time as well!
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
Gonna go ahead and say I'm not gonna take anymore late entrants on ROUND 3 and that this will be done tomorrow night when I feel more up to it. Also gonna sneak preview the idea for Round 4


Round 4 will be played like this: You will be asked a list of questions (as normal) and you will answer them all (as normal). During the reveal, I will reveal the results one question at a time, starting from Question 1 (as normal). If, on any question being revealed, you are NOT amongst the Sheep Answer, you are OUT. Last player standing wins. As a good gamemaster, I will obviously frontload the game with limited answer questions to keep many people in early (Like the first one will def be a True/False). Some notes about this one:
-OUT players answers still count
-Winner decided by Spelling Bee rules; If every remaining player fails to get the Sheep Answer, no player is eliminated and we move on to the next question.
-If there are two answers tied for Sheep Answer status, they are BOTH Sheep Answers
-If multiple players survive every question, they will all be crowned winners
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
Goooooooooooosh I didn't get everything I wanted to get done today with this

[Image: tumblr_maor9p6P4e1rn2vvj.png]
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
Mehgamehn, for round 4, are the sheep answers only the top answer or anything with more than one person?

If the former case, how is there going to be one winner? it'll be at least two people in each sheep answer.
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
I thought the same thing, but the answers of players who have been knocked out still count. This means that there will still be answers that are obviously the highest result, and more than likely there will be a player who guesses the most popular answer more often than another.

Or maybe we were confused on different counts? Not positive I read your question correctly.
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
Uh, "Sheep Answer" is just the top answer. Out players answers count towards the Sheep answer for the question

Also I guess I'll try to start this soon, its a little late at night for me but I won't be home until 9 tomorrow either so I just, I gotta do this sometime
RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
1. What Ivy League college did you just miss out on going too?

RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
2. What's your favorite Fire Pokemon?

RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
3. What's your sign, baby? ("Western" Zodiac only, no Ophiuchus)

RE: Sheep! 3 DNUOR
Damnit Slorange you haunt me at every turn.